HomeMy WebLinkAbout4585 RESOLUTION NO. 4 5 8 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RATIFYING THE AMENDMENTS TO THE KING COUNTY COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES WHEREAS, on July 1, 1990, the Growth Management Act (the GMA) became effective (Chapter 36.70A Revised Code of Washington); and WHEREAS, under federal and state law, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) has specific responsibilities for tran§portation and growth management planning; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Office of Financial Management forecasts population of counties and issues those forecasts every five years; and WHEREAS, counties and cities collaborate to allocate that forecasted population every ten years; and WHEREAS, PSRC adopted VISION 2040 as the growth management, environmental, economic, and transportation vision for the central Puget Sound region; and WHEREAS, VISION 2040 provides a common framework for the region's Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Regional Economic Strategy, as well as countywide planning policies and local comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, VISION 2040 established regional geographies for accommodating the regions growth over the next thirty years and the City of Auburn is designated a Core City; and WHEREAS, the Core City geography is anticipated to accommodate thirty-two percent of the Puget Sound region's growth; and Resolution No. 4585 March 23, 2010 Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the City participated in the amendment process and helped develop the proposed amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies through participation in regional meetings through Suburban Cities Association; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies were reviewed and recommended approval by the Growth Management Planning Council; and WHEREAS, amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies must be ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least 30 percent of the city and county governments representing 70 percent of the population of King County; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan King County Council approved and ratified the amendments on behalf of unincorporated King County and became effective on February 14, 2010. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies as shown by Exhibit A to this resolution are hereby ratified by the City of Auburn. Section 2. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Clerk of the Metropolitan King County Council. Section 3. That the Mayor is authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. Resolution No. 4585 March 23, 2010 Page 2 of 3 01 Dated and signed this 1~ day of ~ , 2010. RN 7~ PET B. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: / Q 0" Danielle E. Daskam, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: IIIAI( M B. id, ' tto ey Resolution No. 4585 March 23, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A ' King County Metropolitan.King County Council Anne.Noris, Clerk"ofthe Council. . Kiny County COUrthouse' 516-ThIrdAvenue, Room W7039. Seattle,, WA 98104-3272 Te1:206-296-1020 Faic; 206-205-8165, ' TfY/TOD: 206-296-1024 Emall: anne.noris@kingcounty.goV: Web; .www:kingcounty:9oy/couricil/clerk February 17, 2010 ~ The Honorable Pete Lewis City.of Auburn ~ 25 West Main Street - Auburn, lNA 98001-4998 Dear'Mayor Lewis: We are pleased to forward for your consideration and ratification the enclosed amendments to the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPP). ' On January 25; 2010, the Metropolitan King County Council approved and ' ratified the amendments on befialf of unincorporated King County. The ' Ordinances became effective February 14, 2010. Copies ofithe King County ~ Council staff reports, ordinances and Growth ManagementPlanning Council ; motions are enclosed to assist you in your review of these amendments. ~ In accordance withthe Countywide Planning Policies, FW-1, Step 9, • ! amendments become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at , least 30 percent of the city and county governments representing 70 percent of the population of King.County according to the interlocal agreement. A city will be deemed to have ratified the amendments to the CPP unless, within 90 days of adoption by King County, the city takes legislative action to disapprove the amendments. Please note that the 90-day deadline for this amendment is Saturday, May 15, 2010. ' Ifyou adopt anylegislation relative to this action, please send a copy of the . : legislation by the close of business, Friday, May 14, 2010, to Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council, W1039 King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA ~ 98104, anne.noris@kingcounty.gov. ~ if you have any questions about the amendments or ratification process, please contact Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, King County Department of Development and Environmental Services, at 206-296-6705, or Rick Bautista, Metropolitan King County Council Staff, at 206-296-0329. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, ~ Bob Ferguson, Chair pow Constantine Metropolitan King County Council King County Executive i i Enclosures ~ cc: King County City Planning Directors I Suburban Cities Association , Paul Reitenbach, Senior Policy Analyst, DDES Rick Bautista, Councii Staff, Environment and Transportation Committee ~ (ETC) i ~ ~ . . : ~ i , I ~ ~ ; ; l Noveiuber 19, 2009 The Honorable pow Constantine Chair, King County Council Room 1200 COUR"fl-fOUSE De1r Councilmzmber Cunstantine: f am pleased to submit hvo motions tha[ have been approvecl by tlie GroNtith Management Planning Council (Gn~[PC). Under the interlocal agrccment that established the G\4PC; motions are first approved by GivIPC. King Counq, Council miist dien approve the motions and ra[iFp it fur the uniocotporated area. Finally, lhe motions are senl to all of the cities in King Comthy for ratification. There are no fiscal impacts to King County government as a result of these motions. The altached two motions are the result of reaional cooperation. Each received unanimous approvaf b}' the Growth Manageineiit Planning Council; hoevcver the City of Sea[ile represen[atives abstained from voting on ivlotion 09-2. Tlie first oFthese N(ptioiis, GMPC lvioliou 09-1. adopls a work plan and schedule ro address the policy framework for allocatioii of regional serviczs and facilities. The second Motion; G\9PC Motion 09-2, amends the Countywide Planning Policies updating existing policies ro provide for housing and employment (argets for the perioct 2006-2031. T6is motion also amends Table LU-1 of the Countywicle Planning Yolicies by replacing the existing Household and Employment Growth Targets for the 2001-2022 period with new Housing and Employuient Groxvth Targets for the 2006-2031 period. 'Che h(onorable Dow Conslantinc Novembcr 12 2009 Pnge 2 Por further infonnation regardiac., this transmitt.if, please contact Stephauie lVarden, Direclor, Department ot Departnten[ <mc( Environulental Servicc,, at 206-296-6700 or by email at Steuhanie.%rarden(L kim county,apt,. Sincerely, Kurt Triplett King County rxecutive Lnclosures cc: King Couiity Councilmembers AITN: Tom Bristow, tiiterim Chief of Staff t\rme Noris, Clerk of the Council Frank Abe, Commuuications Director Beth Goldberg, Deputy Director, Office of tManagement and Budget Stephanie Warden, Director, Department of Developiuent and 1=nviroiunental Services (DDES) Paul Reitenbach, Compreliensive Plan Project Manager, DDES ~ I ~ ' I i ~ ~I I KING COUNTY L'OOI:mgC.Imn'Courlhuu« ti i1G IhirJ,\,onut . ' Scault.ll':\9510J Signature Report King County January 25, 2010 Ordinance16747 Proposcd Na 2009-0641.1 Spousors F(ngue and Phillips . 1 AN ORDINANCB adoptiug sunenchnents to the 2 Countyn ide Plauning Policies-; adopting n work plan and 3 scitedu(e to address policies relrited to allocation oF regioual 4 services, an<t adopting nekv liousing anct employment 5 growQi targets, and ratifying the amended Coimt} wide 6 Planning Policies for unincorporated King County;and 7 amendiog Ordinance 10450, Scction 3, as amended, and $ K.C.C. 20_I0.030 aiid Ordinauce 10450, Section 4, as 9 amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040. io BE [T ORDAINED BY 'fHE COUNCIL OP K[NG COUN'1'Y: 11 SECT[ON 1. P'indittgs: 12 A. The metropolitan King County council adopted ancl ratiFied tfie Gromli 13 \Iauagemen( Planning Council 1'ecomntended King County 201 Z- Cowtt}'wide Planning I 14 Policies (Phase I) in July 1992, under Ordinaiice 10450. 15 B. Thc metropolitan King Counly council adopted aucf ratjfied the Phase [l 16 amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies on August 15; 1994; under Ordinance i 17 11446. I i 18 C. The Growtfi Management Plantiing Coimcil met ou October 28, 2009 and 29 voted to recommend ameiidnients to die King County Countywide Planning Policies, 1 Ordinance 16747 20 acfoptino. ndotioii 09-1 approving awrork plan und schedule to addres, the polic} zl framework for allocation ot regional sc:rvices 1nd (acilities as shown in :\ttachment to 22 lhis ordinance anI adopting \(otion 09-2 amendiug'fable (,U-I of tlie ('uunt}•u•idc 23 Planning Policies and approving related policy amendmeuts as shomn un ->ttadiment 13 24 Eo this ordinauce. JS SGCC[ON 2. Ordinance 10450; Section 3, as amendzd, and K.CC. 20.10.030 iire 26 each hereby amended to read as foUows: 27 A. "Che Phase 11 Amendments to the King County 2012 CountyWide Planning 28 Policies attached to Ordinance 11446 are hereliy approved aud adopied. 29 B. Tlte Phase il Amendments [o the Kiiig County 2012 - Coun[yvvide Pinnninc, 30 Poficies are amended, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12027. 31 C. 1'he Phase II Amendments to the King Counq, 2012 - Countyxvide Planning ~ I 32 Policies are ameuded, as shown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421. 33 D. T'he Phase II Amendinents to the King County 2012 - Countywide Plauniiig 34 Policies are Tiiiended, as sliown by Attlcfiments 1 and 2 to Ordinance 13260. 35 E. The Phase II Amendments to the I<ing Cowity 2012 - Countywide Planning j i 36 Policies are amencled, as shown by Altacluuents I through 4 to Ordinance IJ415. ~ 37 F. The Phase II Amendments ro die King Coanty 2012 - Comuywide Plannino 38 Policies are amendcd, as shown by Attaclunents 1 dirough 3 to Ordinance 13858. ~ 39 G. The Phase II Amendments to the King Couuty 2012 - Couutywide Planning i ~ 40 Policies are amended, as shown by Attacnment I to Ordinance 14390: ~ • I 41 H. Tlte Phase II Amendments to.the King Counry 2012 - Countywide Plarming ~ 42 Policies are amended, as shown by Attadmient 1 to Ordinance 14391 . 2 Ordinance 16747 43 L The Pliase !f :\mendments to the King County 2012 - Couut}wide Planning 44 Policies are amended, as shown by r\ttacluuent l to Orilinance M92. 45 1. 'Che Pttlse r\mendments to tlie Kiug County 2012 - Countywide Plauning 116 Policies are amended, as sho~%-,n by t\pachmen[ L to Ordinance 14652. 47 K. The Phase Amen(Imeuts to the King County 2012 - Count}'wide Plannino 48 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments l tiurough to Ordinance 14653. 49 L. The Phase If tlmendments to the King County 2012 - Comttywide Plauning 50 Policies are amended, as shown by Attlchntent I to Ordinance 14654. 51 NL The Phase [I Ameu(hnents to the Kittg Cowily 2012 - Countywide Ylanning 52 Policies are ameitded, as shown by Attachment 1 to.Ordiuaiice 14655. 53 N. Tlie Phase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Ptanning 54 Policics are amended, as shown by Attachments t and 2 to Ordinauce 14656. 55 O. The P6ase Il amendments ro the King Count}' 2012 - COillllylYl(Ie PIaIllllqo 56 Policies are antended, as shown b}• Attlclimen[ A to Ordinance 14544. 57 P. The Ph1se II Aniendments to the Kina, County 2012 - Couiuywide Planninu , 58 Policics arp amended as shown by, Attachments A, B and,C to Ordinance 15121.. . 59 Q. The PI}ase 11 Amen(linents to die Kittg County 2012 - Countywide Plamiing GO Policies ace atnendeil, as shown b), Attachment A to Ordinance 15122. 61 R. The Phase Il Amendments to the King Couuty 2012 - Coimtywide Plauning 62 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Ordinance I S 123. 63 S. Phase lI Amendments to tlie King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 64 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachments A and B to Ordinance 15426. 3 Ordinance 16747 . 65 f. Phasc t\m'endments [o the Kino County 2012 - Countvwic(e Planning 66 Policies'are auiended, as shown by Attachnteiits A, E3, and C m Ordinlncz 15709. 67 U. Pliase I[ Amendments to the King Cbunty 20_ 12 - Cowilywide Plauuting 68 Policies are amended, as shown by Attachment A to Orclinance 16056. 69 V. Phase Ameudments to the King Count}• 2012 - CountylVide Pllnning 70 Policies are amencled, as shown by Attachments A, B, C, D, C, F and G to Ordinancc 71 IClSL 72 W. Pliase If Amendments to the King Count} 2012 - Co«ntywide Planning ~ 73 Policies are amended as shown Uy Attacfmient A to Ordinmue 16334, and diose items 74 numbered 1 though 11, 13 auct 15 1s shown on Attacfiment B to Ordinance 16334. are i 75 hereby ratifed un behalf of the population of unincorporated King Cotmtv. "fhose items ~ 76 nuinbered 12 and 14, shown as struck-through on At[aclunent I3 to Ordinauce 16334, are 77 not ratified. . - i I 78 X. Pliase II Amendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning 79 Policics are amended as sho~vn by Attachtnent A to Ordinaitce 16335. 80 . Y. Pliase 11 Amendments to thc King County 2012 - Countpn•ide PlanninQ • ~ i 81 Policies are amended as sliown by Attachmenl A[o Ordinance 16336. ~ $z Z. Pliase ]I Amendments [o the King County 2012 - Countvwide Plannino 83 Policies are amended, as slioHai bv Attachmenis A znd B to this ordinanee i 84 SECTION 3. Ordinauce 10450, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.040 are 85 each hereby amended to read as foliows: 8G A. Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purposes 87 specified are hereby ratified on behalf ofthe populatioit ofunincoiporated King Coimty. 4 . . Ordinance 16747 88 B. The amendments to qhe Countywi<le Planning Policies adopte<I b}• Ordinaace 89 IOS=lO are hereby ratitied oii bchalFof the poptdation of unincorporatecf King County. 90 C. -fhe amendmeuts [o the Countywide Planning Policies adopted b} Orilinlnce 91 (t061 are herebp iatified on behalf of the population of uuincorporated King Cuunty. 92 D. The Pltase I[ amendments to the Kino County 2012 Countywide Planning 93 Policies adopted by Ordinance I 1446 are hereby ratifieci oii bchalf of tliz populatiou of 94 unincurporatect King County. 95 E. The amendments to the King County 2012 - Coimtpwide Plannind Polfcies, as 96 shown byAttachmen[ 1 to Ordinance 12027 are hereby ra[ifed on behalf of tlie i i 97 pupulatiai of uuincoiporated King Counl},. 98 F. The amendmeuts to the King County 2012 - Countywide Plamning Policies; as ~ 99 sltown by Attachment 1 to Ordinance 12421, are hereby rati£ed on behalfof the i 100 populltion of imincorporated King County. I 101 G. The amen(Iments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as ~ 102 showm b}, Altachments I and 2 to Ordinance 13260, are hereby ratified oii behalf of the ; , 103 populatioii of unincorpora[ed King Comity. . . i I 104 II. "fhe antendments [o the King Coun(y 2012 - Cowitywide Planning Policies, as ; 105. showm by Attachntent 1 through 4 to Ordinance 13415, are tiereby ratified oii behalf of i 106 the populltion of unincorporated King County, i 107 I. The amendments to the I<ing County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as , 108 shown by Attachments 1 through 3 to Ordinance 13858, are hereby ratified on behalfof ,i 109 the population of unincorporated King County. I~ 5 Ordinance 76747 110 J. Tlie amendments to the Kiiig County 2012 - County%Vide Planning Po(icies, as 111 showm Uy Attachment t ro Ordinance 14390, are hereby ratiticd on bzhalf of Uie 112 poliulation of unincorporated [:ing County. 113 K. 'Che amendrnents to the Kiiig Couuty 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as lln shown by Attachment i to Ordinance t4391, are hereby ratitieef on behalf of tlie 115 population of unincorporated King County. 116 L. The amendments to thz Kiiig County 2012 -.C:oun[ywide Planning Policies, as 117 shown by Atlaclunent 1 to Ordinance 14392, are hereby ratified on be6alf of the 118 population of uniacorporared Kiiig County. 119 M. The ameiidments to dhe Kiug Couutp 2012 - Countywide Planninp Policies, tts 120 shown by Attnclunent l to Ordinance 14652, are heraby ratified on behalfoFlhe 121 population of unincorporated King Comity. i 122 N. The amendments to the Kiiig County 2012 - Countywide Plaoning Policies, as ~ i 123 shoxvii by A[tachments l dirough 3 to Ordinance 14653, are hcreby ratified on belialf oC II 124 the population of uuiucorpora[ed King Cowity. 125 • O. The amendments'to [he Kiiig Cottit(y 2012 - Countywide Plmmiiig Policies, as ' 126 shown by Attaclmtent 1 to Ordinance 14654, are liereby ratified on behalf of the ~ i 127 population of imincorporated King CouNy. ~ 128 P. The amendments to tlhe King Couuty 2012 - Countywicte Planoing Policies, as ; i 129 shown by Attachment l to Ordinance 14655, are hereby ratiFied on bchalf of the ~ 130 populatiai of unincoqporated King Counry. 6 Ordinance 16747 131 Q. Che ameixlmeuts to the Kiiig Count}, 2012 - Counq wide Pfanning Policir;, as 132 shown by Attacluuents I autl 2 to Ordinance 14656, are hereby ratitied on behalf of the 133 population oFunincorporated King Counly. 134 R. "C0z amendmen[s to the King Coiinty 2012 - Countpwide Planning Puticies, as 135 showu by Attachment A to Ordinance 143,14, are herzby ratitied on behalFof the 136 population ot unincoq)orated King County. 137 S. The amendments to the King Counly 2012 - Countywide Pfanning Policies, as 138 shoxvri by Attachments A, B and C to Ordinance 1 5121, are liereby ratitied on Uehalf of 139 the populltion of wiincorporated King Couuty. 140 T. 'I'he amenclments to the King County 2012 - Coimtywide Plamiing Policies, as 141 shoNN'n by Attachment A ro Ordinauce I5122, are hereby ratiticd on Lehalfofilic 142 popalation of unincoiporated King Coimty. 143 U. The amendments to the King Cowity 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, as 144 shown by Attacluiient t1 to Ordinance I5123, are Itereby ratifed on beha(f of the 145 poptilation of uiiincorporated Kijig County. • 146 V. The ainendments to the King County 2012 - Countywide Ylannins Policies, as 147 shown by Attaclmients A and B to Ordinance 15426, are hereby rati6ed on behalf of the i 148 population of wiincoiporated King County. 149 W. The amendments to the King Cowity 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies, j 150 as shotivn by Attaclunents A, B, and C to Ordinance 15709, are hereby ratified on behalf i 151 of the population of unincorporated King County. ~i i 7 ' i Ordinance 76747 152 X. The amzndmeuts to tlie King Coun[y 2012 - Count} Wictz Pfanniuc, Pulicies, as 153 sho~an by :\ttachmznt r\ to Ordinlnce 16056 are hcreUy ratiFied on behalf oFthe , 154 population oFunincoiporateci King Couuty. 155 Y. 'fhe lmendments to the Kina. Couiity 2012 - Countywide Plannicig Policies; as 156 shoxvn by f\ttachments A. B, C, ll, E, F ancf U to Ordinance 1615 t, are hcreby rafified on ~ 157 bellalf oFthe population.oPunincorporated King County. I 158 Z. "fhe amendments to the King Count}• 2012 - Cuuntywide Planning Policies. as ! 159 sliown by Attactuireat A ro Ordinance 1633e1, and diose items numbered I througli 11, 13 i 160 and 15, as sltoivn in Attacluneut B to Ordinance 16334; are hercby ratitied on behall'of I 161 the population of wtincorporated King County. Those items numbered 12 and 14,- shown i 162 as struck-thrnugh on Attachment B ro Ordinance 16334, are nol ratitied. 163 Ar\. The ameuchttents to the King County 2012 -Coimtywide Pfauning Polices, 164 as shown by Attachment to Ordinance 16335 1re hereby ratified oii behalf of ttie 165 populatiou of unincorporated King Countp. 166 BB. The amendment ro Uie King County 2012 - Countywide Planning Policies. 167 as showir by tlttachment A of Ordinance 16336, is herebp ratificd on behalf of'the ' 168 population ofunincoiporatecl King County. Adciitionalfy, by Ordinance 16336, an i i 169 amendment to the Interiin Potential Anncxation Are1 n-tap to include aiiy additional ~ I 170 unincorporated urban land created by the Urban Growth Area (UGA) antendment in the I 171 Potential Annexation Area of the city of [3lack Diamond is hereby ratified on behalf of I 172 (he population of uniiicorporated King County. i I ; ' S Ordinance 16747 173 CC= fhe amendments to the Kin~ CountS' 2012 - Countvavicfe Phumin~ Policies 174 as sfiom tt.by t\ttachments A<1nd B to diis ordiciance are herebv ratitied on belialf of the 17; p-u uP falion of imincorporated Kine Countti•. Ordinance 16747 ivas introduced an 1 I/2;/2009 and passed by the Dletcopolitan Kina County Council on I/25/2010, by the follotving votc: Yes: S- bls. Drago, iM r. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, iV[s. Hague, iMs. Patterson, Nis. Lambert, ivIr. Ferguson an(l Nt[r. Dunn No: 0 Gxcused: f - \dr. Gossett KING COUNT'Y COUNCIL . KINO COUNTY, 41'ASHIVGTON lA1 ~ _Y v • N Robcrt \U. Ferguson, Cha -Y ATTEST: n rn U, , Anne Noris, Clerk oPthe Council c - I . . . ~ ~ C:) . I - [fl APPROVEDthis da}•of_FCbn,{4T, aQIQ ✓ ~ I . Dow Constantine, County Cxecutive ~ ~ AtlacLments: A. Molion 09-I, B. Motion09-2 ~ 9 167 h{. 7 2009-0641 nllachmenf A Jl 10/28/09 i i Sponsored Ily: Executive Committec i ~ /t0pr l 2 3 4 MOTION NO. 09-1 5 A MOTION to adopt a work plan end schedute to address die 6 poticy framework for al(ocation of regional services 1nd facilities. y i 8 WHE2EAS, the Growth Management Plnnning Council has'directed staff to develop i 9 ' recommendations for a major update of the Coimtywide Plaeming Policies in 2010 to bring 10 thosa policies into cansistency with Vision 2040. i 11 ~ - 12 WI-IF.REAS, [he Growth Management Planning Council has developed proposed growth ' 13 targets for housing and employment, that implement the Regional Growth Strategy 14 contained in Vision 2040 while providing 20-ycar targets for citics to use in the next round ' I S of GMA comprehensive plan updates: IG 17 WHEREAS, since the Countywid0 Plamiing Policies were first adopted in 1992, 18 significant amounts of growth have occurred inside the urban growth area, within cities and I. 19 wiincorporated King County; and particularly inside cities with designated urban centers, ! 20 iyhere pending growth targets would direct even greater amouuts of growth . ~ 21 ~ 22 BE IT RESOLVED THAT THG GRO WTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF ~ 23 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES AS FOLLOWS: ~ 24 I 25 Direct staff to pursue a work p(an for phase I of an update of the Countywide Piaiming ; 26 Policics. ~ 27 28 Goal of Work Program: I ~ 29 The GMPC wifl update the Countywide Platming Policics to ensure consistcncy with ihe ~ 30 Multi-County Plaiming Policies contained within Vision 2040, to ensure consistency with ~ j 31 the State Growth Management Ac[, to reflect cunent terminology and relevant references, 32 and to establish the policy framework for advancing the Regional Growth Strategy tluougli ' 33 prioritized allocation of regional services and facilities. Phase One of the work pfan is i ~ 34 focused on establisliing one or more Framework policies that will advance the Regional j I 35 Growth Strategy througli prioritized allocation of regional services and facilities; while 36 continuir.g to serve all communities in King County 37 i 38 i 39 ~ I i . ~ ~ 2009-0691 Allachmenl A ' 40 COIIICXt: ' 41 With die adop[ion of the new gcowth targets, King County is facing an increased amount of 42 growth countywide and a pattem of growYh tliat concentrates housing and employment in 43 cities widi Urban Centers. Communities t6rougliout the counly recognize that tlieir ability 44 to accommodate groxvth depends on adequate provision of services and Facilities. Further, 45 a number of cities are cauemed that the existing provision of services uid facilities aze 46 inadequate to meet cuRent needs. i'he first priority in developing the work program wili 47 be to define the regional services and facilities that are necessary to support growth. as 49 Direct Staff to develop options for new CPP policy language that will prioritize regional 50 service delivery in wnys that promote the cegional growth strategy. (n developing that 51 1 policy, staff shoidd address these issues according to tlie schedule shown below: 52 • Define what constitutes the "regional services" affected by tliis policy; 53 • ldentify the existing policy basis for delivering regional services; 54 • Drafr new policy options that address regional service d"elivery for GMPC SS considerntion by the end of the first quarter of 2010. ; 56 " 57 Schedule For further wark on roosed olic o tions: ; Task Due Date Define regional services and facilities ihat are [ied to growth 4' Qtr, 2009 I Identify existing policy basis for futurc delivery of services and 4 Qtr, 2009 I facilities ~ Draft policy options for guidance on delivering regional services March 1, 2010. I and fTCilities i Present policy options to GMPC £or first reading and discussion End of 1" Qtr, 2010 Revise policy options as directed by (3MPC Mid-April, 2010 Approval of po(icy amendmeut(s) and direction of next steps by Late April, 20 (0 ~ i GMPC i 58 Adopted by the Growth Management Planning Council of King Cowity on October 28, ~ 59 2009 in open session, and signeci by the chair of the GMPC. 60 61 I 62 63 Kurt Triplett, Chair, rowtlt Management Planning Couucil i ~ ~ I 64 ~ 67d.@.a7 2009-0641 Allachmenl 6 i oizsio9 Sponsored By: Execu[ive Committee i i /pr j i 1 MOTTOY NO. 09-2 ! 2 A MOTION by the Growth Management Pfanning Council of King 3 Cotutty recommending the amendment of the Countywide Ylanning 4 Policies updating existing policies to provide for housing and 5 employment targets foc the period 2006-2031. This motion also 6 amends Table LU-t of the Countywide Plarming Policics by replacing 7 the existing Iiousehold and Employment Grovrtli Tazgets for tlte 8 2001-2022 period witli new Housing and Employment Growth i 4 Tacgets foc tlie 2006-203 l period. (0 il 12 13 WHEREAS, in accordance with the Growth Management Act (GMA), the 2002 ! 14 Countywide Planning Policies established household uid employment targets for each city 15 uid for King County througli 2022; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the 2002 targets need to be updated to reElect projected growth through 2031 ~ 18 in accordance with the GMA (RCW 36 70A 110); and i 19 , 20 WEIE[tEAS, Countywide_Ptanning Policy FW-3 states that the adopted household and . 21 employment targets shall be monirored by King County annually wilh adjushnents made by 22 tlie Growth Management Planning Council utilizing the process established in FW-1, Step 23 6;and " 24 . 25 WHEREA5 since June, 2008 staff from King County and the cities in King County have 26 worked cooperatively to analyze vid recommend nesv 20-year housing and employment ; 27 tazgets; and ` I 28 29 WHEREAS the Growth Management Planning Council met and discussed the updates of 30 the. housing and emp(oyment growth targets for the period 2006-2031, with opportwiity for ! 31 public commeut on April 15, 2009, July 15, 2009 and September 16, 2009. 32 ' ~ , ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2009-064 t atlachmenl B ~ I 33 BE IT 2ESOLVED THAT T[[E GRO WTH MANAGEMENT PLANN[NG COUNC(L OF I 34 KING COUNTY HEREBY MOVES TO AMEND THE POL[C[ES, T6XT, AND "CABLE j 35 LU-l OF 'CHE COUNTYW[DE PLANLNING POL[CIES AS FOLLO WS: i I 36 C. Urbafi f1YClIS ~ 37 Thejo!loiving policres eslaLlish an UrGan Growth rlrea (UGA), delermine the atnount oj I 38 /reusekek! hoersine and etnploymwi! growth to be accaronodnted tvilhrn the UGA in the ~ 39 jorui oJtargers jor ecrch jurisdictiotr, and idenlify n+ethods to pl+ase developmeiit ivrflrrrv lhis ~ 40 area in order ro bring certninty to long-fenm plannrng and development ivithin !he Counly. ' 41 A!l cities are included in (he UGA, wi(ii the cilies in the Rura( Aren irleiitifted as islands of ' 42 :rrban growfli. The UGA is a pernennenGd¢signntion. Land oirlside the UGA is desigirafed 43 jor permarrent ruraJ and resource uses. Coiuitytvic% Policies on Rural and Resovrce Arens ~ 44 nre found in Chapter 11lA, Reso:irce Lbnds, caid Chaprer IIIB, 2ia•a! Areas. i 45 46 i 47 In accordance tivlth tke Stale Growth Mairagement Ac! (CMiI) (RCW 36.70A.1 10), the Stnte 48 Office of Financial Maiingeuien! (OFiWprovides n populatimi projeclion !o each county. ~ 49 Tfie county, (hrough a co!/aborarive intergovenrnrental pracess established by the Growth ~ 50 Management Plai:tting Coamci(, aflocates the poptdation ns groivth targels to ntdividua( i 51 jtmisdictrons. Forecasts prepared Ly the Puget Soutrd Regional Coiitfcil are :ised fo 52 es(ablish fhe county employu+ent pi•ojecfion. 53 54 The process for allocnlrng rowdi mrgets in Kiitg Couruy is u coAnbarative exercise 55 involving npttt rait the coeur[v and cilies The allocations deiermined Niroueh this Urocess 56 are to be ruidec/ bv exrstiiez i eJevnnt nolicies at the regional comrtvivide. nnd locni levels ~ 57 and are to take iiito nccoint best rrvailnb(e dntn on Lactors inRtlencrng (rture Arowtli in the I 58 rQQfOn• asfellews: ~ 59 ~ TI,.. OCD t! . ..i... 1.,s,..!( ~1„ f,.. ' 01 ~;ry~leJvHe~ •~~~`e~.~-~* =rr 6 -gee$+aHlrfe-sH~c+rec+ ~ 1 ///_A /0.... PG..,,. P.., d. C....♦ d n I f: • I TL....., t..... 1.,...,... , ..u-xc~.rm-cmn~.cv~-inc.rvccv,rtE5t1f7R1'Cf3 62 63 Z. Th..:...:....:...•,.....,...n....,rvelYs!locatrFHe-6Y~M-~o~ke+*Pi`elee£ret*to-rke-jorerr 64 ...,r ......-,r ,r.,. . i 65 66 3. The-ree ' petlaFl~+a'13aa/eetiens-irrketeeFkexsek°lc(s,- i 67 h ree. -Tkese ~ 68 projec-flens-tke . 69 4. ' . We»cl 70 emryvleyrr~ ' g.polieics, I I i 71 72 The housing axd enplovntent capacity bt the UGA, based oyi adopted plans and regulntions, i I 73 ' skould accanrnodate the projected 20 year growth. Growth is to be accouv»odaled wi(hin j I 74 perinanenl Urban Areas by tncreasrng densities, as needed. Phasing should occtir wi/hiir ~ 95 the UGA, as trecessary, lo ensure that services are provrded us growth accurs. 76 I ~ I 2009-0641 Attachmenl B 77 FW-t l The land use pnttcm for King County shall protect the uatural environment by 78 reducing die wnsumption of land and concentrating development An Urban 79 Growth Area, Rural Areas, and resource Innds shall be desigrtated and the 80 necessary implementing regulations adoptcd. This includes Countywide estab- 8 1 lishment of a Uouudary for the Urbau Growth Area. Locat jurisdictions shall 82 make land use decisions based on [he Coun[ywide Planning Policies. 83 84 FW-t2 The Urb1n GrowUi Area shall provide enough land to accommodate future urbaii 35 developntent. Yolicies to phase the provision of urban services and to cusure 86 efficient usc oFthe growth capacity within the Urban Growth rlrea shal( be 87 instituted. 88 89 FW-12(a) Alf jurisdictions within King County share the responsibility to accommodate the ~ 90 20-year population projection and jeb em_plovmenf Forecast The-pepulatien ~ 91 peejesEie, ^ s~~~r-5ttberen ,.vvi..,. r,......,. "e ekon-^,-En:- ~ 92 Seut~raa~-El3e-R-~e unp(eymetit 93 grew#}r. Anticipated growth shall be aQocated pursuan[ to the following 94 objectives: 95 a. To nlTn for a uattern of Qrowth that is euided bv the Repional Growth 96 Strateev contained in Vision 2040, the erowth manaeement transoodation. 97 and economic develoomen[ olan for the 4-countvi centrai Pueet Sound reeion 98 b.. To ensure efficient use of land within the UGA by directing growth to Urban 99 Centers and Activiry Centers; 100 c. To limit development in the Rural Areas; , IOl d. To protect designated resource fands; l02 e. To ensure efficient use o£infrastructure; 103 F. To improve the jobs/housing balance within the countv enast~aceabnsis; 104 g. To promote a land use pattem that can be served by public transportation and 105 other altematives to the sing(e occupancy vehicle; and 106 h. To provide sufficient opportunities for growth within the jurisdictious. 107 ; 108 FW-12(b) The growth targets established pursuant to the methodology described in LU'-25c j 109 and LU-25d shall be supported by bolh regional and local transportation i 110 investments. The availability of an adequate transportation system is critically I << l important to accommodaling growth. 77ie regional responsibility shall be met by I12 planning for and delivering county, state, and federal investments that suppod the I . 113 growtli targets and the land use pattern of the County. This includes investments 114 iu transit, state highways in key regionaf transportation corridors, and in improvcd 115 access to the designated Urbati Centers. The local responsibility shall be met by 116 locat vansportation system investments tfiat support the achievement of Uie 117 tazgets. ~ 118 FW-12(c) Ensuring sufficient water supply is essentia( to accommodate growtli and 119 conserve fish habitat. Due to the substantial lead-time required to develop water ~ 120 supp(y sources, infrastructure and rnanagement strategies, long-term water supply ( 121 planning efForts in the Region must be ongoiiig. ~ i 122 ~ I ~ i i ~ i ' , 2009-064i Allachment B : 123 124 UrUuu Growth Area ' 125 The Groivth Mnnagemenf Act requires Kbig Cocrnty to designnfe nn Urban Growth Area ~ 126 in consed(afion with cilies•. T he Corurtywicle Plairning Policies must estnblis'li an UrGmi 127 Crotv//t Area lhaf con(ains enough urbnir (and m acconvnorlnle ut leas! 20 yenrs oJnew ~ 128 popu(nrion uttrl employuren( growfir. The Groivth Mnnngernent Act states: "based upan ~ 129 Ute popidatiai jor•ecast made for lhe Counry by !he Ojfrce of Finnncinl jIdanngernelit, the 130 UrGan Groirth Areas iti lfie Co:rnty slrall inelude nreas and densrties stifficient fo pennit ~ 131 irrban groivth tha( rs projected !o occur in dre Coimtyjor the succeedrtrg 20 year perrod. 132 Cach Ui•bntr Croivth Aren shnll perinit w•ban deiuities and sha(1 iricllide greenbelr and 133 open spnce m•eus. " An Ui$an Groivth Area mup is attnchett as Appendix whicG guides 134 fhe adapfiai ojthe 1994 jLtelropoliran King Cainty Compreherisive Plai. , ' 135 136 LU - 25a Eachjurisdiction shall plan for and accommodate the Iiet+sehold housine and. 137 employment targets established pursuan[ to LU-25c nnd LU-25d. This obligation j 138 includes: ~ 139 a. Ensuring adequate zoning capacity; and i 140 b. Planning for and delivering water, sewer, transponation and other 141 infrastiucture, in concer[ with federal and state investments and recognizing I 142 whcre applicable special purpose districts; and 143 c. Accommodating.increases in laeaselte}d liousine and employment targets as 144 anncxations occur. 145 146 'Che targets will be used to plan for and to accommodate growth within each i , 147 jurisdiction. The targets do not obligate a jurisdiction to guarantee that a give❑ 148 nucnber of housing units will be built orjobs added during the planning period. j i - (49 i 150 LU-256 Growth tareets For each Potentiat Annexation Area shall be set as a pronortional I 151 share of the overaU UrUan Unincorpocated Area tnreet commensurate with the 152 PAA's share of total Unincorporated Urban Area housine and emalomient ~ 153 capacity determined in the most recent Buildable Lands Repoct As annexations , 154 or incorporations occur, growth targets shall be adjusted. #{easeEie(d Housine 155 and euipbyment targels for each jurisdiction's potential annesation area, as 156 adopted in Tab(e LU-i, shall be transferred to the amiexing jurisdiction or newly j 157 incorporated city as follows: I 158 i 159 a. King Countyaud the respective city will determine uew housine lieeseliekl i 160 and employment targets for areas under consideration for aruiexation prior to ' 161 . the submittal of tlic annexation proposaC to the King County Boundary 162 Review Board; , 163 b. A city's heuseheld housine and empioyment targets shall be increased by a 164 share of the tazget for Ihe potential annexation area proportionate to the share I 165 of the potential annexation area's development capacity located within the 166 area annexed. In the case of incorporation, an equivalent formula shall be 167 used to establish keuseke}d housine and'employment targets for the. new city. ~ i , I I 2009-0841 AUachmenl B 163 Each city will determine how and where within their corporate boundaries to 169 lccommodate targct incrcases; 170 c. "f0c County's unincomorated Urban areas targets shal( be correspondingly 171 decreased to ensuce that overall target tevels in the county remain the sanie; 172 d. The }iease}ae}d housin and employment targets in Table LU-1 will be i 173 updated periodically to reflect changes due to annexations or incorporations. 174 These target updates do not require adoption by the Urowth Ivianagement ~ 175 Pfanniiig CounciL 176 . 177 LU -25c The target objectives identified in PW-12a shall be realized through die following j l78 methodology For allocating housine lieasel}etd tacgets: ~ 179 180 a. Detcrmine the additionnl popidation thnt must be accoinmodated countywide ' 181 byea}eLt}e"b,'.e-._, 444era:.se-betweeirt faFaed-the ~ 182 c nr„«,« e rF•.wnoial A4enaSetaeRt-pepuweeta~ien-~e€ I 183 duriua the tweuty year planning period based on the ranee of population j 184 proiections made bv the State Office of Financial Manaeement for the countv i 185 and 4-countvicentral Puget Sound reeion and_euided bv the Regional Growth ~ 186 Strateev contained iu Vision 2040; 187 b. 5-u bt=aOf-a Pe: OM:ab- ..~.,F40-"epr^se: ;;:e aa.o.uit a€6rewtli I 188. theE is-asstteted-fe-eesur-ici , 189 b. Assign proportions of Uie arbat} counlnvideoputation growth to eflch of six ~ 190 Regional Geoeraohies as dafined bv Vision 2040 to include Metrooolitan ~ 191 Cities: Coce Cities. Lacper Cities. Small Cities Unincor orated Urbazi 192 Growth Areas, and Rural and Natural Resource Lands tlie-€eer-sebnreas fSee- 193 Shefe, Setith, Ea n ie-ryfefleH{orrof-€uhire i 194 empfeYmeftt-8rewtE}-toreeasked-fef-eaeli oftltese-subareas-bytke-FugeE-Set+ttd ~ 195 RegieeR}Gettnsik; i 196 c. Allocate ooaulation erowth to each Regional Geo raphv as euided by Vision 197 2040 and afso takinR inro account additional factors7 198 d. Assume that a sma(I amouit[ oC oopulatiomgrowth approximatelv 3% to 4% . 199 of the countvwide rotaL will occur in Ihe Rural azea• 200 e. Conved the estimated projected population for eacli sttl3ereaUrban Regional ~ I ZOl Geoaraohv to,an estimated number of keuseHekls housine units needed. 202 using projected average household sizes ¢roup_quarters population and 203 vacancv ratcs tose-s j 204 mosReeeiii_6eflyyy; i . 205 f. A(locate alieuseHelc4housine target to individualjurisdictions, within each 206 sebarea Regional Geo.graohv, based on FW-12a and considering the 207 following factors: j i 208 1. the availability of water and Uie capacity of the sewer system; 209 2. the remaiiung portions of previously adopted household targets; ~ 210 3. the presence of urban centers and activity areas within each jurisdiction; ~ 211 4. tlie availability of zoned development capaciry in each jilrisdiction; and ; 212 5. the apparent market trends for hoiising in the area. i 213 f. Jurisdictions sliall plan for housine heusehold tazgets as.adopted in Table LU- ~ 214 I; and i 20090641 Altachment B 215 g. Monitoring should follow tfie process described in policy FW-1. 2(6 217 218 A portion ojfhe urbnn employmeiu growth wifl occ:u• in Ac(iviry Areas and nerghborhoodt 219 in Uie Urbnn Arerr. This eiityloytnen! grotiv(h iviU supporr dte Urbait Centers, while 220 bn(nncing locul employment opportunities in the Urbmi Aren 221 222 LU - 25d The target objectives ideutiFed in FW-12a sltall be reatized through the following 223 methodology for aflocating employment targets: 224 225 a. Determine the number ofjobs that must be accommodated in en~E, orthp, oQ~ ~ 226 ~.~,~~aee~y-(Se,,t-Skeee~et~El3;-SasFand-t'°~~}fe , . 227 aeeoed~'~;e itiest-Feeenr4l&R~Gjeb-estifne«II.=ri-`roreen,r.,-f,rdurine 228 tlie 20-year planning period based on the most recent forecast of emolovment 229 Qrowth oroduced bv the Pu¢et Sound Re ional Council for the four-wuniv 230 central Pueet Sound reeion and euided bv the Reeionaf Growth Strategy 231 contained in Vision 2040. T .,,,..t fo. ............:r,ty4; ,he :;;r;oy,..enf 232 ~ «~a,i,z~ "~o€new-}e ed-iaeac}t 233 5ul3nrea-[Snless-exe isEate~h ft 234 eitkeF-side.sPhePSRC f'ereeasF 235 b. AssiRU orooortions of the couutvwide emulovment ¢rowlfi to eadt of six 236 ReQional Geoerauhies as defined bv Vision 2040 to include Metropolitan ~ 237 Cities, Core Cities, Lazeer Cities Small Cities Unincorporated Urban Growth ~ 238 Areas, and Rural and Natural Resource Lands' 239 c. A(locate emulovment ¢rowdi to each RePional Gcographv as guided Uv 240 Vision 2040 and also takinp into accoimt ldditional factors• ~ 241 d. Assume ihat a small amoimt of emplovment rowth less than 1% of the I 242 counlywide totaL wi11 occur in the Rural area; i 243 C. A(locate an emolovment Llreet ro individuaf_jurisdictions within each Urban ~ 244 Regiona! Geoeraphv based on FW-12a and cousiderine the following factors: 245 b-For-eas"ubarea;deterenineEliapeint-ivi613tn fliefangeupen-whisk , 246 }U[iSClk2Eiees-5v4+tti}3e-sebarea..,:4tiase•he:-•-...e u 247 6 ~ ewiploYmeaf-~~ sed-en-sc~+3si~eraEiee 248 ge}}ew}}ig i 249 j 250 1. the PSRC smal( azea focecasts; 251 2. the presence of urban centers, manufacturingfindustrial centers, and . ~ 252 activity areas within enchjurisdiction; ~ 253 3. lhe availability of zoned commercial and industiial development capacity 254 in each jurisdiction and; 255 4. the access to transit, as well as to existing ]iighways and arterials. i 256 ' 257 c. Jurisdictions shafl plan for employment targets as adopted in Table LU-l. ! 258 ; i. ~ 2009-0641 Altachmenl0 ' 260 a" pj, sa do z - 262 ReghnalGeography F6uqng iAA lbus'.p firybyment PAA firybymeM ' 264 GN/SUbarea 1]rget Target Tarqat lbryat ~ 2G6 m<<kHw+m tkltkwUttt lk[IkwbM IktNewbbs MeMapokan Otks 268 eeik,„e v,aaa zso s3,000 ~ 270 SeaNe 86.000 116,700 ~ SuMotal 101,000 199,700 ~ Core 6tks Aubu'n 9.620 19,350 Bolhell ' 3,000 8f0 4.800 ' 200 aaien • 7.900 4,600 I FeOeralWa 8,300 1,190 12300 290 KeM 7,800 1,560 13,200 290 . phNan1 7.100 1,770 20,300 650 ~ rse6none ta.zoo wo 23,0oo . 0.erROn ' 14,875 3,895 29,000 470 5laTa< 5,800 5,700 TvbVila 4,800 5D I5,500 2,050 ~ . Subtotal 74,255 167,150 laroer CRka ~ Dci Mdnes 3,000 5p00 ~ [ssaqAh 5,750 290 20.000 I ' Kernwre 1.500 7,000 I ~-UdeValleY' t.eoo 1.060 ;opp M2tcer[sland 2,OW t.000 ' Sammamhh 9000 3S0 1,800 ' . , Shw<IIM ' SOpp 5,000 i WaoQ.lle 3,000 5,000 . I SuMotal 18,050 92,1100 ' Smi1 Gtks AI (a 190 210 . i &aiaArts ; ) 2 PlatkDiartwnd 1,900 I,050 ' . I Carnatlon 370 370 I -Oyde ISA 10 CoNnqron 1,470 7,320 ~ MaA 1,140 840 ~ Enmckw 1925 735 ~ Fpnfs rolnt Uke Fures[ Pa, k 475 LO ~ Mc6M 19 ~ ' M~mn 5p 90 160 I tkivastk - ' I.270 135 IbimandyPark 120 65 Ibrth &M - 665 1,050 - ~ Pad& 285 US 370 . 5 ish 10 ' SnoquaYnle 1615 1,050 Ya"av Poin[ 19 i Subtohl : 10,933 4168. Ufunlhiuor 2te0 ' - PatulUalANk~06n /utas 1 930 3,950 WihH Iinc 1,360 2,570 ~ . BcarGeeklPD 930 3,580 ~ llydaMCdlhWnUYncorpaateG 650 90 ' waorai 15,850 ia,tso UGA Tohl 233,077 4t8,068 ~ •Taryebbase7cazK1006.'7M/ (ity rarQtahaw beena0)wkdWrWe~tame~atlanWag12008. . ~ •"Tai [fwMa'cVatle PMCOn6ngentona oralold -muYyjo!n[plan(a5unmi[Nace. ~ I. ' 2009-0641 Allachmenl B i 271 AUOPTED by the GroNvth V(anagement Planning Councit of King Coimty on October 28, ~ 272 2009 in open session, and signed by the chair of the GMPC. ' 273 i ~ 274 i 275 276 ! Kurt Triplett, Chair, Growt fanagement Planning Council ~ 277 ~ ( i ~ ~ ; ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ i ~ i i ~ i i ~ I I I . . . . ( I" 1 i I ! I I I f ~ ~