HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTATISTIC SECTION CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION City of Auburn STATISTICAL SECTION December 31, 2006 Financial Trends Information Schedule 1 Net assets by component.............................................................128 Schedule 2 Changes in net assets..................................................................129 Schedule 3 Fund balances, government funds...............................................132 Schedule 4 Changes in fund balances, government funds.............................131 Schedule 5 Tax revenues by source, government funds................................132 Revenue Capacity Information Schedule 6 Assessed value by type................................................................133 Schedule 7 Property tax data..........................................................................134 Schedule 8 Property tax levies and collections...............................................136 Schedule 9 Principal taxpayers-property taxes...............................................137 Schedule 10 Retail tax collections by sector.....................................................138 Debt Capacity Information Schedule 11 Ratios of outstanding debt by type...............................................139 Schedule 12 Computation of legal debt margin.................................................140 Schedule 13 Legal debt margin ratios...............................................................140 Schedule 14 Computation of net direct and estimated overlapping debt..........141 Schedule 15 Ratio of net general bonded debt to assessed value...................142 Schedule 16 Pledged revenue bond coverages................................................143 Demographic and Economic Information Schedule 17 Population, income and housing trends.......................................144 Schedule 18 Major employers...........................................................................145 Operating Information Schedule 19 Staffing levels by department.......................................................146 Schedule 20 Operating indicators by department.............................................147 Schedule 21 Capital indicators by department..................................................148 127 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 1 NET ASSETS BY COMPONENTS LAST THREE FISCAL YEARS (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) 200420052006 Governmental activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt171,921,373$ 194,121,232$ 200,814,063$ Restricted25,615,116 23,442,309 26,839,342 Unrestricted28,490,736 24,095,336 24,148,157 Total governmental activities net assets226,027,225$ 241,658,877$ 251,801,562$ Business-type activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt106,783,634$ 115,137,273$ 125,265,152$ Restricted1,969,809 2,238,611 6,987,485 Unrestricted31,849,110 32,513,576 25,693,517 Total business-type activities net assets140,602,553$ 149,889,460$ 157,946,154$ Primary government: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt278,705,007$ 309,258,505$ 326,079,215$ Restricted27,584,925 25,680,920 33,826,827 Unrestricted60,339,846 56,608,912 49,841,674 Total primary government net assets366,629,778$ 391,548,337$ 409,747,716$ 128 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 2 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS LAST THREE FISCAL YEARS (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) 200420052006 Expenses Governmental activities: General government4,235,953$ 5,284,440$ 6,462,578$ Public safety26,076,348 28,048,087 29,804,864 Transportation8,239,795 7,956,286 7,619,268 Physical environment2,415,047 2,209,652 2,418,543 Culture and recreation4,949,050 5,324,543 5,729,431 Economic environment2,866,473 1,919,780 1,848,988 Health and human services597,423 602,726 763,156 Interest on long-term debt362,051 188,945 203,180 Total governmental activities expenses49,742,140 51,534,459 54,850,008 Business-type activities: Water6,913,709 6,962,997 7,647,935 Sewer11,207,786 12,044,330 11,878,252 Storm drainage3,169,350 3,354,899 3,852,335 Solid waste8,645,372 9,121,727 9,936,222 Golf course973,110 1,032,733 1,020,070 Non-major business-type activities1,624,365 1,593,944 1,618,285 Total business-type activities expenses32,533,692 34,110,630 35,953,099 Total primary government expenses82,275,832$ 85,645,089$ 90,803,107$ Program revenues Governmental activities: Charges for services6,893,064$ 7,965,484$ 7,875,376$ Operating grants and contributions2,178,951 2,445,913 2,714,324 Capital grants and contributions5,192,593 11,162,241 5,174,350 Total governmental activities program revenues14,264,608 21,573,638 15,764,050 Business-type activities: Charges for services31,747,066 32,658,440 36,226,324 Operating grants and contributions33,384 54,999 47,961 Capital grants and contributions4,351,278 7,857,856 3,988,202 Total business-type activities program revenues36,131,728 40,571,295 40,262,487 Total primary government program revenues50,396,336 62,144,933 56,026,537 Net (expense)/revenue Governmental activities(35,477,532) (29,960,821) (39,085,958) Business-type activities3,598,036 6,460,665 4,309,388 Total primary government net expense(31,879,496)$ (23,500,156)$ (34,776,570)$ General revenues and other changes in net assets Governmental activities: Taxes Property taxes12,598,954$ 13,464,390$ 15,186,456$ Retail sales and use tax15,429,527 16,333,169 17,784,374 Interfund utility taxes1,714,102 1,792,136 1,983,652 Utility taxes5,012,010 5,349,713 5,893,041 Excise taxes3,384,515 4,633,037 4,568,549 Other taxes1,678,485 1,796,224 1,859,428 Investment earnings708,259 1,465,102 2,454,694 Miscellaneous192,469 564,416 69,037 Transfers627,000 194,286 (570,588) Total governmental activities41,345,321 45,592,473 49,228,643 Business-type activities: Investment earnings421,803 895,870 1,574,444 Miscellaneous1,287,528 2,124,658 1,602,274 Transfers(627,000) (194,286) 570,588 Total business-type activities:1,082,331 2,826,242 3,747,306 Total primary government42,427,652$ 48,418,715$ 52,975,949$ Change in net assets Governmental activities5,867,789$ 15,631,652$ 10,142,685$ Business-type activities4,680,367 9,286,907 8,056,694 Total primary government10,548,156$ 24,918,559$ 18,199,379$ 129 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 3 FUND BALANCES, GOVERNMENT FUNDS LAST THREE FISCAL YEARS (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) 200420052006 General Fund Reserved9,625$ 10,125$ 10,125$ Unreserved20,692,625 15,928,700 14,438,203 Total general fund20,702,250$ 15,938,825$ 14,448,328$ All other governmental funds Reserved1,270,769$ 1,375,591$ 1,376,798$ Unreserved, reported in: Special revenue funds10,612,069 8,967,039 10,738,431 Capital projects funds13,852,020 13,111,273 14,727,423 Permanent funds222,020 232,832 188,524 Total all other governmental funds25,956,878$ 23,686,735$ 27,031,176$ 130 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 4 CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES, GOVERNMENT FUNDS LAST THREE FISCAL YEARS (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) 200420052006 Revenues Taxes38,258,799$ 41,467,853$ 44,867,161$ Licenses and permits2,248,576 2,227,963 1,683,320 Intergovernmental4,697,501 6,826,222 6,831,240 Charges for services3,393,178 3,939,610 3,659,773 Fines and forfeits845,721 777,241 1,054,201 Special assessments127,976 153,627 75,574 Investment earnings336,442 1,175,258 1,477,368 Miscellaneous2,452,468 1,247,252 1,865,079 Total revenues52,360,661 57,815,026 61,513,716 Expenditures General government5,472,630 5,308,663 6,062,037 Public safety25,870,873 27,169,657 29,148,278 Transportation5,152,344 10,337,587 9,403,147 Physical environment2,304,248 2,191,796 2,435,201 Economic environment2,796,902 1,877,675 1,928,978 Health and human services597,423 602,726 763,156 Culture and recreation4,806,217 4,815,643 5,016,554 (1) Capital outlay 507,48412,100,966 3,822,895 Debt service: Principal1,018,355 10,582,246 420,631 Interest / other248,005 315,960 247,551 Total expenditures60,367,963 63,709,437 59,248,428 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures(8,007,302) (5,894,411) 2,265,288 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in3,946,424 9,753,294 8,873,200 Transfers out(3,319,424) (11,703,804) (9,554,816) Capital leases10,350,000 - - Proceeds of long-term debt- - 142,313 Sales of capital assets119,053 811,353 127,959 Total other financing sources (uses)11,096,053 (1,139,157) (411,344) Net change in fund balances3,088,751$ (7,033,568)$ 1,853,944$ Debt service as a percentage of noncapital expenditures2.62%17.24%1.21% (1)Capital outlay of $3,822,895 for 2006 is for Governmental Funds only. Proprietary Funds captial outlay was $7,513,015 for total capital outlay of $11,335,910 as reported on the Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statememt of Activities. 131 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 5 TAX REVENUES BY SOURCE, GOVERNMENT FUNDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS FiscalSalesInterfund YearProperty& UseUtilityUtilityExciseOtherTotal 19978,737,235$ 10,053,955$ 816,493$ 3,454,250$ 243,341$ 265,912$ 23,571,186$ 19989,099,783 10,976,666 874,342 3,627,891 336,420 68,826 24,983,928 19999,224,087 12,388,117 913,629 3,694,650 603,461 83,858 26,907,802 200010,209,181 13,376,907 972,327 4,704,155 850,570 78,265 30,191,405 200111,016,263 13,467,184 1,016,366 6,143,060 1,172,417 44,660 32,859,950 200211,673,939 13,568,518 1,078,845 4,193,983 829,537 52,839 31,397,661 200312,396,502 13,970,383 1,696,389 4,225,725 3,401,498 44,095 35,734,592 200412,680,361 15,429,527 1,714,102 5,012,010 3,384,515 38,284 38,258,799 200513,319,740 16,333,169 1,792,136 5,349,713 4,633,037 40,058 41,467,853 200614,582,829 17,784,374 1,983,652 5,893,041 4,568,549 54,716 44,867,161 Change 1997-200666.9%76.9%142.9%70.6%1777.4%-79.4%90.3% Fiscal years 1996-2002 include tax revenues collected in the general and special revenue funds. Fiscal years 2003-2006 include all governmental funds. FIGURE 5: TAX REVENUES BY SOURCE 1997 - 2006 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 Excise & other $35,000 Utility $30,000 Interfund utility $25,000 Sales & use $20,000 Property $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 132 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 6 ASSESSED VALUE BY TYPE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (AMOUNTS EXPRESSED IN THOUSANDS) StateTotal FiscalPropertyPersonalLand andAssessed Yearand OtherPropertyBuildingValue 199773,766 737,489 2,077,330 2,888,585 199884,456 719,317 2,200,628 3,004,401 199982,105 746,579 2,345,551 3,174,235 2000104,117 751,709 2,510,519 3,366,345 2001115,189 800,159 3,104,524 4,019,872 2002140,531 787,022 3,344,271 4,271,824 2003150,458 742,255 3,599,466 4,492,179 2004137,611 704,061 3,834,629 4,676,301 2005116,895 623,298 4,359,276 5,099,469 2006101,419 607,875 5,081,296 5,790,590 Source: King County and Pierce County Departments of Assessments FIGURE 6: ASSESSED VALUE BY TYPE 1997 - 2006 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 State property $2,000,000 Personal property Land and building $1,000,000 $0 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 133 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 7 PROPERTY TAX DATA LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Page 1 of 2 Item1997199819992000 1 () Assessed and estimated actual values Estimated and actual value (in thousands)2,888,585$ 3,004,401$ 3,174,235$ 3,366,345$ Assessed value (in thousands)2,888,585$ 3,004,401$ 3,174,235$ 3,366,345$ Ratio of assessed to actual100%100%100%100% 1 () Property tax rates Direct regular and special General fund3.02184$ 3.10000$ 3.04212$ 3.00157$ Debt service funds- - - - Subtotal3.02184$ 3.10000$ 3.04212$ 3.00157$ 1 () Overlapping regular and special Auburn School District5.60613$ 5.56770$ 5.86647$ 5.80795$ King County2.13173 1.85109 1.77385 1.68951 State of Washington3.52499 3.51138 3.35872 3.30278 Port of Seattle0.28261 0.26466 0.23898 0.21585 Hospital district and emergency services0.40959 0.15934 0.44354 0.39129 Subtotal11.95505 11.35417 11.68156 11.40738 Total direct and overlapping14.97689$ 14.45417$ 14.72368$ 14.40895$ Sources: (1) King County Deparment of Assessments; real and personal property has been assessed at 100% of the estimated actual value. FIGURE 7A: TEN YEARS CITY PROPERTY TAX RATES 1997 - 2006 $3.20 $3.10 $3.00 $2.90 $2.80 $2.70 $2.60 $2.50 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 134 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION Page 2 of 2 200120022003200420052006 $ 4,271,8244,019,872$ 4,492,179$ 4,676,301$ 5,099,469$ 5,765,028$ $ 4,271,8244,019,872$ 4,492,179$ 4,676,301$ 5,099,469$ 5,765,028$ 100%100%100%100%100%100% $ 2.933532.98932$ 2.92857$ 2.87319$ 2.86520$ 2.73076$ -- - - - - $ 2.933532.98932$ 2.92857$ 2.87319$ 2.86520$ 2.73076$ $ 5.478105.47999$ 5.35720$ 5.34914$ 5.37383$ 4.94903$ 1.449491.55218 1.34948 1.43146 1.32869 1.28956 2.989463.14502 2.89680 2.75678 2.49787 2.32535 0.189560.19029 0.25895 0.25402 0.23330 0.23158 0.346430.34497 0.33397 0.32917 1.04884 0.76273 10.4530410.71245 10.19640 10.12057 10.48253 9.55825 $ 13.3865713.70177$ 13.12497$ 12.99376$ 13.34773$ 12.28901$ FIGURE 7B: PROPERTY TAX RATES Hospital district and Last Ten Fiscal Years emergency services $14.00 Port of Seattle $12.00 $10.00 State of Washington $8.00 $6.00 King County $4.00 Auburn School District $2.00 $0.00 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 135 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 8 PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Total TaxCollectionsCollected Within the FiscalLevy for in SubsequentCurrent YearFiscal Year of the LevyTotal Collections to Date YearFiscal YearAmount% of LevyYearsAmount% of LevyLevy Balance King County: 19978,718,096 8,559,864 98.2%158,232 8,718,096 100.000%- 19989,320,307 9,159,702 98.3%160,605 9,320,307 100.000%- 19999,653,356 9,312,513 96.5%340,397 9,652,910 99.995%446 200010,114,723 10,022,441 99.1%82,434 10,104,875 99.903%9,848 200111,136,983 10,814,089 97.1%316,280 11,130,369 99.941%6,614 200211,519,713 11,261,600 97.8%250,176 11,511,776 99.931%7,937 200312,083,604 11,765,654 97.4%306,413 12,072,067 99.905%11,537 200412,213,691 12,031,253 98.5%157,685 12,188,938 99.797%24,753 200512,641,259 12,393,241 98.0%191,290 12,584,531 99.551%56,728 200613,403,260 13,164,248 98.2%- 13,164,248 98.217%239,012 $ 356,875 Pierce County: 1997- - - - - - - 1998- - - - - - - 1999- - - - - - - 200060,601 59,086 97.5%1,515 60,601 100.000%- 2001114,323 105,707 92.5%8,616 114,323 100.000%- 2002267,001 258,385 96.8%8,616 267,001 100.000%- 2003435,886 423,834 97.2%12,052 435,886 100.000%- 2004579,828 566,356 97.7%13,472 579,828 100.000%- 2005783,135 769,223 98.2%11,703 780,926 99.718%2,209 20061,242,073 1,220,642 98.3%- 1,220,642 98.275%21,431 $ 23,640 Total current levy balance $ 380,515 136 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 9a PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS-PROPERTY TAXES CURRENT YEAR AND NINE YEARS AGO 20061997 PercentagePercentage of Total Cityof Total City AssessedTaxableAssessedTaxable TaxpayerValueRankAssessed ValueValueRankAssessed Value Boeing Company422,433,478$ 17.33%716,860,698$ 123.86% Safeway141,423,418 22.45% Glimcher Supermall Venture *101,498,338 31.76%142,830,950 24.75% EPropertyTax Inc.72,209,900 41.25% Muckleshoot Indian Tribe57,037,500 50.99% Auburn Warehouse LLC53,372,100 60.93% Shanna Lehman ***53,372,100 70.93%18,577,261 80.62% Puget Sound Energy *****47,304,914 80.82%47,015,018 51.56% Complex Property Advisors Corp. **45,488,402 90.79%23,495,935 40.78% Qwest Corporation ****22,972,373 100.40%20,948,642 60.70% Roundup Co. ( Fred Meyer) 90.41%12,381,006 La Terra Limited Partnership- 47,558,800 31.58% Hapsmith-Rosche Washington- 27,716,200 70.92% TOTALS1,017,112,523$ 17.64%1,057,384,510$ 35.19% Source: King County Department of Assessments * Assessed value was appealed and lowered in 2004 ** Formerly Universal Health *** Formerly UPS Supply Chain and Formerly Fritz Co **** Formerlu US West Communications ***** Puget Sound Energy was shown as two separate Taxpayers in 1997 -- PSE/Elec and PSE/Gas FIGURE 9a-2: TOP 10 TAXPAYERS ASSESSED VALUE AS FIGURE 9a-1: TOP TAXPAYER ASSESSED VALUE AS A A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE Current Year and Nine Years Ago Current Year and Nine Years Ago 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 19972006 19972006 CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 9b PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS-SALES TAXES CURRENT YEAR AND NINE YEARS AGO 20061997 PercentagePercentage Salesof Total CitySalesof Total City TaxSales TaxesTaxSales Taxes ReceivedSector (1)RankReceivedReceivedSector (1)RankReceived $ Automotive1467,764 2.9% General retail2438,316NOT AVAILABLE 2.7% General retail3400,086 2.5% General retail4332,136 2.1% Automotive5320,856 2.0% Automotive6254,191 1.6% Automotive7248,825 1.5% General retail8233,612 1.4% General retail9225,363 1.4% Distribution10224,087 1.4% $3,145,236 19.4% (1) It is illegal to disclose specific taxpayer sales tax information, so the above information is being provided without identification 137 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 10 RETAIL TAX COLLECTIONS BY SECTOR LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (AMOUNTS EXPRESSED IN THOUSANDS) 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 RETAIL TRADE SECTOR Automotive/gas1,995$ 2,211$ 2,429$ 2,755$ 2,607$ 2,827$ 2,862$ 2,893$ 3,326$ 3,428$ Furniture444 340 300 336 306 276 318 438 218 263 Electronics & appliances- - - - - - - - 451 288 Building materials178 219 201 202 314 371 412 479 488 594 Food stores455 482 532 542 538 526 401 395 358 346 Health & personal care- - - - - - - - 120 130 Apparel549 631 609 600 624 646 649 765 836 874 General merchandise362 414 420 373 468 646 909 990 970 941 Food/Drink454 486 502 542 566 560 596 651 - - Misc retail trade785 809 886 1,205 1,228 1,017 864 905 724 939 $ 5,5925,222$ 5,879$ 6,555$ 6,651$ 6,869$ 7,011$ 7,515$ 7,491$ 7,803$ SERVICE SECTOR Information-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 506$ 507$ Finance & insurance- - - - - - - - 86 84 Real estate, rental, leasaing- - - - - - - - 294 311 Professional, scientific, technical- - - - - - - - 119 116 Administrative, supply & remediation Services- - - - - - - - 197 195 Educational- - - - - - - - 81 81 Healthcare & social serivces- - - - - - - - 45 33 Arts & entertainment- - - - - - - - 104 126 Accomodation & food service- - - - - - - - 764 833 Other services- - - - - - - 477 492 $ --$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,673$ 2,779$ OTHER SECTORS: Services *906$ 968$ 1,206$ 1,248$ 1,162$ 1,154$ 1,182$ 1,152$ -$ -$ Construction911 1,105 1,238 1,374 1,472 1,448 1,514 2,402 2,008 2,453 Manufacturing482 350 357 288 368 607 882 793 414 486 Transportation326 326 401 433 459 426 400 401 31 26 Wholesaling1,327 1,677 2,245 2,166 2,184 1,676 1,674 1,795 2,313 2,571 Banking51 63 101 70 89 110 98 127 - - Other business76 69 75 94 102 126 121 108 73 72 Subtotal - other sectors4,079$ 4,558$ 5,623$ 5,673$ 5,836$ 5,547$ 5,871$ 6,779$ 4,839$ 5,607$ GRAND TOTAL9,301$ 10,150$ 11,502$ 12,228$ 12,487$ 12,416$ 12,882$ 14,294$ 15,003$ 16,189$ OVERLAPPING SALES TAX RATES Basic sales tax rates City of Auburn0.8415%0.8415%0.8415%0.8415%0.8415%0.8415%0.8415%0.8415%0.8415%0.8415% Washington State6.5000%6.5000%6.5000%6.5000%6.5000%6.5000%6.5000%6.5000%6.5000%6.5000% King County0.1585%0.1585%0.1585%0.1585%0.1585%0.1585%0.1585%0.1585%0.1585%0.1585% Regional Transit Authority0.4000%0.4000%0.4000%0.4000%0.4000%0.4000%0.4000%0.4000%0.4000%0.4000% Metro0.6000%0.6000%0.6000%0.6000%0.8000%0.8000%0.8000%0.8000%0.8000%0.8000% Criminal Justice0.1000%0.1000%0.1000%0.1000%0.1000%0.1000%0.1000%0.1000%0.1000%0.1000% Total basic sales tax rate8.6000%8.6000%8.6000%8.6000%8.8000%8.8000%8.8000%8.8000%8.8000%8.8000% Special sales tax rates Restaurants-for stadium funding0.5000%0.5000%0.5000%0.5000%0.5000%0.5000%0.5000%0.5000%0.5000%0.5000% Motor vehicles-for multimodal transportation- - - - - - 0.3000%0.3000%0.3000%0.3000% (1) Starting in March of 2005, the State of Washington switched from classifiying retail sales using the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). As a result, specific trend comparisons of 2005 results to prior year may not be meaningful. Source: City of Auburn finance department and State of Washington * 1996 - 1998 sales tax for services is less due to exemption under the new law 138 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 11 RATIO OF OUTSTANDING DEBT BY TYPE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Govrnmental ActivitiesBusiness-type Activities GeneralSpecialPublic WorksTotalPercentage FiscalObligationAssessmentCapitalRevenueTrust FundPrimaryof PersonalPer (1) YearBondsBondsLeasesBondsLoansGovernmentCapita Income 1997-$ 1,001,077$ -$ 5,340,000$ -$ 6,341,077$ 1.11%173$ 19984,000,000 811,077 - 4,880,000 - 9,691,077 1.58%258.84 19995,545,000 541,077 - 12,825,000 - 18,911,077 2.94%485.15 20007,956,600 1,013,904 - 11,990,000 - 20,960,504 3.05%498.53 20017,700,000 738,904 - 11,110,000 7,367,157 26,916,061 3.85%611.94 20027,402,000 548,904 1,367,108 10,190,000 7,826,039 27,334,051 3.84%611.71 20037,088,000 347,904 689,643 9,230,000 7,428,695 24,784,242 3.27%546.45 20046,754,000 228,354 10,322,787 8,220,000 7,066,042 32,591,183 4.16%706.43 20056,478,000 132,354 - 7,020,000 8,679,509 22,309,863 2.68%469.98 200611,210,000 36,827 - 5,905,000 9,853,410 27,005,237 3.04%551.63 Source: City of Auburn finance department (1) Personal income data provided by Hebert Research for 1995, 2000, 2004 and 2005 only; other years are city estimates FIGURE 11: PER CAPITA DEBT Last Ten Fiscal Years $1,000 $750 $500 $250 $0 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 139 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 12 COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2006 General CapacitySpecial Purpose Capacity Parks and UtilityTotal CouncilmanicExcess LevyOpen SpacesPurposeCapacity December 31, 2005 - Total Assessed Value: $5,765,027,710 2.5% of assessed value-$ 144,125,693$ 144,125,693$ 144,125,693$ 432,377,078$ 1.5% of assessed value86,475,416 (86,475,416) - - - Statutory debt limit 57,650,27786,475,416 144,125,693 144,125,693 432,377,078 Debt outstanding11,352,313 - - - 11,352,313 Less redemption fund assets: Available to pay principal4,305,486 - - - 4,305,486 Plus liabilities: Payables1,728,079 - - - 1,728,079 Vacation/sick leave2,816,877 - - - 2,816,877 Net debt outstanding -11,591,783 - - 11,591,783 Remaining debt capacity $ 57,650,27774,883,633$ 144,125,693$ 144,125,693$ 420,785,295$ CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 13 LEGAL DEBT MARGIN RATIOS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (EXPRESSED IN THOUSANDS) 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 Debt Limit217,637$ 238,059$ 238,068$ 252,476$ 252,476$ 294,669$ 336,913$ 350,782$ 382,460$ 432,377$ Total net debt applicable to limit- (2,033) 468 4,866 (4,871) (1,610) 3,576 17,055 5,133 11,352 Legal debt margin217,637$ 240,092$ 237,600$ 247,610$ 257,347$ 296,279$ 333,337$ 333,727$ 377,327$ 421,025$ Total net debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit0.00%-0.85%0.20%1.93%-1.93%-0.55%1.06%4.86%1.34%2.63% 140 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 14 COMPUTATION OF NET DIRECT AND ESTIMATED OVERLAPPING DEBT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2006 Net DebtPercentBonded Amount OutstandingApplicable (3)Applicable Net direct debt: Net direct debt - City of Auburn$ 11,210,000 2 Estimated net overlapping debt: () King County862,538,000 1.71%14,749,400$ Port of Seattle416,645,000 1.71%7,124,630 School District No. 210113,725,000 0.09%102,353 School District No. 408129,965,000 63.72%82,813,698 School District No. 415243,819,563 1.66%4,047,405 Rural Library District80,429,703 0.20%160,859 Pierce County132,874,538 0.67%890,259 Total estimated net overlapping debt$ 109,888,603 Total direct and overlapping debt$ 121,098,603 Sources: (1) City of Auburn finance department; includes both bonded and non bonded general long-term debt (2) Overlapping governments (3) King County Assessors office, except for Pierce Co. 141 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 15 RATIOS OF NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND GROSS BONDED DEBT PER CAPIT A LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Ratio of Net DebtNetBondedGross AssessedGrossServiceBondedDebt toBonded (1)(3) Value Amount FiscalBondedDebtAssessedDebt per (2) Debt YearPopulation(Thousands)Available(Thousands)ValueCapita 199736,720 2,887,044$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00%-$ 199837,440 3,004,400 4,000,000 10,330 3,990 0.13%107 199938,980 3,201,769 3,890,000 47,274 3,843 0.12%100 200042,045 3,392,920 7,956,600 1,807,092 6,150 0.18%189 200143,985 3,752,065 7,700,000 1,923,800 5,776 0.15%175 200244,685 3,928,917 8,769,108 1,843,957 6,925 0.18%196 200345,546 4,492,179 7,088,000 66,779 7,021 0.16%156 200446,135 4,677,093 6,754,000 159,042 6,595 0.14%146 200547,470 5,099,469 6,478,000 218,498 6,260 0.12%136 200648,955 5,765,028 11,210,000 - 11,210 0.19%229 Notes: (1) From Figure 6 (2) Amount does not include special assessment and revenue bond debt. (3) Fund balances from debt service funds. FIGURE 15: BONDED DEBT RATIOS Last Ten Fiscal Years 0.0100$250 0.0080$200 0.0060$150 0.0040$100 0.0020$50 -$0 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 Year Debt/AVDebt/Pop 142 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 16 PLEDGED REVENUE BOND COVERAGES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (2) Direct Debt Service Requirements (1) Gross OperatingNet RevenueTimes YearRevenueExpenseAvailablePrincipalInterestTotalCoverage 199613,819,882$ 10,416,205$ 3,403,677$ 315,000$ 67,927$ 382,927$ 8.89 199715,420,191 10,700,698 4,719,493 255,000 211,247 466,247 10.12 199815,850,761 11,352,277 4,498,484 460,000 286,435 746,435 6.03 199915,760,351 11,848,912 3,911,439 835,000 650,945 1,485,945 2.63 200017,749,951 11,961,126 5,788,825 880,000 614,245 1,494,245 3.87 200118,638,847 12,866,310 5,772,537 1,102,368 579,260 1,681,628 3.43 200219,928,128 13,917,916 6,010,212 1,142,368 707,581 1,849,949 3.25 200321,243,060 15,611,753 5,631,307 1,407,343 603,357 2,010,700 2.80 200421,958,359 16,834,837 5,123,522 1,633,533 539,754 2,173,287 2.36 200524,562,487 18,078,747 6,483,740 1,800,568 417,834 2,218,402 2.92 200627,087,351 19,615,315 7,472,036 1,718,412 333,016 2,051,428 3.64 Source: City of Auburn finance department (1) Includes water, sewer & storm drainage operating, interest and other revenues. (2) Includes water, sewer & storm drainage operating expenses less depreciation. FIGURE 16: UTILITY BOND COVERAGES Last Ten Fiscal Years $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 19961997199819992000200120022003200420052006 YEAR Net revenue availableDebt service requirements 143 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 17 POPULATION, INCOME AND HOUSING TRENDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Item1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 (1) School enrollment 12,74112,629 13,063 13,079 13,222 13,504 13,461 13,838 13,760 14,367 (2) Rate of unemployment 3.1%2.9%3.7%3.4%4.8%5.9%6.6%4.7%4.9%4.6% (3) Population 36,72037,440 38,980 42,045 43,985 44,685 45,355 46,135 47,470 48,955 (4) Personal income (thousands of dollars) $572,162$612,462$642,219$687,178$699,540$711,677$758,326$782,702$832,921$889,041 (4) Per capita personal income $15,582$16,358$16,476$16,344$15,904$15,927$16,720$16,965$17,546$18,160 (5) Housing units One unit6,738 6,970 7,377 8,125 8,247 8,671 8,745 8,990 9,105 9,402 Two or more6,604 6,715 7,217 7,520 7,667 7,452 7,790 8,078 8,655 8,943 Mobile home or special2,209 2,208 2,204 2,212 2,302 2,144 2,474 2,421 2,346 2,407 Total housing units15,551 15,893 16,798 17,857 18,216 18,267 19,009 19,489 20,106 20,752 Sources: (1) Auburn School District No. 408 (2) WA State Employment Security Department - average King County rate (3) WA State Office of Fiscal Management (4) Hebert Research; data available for the years 1995, 2000 and 2004 only, other years are city estimates (5) City of Auburn planning department FIGURE 17: POPULATION AND HOUSING TRENDS Last Ten Fiscal Years 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 PopulationTotal housing units 144 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 18 MAJOR EMPLOYERS CURRENT YEAR AND NINE YEARS AGO 20061997 PercentagePercentage of Total Cityof Total City EmployerProduct/serviceEmployeesRankEmployment (1)EmployeesRankEmployment The Boeing CompanyAerospace4,200 111.7%9,689 134.0% Muckleshoot Tribal EnterprisesGaming2,100 25.8%900 33.2% Auburn School DistrictEducation1,995 35.5%1,453 25.1% Green River Community CollegeEducation850 42.4%650 42.3% Auburn Regional Medical CenterHospital625 51.7%575 62.0% Social Security AdministrationGov't / public offices600 61.7%536 71.9% Certainteed CorporationConstruction575 71.6% - Emerald Downs RacetrackHorse racing500 81.4%600 5 - Zones, Inc.Technology reseller500 91.4% - City of AuburnCity government455 101.3%385 91.4% Federal Aviation AdministrationGov't / public Offices0.0%500 81.8% General Services AdministrationFederal government -325 101.1% TOTALS12,40034.42%15,61352.71% Source: WA Employment Security Department (1) Percentage of total city employment based on 2002 total employment numbers FIGURE 18A: AUBURN EMPLOYMENT BASE FIGURE 18B: AUBURN EMPLOYMENT BASE PERCENTAGE OF PERCENTAGE OF TOP EMPLOYER COMPARED TO ALL TOP 10 EMPLOYERS COMPARED TO ALL EMPLOYERS Last Ten Fiscal Years EMPLOYERS Last Ten Fiscal Years 100% 100% 80% 80% Top 10 employers 60% Top employer 60% All employers 40% All employers 40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 19972006 19972006 145 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 19 STAFFING LEVELS BY DEPARTMENT LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 Department 23333344810 Mayor 66666777715 Human resources 19202525262728282123 Finance 77910111212131415 Municipal court 10111113131313131313 Legal 14121212121331313225 Planning 103103107110112114115115117118 Police 74767678788181818282 Fire 55565862626248494848 Public works 30333434343537373636 Parks & recreation 11131313131313131111 Street 13131314141416161616 Water 6667777688 Sewer 7777777799 Storm utility 6666662222 Solid waste 5543333300 Airport 6777777766 Cemetery 5666666666 Golf course 8988881010109 Equipment rental 000000001011 Information services 387399411424428438447448456463 TOTAL FIGURE 19: STAFFING LEVELS BY TYPE OF SERVICE Last Ten Fiscal Years 140 120 1997 1998 100 1999 2000 80 2001 2002 60 2003 2004 40 2005 2006 20 - 146 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 20 OPERATING INDICATORS BY DEPARTMENT LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 Planning Commercial permits487414432471431434337217240248 Commercial construction value ($1,000's)$40,423$94,650$93,971$75,011$74,924$56,257$50,269$77,121$71,047$63,658 Residential permits321610361583422421583766604485 Residential construction value ($1,000's)$44,176$69,420$22,961$65,077$65,326$55,108$89,415$155,551$112,125$61,872 Police Crimes: Arson18 36 28 31 35 46 45 43 33 36 Assault113 133 125 139 143 169 145 135 168 158 Burglary562 543 581 541 686 578 596 861 623 686 DUI141 190 198 150 204 170 189 240 218 158 Homicide1 2 - 2 - 3 2 1 1 - Narcotics287 340 426 628 606 499 506 399 472 493 Rape26 27 19 28 19 33 32 24 13 24 Robbery84 77 82 65 69 68 69 91 85 122 Theft2,638 2,479 2,412 2,273 2,300 2,243 2,082 2,344 2,509 2,216 Theft - motor vehicle414 739 672 594 692 875 816 802 869 642 Traffic: Non-criminal8,079 9,388 7,599 7,690 9,072 9,643 9,946 7,962 6,850 4,978 Parking1,280 1,296 1,555 1,802 1,803 2,188 1,821 1,827 2,140 3,965 Fire Type of response: Building78 77 81 92 103 101 114 107 94 98 Non-building178 263 184 275 236 260 305 249 198 238 Alarm systems390 417 515 496 562 511 486 497 474 524 Service308 397 390 352 387 370 465 493 493 618 Other703 689 537 673 747 819 917 940 870 979 First Aid4,346 4,487 4,510 4,815 4,902 5,177 5,155 5,562 5,679 5,616 Parks and Recreation Athletic teams552 484 512 455 464 467 523 507 445 459 Recreation activities1,150 1,200 1,301 1,551 1,483 1,527 1,708 1,896 2,086 2,069 (1) Golf course rounds 56,93653,795 55,672 56,527 53,864 53,967 41,753 45,336 47,501 43,454 (2) Senior center visits 27,57327,712 29,778 31,949 29,572 32,121 31,418 32,103 35,308 35,381 Cultural activities51 81 118 117 56 88 55 56 56 58 (3)(4) Museum audience served 8,00010,000 9,000 11,000 11,000 8,994 9,417 10,274 9,340 9,400 Cemetery burials295 302 291 300 301 277 272 271 277 277 Sources: Various city departments (1) 2003 - Portion of golf course closed for two months (2) 2002 - Museum actual service has increased; decline in count due to change in calculation method (3) 2001 - Senior center had reduced programs and 16 additional closure dates to facilitate move to new facility (4) 1998 & 2001 - Museum closed for renovations for several months 147 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON SCHEDULE 21 CAPITAL ASSET INDICATORS BY DEPARTMENT LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS 1997199819992000200120022003200420052006 General City Total area (square miles)20.520.521.021.022.622.7 22.8 22.8 23.3 23.4 Public Works Miles of streets151151155155160166180180180 180 Number of streetlights2,4642,4642,6902,7902,7902,9342,9343,3553,410 3,575 Number of traffic signals n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a6672 72 Utilities Number of services11,13711,13711,33011,54611,64512,01412,07712,14413,197 13,845 Miles of water mains221221221220243247252254278 279 Miles of sanitary sewers148148156156166149176177177 177 Miles of storm sewers n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a185190 195 Number of fire hydrants n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a2,2702,285 2,300 Public Safety Number of fire stations333333333 3 Number of police stations222233222 2 Parks and Recreation Total park acreage429 429 429 478 547 533 535 592 596596 Number of softball/baseball fields n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a19 1919 Number of soccer/football fields n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a3 33 Number of playgrounds n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a25 2930 Sources: Various city departments 148 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION Prepared by: Shelley Coleman Finance Director Shawn Hunstock Assistant Finance Director Lanny Petitjean Senior Accountant Sandra Jurich Accounting Supervisor Karen Jester Utility & Accounting Services Manager Dawna Truman Financial Planning Manager Centura Grey Senior Accountant Consuelo Rogel Financial Analyst Sue Schack Finance Secretary 149 CITY OF AUBURN: 2006 CAFR STATISTICAL SECTION 150