HomeMy WebLinkAbout4587 RESOWTION NO. 4 5 8 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A LOCAL AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RELATING TO PROJECT NO. C207A, A STREET NW EXTENSION WHEREAS, under City of Auburn Resolution No. 3852, the City had previously entered into a Local Agency Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation ("WSDOT") to fund the City's design of roadway - improvements on `A' Street NW between 3`d Street NW and 10 Street NW ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the Cify is now preparing to begin the property acquisition phase of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City has been awarded three Federal Highway Administration Transportation grants for property acquisition and construction of the Project: one from the STP-U and two from Demonstration funding sources in the amounts of $41,112, $983,928, and $1,683,000, respectively, for a total of $2,708,040; and WHEREAS, the STP-U' grant requires a local funding match of $6,416 and the Demonstration grants require no local funding match, and WHEREAS, the City has budgeted the required STP-U matching funds in , the Arterial Street Fund; and Resolution No. 4587 March 29, 2010 Page 1 WHEREAS, $2,344,000 of the $2,708,040 in grant funding has been allocated for property, acquisition under the Project and it is necessary for the City and WSDOT to enter into a Local Agency Agreement Supplement to utilize the grant funds for such acquisition; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to use federal monies to finance capital improvements to the fransportation system. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a Supplemental Local Agency Agreement between the City and Washington State Department of Transportation for the Property Acquisition Phase in the total amount of $2,344,000, in substantial conformity with the agreement attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. In addition, the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute any further necessary supplemental agreements for ~ all future phases of the Project expending up to the total remaining amount of the Demonstration grants of $364,040. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon, Resolution No. 4587 March 29, 2010 Page 2 Dated and Signed this day of 2010. CITY AU . ~ PETER 6. LEWIS MAYOR ATTEST: Da 'elle E. Daskam, City Clerk APP ,ROVEQ&~S TO FORM: aniel . ' , , City Attorney Resolution No. 4587 March 29, 2010 Page 3 Projecfi No. ~ A. File No. ~ CCSk CUh c14-r:x.1 - Vilashangton #ate RQS. '~8`~ < . ~D@partil9@Bl$ Off T9'a11Sportation Transportation Building 310 Mapie Park Avenue S.E. Paula J. Hammond, P.E. P.O. Box 47300 Secretary of Transportation Ofympia, WA 98504-7300 360-705-7000 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 July 7, 2010 www.wsdot.wa.5o'.v;~.. : : . ~ 1VIr. Dennis Dowdy - Public Works Director JUL 1 City of Auburn 25 West Main Street . ~ Auburn, JVashington 980014998 City of Auburn ~ A Street NW Egtensiam STPUL-1069(006) . FUN1D AUTHORIZATION Dear We ha.ve received FHWA fund authorization, effective June 24, 2010, for this project as follows: r_ PIiASE ' TOTAL FEDERAL SHARE , Right of Way $1,996,991 $702,445 ~ Ericlosed for your information and file is a fully executed copy of Supplement Number 1 to Loca1 Agency Agreement LA-5917 between the state and your agency: All costs exceeding those shown on this agreement are the -sole responsibility of your agency. WSDOT authorization to proceed with construction is contingent upon receipt of your Right of Way Certification. , You may,-.proceed with the administration of this project in accordance with your WSDOT~approyed Certification Acceptance agreement. Sincer , r Stephanie Tax Mana.ger, Program Management Highways & Local Programs Division ST:jg:ac; Enclosure , cc: Ed Conyers, NorthwestRegion Loca1 Programs Engineer, MS NB82-121 ~ AGENCY ~ Local Agency Agreement Supplement Agency Supplement Number City. of Aubum . 1 . Federai Aid Project Number: Agreement Number CFDA No. 20.205 _ STPUL.-1069(006) LA5917 The Local Ageney desires to supplement the agreement entered into, and executed on June 15. 2005 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modifled by this supplement. The changes fo the agreement are described as follows: Project Description _ Name A Street NW Extension Length 1.47 miles Termini 3rdSt NW to 14th St NW Description of Work ❑ No Change ` The project will consist of a new 41ane roadway instead of 54ane due to environmental considerations. The remaining scope stays the same. . . Reason for Supplement To authorize the Right-of wayphase of the.project and begin property acquisition. Estimate of Funding Type of Work (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) aREnous ncREEnnErrri suaaLEnnaNr EsrIIAnreo roru esnnnaTEo esnmu`rEo ' SUPPLEMBdT PR0.IECT FUNDS AGENCY R1NDS FMERAL FUNOS P.E. a. Agency: $73,642 $73,642 $9 942 $63,700 86.5% b. Other-Consultarrt $900,000 $900,000 $121,500 $778,500 Federal M c. Other . Parttcipat;on d. Other . FiaBo for PE e. Other . f. State $20,000 $20,000 $2,700 $17,300 g. TWaI PE Cost Est. (a. thru g.) $993,642 $0 $993,642 $134,142 $859,500 Right of Vl/ay h. , Agency $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 % t. Pmperty, Acquistlon $598,861 $598861 $598,861 'Other Pmparty Acq.(non-participation$1,288,130 $1,288,130 $1,288,130 Federal Aid k. Other - ConsultaM $47,528 $47,528 $6,416 $41,112 Psrudpation 1. Other - ConsultaM $27,472 $27,472 $27 472 Ratio for RW, m. Other - n. State $5 000 $5,000 $5 000 o/ Total R/W Cost Est (h. thru n.) $0 $11996,991 $1,996,991 $1,294,546 $702,445 Construction p. Contract . . Other r. Other . s. Other t. Other u. Other °[Q v. Other . Federal AM W. A enCy Partie(paUon x: St3te . • RaNo for cN y. Tota1 Const Cost Est (p. thru $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Tatal Project Cost Esqmate (g+o+y) $993,642 $1,996,991 _ $2,990,633 $1,428,688 $1,561,945 The Locai Agency further stipu(ates that pursuant to said Title 23,, regulations and poliaes and procedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obfigated, it a ts and will comDlv with the applicable provisions. AGENCY OFFICIAL ,Washin o ate Departme t of Transportation ~ , ~ f~ . / gy By ~ . ~ . Tttle MayOr Director Highways and Local Programs ~ ~~uted JUN 2 2 2010 DOT Fwm ,aaoa, EF . aewsea1noo7 - J ProJect No. �*_�n7a � File No. ' Desk Copy - . ;� CC: C,�,t c,(�=x-� M�i.(K.lI.� S�i � Washington State r�anspo.w��on ew�a��y d`2 Department of Transportation 310 Maple Park A4ertue S.E. �� �� Pauia J. Nammond, P.E. . . P.O.Box a7300 Secretary of T�ansportation - Olympia,WA 9850a-7300 . 360-705-7000 TTY: 1•800-83 -6388 ... .. July 7, 20I0 www.wsdot.wa.�ov"' ; :"z"� .� ` .:> Mr. Dennis Dowdy Public Works Director J U L ! � ' ?'' City of Aubum 25 West Ivlain Street Aubucn, JVashington 98001-4998 � -: . •�r:r City of Aubum A $treet NW Extensian STPUL-1069(006) C _ • FUND AUTHORIZATION �5�+-•-�-� Deaz Mr. y: We have received FHWA fiuid authorization, effective June 24, 2010, for this project as follows: PHASE � TOTAL FEDERAL SHARE Right of Way $1,996,991 $702,445 Enclosed for your information and file is a fully executed copy of Supplement Nnmber 1 to Local Agency Agreement LA-5917 between the state and your agency. All costs exceeding those shown on this agreement are the sole responsibility of your agency. WSDOT authorization to proceed with construction is contingent upon receipt of your Right of Way Certification. You may.proceed with the administration of this project in accordance with.your II WSDOT,approved Certification Acceptance agreement. I Sincer , ' � / Stephanie Ta�c I Manager, Program Management Highways& Loca1 Programs Division I ST:jg:ac Enclosure cc: Ed Conyers, Northwest Region Local Programs Engineer, MS NB82-121 ` � �m'u�°"� A�ENCY Loca.l A enc A reement Su lement � ape�dnent of Yrm�epoetstlon 9 Y 9 pp Agency � � . � _....._-... .-... Supp�ementNumtier � C' .of Aubum 1 Federal Aid Projeet Numbar Agreement Number STPUL-1069(006j LA5917 CFOA No. 20.205 The Local Agency desirestosupplementthe agreement entered into and ezecuted on June 75.2005 All proyisions in the basic agreemerrt remain in effect except as expressly modifed tiy thissupplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Project Description Name_ A StreeE N1N Extension Length 1.47 miles �Termini . 3rd St N1N to 14th St NW . � . . .. _. . . Description of Work ❑ No Change The project will consist of a new 4-lane roadway instead of 5-1ane due to environmental considerations. The remaining scope stays the same. Reason for SupplemenY To authorize ttie Rigfit-ofiway phase of the project and begin property acquisition. _ - -- . Estimate of Funding Type of Work (1) (2) (3) (4) {5)_ GREVIOUSAGREEMENTI SUPPLEMENT ESTIMATEDTOTAL � ESTMATEp ESl1MFTED SUPPLEMEM � PRQlECTFUN�S AGENCYFUNOS FEDERN.FUNOS P:E: a. A enc :' _ . $73,642 $73,642 $9,942 . _- -- --$63,700 es.sk b. Other-Consu�tant $90Q000__ _ $90Q,000 $121;500 $778,500 FederalAld c. Olhet . - . . . Particlpatbn .d. ._OU�9r . . . _� ... . . _ '"_ _ _ _. '_ __ " '. . . . _ . Ratb for PE e. OthEf � f. State $2Q000 $20;000 $2,700 _ $17,300 g. 7otal PE Cost Est,�a:thru g.) $993;642 SO $993,642 5134,142 $859,500 _ - -_ — _ . Rig6t of Way h. Agenry $30,000 _$3Q000. $30,000 % �i. Ofher=.Pro erryAcquistion $598;861 $598,561 � -. $598,86I � - j. Other-.Propeity.Acq.(non-partici ation $1,288,130 � � $1,28$,130 $1288,130 FetlerzlAltl k. Other-Consuttant �� - �� �� - $47,528 $47,52$ $6,416_- - - $41,112 PetticiPelbn I. Other-Consultant - - $27,472 $27,472 $27;472 � . RatloforRW m. Othe�-. � - �� � � f1:._Sf2I8__ __ � $5��0� $$��� . . _.. .$5.���. I .. a Total RIW Cosf Est.(A:thru n.) $0 $1,996,991 51,996,991 _ 51,294,546 8702,445 - __ _ _ Construction p: 6ontract �- � � ar,er � r. Other _. ._ . _ . . � s. Other � � i. Other . . . u. Other - - - - -- �°Q v_._Other . . _.. Fetleral Aitl w. Agency � � - -� _'__" . _ . _. . ___. . Parlicipetbn K S�ate . _ _.._. Ratb for CN y. Total�Const.,Cost Est.(p.thru z.) ���� ��$0 �� - $0 $0 _$Q . . . . $0 "---7otalPto)ectCostEstlmate(g+o+y) $993',642 $1,996,991_ _ .$2,990;633" " $1;428,688 $1,561,945 � The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23,�egulationsand policies,and procedures,and as a condition to payment of the � Federal funds.oti�igated,it a ts and will co with the applicabie provlsions � AGENCY OFFICIAL -Washin .o ate DepartmeM�f 7ransportation By J ay'� , , � � , I TItl2 MayOf Direclor a.Highways and Local Programs � � �O�O - oete�a��tea JUN DOT Fo�iao.oa;eF - � � R�sea irzoav - : ~ aS@'LOngtOro $tate • Transportation Buiiding De09aPtG'8'9ettt Off TCaG1Sp01'#ati09'1 310 Mapte Park Avenue S.E. Paula J. Hamereond, P.E. P.O. Box 47300 Secreta.ry of Transportation Olympia, WA 98504-7300 360-705-7000 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 December 13, 2010 www.wsdot.wa.gov Mr. Dennis Dowdy Public WorksDirector a „ City of Auburn 25 westMain Street D EC 1 5 2010 Auburn, Washington 98001-4998 City of Auburn A St. NW Eztension ` 1- ESTPUL-1069(006) FUND AUTHORIZATION Dear~ Enclosed for your information and file is a copy of SupplementNumber 2 to Local Agency Agreement LA-5917 for the subject project between the state and your agency. This supplement modi ,fies the funding for this project to the amounts shown below: ' PHASE TOTAL FEDERAL SHARE , Right of Way $1,996,991 $1,990,575 All: costs exceeding those shown on this agreement aze the sole responsibility of your agency. Please be reminded that a recent federal mandate requires any agency receiving federal funds to be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) at https://www.bpn.;ov/ccr/default:aspx. Registration in the CCR must be upda.ted/renewed annually to maintain an active status. It is essential your agency maintain an active registration status to ensure that project authorizations and reimbursements are not delayed. WSDOT authorization to proceed with construction is contingent ixpon receipt of your Right of Way Certification. \ You may proceed with the administration of this project in accordance with your WSDOT approved Certification Acceptance agreement. 4Tax Manager, Program Management Highways & Local Frograms Division ST:jg:ac Enclosure cc: Ed Conyers, Northwest Region Local.Programs Engineer, MS NB82-121 , , Adft AGENCY Local Agency Agreement Supplement Agency Supplement Number G' of Aubum 2 Federal Aid Project Number Agreement Number STPUL-1069(006) LA5917 CFDA No. 20.205 • The Local Agency desires to supplemerrt the agreemerrt entered irrto and executed on June 15. 2005 All provisions in the basic agreemerrt remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Project Description Name A Street NW Extension Length 1.47 miles Termini 3rd St NW to 14th St NW Description of Work p No Change Reason for Supplement To authorize additional federal Right-of-way funds. Estimate of Funding Type of Work (1) (2) ' (3) (4) (5) PREVIOUS AGREEMENT/ SUPPLEMENT FSTIMATED TOTAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED . ' SUPPLEMENT _ PRQJECT FUNDS AGENCY FUNDS FEDERAL FUNDSP.E. a. A en . $73,642 $46,607 $120,249 $16,234 - 004,015 86.5% b. Other - Consultant $900,000 -$46,607 $853,393 $115,208 $738,185 Federal Aid c. Other Participation d. Other Ratio for PE e. Other f. _ State _ $20,000 ` $20,000 $2 700 $17,300 ~ g. Total PE Cost Est (a. thru g.) $993,642 $0 $993,642 $134,142 ` _ . $859,500 Right of Way h. A en $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 % i. Other - PropertyAcquistion $598,861 $1,288,130 $1,886,991 $1,886991: Other - PropeAcq. non-participation $1288,130 -$1,288,130 FederW ad k. Ocher - Consultant $47 28 $47,528 $6 416 $41 112 Participation I. Other - Consultant $27,472 $27,472 $27,472 Ratio for RW m. Other - n. State $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 ol Total RAN Cost Est (h. thru n.) $1,996,991 $0 $1,996,991 $6,416 $1,990,575 COnSirlJCtfOn p. ConU'eCt . Other c Ofher s. Other t. Other u. Other °(4 v. Other Federal nid w. . A enc Participation x. StBte Ratio tor GN y._ Total Const Cost Est (p. thru x.) , ..$O $O $O $O $O Totai Project Cost Estlrrrate (g+a+y) $2,990,633 $0 $2,990,633' $140,558 $2,850,075 The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and prbcedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions. / AGENCY OFFICIAL W 7'hing7tonSt D La~rtment ion BY BY ~ Tifle Director of Highvira and Local'ra 1s U Date Executed O~1 17 2010 DOT Fortn 146041 EF ' ReN59tl 7l20W