HomeMy WebLinkAbout0794 . , ~ ~ O~,lqt/ oct) <6~ ., StCTION ~ ------..~_._...m_____ r:~:-r~[; ,-", r,... t..... ~..... flY mID. No. _..LA~___ ORDINANCE NO. 794. ' ./ AN ORDINANCE: Relating to and regulating the use and operation of oertain machine amusement deviGes and certain vending machines; defining offenses and presordbing penal- ties. . TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FO LIDWS : Section 1. That this ordinanoe is deemed expedient to maintain the peaoe, good government and welfare of the City of Auburn and its trade, oommerce and manufaotures, and as a proper exeroise of the polioe power of said oity. Seotion 2. For the purposes of this ordinance the term "amusement deviGe" shall be held, understood and oonstrued to mean any maohine or devioe wherein a person deposits any Goin or token or slug, whioh said token or slug may have been purohased by any ooin or money, and in return therefor reGeives the opportunity of playing or operating suoh ma- chine or device without any prospeot of reward in money, merohandise, or any other article of value to be won as a result of suoh play or operation; provided. J". "'Y.:e:L.~ -:au,\.. -...^'h~nA lna.y T"A~."--~ gl(~ 11 A?' ~]f1:-r:ss ~R ....pW:"'OT~^...... 'blil:t ~.1:I:r aaaith"'''l J:'.ElerbW1Hl_~ t~ .t'l~J u~_L .Hi__1.1.._ _=- a...- . Seotion 3. For the purposes of this ordinanoe the term !Ivending machine" shall be held, understood and oonstrued to mean any automatiG maohine or devioe wherein a person de- posits a coin or a token or a slug which in turn was pur- ohased by any coin or money, and in return from said automa- tio machine or devioe reoeives therefor, or has the chanoe of receiving therefor, any money, merohandise, token, slug, or 0 the r thing of value. Section 4. Vending maohines as hereinbefore defined are hereby divided into two olasses, Class A and Class B, to be known and more partioularly defined as follows: Class A. All vending maohines, by the oper- ation of which it is possible for the operator to reoeive through luok or skill, goods, wares, merohandise, money, tokens, hickeys, slugs or any other artiole of value in exoess of the amount of money deposited in said maohine. Class B. All vending maohines, by the oper- ation of whioh the operator reoeives a fixed and certain amount of goods, wares or merohan- dise, with no possibility of reoeiving thDJugh luck or skill, extra and additional reward. Seotion 5.. It shall be unlawful to permit to be operated or used, or to possess with the intent that the same may be operated or used or to keep in any plaoe of public resort, within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn, any -2- . amusement devioe without having a valid, unrevoked li- oense issued under the provisions of this ordinanoe, whioh license shall be designated "amusement game lioense"; or to permit to be operated or used, or to possess with the intent that the same may be operated or used, or to keep in any plaoe of publio resort, within the oorporate limits of the City of Auburn, any vending maohine, without having a valid, unrevoked license issued under the provisions of this ordinanoe, whioh license shall be designated "vending maohine lioense"; provided, however, that no lioense shall be required for any maohine vending sanitary napkins} 0..-- tn- ~ 'Y'~ en- ~ U4 V.."" "B ""^"~ ^"""-~. Sect~on M. Lioenses issued under the provisions of this ordinanoe shall be obtained from the City Clerk of the City of Auburn after applioation therefor has been made to the City Counoil and the City Counoil has granted SUGh applioation. No person of questionable moral charaoter shall be entitled to hold suoh lioense, nor shall any suoh license be issued for a maohine or devioe to be installed in or on any premises, whioh said premises, in the opinion of the C~ Counoil, shall be unsuitable for the operation of suoh machine or devioe. . Seotion 7. Eaoh amusement devioe or vending maohine de- vioe lioensed for operation under the provisions of this ordin- ance shall have affixed thereto in a conspiouous plaoe a stiok- er or label, legibly setting forth the name and address of the licensee, the lioense number and the period for which is- sued, together with the words "City of Auburn". Any license issued far, and the stioker or label attaohed to, any maohine or devioe under the provisions of this ordinanoe may, upon applioation to, and the oonsent and approval of, the City , Clerk, be transferred to another machine or devioe~Ior whioh-t~ a license is authorized to be issued under this ordinanoe and ?~ whioh is in the same license class. The f'e for this transfer ~\~ shall be $1.00, to be paid to the City Treasurer. ~ Section 8. The annual fee for each "amusement game li- \:} oense" shall be 012.00. The annual fee for eaoh Class "B" t "vending maohine license"~shall be ~5.00. All fees for "amuse~p Q ment game lioenses" and Class "B" "vending maohine lioenses" ..~. ~ shall be for the period of one year, beginning on the first day At I of August and ending on the last day of July. Any lioense )~ 1, issued under the provisions of this ordinanoe for a fraotion- ~. al year shall be paid for as follows: For a period of 3 months or less, one-fourth of the annual fee; ~ For aperiod of more than 3 months and not .i{. more than 6 months, one-half of the ,. annual fee; ~ For a period of more than 6 months and not ~ more than 9 months, three-fourths of the ~ annual fee; t For a period of more than 9 months, the full ; amount of the annual fee. ~ J t. -3- . Section 9:noense fee for eaoh Class "A" vending ma- ohine shall be \10.00 per month. All licenses for Class "A" vending maGhines shall be issued for the period of one month only. Said liGense period shall begin on the first day of eaoh month and end on the last day of .the same mont tI2 <(> Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any person ~ % the age of eighteen (18) years, to play or operate any ~ amusement devioe or Class "A" vending machine as defined ~ , this ordinanoe, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or '-;t- ~ \, operator of any amusement devioe or Class "A" vending ma- ~ ~~\', ohine, or any manager or other person in charge of premises \, .0, \ where amusament devioes or Class "A" vending machines are \ kept, maintained or operated, or permitted to be kept, main- tained or operated, to permit or allow any person Under the age of eighteen (18) years to play or operate an amusement devioe or Class "A" vending maohine. l:at",- 1\ SeGtion 11. No amusement game license or venning ma- ohine lioenseAshall be issued for, nor shall thy amusement devioe o~~~aing maGhine be used or operated in any build- ing or plaoe within five hundred (500) feet of the grounds or building of any SGhool. Seotion 12. If the City Counoil shall find that any licensee has violated any provision of this ordinanoe, the City Counoil may revoke the lioense issued to suoh hold- er and remove the lioense stioker or label from any lioensed amusement devioe or vending maohine deviGe operated by the holder; but suoh revoGation or failure to revoke for viola- tion of the provisions of this ordinance shall not relieve the lioensee from liability to punishment under penalties provided in Seotion 13 hereof. Seotion l3. Any violation or failureshel~omply with any of the provisions of this ordinanGe,/oons~itute a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall subjeot the of- fender to a fine in any sUm-not exoeeding $300.00. Seotion l4. If any section or provision of this ordin- anoe shall be adjudged to be invalid, suoh adjudioation shall not affeGt the validity of this ordinanoe ad a whole, or any seotion, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid. Seotion 15. This ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in foroe on the first day of August, A.D. 1937. . Attes IntroduGed July 20, Passed ~ - ~o \ Approved, ~ :tQ, V~ 1937. 1937. 1937. Approved as to form: Publish~3" 1937. ~~J.<m4f'1 - y A orney . - .. . STATE OF WASHING'roN l COUNTY OF KING i I, ;T. M. RYAN, the clu.ly elected, quali1'ied llIl.d acting Ci t.y Clerk 01' the City or ..;uburn, II; IlII1Dicipal corporation 01' the third class, situate in the County or King~ State or Wash- ington, do hereby certity that the fcregoing ill II; 1'I1ll~ tJme am oorrect copy 01' Ordinmce No. 794, 01' the ardinances 01' tha said City or Auburn., enti tlBd, AlII CilDINANCE: Relating to md regule.tiDg the 115e lIlId operat1on 01' certain. machine lIILUllement deVioee and certa1Jl vending llItehims; defining ottenses and presc:r1bing penal- ties. I f'urther certity that said Ord1Junce No. 794 ~ cnly passed by tle COUJloU 01' the City 01' linbum lUll 8llpraved by the Mayor or laid City, and published lIS: ~ovided by le:tr in the "AUIlURf NmVSft, II; weekly nenpaper published in tlle City or Aubum~ and 01' geIl3r81 a1rcuJ..at1 OIl tiB rein, on the 23rd day 01' ;ruly 1937. Witnen xrw: hand am the o1"fic1lll selll or the City 01' AubUl:ll, this the 4th day 01' JWg\lst 1937. ~- e City or Aub=. -,~ -- ~,. ,..- --- ~. ~ :