HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOARedlightRFPFinal120213.pdf City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AUTOMATED PHOTO ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM Proposal Due Date & Time: December 16, 2013 4 p.m. (PST) SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO: City of Auburn Attn: City Clerk – Automated Photo Enforcement Proposal 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 2 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Requirements The original proposal and six (6) copies must be submitted to the City Clerk in a sealed envelope by 4:00p.m. (PST) December 16, 2013 and clearly marked: Automated Photo Enforcement Proposal. Proposals should be delivered to: City Clerk City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001 No proposals will be considered which are received after the deadline, and any proposals so received after the scheduled closing time shall be returned to the vendor unopened. Proposals may be sent by mail or submitted in person; however, if sent by mail, the responsibility for delivering a proposal to the City before the deadline is the sole responsibility of the vendor. A vendor may not withdraw its proposal after it is formally opened by a representative from the City of Auburn. Vendor shall include in its proposal all applicable local, city, state and federal taxes. It is the vendor's obligation to state on their proposal sheet the correct percentage and total applicable federal, state, city and local taxes. Costs Those submitting proposals do so entirely at their own expense. There is no expressed or implied obligation by the City of Auburn to reimburse any individual or firm for any costs incurred in preparing or submitting proposals, providing additional information when requested by the City of Auburn, or for participating in any selection interviews. Inquiries Vendors with questions about the proposal may contact the Innovation & Technology Director, Ron Tiedeman at 253-288-3160 or by email at rtiedeman@auburnwa.gov. The City of Auburn accept written requests for clarification and/or interpretation for this Request for Proposal up to seven (7) business days prior to the due date. Proposal Schedule Publish RFP ....................................................... December 2, 2013 City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 3 Proposal Due Date ............................................ December 16, 2013 Announce Finalists ........................................... January 6, 2013 Conduct Vendor Interviews................................ January 6th through January 17th Conduct customer site visits (optional)...................... January 20th through February Select vendor ..................................................... February 10th, 2014 Estimate to begin live operations ............................ 2nd Quarter 2014 Proposal Format and Requirements In order to thoroughly analyze the responses to the RFP, vendors are required to prepare their proposals in accordance with the instructions outlined in this section. Vendors whose proposals deviate from these instructions may be considered non-responsive and may be disqualified at the discretion of the City of Auburn. Vendors must present their products, services and applicable features in a clear and concise manner that demonstrates the vendors' capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be concentrated on accuracy, clarity, comprehensiveness and ease of identifying pertinent information and suitability of the product and services. The proposal should be organized into the following major sections. Instructions relative to each section are defined at the end of this format. The following format should be used when compiling responses. Sections should be tabbed and labeled pages should be sequentially numbered at the bottom of the page. Proposals are to be placed in three ring binders. Vendors shall include the following information in their proposals: Title Page Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal: The response shall contain a cover letter signed by a person who is authorized to commit the vendor to perform the work included in the proposal, and should identify all materials and enclosures being forwarded in response to the RFP. Executive Summary: The Executive Summary of the proposal shall be limited to three single spaced typewritten pages. The purpose of the Executive Summary is to provide a high-level description of the proposer's ability to meet the requirements of the RFP. General Information: Vendor's business history including any mergers and acquisitions, change or alteration in corporation name, and current purpose/function in the marketplace including financial stability. Proposer Financial Strength: Appreciating the substantial capital investment required by a vendor to procure equipment, install and maintain a program and in response to the recent bankruptcies of various City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 4 red light camera vendors the City of Auburn requires a financially strong vendor. Please include a copy of the company's last three years annual reports. Summary of Qualifications: Indicate the firm's background in providing these services to governmental entities. Provide a current listing of comparable client references (i.e., client name, address, telephone number, contact person and length of time service was provided) for comparable technology and processing requirements. Technical Section: This section should answer questions specific to the technical sections of the RFP. Technical proposal should also include infraction processing procedures, with flexibility to meet or exceed current processing procedures. Proposed Schedule: Indicate a proposed schedule for this project once it has been awarded. To include specific time frames (Days, weeks, months) and color Gantt chart. Proposed Cost: The system will be owned and operated by the successful RFP awarded vendor. Prospective vendors shall submit a fee structure and implementation option list. The goal of this project is to have an impact on the number of inquiry accidents by decreasing the number of red light and school zone violations. It is the desire of the City of Auburn that the project be self-supporting and fiscally sound. Final Ranking and Selection A Committee will make a recommendation for the award of the contract to the vendor whose proposal is determined to be the most suitable for the City, considering all the criteria as set forth in this Request for Proposal. Presentations The City retains the right to request vendors who meet the mandatory criteria to present its proposal to the committee. Each presentation will be evaluated on the clarity, comprehensiveness, and ease of identifying pertinent information and suitability of the product and services. Discussions: Best and Final Proposer The Committee shall make a recommendation to the City Council for selection of a vendor for contract award based upon the written proposal, without further discussions. Should the committee determine that further discussions would be in the best interest of the City, the Committee shall establish procedures and schedules for conducting discussions and/or presentations and will notify qualified vendors. When in the best interest of the City, the Committee may permit all qualified vendors, those who meet the mandatory criteria, to revise their proposals by submitting "best and final" Proposal. After having received and reviewed the recommendation and any accompanying materials from the Committee, the City Council shall be empowered to make the final selection of the vendor. Rejection of Proposal The City of Auburn reserves the right to reject any and or all proposals, and waive any informality in proposals. City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 5 Contract Provisions Extension of Contract: Contracts resulting from this Request for Proposal shall be subject to extensions by mutual agreement, per the terms and conditions resulting from this Proposal. SCOPE OF WORK To meet the City of Auburn objectives, the following minimum requirements must be met. The proposer is responsible for developing and submitting a scope of work that meets the goals and objectives of this project. This must include, but is not limited to, the following: Complete turnkey system, including supply, delivery, installation, implementation, and maintenance of all equipment necessary for the operation of an automated photo enforcement program and citation processing system that is fully compliant with State and local laws. Notification options should include proper notification either by direct mail via USPS or to provide King County District Court with an electronic file for their system and subsequent mailing, collection and tracking. Processing of all traffic citations and the preparation of evidence packages for Court based on current King County District Court business rules. Operation of a toll-free telephone system for public inquiries. Public awareness / community relation education campaign (i.e., press releases, brochures, public service announcements, web site, etc.). Training for the Police Department, District Court, Municipal Prosecutor, and other officials involved in the use of the system. Providing expert witness testimony in Court confirming the functionality and accuracy of the system. Provide for intersection traffic studies, violation studies, pre-installation site monitoring, and site selection services. (Final site selection will be mutually determined by the City of Auburn and the Proposer). Assist the City of Auburn in completing any State or local Photo Enforcement applications. Provide a comprehensive traffic survey and analysis of the intersections identified by City of Auburn for photo enforcement. To include establishing a baseline count of red light violations at selected intersections. Provide for a pre-selection conference with high impact presentation as an overview of the proposal, to include a power point- question/answer session for selected Auburn officials if requested. City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 6 Responsible for submitting requests and obtaining information for statistical data (crash or summons) from state, county, local or other agencies responsible for gathering such information. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The City of Auburn requires a system that is flexible in design and may allow the movement of the basic infrastructure to different locations within the city if necessary. The “automated traffic safety camera system” as defined in RCW 46.63.170(5) should be capable of detecting traffic signal violations, school speed zone violations and capturing and storing photographic evidence of violations; the equipment must be capable of generating both still photos and video. The City of Auburn has identified the following intersections and school zones as candidates or is already functioning as areas of Automated Photo Enforcement program however this list is not all inclusive:  West Valley Highway and 15th St NW  A St SE and 41st St SE  Auburn Way South and M St SE (Existing)  15th St NW and C St NW  Auburn Way South and 12th St SE  A St SE and 3rd St SE  Auburn Way South and 4th St SE (Existing)  Harvey Rd and 81st St NE (Existing) School Zones – Preferred Radar and least evasive Chinook Elementary Dick Scobee Elementary Lea Hill Elementary Mt Baker Middle School Lakeland Hills Elementary Arthur Jacobsen Elementary Each intersection utilizes an Econolite ASC/2S-2100: TS2 Type 2/TS1 NEMA actuated traffic signal system controller. These are housed in Econolite Type P TS2 Type 2 controller cabinets. The system should utilize multiple transport mechanisms, and should be capable of providing the ability to select from several triggering options to include induction loops and video vehicle detection systems. The system should include direction sensitivity, with the capability to capture multiple-image sets that may be reviewed at various points. Intersections, and school zone configuration changes will be coordinated through City staff with the successful bidder. Annual changes to configurations will be required for certain aspects of redlight and school zone enforcement, including but not limited to school zone timer changes, start and stop times, as well as some configuration changes as necessary at intersections. The City would expect this to be part of regular coordination with vendor, and included in overall maintenance and operation at no additional cost to the City. 2. Please detail your service offerings and costs associated with each of the following: City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 7  Initial analysis  Intersection planning, design and installation,  Image collection and control  Back Office processing including approvals (Administrative support and processing)  Note: The system should be capable of enforcing uniform policies and procedures throughout the City of Auburn. Please describe what security provisions are included in the back office processing module.  Citation creation, mailing  Post-implementation support - Include in your response the following: • Type of support available (telephone, web-based, on-site), hours of operation in PST, how calls are prioritized and average response times • Additional fees if any, including any maintenance fee and how it is calculated • Problem reporting and resolution procedures • Bad debt collections • Expert testimony 3. Based on your experience with other jurisdictions, please provide a cost vs. revenue projection Equipment The Proposer shall provide, install, and maintain all equipment including, but not limited to poles, cabinets, cameras, wiring and operational equipment at selected intersections. Red Light Camera System The Proposer shall address the following proven equipment capabilities: The Camera System shall use a digital media. Film based systems are not acceptable. Preference will given to systems that utilize a combination of high resolution still images with an output in excess of 3000 x 2000 pixels per frame/image and full motion digital video technologies. Systems that use multiple cameras and integrated video/still cameras will be given preference. Single camera set-ups will not be considered favorable. All Camera System component operations shall be synchronized to a single, standard, independent, external and verifiable time and date source. The system must imprint violation information on the image at the point-of-capture. Information specific to the violation must include, but is not limited to: location, date, vehicle speed, duration of the red phase, duration of the amber phase and elapse time between images. Proposers that do not imprint this information on each image at the point of capture will not be considered. Not applicable to school zones. The Camera System shall apply different methods of violation detection to ensure that intersection variances and geometries are optimally addressed. The applied detection method will also provide accurate vehicle speed calculations and have a low false trigger rate. City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 8 The Camera System shall be modular in construction and will facilitate rapid Installation and maintenance. The Camera System shall generate secured violation evidence that can be communicated and processed using Proposer supplied or operated photo enforcement processing systems. The System shall be capable of being flexibly configured to address the specific number of lanes to be enforced at each direction of travel at the site, including straight through violations, left-turn, and double left-turn and right-on-red violations, simultaneous violations and consecutive violations. Functional Requirements The system shall be capable of identifying vehicles traveling through a signalized intersection during the 'red' signal phase and recording a series of violation images that track the whole violation event from before the stop-bar and through to exiting the intersection. School zone violations will be based on current requirements, and capabilities as provided by vendor and approved method determined by City. 'Scene' images will be captured to display the red signal in the vehicle's direction of travel or appropriate School Zone violations where applicable. The System shall be capable of detecting and capturing evidence of violation by slow moving vehicles. There should be no minimum 'threshold speed' for effective monitoring and evidence capture. In addition to monitoring straight through violations, the System shall be capable of detecting and recording evidence of left-turn and right turns violations, including violations by slow moving left-turn and right turn vehicles. (Please reference programs which demonstrate this capability). Record event-specific evidence to substantiate multiple, simultaneous and/or concurrent violations occurring during any red signal phase. (Please provide sample violation images to demonstrate this capability) System shall provide 24 x 7 "live" intersection monitoring and viewing capabilities and has ability to record and playback conditions at anytime when conditions are warranted. Proposer must detail the image quality specifications and provide real sets of violation image examples captured in day time, night time, and during inclement weather and during times where sunlight is pointing in the direction of the camera. Explain how the image and violation data is secured and transmitted to the processing center. Explain how the proposed camera unit produces an image set which contains the City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 9 following data: 1. Scene of location where violation occurred including the signal light, crosswalk and vehicle in proper position to prove the violation. 2. All Camera System component operations shall be synchronized to a single, standard, independent, external and verifiable time and date source. Explain how each image captured is synchronized to the same time source (i.e. video and stills). 3. Motor vehicle during violation. 4. Display of rear license plate of vehicle. 5. The day, month and year of the violation. 6. The time of the violation in hours, minutes and seconds. 7. The amount of time that has passed since the light turned red. Duration of amber light. 8. The duration of the event in 1/100 of a second. Location of violation. Frame sequence number. 9. Imprint all the information along the bottom or top edge of the image - such data shall not obstruct the violation image. Explain how the proposed system can compensate for the effects of license plate covers. Prosecutable Image Rate The City of Auburn wants systems with higher prosecutable image capture rates. Proposer shall provide a detailed breakdown showing its proposed system's prosecutable image capture rate based on the last six months of operation from a reference jurisdiction most similar in size. The data must reflect the results from cameras and systems, which are identical to the systems being proposed herein. Provide six (6) Sample Images of red light violations and attach in appendix A Camera Unit Housing Shall Be: Sealed to be weather, dust, water and spray resistant. Securely lockable. Capable of being securely mounted to existing intersection infrastructures (other than mast arms) by agreement with the owner. Capable of being pole-mounted on a pole. Systems that require additional intersection mast arms may be proposed. City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 10 Camera enclosures must be vandal and tamperproof. All glass openings must be bullet resistant. Note height of pole mounting and if systems require bucket trucks for maintenance purposes. Imaging Units: Each imaging unit's operation shall be microprocessor controlled and fully automatic. Units shall allow aperture adjustment. Each image should be full-color. IR-systems will not be considered due to color degradation. Systems utilizing no flash at night shall be less favorably viewed. Systems must have a brief flash system beyond relying on incandescent floodlights, IR light or ambient light at the intersection. Violation Detection System - Any System to detect potential red light running violations shall be: Capable of providing the ability to select from several triggering options to include induction loops and direction sensitive. Capable of capturing multiple-image sets that may be reviewed to confirm vehicle presence prior to the stop bar during processing. Camera System Operations - The Camera System Shall: Be capable of on-site or remote activation and maintenance support. Record multiple-image sets for each scene with license plate evidentiary requirements required to prove a violation. All images in each set shall display data bars as specified. Be capable of on-site or remote activation and maintenance support. Count the number of violations. Allow a malfunction to be easily identified and debugged on-line. The system shall perform self-test on set-up. Simulate a violation being recorded for testing. Communicate error messages. Record date and time of system shutdown in the event of a malfunction. Record data pertinent to each violation in a flexibly configured data bar that is embedded with each scene, license plate and stop bar detection images that may be used to prove the violation. The data bar embedded to violation images shall include the following information for each violation: Unique violation identifier incorporating the City of Auburn/ County ID. Date Time (24-hour clock). Direction of travel. Traffic signal phase. City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 11 Time into the 'red' phase. Duration of the prior 'amber' phase. Vehicle lane of travel. Camera ID. Violation Processing The Proposer will provide a fully Internet enabled violation processing system for the jurisdiction to operate at the City of Auburn's discretion. There shall be no requirement to install proposer processing software on the City of Auburn's systems. All accesses to the violation processing system for the purpose of pre-processing evidence, police authorization, notice printing, payments tracking, and generation of courts evidence packages shall be Internet enabled and shall be accessible 24 X 7 for authorized users. The violation processing system shall provide the following functionalities: Web-enabled access and operation. Secure user log-in and access. Automatic presentation of images and data captured by the camera system onto review PC's. Easy review of violation evidence against local regulations. Ability to both 'play' full motion video and view multiple scene and plate images. Ability to 'crop' a license plate image area from the optimal license plate image in the multiple image license plate set to establish vehicle ID, and subsequently print the cropped plate area image to the notice. Ability to 'accept' or 'reject' violation sets and record rejection reasons. Ability to generate printed warning letters (during the first 30 days of program operations at the City of Auburn's discretion). Ability to automatically generate printed traffic notices. Ability to store and archive all processed violation evidence into a secured database. 24 x 7 ability to access any stored violation image from the system database subject to the City of Auburn's standard operating procedures regarding the accessing, sharing and utilization of all images on the system database. 24 x 7 ability to request and immediately view Courts Evidence Package image sequences displayed as video or as individual high resolution still shots, or send images to printing locally. City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 12 24 x 7 ability to immediately request, view and print both standard and user-defined reports. Reporting / Record Keeping The proposer's processing system shall be capable of immediately generating operations reports 24X7 including: Number of events and violations detected and recorded. Count of violations where notices not prepared. Count of violations where notices prepared and mailed. The total number of citations authorized and mailed, by month of issuance Status of notices issued (paid, outstanding, canceled, reissued and so forth). Audit trail of all voided and discarded images Option for monthly financial reports detailing monies collected by summons number Describe the system's ability to capture and maintain traffic data for statistical analysis and its compliance with all WA Administrative Office of the Court (AOC), Motor Vehicle Commission (WAMVC) and WA laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. The proposer shall also supply reports of: Camera equipment hours of service and hours lost. - Number and description of camera or other equipment malfunctions. Violation and Traffic Statistics: - Real-time traffic volume and vehicle counts. Real-time violation graphs and chart by individual lane: - Violations by time of day - Violations by day of week Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) The following table outlines the general technical specifications desired as allowed by Washington RCW. Desired Requirements: 1. The proposed system continuously and automatically scans, captures, interprets, and displays and stores images of license plates within range of the equipped intersection without any external action. 2. The proposed system simultaneously processes images, reads, interprets and processes license plates from up to two cameras per location at a distance of up to 50 meters. 3. The proposed system processes, or "matches," the captured license plate numbers against several target databases containing the license plate numbers of "vehicle of interest" (i.e.stolen, wanted, amber alerts, silver alerts, terrorist, suspicious, general broadcast, sex offender, etc.). 4. The proposed ALPR client application both audibly and visually signals any signal or multiple assigned designees when a particular type of match, or "hit," occurs. It must also indicate the City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 13 specific database from which the match is made. 5. The proposed system will integrate with existing City owned infrastructure and use existing poles, power, communications, etc. 6. The proposed system captures, interprets, displays and stores a color overview image of the entire target vehicle, including the license plate. 7. The system shall interpret and report only one license per scanned plate. Systems that provide multiple responses for each read are not favored. 8. The proposed system provides the plate read location so that geographical data is available to be processed, read, and stored related to the license plate images. This would enable such capabilities as identifying suspicious "vehicles of interest" in the vicinity of schools, crime scenes, etc. 9. The proposed system is capable of remotely notifying parties, when "matches, hits, or alerts" occur via wireless or radio communication, where available, and if desired by the agency using the system. 10. The proposed system captures and stores the following data for all license plates scanned: vehicle license plate (infrared), interpreted license plate number, color license plate image, color overview of the identified vehicle, date stamp, time stamp, location of vehicle, type of offense or database (if a "match" or "hit" occurs on any of the target databases containing "vehicles of interest." 11. The proposed system loads from external sources and stores multiple databases containing license plates of "vehicle of interest." It must also be capable of receiving locally generated databases as well. 12. The proposed system retrieves new/updated license plate "target" files automatically on an agency-defined schedule without operator intervention. 13. The proposed system will provide a complete back office data management system for analysis of plate read data available via password-protected web access. 14. The proposed system provides for manual searches against recorded data, including the ability to search for partial plates. 15. The proposed system includes all required hardware, software and mounting equipment required to fully meet these requirements. 16. The proposed system is "ruggedized" and is contained in environmental housing according to generally accepted standards for electronic equipment. 17. The proposed system must be capable of connectivity to the State, County and or local ALPR Servers at no additional charge. Client References Please provide a list of municipalities that use your Photo Enforcement System that are comparable in size and scope to this request. Please include names and phone numbers of responsible individuals who can be contacted. Price Quote City of Auburn Automated Photo Enforcement RFP 12/2/13 14 As part of your proposal, please provide staff hourly rates for additional work outside the scope of the contract should you be selected as the vendor. Please also indicate the length of time over which your price quote applies.