HomeMy WebLinkAbout0793 .=;' ~~dRD L~oo .' ;, , < ORDINANCE No.~1'i'3 AN ORDINANCE: Relating to fire arms, air guns, weapons and dangerous missiles, deolaring oertain aots or omissions to be misdemeanors, and presoribing penalties for violations thereof. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOL~ LOWS: Seotion 1. Every person who, within the limits of the City of Auburn, shall aim any gun, pistol, revolver or other fire arm, or any air gun, whether loaded or not, at or toward any human be- / ing, or who shall wilfully disGharge any fira arm, air gun or other weapon, or throw any deadly missile in a public plaoe, or in any plaGe where any person might be endangered thereby, although no injury result, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviotion r.-.. thereof shall be fined in any sum not exoeeding J .I..^~ 1I::l o..!'."}- dollars. Seotion 2. No minor under the age of 4-AA...~t::h_(1 If}- years shall handle or have in his possession or under his control, within the limits of the City of Auburn, exoept while acoompanied by or un- der the immediate Gharge of his parent or guardian. any air gun or fire arm of any kind for hunting or target praotioe or for other pur- poses. Any pers~n violating any of the provisions of this seotion, or aiding or knowingly permitting any suoh minor to violate the same, , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviotion thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding j'ANu.-;t" (a ~(') , Seotion 3. This ordinanoe shall not be ~o) dollars. oonstrued as ~peal- ing or amending either Seotion 16 or Seotion 17 of Ordinanoe No. 15 of the Ordinanoes of the City of Auburn, and is deemed expedient to further proteot all persons in the City of Auburn from injury or death and to maintain the peaoe, good government and welfare of the City of Auburn and its trade, oommeroe and manufaotures. ;.";6 , '. Attest: Published June 18, 1937. -2- .. Introduoed June 15, 1937. passed June 15, 1937. Approved June 15, 1937. Y~r Approved as to form: ~(""':1'~ - - --= y It'tiorney