HomeMy WebLinkAbout0792 .AN ORDIi.~..u;C::I:: To }rovide revenue, and. to tax and lioense auctioneers, o)eratioll of shootinc galleries, and sales of transient and bankrupt stocks of meroh~~dise; aDending Ord.inanoe ~o. 199 of the Crdinances of tho City of ...uburn by addinc thr0e neu sections thtJrt>to; and rc- poa1inC Ordinanoes numbered 2d2, ~33 and 234 of the Ordin- ances of said city. ;--7...-.-........, f -J T1JZ CITY COU::CIL 0F TIL CITY OF AL;b0..~; DO O;;~Dll.:c..f AS " :b'O.LlDiIS : 1 ( , i --., \II i ~. \/\ " V\ j j ,'fY), , , ., . t "-- I I , i ~,' I ' , t-:" . '. .l ~ ' o R D I IT A NeE N o. 792 Section 1. That Ordinanoe ~o. 199 of the Ordinan- ces of the City of Auburn entitled "An ordinanoe to .?rovide l'uvenuo, an~ to tax and license oertain vocations, to fix the a1.lount of such tax or license, and to make provision for tl1u colluction tl"ercof, to make it p0nal to oarry on any 0; tilo vocations ll.t.ntioned. uithout ::irut }ayinc such ta~: and obtaininl 1Juch lioen"e, prohibitinG oertain nuisan- oes, and. to )l'ovide tor tho )rosect..tior. for all violatiorls ,of this o.:<ii nanCJ, to provide the punislwbllt for all t;uch violations, and rc)oalinc ordinance ~o. 84, of the ordinan- oe: of thu TO\lll of Auburn", be and tha laLle is her~by ~end.ed by ad~ing Soction 6-A, buction 6-~ and Seotion 6-C thereto, \1':J.io~ added seot ions ~iJ.all read a" follO'.ts: Section 6-A. That any }erson operatine a saootine gallery or gallcriuD shall be taxed and lioDllscd. at the rate of 00.00 per 1l.0nth for ~aoh shootinc callery so operated. Seotion 6-B. That any }erson 11110 as miner, a{5ent or oLl"Jloyee s:lall sell or offer to sell any c;oods, \lares and merohandise from any tranloient or banl(rt..pt stoc:t of coods broucht into the City of Au~urn for the purpose of dici~osillL or and closin: out the sane, and not for t~o }ur~ose 0; establish- in'. a per'l.;anu..t business, e.hall be taxed and liCtlnseJ. at the rate of 010.00 per day. Seot ion 6-C. Tllat any iJonon ..tho !;~all act tiS auotiolle~r shall OJ taxed and li- CJllse~ at t~", rate 0; ~oO.OO per anrrw-; the.t no licon:.;", t:.or Jfor' shall be iSSUJd for a period o~ l~~n than onG year; }ro- vided, ho\revur, t~s OrQinallcu s~ll not upply to any l~bal o~fioclr uet~llC in ~h~ oa)acity of suoh officer. Section 2. That orJinunce ~o. 232, passod and a)ll:r;Q~~jt,:,;t:l:c.,ch 17, 191~; ordinan?e Ho. 23;', pas sed. and a}l')'~o;{};d. .\.)?-r:1.l '::1, lSlb; and. Ol"QJ.nancc :10. 204, )a::.sed anQ1ul~rovQd: ~}ril ~l, lSlv; ~~ and oaoh of saiQ ordinan- Od!.; i i~', ilu!o,bY r0pealcd.. , f .; f : ',:-}; i I ~ .: 1 : ~i . J". , ..~~ . ; . . ~ ,~z '"' ' ,f Introduced ~ay 18, 1937. Passed Hay 18, 1937. .Approved r':ay 18, 1937. ~ 11ayor PRO TEM Attest: Approved as to form: I. B. Knickerbocker City 'l.ttorney Published Hay 21, 1937.