HomeMy WebLinkAbout5685RESOLUTION NO. 5685 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING AND RATIFYING THE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUBURN AND MULTICARE FOR REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, MultiCare owns certain real property located at 735 12th Street SE, in Auburn, Washington; and WHEREAS, the City of Auburn would like to purchase the real property to satisfy property needs identified in the City's Facilities Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RESOLVES as follows: Section 1. The Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Auburn and MultiCare for real property, attached as exhibit A, is approved and ratified. Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this Resolution. Section 3. This Resolution will take effect and be in full force on passage and signatures. Dated and Signed this 3rd day of October, 2022. ATTEST: Shawn Campbell, MMC, City Jerk Resolution No. 5685 September 23, 2022 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF AUBURN �•KUS, MWVOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: N OAP,— um -t ", , Kendra Comeau, City Attorney Rev. 2020 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This PURRCL.IAS13, AND (this "A reciiieot."') is entered into as orthe --gsday S t rt3k qr022 ("l:�l hctiw°c 1yate�'); by and between the C ity of Arthur, a Washington taattrarcipal corporation ("City" Or '13tryer"), and Nlulticar v Health System, ra Washington nonprofitcorporation ("Seller"), SCHOr and 't:3tryer are collectively referral to as the "Partim" RECYrALS k feller Owns certain reveal property located kit 735 12111 Strcr`at i,, Auburn, Washington 98002, also known as ling Comity ` Parcel No, 1 921,05 -9 1 1, `) l J i, 9140, 9l60 & 9088 (collect,iwealy the"1t 4[act Pro13m0f ), legally cleseritaccl in attached Exhibit 11, Buyer is in need, or propewrty su.11.1cient to satkry the property reeds icle;ndflecl in the Council -adopted Capital Facilities pi, rragtrrciys, U Seller shhet to scl4, and Buyer Wishes to fatty, tile Sttlajt ct Property owned by 1WHer clescribecl in Exhibit At Cor'rtaunialp al purposes, AGREKiI ENT Now, thereforo, For good and vab abid coWclGa°rrtion, (lie receipttand sufftciericy of which the Parties taatrttrttlly ackknowwded e, oyer and Seller a ree ,is f�aJlm��s. 1. C rutin Mf'_irrt cl Terrras: For porpo:; q of this r1gm nam% to hHowwirt capitalized terrats hi this Agreement will have the Ftalloww ing clefitaltio= 1 1 'c1ossitar;" or "Close of 1 scroww" 111ptns (lie remcltttiora of"die Dead in the; 0f"ficial records and Seller's rcceipt Of tile :PUrChAsa Price, 1,2 "Closing Date" or "Date oF`C'losinf naeuns the date wmh1h is fifteen (0) days a ter the Completion 'ral' SelWes clettaolitiott of the, improve heats oil. the SGtlj0d Property. 13 "CompWiol" with respect to demolition of the improverraaerats cera the Suject Property is d rbnecl in Section 5.41 1.4 "Deposit" naetans arta amorist oftwority-five: thousand and 0011 0ths dollars ($25,000.00), .00), plus any ether amounts de5ig rated its a De posit in this Agreement, 1, 'FiNomww" mews the esmeww opwwd moth l smoww Agent for be eonstrrlwrnation of Me ums actin described in this Agreement, Purchase anel, ala A roement - CC7r11A4111fiC re Healzh-Splum -- V6,1 9,7,22 FhV/(b Bing Comity Parcuty 11,19210.5.9161, 9111, 9140, 9100 &9049 ND: =73. 1.) 1 4.872.3393.493 50 1.6 '`�scrow Agent" means Chicago "Fitle Coinpany, located at, 701 .5"' Avenue, Sults 2700, Seattle, WA 081041, Attn: Michael Costel to, 1.7 "Off icia [Records" mutms the off tial property records ofKing County, Washington, ks "Permitted' L"Neeptiom" hats; the Inlealling as set, ft)rth in Section 6.1 below, 1.9 'Turchasel)ri ic" e has the racaning,,is set forth in Section 3. IJO "Title Company" means Chicago Title Company. i. i i -ritie Policy- meams the then current extended coverage ALTA owners po I icy of tit to i nsuranoQ issued by Clio " l'itte Com-Paii.y to Buyer withcoverage in theal,11ovint f the PUrChaSO Price, shMi 119 title to the Subject Properly vested i n Buyer su bjjoct only to the I 2% INI-ellaso wIlLI 'S UyOr agt-C�08 to buy, tnd Seller agrm to sell, all Sell r 13 e 's rights, title and intaTest in [lie I'Mil property legalty described in ExhiM A, (Subject Property) on the terms nand conditions sell C( orth in this Agreement, 3. flurchase pricut C.asll PpY111011t. The 'Purchase Price is TWO Njilliou 1401111 11111)(11-od Sixty -Five Thousmid Dolhu-s an(] no cents ($2,465,000A), which will be payable [n full atClosing, I'lieDeposihvill be applied t0 the PUr0hWW Price dire fit CIOSiI16), The Purchase Primpayment by Buyer mill be via wire trans6er of innniodiately available Land collected fedoral funds, 4. Eurne,st MoneX Del)6sit, On exec ]tion. (A"this, AgrQomont, Boyer will deposit with "Deposit"), which the Escrow Agent will holdas anearnest money d I eposit for this transaction. 'I'lic Deposit will be held in 13scrow and appl, lied or disposed of by the F'scrow Agent based oil the tunas ofthisAgreement. Fscrow Agent will place the Deposit in an i n terost-bea ri ng OCCO U [Wa 1) proved by thew 13LIyor and all interest earned will be added to and become part, of the.Doposit.The Deposit: will not be refunded and will become property of Seller Upon expiratioli or earlier waiver ofBuyer's.Due Ditlgonc(e Period. 5. I)tIe"Dillgelfcc, and Feasibili(ltz Do.111 oll (loll, 5.1. Due Diligence altd-Feasibility- BLIYCt S111111 IUIVO the right f6r to porlod of 45 days after the ["frective Date (the 'Due Diligenoc 'Period") to C011dUct BUYU'S sinew diligence and feasibility review,examination and inspection ofata .m.atters; perminin� to its 0CqU*1,9iGQJI orthe sub.Ject Property, including such. inspections, tests, and surveys as Buyer dooms approprilato to determine the suitability orthe Sutjest Property for Myer's intended W501; prOVid0d, h0WeVCr, that Buyer may not conduct atly Additional Testing (as doffiled In Section 5.2) of the Subject Property without Seller's prior written consent as set forth in perk] ose ell IdSalf" A gmeemen I — (',*O,,t I AfuldCare Health iYptem — V6.19.7. Z2 FINAL KIng (,awrty 11(true/ 11192105-9161, 9111, 9140, 9160 & 088 [Ing, a 2 of 2? this paragraph below, If"a licensed larcalossionat c rivirontylental consrrlt€uat rccoillillen is that Buyer poi- farm Additional Testing, ;thcn l3tiyor sli€all neatity Seller cal srich recomnienciation prior to (lie: expiration of tile then-Oxistin f)uca Diligence. Perlod €mel tail delivery ra("sUCh notice., thef'Xic Diligence, Period will be. extended by anadditional 30 day& Buyer is solely responsible to determine its ability to use tinea Sril,�jcct I�realac;rty Rar its intOnclCd irsc [Anel is solely responsible Cor submitting al[ necessary <tlalalications R,)r City, State, and Federal permits necessary to determine Nasibility. If, based Upon. 13 1yer'S reOeW, tai amination an(l inSpectiOD, Buyer cicte.rnaines ill its sale discretion that it intcriels to aecluirc tine SUbject Property, then'Buycr~shall Iareanalatly notify SellcrofStici1 determira€rtion Iia writing, prior to the expiration Of the Due; Diligent c Period. Ira floe event that Buyer fidis to deliver ,such notice to Seiler fair Or lactOfe the eXIA'a.tioa of the Due Diligotace Period, Biiycr will be decined to be satisfied and to have vvaivocl its right, to tearraairaate this 11 recraaeiat pursuant to this SKibsection, If Buyer tlraaesly € nd affirn'tativesly advises Seller ill wrllin of its dissatisfaction based,on Its feasibility review larlor to the exp r rtican oNhc Due Dili onee Period, then this Agreement shrill automatically terminate as orthc elate; cat.such notice, the Parties' rights under this Agreement shall be cal`.` no f`ur her bare or effect (except to file oxtent. such rights or obligations cxiareassly survive ternaf 7ation [lcrcumlcr) and tine Deposit Will be returned to Buyer, In. the event that the; transaction does not close, ulacan written request. from Seller, Myer shall Iarovicic Seller tvitla a ally or the results of" any tests and if petitions made by Buyer thin Sol let, requests, Prior to entering the Subject .Property to ussist Buyer in conducting its itaspecticart8; ar)y consultant Cather (hail fleryer must provide ovidence ofthe1fisurance as sot fords below, with Seller listed as cortii crate latalder friar[ naming Senear as an € dditional insured earl the Commercial General 'Liability and f3irsiness A.titcaraatah.ile; insttaanee; policies, and shall provide Seller with ccrtitrcates of insurance satisl'€rctory to Seller evideneirag such insurallco with the limits sot:Forth bole w: 17�,, Worker's Liability Commercial General Liability Business Automobile Liability St€rtt tcaryl,,$500,000 1,000,00/occirrrence $2,000,000/aIggre ate: $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit .1 Additional Testing. If' Buyer chooses to concitict arty 1'laasc II (as such tcrraa is 00.111nionly used In the industry) or Cather invasive or`cl€astrrrctive to in rat isle Sul�jcct Property (collectively, `°Addifl,onal Testing"), Dtrycr 11111st first receive Seller's prior written consent, vviaich co ment may not be unreasonably vvithhelcl, conditioned, or dollaye(L To obtain Seller's ccanson.t to Additional 'I"esting, Buyer shall notify Seller, ill Writing, cal' the intendod purlao ie, wopo aracl location of the Additional Testing ora they. SUbJect. I'rolaer°ty, to Wiaicla notice there shall be attached €i eerily o.r a written proposal prepared by or fear Birycr Will) regard to such Additional 1"e;sting; TA1111-10r, f3uy01- shall Purchasa aml sale 1[greemelit Q14 I rabIlIfC✓are Hadth Spiel;I .-116i 1 9.7.22 PhVilh 1,7ng e.vr my Parvd 11 112105-9161, 9111, 9140, .9160 dt 9088 Iar gni 3 of 27 provide Sellar with ally other ifif'orrilation regarding SLICE Additional "Fesdrig which Seller may reasonably recluost; Seller shall pr«aaaptly respond to l:3uycr°5 request to do such Additiolaat Testing Lrpora its. reccifat and review ofall iraForrraation relating thereto, as set furdi above• l:(°Sol len consonLs to s uch Additional 1'eq! jig, Sol lei, rrr�cl B Llycl° shall 10111:0 1. ir1to a rcasonahlc form oCaaeccss_and itadcnaaailictation a roeraaent (the `frill ereoaation and delivery themol' being a corid'itiora precedent to. the coaa°iraaenccriaerit of any Additional Testing) which sots Coall, the terns and conditions linden which .such Additional Testing rrr.€ty lie, performed, Prior to tarry suela Additional resting boing Coll clucwd, Buyer shall cruise£ arty Consultant that will enter the Sarhjeet Property to perForm the Additional 'J'esting to deliver to Seller, at no Oxpe se to Seller, 6 certifinte of insurance satisCactory to Seller taatiairi Seller tas ccrdficatc holder and naamirig Seller as an. additional insured, evidencing that Buyer's Consultants have the following frisarraiacc in full fiarcu and cffCect meeting the mciLrireaaaents sot forth below-, telae l:,xiraaits Professional Liability ,000,000/mcurrence (itacludirag Pollution Coverage) $2,000,000/aggregate (.ontraactor's Pollution Likability b5,000,0011l0ccrrrt°ence $ ,000,000/a, gro ate Oneo obtained, the aforesaid overages shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement, F rtherraaor•e, tally eon=e; ago, writton cert t� "C,,Itrht� ;�t'�xtc[c basis shall be kept ill 66-rcc, either by retaewal or the Iaurchats(" of rill extelided arolaortirig period, for a taairaimum period of one year. following the Closilig tar other termination of this ikgr€;cnlent• Such insurance shall be issued by am insurer with an AM1 "Gest financial strength aaricl size vaatirag of `A4.W' or better. Nothing herein contained shrill in, any way litrrit Buyer's liability under this Agreement or otherwise, 5.3. ('om flhg l4 . Buyer shrill € bse ve, and e rt,rs any ofits 0011sultrnits, employccs„ or agents C"l3Lryor's C011sU]MI. is") NVII0 Intel 0nto the Srrl jest Property to observo, (i) till Gappropriate safety precautions in 00ildLid! ng BLryet°'s invest gat ioil s oft 11 Strl)�ect l�rcafacrty rand (ii) perlbrrta all activities upon the Sartliect Property ill cora-rpliaarice with all applicable Yaws including but not Ihaalted to, f`edural, state and local lavvs, orders, rules, regulations and ordinanceswhich taaightiil any way relate to tho, inaspeetions, the Subject Propaty and public, lie hcaltla ecaraecrras, including, but not Hniitod to, applicable C OV:ID-19 regulations, orders and ordinances ('Apptionble Lam4"). Buyer shall povtbmi all work and caaLrsc uyer'�s Consulttarats to l)orC rm all work and take all reasonable, taction and impleraaent all protections necessary and ill such it m annor so as lot to (i) eaUSe ally daataaagC to the SUbject. Proper•tyy or onvironttac:rat, (ii) cause all), iaajury to ally Iyetson, (,iii) cattle ally inter.Ccrerace with array ongoing operations at the Subject Property, or (iv) cause or result in the violartioia of ally Applicable llaaws, While Buyer is .responsible for ensu "ital Shell collipliaanCe tVith all laws, ordinances, regulations, and governmental orders, Seller may deny, restrict, postpone, of, otherwise Condition access to the SubJect Property, or any portion tho•eo `, by Buyer and/or C3uy01';s CKorasultants if 'Sellev in its ;*ole discretion, determines that tarry s; ich. Purchave-rind Sale dgr cement — COd l ,Llerttt(„'rrN. Health Sjasfim --1/6i 19.f 2� l�'Irl'U, ;.rrr > C,'a>ttrr jr 1'crn el 1F 19211 14161, 9111, 9140,9100&.9088 1aag, .l 6,/"17 access would (x) result in is violation: or potential violation of any laws, ordin"'Incos, regulations, and governmental orders, or (y) cause ,in unreasonsible risk of spreading any virus, or ca Mng any other health 01; upon A Sfiect Prolvay. BUY01' shall indonillify, deffmi, and hold ScHer and its; wholly-owned marrj 110% subsidimles, agents, employees, 0110011 AWOUS, trustees 01'01111017 representatives of Sellor (collectively, the"llidernriffled NNW) hamdess f1min And against any losses, lialiflifles, clainis, denitunds, and causes of action including, but not limited to, ir�fory or death (Yf persons or damage to fllo'Subjoct Property or any other fropevyor mechanic's or.materialmeWs liens placed against the Subject Property (together with any legal fbe'q and Other expense hicurred by any of the IndeninlHod Parties in connootion therewith), (collectively, `costs") VO8Llltin,g,, Or alleged to be resulting, directly or indirady from, or in connection with, any inspection of m- other entry Up011 TO Subject Property by Boyer or l3uyer's Consultants or any broach of the-terais of this Agremnets by Buyer tar Buyet's Consu Nults, or any aber Darty to �vhorn Buyer hug disclosed conUdemil ink mation pimsuant hereto, except to he extent any such Costs arise out of any Indaninirted Party's negligence or willful. 111.1,5COndl.10t, Notwithmandhig the Baregoing indemnity, Buyershall have no liability to any Indemnified Partid.k or to any other person or entity by reason of, nor:,hall Buyer have tiny duty to indemnify, defend ol� hold any pmson carrentityharmless firoilior agabst; any Closts, including, without lInAdjon, any claim for diminution in value or the Proporty or tor onSonmenial rernadiatWil or olean,up costs, aNsing out oVor in connection will) the mere Fact of heaving discovered anchor reported (as may be required by law) any adverse physical oondition,, title condition, environmental condition or other def'ect with respect to the Subdect Property and Buyer shA11 notbe deemed a generator 91, operator with respeorto tiny envionmental condition t,6und or existhig oil the Sutb�jcet Proporty prior to Closing and Sellar shall. indcniniry Boyer tagainst Same, This Section 53shall survive, Closing or other termination of his Agreement. this Agreement, Seller shall apply liar all required permits to dernoli'sh the improvements can tllosubjcctProperty, Seller will notify BLlyer0fal)pr0VR1 FI -0111 the BOVern i 118 a u tho ri ties once recolved. Subject; to ,Seller's rights and remedies under this Agreement, tilldertiolition will be done at the sole cost; expense, and risk of the, Seller and incompliance with. applicable local, state, and Now! laws, rules and regWadons. Seller will diligently pursue Compledon of the demolition of the improvenients oil the Subject Property and will endeavor to complete suh doniolitioll within 120 days after the later of (i) approval from the governing au.thoities of demolition and (fi) Buyer"s walval, or doomed waiver of the 'Duc Diligenoo Period. Sellershall have no obligation to comnience sucli dernolition urthl Boyer has waived the Due Diligence Period, Seller will promptly notify Buyer upon Seller's conip.l.otion of the. deinolition, but "Coilipletion" a's it is defilled under tills Agreeniont means the repolpt of oil appmved final hispection -Froill the governing authorities (and if Buyer is the "governing authorRy," such approval shall not be unreasonably w1diheld, conditioned, or delayed), If Compledon of the demolition has not been achieved on or Deflate the date that. N 150 days after the later of 0) approval from to governing authorities om ponmits and appticaUmm for domotition all([ (H) Buyer's waiver or deemed waiver of to Due Diligeme, Period, then Buyer may terminate this Agreement llvotlhSPsfem— V03 9.7XFlA1dL KmgCottntyllarvel P 192105-9101, 9111, 9140"910&".9088 loge 5 Q7 ort 15 days' written notice to Seller, tlnci the 1'firt cs' rights Under this Agree:nient sl:lfrll be of no further Nrce Or of feet (oxuept to 1:110 oxtellt, suo'll rights or obli fitiolis express]), srrrvivice tcrrllinfltion hereeurlder) frrld the I oposit will be, returrled to 13tiy ot% C. ` ltle 'Polie . Promptly Enter nluttrfrl execution Of this Agreement, Seller will cause to be delivered to Boyer, at -Seller's exllemse ,in At' I'A standard coverage pre lilt, ijury title insrr111110C 0ct11r11itM0nt Covering the Subject Property from the Title, Company (tlte "Coll Ill tr110rit'>}, The °I1 lc C'onipany wi11 be instructed to deliver ti copy of the Commitment fetid copies of e xeel)tions to Buyer , S01ter;, arrd the Parties, respective counsel, Approval by Buyer of' the exceptions to title set ltlrth h1 the Cor11nlihilout (other third as liereinafter set forth) will be a condition precedent to Buyer'; obligation to purehase the ` tlNect Property; provided, however, th 1t. l uyyermust issue such approval in accordance with the thllelinle;s and objc otion process set forth in this Seetiorl t:Jnicss l3rryyer iv s written noticec• that, it, .disappr(1vices the exceptions to title shown.o.11 the Corllnlittrlcnt (Other than the cx optlorls to. title approved by lata er and described in Section 6.1 below), stating (110 exceptions so dir;G pproved, wvitbi1i ('rlurtcon (1 ) calondar clays after the ditto oCdcliveryy of tile Commitment to Buyer, Buyers will be doemed to have approved such exceptions, if 1311yer disapproves all), title: axceptiorls, Sellcr Will have a tell (1 0) calendar day period.,,dtor its reecolpt of Buyer's Iyritt011 notice Of" disapproval OP& the. Same within ww{11X11 to provide Written notice to l3rrye ° as to wvhieh of such disapproved title exceptions Seller will remove (gar cause; to be rcnlo�Xed) from title; provided, hotvever, that Seller wvill not be required to actually remove such excop(ion(s) until C osin lP:, I(r,,ttnyy reason, Seller's notice, iveil Iaerrsutlrzt to tllc'ir11r11edifltc 1y lar0ccc1it11 sentence (1008 110( cewvcllant to remove fill of`l U)10r's disapproved title exceptions tit or prior to C"Ioshi .. or Sellor firlls':to deliver a, timely notice,_ Buyer has the :night to termi-nate this Agreement by wvrittcn notice to :Seller and l scroly Aeat given within tent (10) calondflr clays fi ter tile earlier orthc 0XI)iradorl of ruell tett (1 d) calendar qtly period or die ditto Seller irll'orrlls (Buyer that it does not intend to remove the disa1proved items (die "Termination Notice"), Seller shall have tit) o0ligitiot,to expetttl any 111011oy, to hlorrr" any crliatraettial or other obligfltiotts, or to institute tillyy_litigtrt oil :ir1 pursti, ng its erforts Other thall to remove at Closing filly' monetary encumbrances of, Iions oroated by Sellor. Buyer's f ilure to deliver the Termination Wice wvitiln such telt (10) cloy period will be, deemed :Buyer's approval of ally such Previously disapproved title exception. 11`Buyyer delivers the Teralinfition Notice within such teen (;10) day 1lcriod, (lie Obligation Of Seller to sell, and Buyer to iauy, the Subject Property Will tornlinflte and Escrow Agent is instructed to proni,ptly return .fatty=er"'s Deposit,. ir1 the ovent fill Lipdate to the Commitment is Issued by the `I itlea Company y that discloses any new title excopticlrl Buyer fend Seller shall follow the shale process rltrtlitled above with re;speut to filly such new title exception provided', 6r1'errri icrl 1w0atiolls, ir1 ficlditior1 to slroh otllcrcxccl�ficrls to :itic fts r1�ay leo approved by Buyer llursufilt to the provisions of Section G above, Buyer shall flecelll: title to the Subject. Property subject to the Following (collectively, tilt; " Brill tted l xeoptions"): The printed c xcepti ins Which appear in the then CUrrent. ALTA ,form standard coverage o,,vner's policy Of title itlsur 1101 isscrr d by Title, Company in the State, of Washington,- fund lianas created by, or on behfll[ of, Buyer, P10 -c1 ava BindSale .=rM,r omleIIt -- Cod l A'1U11r dP0 Health Nv lonI an J16,19,7,2? Fhv,rrl, King (ountr' Porcal 11192105-9161, 9111, 91,10, 9166 it 9083 Page 6,q127 6, !,j. !�nclucl Caaaverna, , Buyer shall have the JA to procure an ALA E;tteynd d (:Fovempm Owner's Policy of Tidu Insurance (°`Als"lA 1. xtencled Policy") which alctclitioanal lareiaiarna cost; including spies tax in excess cal' those charged The stri adtard coy+e':r ge = be they sole cost and: expense of elle 13try°er. Buyer is ralso r",, ponsible rot any. cost and wok required by tite 'fi a Cornpany to provide the extended covoraa e, Buyer. covenants th at zlny regNdred %vor•1 lyHl lacy delivered to%l eTitle rw camp any in €r t raaeJly rn antler• so its not to delay Closing, Seller shall execute an owlier's affidavit in conaraaercitrlly reasonable form Mutually agreeable to the title C'.onalaa ny arncl Seller to issue iiia extended coverage title policy. 7. Bar er'.s Right of �e�ny, , Subdect ica they rectrrireraaunts<in Sections 5.1, 5,2 & 53 Buyer, and its talents and corasWtaaaats, at Buye&8 sole evxlaensc and risk, itaay Omer the Subject Property at reasonable times dullig the term of MW Agmenae<nt for elle paaMme of Buyer's elate clilige~nce and tetasibility strrci}' of the l'rol3erty, Provided 'Buyer has gNen 241 hours' prior notice to Seller or its iratWWbh to Cn'Wr A StthjM Property, Solder may have SeAr or Seller's aagents aaeMa:ompany f3uy.or during such iiiq)eetions andshall cooperate wvitla (wryer in g00d ftaitla to aaatalco tartan enaents IS Seller or Se lice's agMts to tac.c0111p any Buyer and/or "ficryer's aagerats and consarlttrtats, as $tai.' one may be. Buyer r will,(a) e emise cwv at rill times oat or about eller Subject Property; and (b) take precautions ferr the prevention cif injury to persons or Wage to lmnopyerty ern or about, (lie Subjea l'ropertyt. Anye physical alteration of the "Sullied Prolye:rty In connection with fluyer's study Nvill be restored by Buy>r to to conditie;an retasmuibly compaaraalalc to that existing, immediately preceding sank _action upon Seller's cleym ane and at Buyer's solei expense. Buyer shaafl_Wernnify, defend, and hold hatrnaless Stiller, its partners and mambers and their re;spectivcpaartrao''rs, raaerlafaers, shareholders, off6cears, directors, sustees, agents, and employees for, froraa aancl tagtainst €arty and all ealairaas:, liabilities, tuns,, clatnatages losses, causos of talion, and obligations and expe.rascs (itioluding reasonaable:, tittorraeyS' fees) iractarrred tas'ta resaal,t cat'.., or atrlsinS in conaacction with physical damage to the Subject Property, bodily h jaary or personal injury tarlsing out of" any tests, inspections, and stradics of the Serhlat l'reaputy ryerrornae d by -Buyer, its aat enK tF np oycos car contractors; The obli aallon Asea north in this paragraph graph shall survive they Closing and any termination of this Agreement and shall be as continuing, obligtadon ol'Buyer ataad its successors and las gns. In addition, Buyer N not Sellees aagwit in emmectionn with stack Aedvides, nd has rao tatrthority to allow any lions to enctanat er the Subject lhoperty, lhiyor shall keep the Subject Property rre"eM font aall raaeclaaaaic5�, nataterininacn'sand other lions, andall ll Claairr s €arising l'rona tiny work or labor thine, servicc: porformeyd, or nuiterials and 80ppl es farr'raishod in they e;xerelse Boyer's right oPelitryJ call tine Scrbjoat Property. 8. L'ltasill & ,-1 T nie: for C;losin& This purchase. and stile will be c -sed in the aline of Escrow A1wpn on they Closing Date. Buyer and Seller will plaice int-;scrow with Escrow Agwit all instrurnwits, documents and raionleas necessary to complete the stile tinder this Agmenttrnt: Kids held in l,scrosv pcnTstttant to F,,scrow instructions will be dee rued, fiat, purposes of this definition, as available for disbursement to Seller, NoUller party needs to be physically present at the Closing. Purchase runt S'nly Agr eenrent CO A I A,1111tlCare 11valth System— V6J 9A22 /eIMV, King Cowin) Parcel 11 192105-9161, 1111, 9140, 9160 & 00t&g U Closi ig Costs; 8..1. Sellers Costs. Associated with the sale and coil veyallec of [lie ubjOct {'roperty, Sel ler will pay, (rt) OIIQ half'o.f Ills escrOw1ee:r rind cos t, (b) rill premiums Charged for the issueanee of an ALTA A aStandard Coverage C)Wrrer's1'crlicy, inchrcliraOO applicable tax, (u) till rurtl estate enise tax ices med, (d) Seller's share oaf pro_rations' "'Ind (e) Seller's c1wil legal fces rrrrd fees of its own cranstrltrutts, illoluding but not limited tc real estate broker c >nimissions'owed to any seller's %rolcer in connection with this Areen-io rt, 81,2 Buyer's CosAts. Associated with the stale. uirrtl coliveyalrce, of Ili Sul'}cet Properly, Buyer will pay; (a) one half oftltc escrow fees and cost, (la) fill prentiuuats chargod for zany additional enciorsoments, or extctacled coverrt c Buyu may rfr clnir,e c>r rcqucst including applicable stales tax, () the recol.(11rt 1,ees `lor tEre l.�cecl, (c'E) Buyer's Share cif,prol-atiolls, i any, trnd (e) Buyer'smwrl legal ices and ace's or its cwn Consultants, inefuclirrg lout not limited to renal estate brokor commissions owed to,any buyer's broker in Connection with thi;r grecmea l . 8,2.3 (:alter Costs, All other eostFs and expenses will be c hargod ac cording to 10001 industryr custOr S. 8. .4 heal Property 'f axation. Seller will lie responsible for all rural. property taxes clue and owirat prior to the Closing, 8.3 Closing Doomiients. ff,M Seller's Doeunionts, At Closirt ?eller Nvill deliver to Escrow Agem the following instruments and documents, ta. Ali cxc muted rand xacltnowledge l Bargain and Sale Deed in the form attached to this Agreement ras l Nhilait "C"; b. Tho extorted reel estate exCise.trax, affidavit to aucucrr ipany the Doe - c. Ari oxcctrtcc{ racer foreign person affi lavit in the form. required under Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code; a ld d. SLICII dcyct:rtalunts as nits ararablv_required by Escrow Agent to close the transaction, 8.3.2 Buyer's Documents, At: Closing, Buyer sliall deliver to Escrow A enttlie following fiends, imtrunacnts aracl d0ctr11011ts: a. 'rhe bat ante ref the Purelia5e price ill aceorclafac^e with Section ; b. Ari executed rural estate excise tax tiff davit; and. c. Suctll dr, eument,s as reasonably required by C?scrmv Agent to close tile transaction, purchase MmdSalc "I'greement- COA / Ul flCrIl (lCrrlflr- P6, 19,422 P114tIt1,, King C'muq llarcel 1119210J-9161, 9111, 91,10, 9lfi7J & 90&5 Pt'1I;e 8 of 2? 9. Poss`essiota, Buyer will be entitled to possession of the Subject Property ulaoia CItrlin subject to tie iacrraa`ttetl .1"ct>ticaa.5» 10, Ike areseiataatiolls aaartl NVaarraaniici, J O� I Seller's Repaese:nt ations qncl 11� i.raaraties. In addition to tiny other representations or warranties of Seller elsewhere in this Agreement, Seller rep,esciats aarati waart'atnts to Buyer now, and as of the Date of Closing", that: l0, l . l Authority, Sc•Ilei, has Rill power and authority to oxec;tate this Agi-een'tent and perfclrna SelTei's obligations and all necessary action to aatathorize this transaction has been taken, except as, a_peolficaally proviciccl herein. IUI 2 1-Iaaraarclotas Material, 1,xcelat as disclosed to Buyer in the docuaaaerats provided duriaag:the Due Dili enee ['cricacl, the e11CV N7iSclOsUV Staat0ment, Seller has not, receivj d notillcaatielra of aany leind from any th rcl-palmy or governmental agency suggesting that the Subject I'iolaerty is or may be targeted Tor ai 1•tatrau°sous r'1Jltaturiatl (as that taut is ciclinod in Section 10,m) clefaantill; 13aaye i' agrees, to waive Seller's Disclo; tare Statement under RC"1V 64,06.010 With the c ception ol`itcm 6 "Environmenuil" aaiacler I . W t 1.t7 ,tll 3, which 13tayrer ,acknowledges is being eliverecl concurroatly vvith e�xMition of this, Agreement as€ Exhibit 13 of this Agreement (��Seller 1)isclosurc Statement"), Pursuant tel Revisal Code 0 1 f Washington 6 ,06,010, Buyer hereby Nvaaives its right to reccivc the laaalaancce of'the comple;tccl Seller Disclosure StaateilienL Buyer Curthu agrees thttt aaaay inforniaation d1wovered by Buyer C011001raing tlae Saabjc t 1'roI Or shill! aaot. obligate Seller to prepaare a'tarI deliver to Buyer is revised or updated Seller clisclOstar•e< straten enL Buyer hereby waalvcs luta right to reeelve✓ tan Updtttd. tar reviser! sell. 1 cliscic�surc staateniciat, regardless 'of' tile sourer of tiny anew information, I3a.tyOr further warrants that it is as Sophisticated Boyer who is Gliniliaar with tlae owaaersll p and development of real estate I>rrajects sinaildt• to 010 Saal.�jeet Property ;talc! .Buy r has or will have adequate opportunity tel ccamlete saat,taincic 1 c3racletat i1asl a ctious cif the Subject Property it dee ins. necessaaty, and will aacquire the SUbje;ct Pruerty solely on the basis of ,Ind in reliance upon such vaanahaartioils and not: oil any inforniaation Inoviclod it) any Sellar [disclosure Statement oa° otherwise provided or to be provided by Sadler. Prim to closing, Buyer 'w!It be responsible to evaltttate [he property for 1hlzaarclous Material and Sclier will be given the opporttrnity, but. will not be obligated, to remediate any concerns brotiglat 1.0 th,e attention of environniontttl aauthoritics, 13UYUM 11I RIA13Y WA.IVES, YI'Cy'C"[t19I tJT.,I 1:,fa"I I::wl-;Nl" P' V-UmfSSIi31x 13Y T,AW ,rt-.iE, Rich -,-r TO R1 SAND `1`URS AGUt: MINT PURSUANT O ANY PROVI t N 01, RCW 6U6. IT IS I H1,' 1'JNTEN OF BUYER `I"HAT ANY S133t,1ER D1SC1,0SI.11.1=�. S`1"A'FIai!4I_,NT PROVIDED 13Y SEI.,.LFIR WILL NOTBE Rt�i' JED UPON 13Y BUYER, AND S[.IALL G1V.lw;`BUYI;1Z NO 1.U01- 'S WITH 1U:',S ECXJC f*C) OR UNDE"R. 11.115 AGREE ,MEN]', THIS WAIVER. OF " HI"' Iticu-,rr TO R1,;SC CND APPIAES 'rO THE SELLER DISCLOSURE 8'1'ATEMIENT Pl,� yVI1)1a;D 131:::1 C)1t1:, ON, OR A:FT1=,R 17111 DATI, OF THIS AC,RI?I:,i TENS° AND APP 113,5 PROSI'1:,C'r1VI,;t. Y To ANY. UPDATED OR. REVISED S11,1JIBR DISCLOSC RR' S'1.''KI'FA111:;ItiT8 'II-I1'lT MAY B 1xtTr {toxe,ttrttl aScria AjgrameIIt — COif 111111110 M-6 T dOlth 4SIVIrr... i r. l_ 9.4.V laINA KhI C".'arattty 1'oe^c el 4 192105-9161, 9-111, 9140 9160 & .9018& PROVI1)l D BY SELLS[ O BUYI,`J TI -118 WAIVIM DO ,S NOT, 110WRVER, R MOVE, 131,jYh`IVS RIGHT 1'0 I1 MVIINAI'l THIS AGRr.MMI.,NT IN CONN WI`"h1.1 ITS INVESTIGATION, IGA"I'1ON, 10.1-3 Buyer's Rep esentatiolls fMncl Wt7ir�jljties In addition to ally 00101• relaxes Mritttic ray and mrvantles OrBu yer elsewhere. lit (his Agreement', Buyer represents anc{ warl"'In s to ;Scher Ilow, raid as of the Mate o(' Closing, that: (A) Buyor has fill power to execlu" deliver final carry Out the terills 'Mid P"Ovisions Of this Agreement, and has tIlkell aI1 ne €.s S4Mi°action to authorize the. execution, delivery Mid per11)rmance of t1M%,� A reertaelit; ti;it(l (b) the individual cxeoutitig this Agreement oil bo.11frli' of 13ixyer Ila$ the authority to bind BLIYer to the 1e111Ts alld collditi« ns k)iytlMi� A rt t lMMet�t. 10,(( "As i ," ecandition. ol: Stlajot Prop Itch se lice, MclTccts that :(Buyer is PGu•ehfMsing the Subject Property `,Is is," ""dere Is," and "with all faults", except to the extent of representations and rvnrt•andes njMjdc by Seller or in the Deed or 01110r d0CLIIJlQ11ts to be delivered by Seller tit domig,, UY1: R. RBPR1,Sf`,NTS TO ,SI;3,L111B']R TI-I.M.' BUYER FIAS CC)NDUC I"1:,D, OR WLLL CONDUCT ('Ricin TO 6.6si—No, SUC',I•I INV S'I'1:CTArT" ONS OF I"111':: StRK111,7m PR()T'T"RTY .AS I: UYB'R :D1 -,,MMS 'NEICESSARY OR ISI S.IItAIT`LE, O SATISFY I1S13LF AS TO ANY MA'1 11,R RE` LA T" ING TO TI -I(`; StJBJ(yC T T'R(:)I'I; TUYAND, EXCI: I5°1' ICOR THE H',XPR1.:SS REI?M78F',NI'I`ATIt; NS AND tvARRAN'rms or, 81 Ll"I"R. C ON"1`A NI.,iM IN ITHS AC REEMENI T` ,ANIS AS 13XP 1,SSI.,Y S IA1"I5`l:) IN THF' I)OCI.TMENTS O Bit0j,'J.,IVI:,Rt) AT CLOSING ("SEt,l.; ;NO'S WARRANTI'E'S") , WILL R1H:WY' SOLELY UI)ON SANIJ-lt MIT i'�C T `l; PON ANY t INFOJT ATTIC N PROVIDED BY OR ON INT IIA11,l" O;-,` SI,i1.,Lr!,R OR AGEN°T'S, I,-,`, 1PI'4C) '1,I,S O '11-11RI;) I'ARTII S C)R PURPOI''Mi�CT I"C T:I:J1'RI. SIryN"1' SI (.xI:d: I , WITH RESPECT" `ITIC,R01'0UPONT C'I:.,OSING, BUYER. SHALT. 155IJrV11' TIIt;, RISK THAT ADVERSE IuIAT`I'_I,RS I~,EG'ARDI'N. Gf 'I`IIF, NtJt3,► 1(, t' MAY NOT HAVtj BEEN REV1`,'AL1.:'D BY' BUYER'S (NV( SYI`IC3ATIC)NS, ANIS BU'YE'R,. UPON CLOSING, SHALL 1:3B I.)to'1,rivaI1 , ON BI`I`I LV OF 11'SELI' AND ON 131"HALF C7;F ITS AND I'111,,11 RESPECTIVE CIV SUM"SSORS ANIS ASS(CCrNS; `t'C) 4VAlvl,, RI I,,TNQUISIT, ICI,,IXr1,S1 AND F'OR1',VT',R DISC:IalfiltGE' SELLER ANIS' ST I. LE 'R'S A -F ILIA I'I,S IGROM AND AGAINS`F ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, 1)I3,MANDS, CAIJS S OF AC110N, LC)SSI° 5, 1 AMA;Cr;FS, LIABILITIC,S, COSTS AND (INCLUDING A'171"ORNITv�' II..,h',,S) OF ANY AND t,Vt RY KIND C7:R Ct-IAAC'jTI R, 1,MWN` OR-'U'N1 KNOWN, BY R.1,3 SC.)N OF OR ARISIiNO ou'1' C�1 '1'I1I� �5111�i:1;C,`1 1�1�C)1�C I��l`"��, INCIXDING, WIT"tjO` . T 1,11!41'1'A'1"(ON,13Y RJ -1,' ,SON O OR ARISING OUT OF ANY LATr: N'1' OR 1 AJ' NT CONSTRUCTION DEFEICT OR OTHER PHYSICAL CC1ND.111ON (1NC1,(. DINCT„ WITI OUT I.1IMITATION, I''I.1N01, 1V101,,1) OR, mILt,)11W) i1r11t,'I`1ll: l PURSUANTT0 STATUTE,' 11N IN 'I'IIT S":IA'T'I �VII(,Rlx °I`I1I� I�I:Il.iv1IS1 5 ARI" LOC,ATP:M OR ANY 01"TIER F'T1(7I,RAL, SI'A'M'., OR LOCAJ, E','NVIR,0NM1 NTAL OR AND SAM'1`Y LAW OR R1,:,(iJLA'1JON, TI -11" 13 1S 1`1:i;NC8 OF ANY HAZARDOUS MA'T°E'R..IAL OR, ANY I:: NVIRONMP',NTAL CONDITION WHA"T'SOF"VI II, ON, A'I', 71'0, IN, ABOVFl,, ABOUT, UNDER, FRONI. Purchase cmd,'tr1y=AgreerrrM1--C Coll 14-11rltfCOM Herr 1h S)INO -- VM 9.7X FIN I, King C o nrly Paroal If 192105-91,11, 99111, 9140, 9160 (% 9114 I>a9v 10 of2? OR INTHE VICINI"IN AND ANY AND ALI-., OT1413IR ACTS, 0.1�1118SIONS, RWIi'Mrs, cu�''CUMISTAN'CE'S OR N/lAT"rEISS WHATSOEVER 11 OPER'I"Y, THIS Ca', OF R..[,',,'GA R D INGTHR S U.B.) I "(','T PR \W410-1 BUY]""R.18 PR13SENTLY UNAWARt,,, AND OF WHfCl-I BUYER DOES NOT P1Rr-l'.Sf',NT1,Y SUSRECT TO EXIST Will ' CIT, IP' j<:NOWN1 BY BUYI'M, WOULD M,lkTr,,RJAI.,L,Y AFFECT B UYRM'S. RELEAS F" 0,17 Sf!l XR. o"air'!,R, Tl,IAN SELI 'E'R'S 'WARRANTIES, SEDC' -ER MAKES NO AIN WARRT113,8, PROM[Sf'S, CoVf,NAN'1'8, AGRI'ENIFNTS, OR GUARANII; ESOI.1 ANY KIND OR CHARAC"I'ER. Wl'4Al'SOEVF"R, WilETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL, OR WRI"I.-r-Fl-,,N,.PAS"f.',,I)l�-E SENIT, OR I"'UTUR,13, WITH R6SI?f,,C`l'TOT[-fll-1 SUKIECT PROPLR'Ly, INCLUDING, WITHOUT J..I.AlITATION: (1) OWNERSI-11P, MANAGl',`,MENT,.AND OPERATION OF Tllfi S'UMECTPROPEwry; (11) 1"ITIA" TO THE, SUBJEC"I' I'ROPER'1:'Y; (11f) THE PHYSICAL CONDITION NATURI-:!', OR QUAI.ATY OFTHESUBJl CT PROP.IiRTY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LHvil"PATION, TH.B QUALITY 01" '1141"' S( ILIS ON AND U'NDB`R PROPRB,:l'Y, AND'I'll"I"' QUALITY OF THf:*,,,LABOR A . NJ) MATERIALS INCLUDED IN TI IMIOVEMENTS OR PERSONA L PRO11171CFY; OVYITIEISI TNE-SS 0171*141:.' 8 UBJECT PR , OP13 f� TY 1" 0 R A NY P ART f C UL AR P U,R� P, 0 S (V) Tlll`, P R. R'N C E 0R SUSPECTE,D RRESE.INCE' OF HAZAM)OUS. NIATf..,,R,JAL ON, IN,UNDER, OR (INCLUDING, THE SOILS AND GROUNDWAll'M ON AND UNDER TJ -1J,-"',' Rf",Ald 11ROIlf,R ry); (vi.yrmi,-,,, CON411LIANC.1" OF THE StJ:Bfl-CT PROPERTY WITH APPIA'CABLE, 010VURNMI]INTAL LAWS, RULES, ORDERS OR REGULATIONS, INTCLUD[Ncl, wruiou'r i.,fmrFATION,'rfllE ANI,'BARICANS WITFIDISABILITIES ACT 01" 1.990, EN VT. RON Nlll`;'' NTAL LAWS, PANDEW11C ANCI)/OR 1)�C1,-,41AC fil";-f l3'Ml'l"RGJ3,NCI,f'lS, AND IAWS OR REMulloATION's DEALfN'G WITH ZONIN(l OR LAND USE; OR (VII) THEPASTOR I'l)'I"U'RE OPERATING RlSULTS AND VALUE, OF 'J"f-FE QST. D;JECTPR,,O.PBR'fY. AS USED 14BREIN, "HAZARDOUS NIA lERIAL14 NIIATI:,,RIAll, AS CURRl:ANi'I'LY DBF`JNF,,D FOR [)URPOSE'S Ol' (A) TfIE COMPREHENSIVE RINVIRONINNIEN't'AL RE"SPONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY AC'1'0[" 1980, ASAIME,NDED, OR (B) ANY 0171FiR Fl","DE'RAL, S'J'A OR LOCAL LAW, ORDINANCI:,,, R.ULI:Z'.'ORD1"R, OR REMULATION APPLICABLI-i' ToTI-11i SUBAX'r Ix oin.'RTY AND ESTABLISHING LTABILITY STANDARDS m REQUIREID ACTION AS TO RETOR-11, NO,.1 DISC SPt.LLAGf],, STORAGE, UN'CON'I'ROJ- L-l"D LOSS, SRE;PAGE, 1"ILTRATION, DISPOSAL, Rf"IKGVAL, USE,, OR Exisl'INCE* 01" A HAZARDOUS, TOXIC, OR DANG[,-RO .1 TJS WASTE, SUBSTANCE,, OR, MAT.BRIAl", IN '11-41S REGAltD AND TO EX'I'E`NT Rl�' E ' S AND BY LAW, BUYER 1-111"REBY R P WARRANTS THA'r BUYER REALIZES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAl" FACTUAL MATTERS NOW UNKNOWN TO BUY'll"iR, MAY HAA RI G3I.Vl.lN OR 1\4AY 1413,RE,AFTBR, Cil'VE, RISE "I0 CAUSES OF ACTION, CLAIMS, DEivIANDS,'Dl-',BTS, CONTR,oVERSIES, DAMAGES, COSTS, LOSSES AND 17-�,XPE NSES WHICH ARE PRJ.,si'tNrriv UNKNOWN; UNANTICIPATI` D AND UNSUSPC'J'ED, AND BUYI,"'M FUR'Il'f-II:,,R, AGREES., REPRESI,*i,NTS.AND WARRANTSTHATTI-I 1"-1 WAIVERS AND RELF,'ASES CONTAINE'l) 'HAVE Bl'E,N` NEMonATED AND AGRII71ED Purchase and'yale COA I ilItittl0lit -- V6,1 9,7.2) PI'lMl, King Gounly Parcel 11 19210.T-9161, 9111, 9140, 9160 &,9088 Page I I qf 2 7 1.PO'N BY BUYER IN f IG:II'1° C F"f'I•IA"1 1RI'�A],IZA'1`TC)N ANI) THAT', SU.13JI_;C;'1`TO '1II1i 1,U 111,MVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH 10.1A, B[JYl-:t NI 1�1:,I ITI1,1:IxSS II7WRI:'BY 1N'1ENI)S TO REI_,L.ASI;, L)ISC)IIARGf:, AND ACQUIT E1,I3:I , ....I,O[VII ANT.SUCH UNKNOWN CAUSES O AC' 1'1CN,C IMS, L1 1\lfAN S, N )1110ES, COS S , LO;SI"S AN1.) I,XI'1.NSES. BUYER ACkKNt 1VLf',"DOI- ,,S AND AGI.U,1 S 7'HA`1', SU1 TI`C T" I C) II1BJ,tJR 1IER PROVISIONS 017 THIS PAI�ACII�APl-I 10,1,4,13'tJYI`;.R:, F'OR I3UYE' ANI:) BUY1'3R'S SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, 1.1ER13,13Y RE1,J:'!ASI S SI,1.11_,I.;It FROM AND WA1VHS ANY AND AI,I., C LAINIkS AND LIABILI`l"IE'S .AGAINST FORI, R131iA 1 ED TO, O.R.IN CONNECTION TION WI°T1.1, ANY NVIRONMEWTAL CJC)N1.)1`I"IC)1"I' 11-IIa ,IITI1"s{"I' PROPERTY (OR 'I".IIf PR1:;SF,3,NCI OF ANY i A.T'I'ER Oft SUBSTANCE STANCE I.tE"LATING TO ENVl,R(oNIvII ,N,1 A1r C=C)NI)Tr""ION 01�" `1 41, SUBJECT PRCa[�ER:.FY), INCLUDING, BUT NO T LIMIT I",D TC), C LAIMS AND/OR [AABIL,ITIES RELATING TO (TN ANY 1VIANNLs.R WJ-JAT8C)1,Vr3,R) ANY HAZARDOUS,_ '1'C)= OR DANCIEROuS, MATE,RJALS OR SUBSTANCES LOCATED 1N, A`1", ABOUT OR, UN1:)ER '11.11:f SC.Jl:3,IBC``L' 1'I C)I�I R"1"Y, OR FOR ANY AND ALL C1,AINIS OR C::AUSE14S O AC TIC)N (ACTUAL OR. Tl-IR1-,A I L NEE) BASIa L7 'UPON, IN CONN 1::'c`I'1ON wI'I'17I CJI r'` RISING OUT O C F',RCf,,r (TFT1Ni�6VI.R ).NNfI.lN'I'f1L Rl,S O SI,, C C)11 Pf,1 NSA"L fON ANDLIABILITY ACTOF 1980, 42 U,S,C , ; 9601 11"1' SEQ., AS t',M.JNDED BY 'Tlili' Sill}I [U.. JI D Altlrl'N.DNII=NT AND R.r,A.u,"t-101;.I/A"1']ON ACC' OF, 1986, AND AS MAY 13E, IaU 'll11,R, OM1 N;I:)ED 1`:I c,) 1 I1�A11;f`1'C) I'll ftLj), T'E:I.I., R1?SC)[JI�C 1, C C `�c 1� VA`I'ICi1 'r11`1I.) NI: C C)VIo;LC !AC f 01-1 1976, 42 U.S.C, §(901. OR ANY OTHER CLA tM OR CAUSE OF ACTION (INC ,UDING ANY F1.s1)1-'RAL OR ,ST F'l BASED 'S17A Tt:1`rR�', 1t1�Ca1JI_,t1"I'"C)1i OR CJC)NIMON LAW CAUSE, OF ACTION):REI.AfI3D TO B'NVIRONltTI:,N'1l'AL IVIA`I" I'E"RS O I:.N 11I1 C NI1pI1 N°I`A1'.: LIABILITY WITH RBSPI.;C:`T 1110 OR, AI 11:=CYTTNG `1141; SUBJIN.T L'ROPI I't'l Y, A a I'ART OF THE PROVISIONS 01"' IfliIS ACa131.,1::S, RFTRF,ST� N'I"S AND WARRANTS THAT THE NIA"1"L`I:.IZS R.E[ H'ASI.D I°1L,Rl.,IN' ARE" NC)''I` LIIuII°1'1,4.)- °1'C) IVIA,.,r i,RS W1-IIC;"I­1 ARE KNOWN O DISCfLOSI-31:). IN °I'1' 11S CONNECTION C;'TION ANIS TOTHE I.lXTE„iNT PERMI l 1..1:;1:) BY :,AW,BUYER 111',RE JY AG.Rf.,E S;,1t1°,I RESI.,NI S AND 111Att1�r1 NTS 'TI I�1'I` I:3'UVI';R. REAL,I/;1,S AND AC I'NO1111.rEDGES THAT FACTUAL NIA I Tf'3, S' NOW UNKN(,)WN'1:'O BUYER, MAY I-IAVJ', GlVl;•N O.R MAY F11:,,'REAF lyR GI RISIrj,'1'C) CAUSES OF ACTION, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, DEU3"1"S, CONTRC)'VI,.RS11 S, I,�,�I�� ACT.I-,S, COST'S, LOSSES, LIABILITIES E AND PENSES �V1•I1G1-I ARI;? PR,l3S1=.;N'TT.,Y UNKNOWN, IPA f."M ANI.) UNSU�SPl-,,C I'13,'D, AND 13[J'1fER. I�UR"I"l°1I:;R.A.CIRTIT,S, REPR1:,8EXI'S AND 1VARRAN�T`S TI-IA`I FIE WAIVERS AND Ri..,L,I:ASES IN TF S ]:[AVE 131'1EN N.L;0011A 11°,1.) AND AC1R1.11 1) UPON IN J11I. ;11- T OF THAT REAl' 'AZATTON' AND'J`HA'I' IJUYE"R NF�"VI"'IR 1'HEL.T ,S a FIER.1:,I3Y INTENDS TO HZL,.1 A;SE, DfSC 1 -IA G' ANL) ACQUIT S1:;l: LE -R. F'RONI ANY SIJCH UNKNOWN C:AUS 1bS OF ACTION, C LA .N.18, D IVIANDS, I)E:,1: TS, C ONTRC:)VC: RS113S,_I:)AMA013S, COSTS, LOSSES, ES, LIQ BIL11'11M„ . AND 13XI'.I',,NSIAs. WJJTC:H IVIICr1-I'1' IN ANY WAY 1=3E INCLUDE IN "I"f-1.E WAIVERS AND Mt1"`TERS RELEASED AS S1 "T Foir1'I1 IN THIS P RAGRAPI'l 10.1.4. NC)'4'WT1'1-1517ANI INC purphose colel &d — Coll fMlft /C ai'o HealthSystem —116,19x; 22 PlArIf, f, KIng C."oiuit,v 1 arrel U 19210-9161, 9 11 1, 9140, 9160 & 9088 Page 12 of 27 ANY'11-IING STATED 11TED TO 111E CONTRARY IN `PHIS r1.CrRL;�r MFl , l- (INCI uDItNG THIS r'ArtM3RA.'1-1 I0.1A, r `UYJu,1 S f%l.;L.F!ASES AND WAIVERS S11A.L NOT r.aN I`E`N.D TO (AND SFTAI,1, r:,,'' I R.ESSI,Y E C"1,1J`1:1I) ANY AND ALJI,, C,Cil4arl)LAIN"T'S, CrlaAliydS, CI-I'ARC1Hs, Cs11"arMS I-,�1� Iva l ll�l, M."WIANDS, ,SI1rns, ACTIONS AND CAUSES O ACS"I"ION W1:11' "I.T- ER IN LAW OR IN [:{,C7UITY,wilm X �131YET:� ASST:t"S OR COULD ASO" ACC�MW OR UNDI:,Z�. ANY l'"UTI , RUL,LI, ItT°�C+l�LATIC)rN (:)Ltr')r" I't OR LAW, wI-11 `I T°T1,aT�.1 r.r�i�i��Si,, STATE OR LOCAL, ON ANY GROUND Vi H 1'SO-13M,,a,R, OR NOT KNC W11 , S11SI'f C I L"L7, L1QU`II)MJ' M, Cs(: N',r"Ti C,YI-N ' C' R Iv1X1"iJRI:�T:), wi-ri-r ReSnm—r"( ANY ,m11.`T""1"ER, CLAIM, OCC.1.JRRl<NC F!, DMr' G13S G: �R:IN.T[1RY AMSING ORIAGATIC)N,S UNDER '1"LTIS r1,C:1R1_ I I1aIk?,M" WMIC H EXPRESSLY SURVIVE TI113 Cr.,C)Slltirt.,, (11) SI r.ai�%aro.°5 BREACH C)l, ST,.,C1L.FiR' GVARR NI"11.38, W ITS 1;1'xPR>niS4 COVENANTS AND ter ;;ICi1 TIONS (INCLUD.I.M. 1ND-EMNII Y C` �}T;1I:'iCiATIONS) 1.1"I' ,,DI ;CC ` H.IS AGREEMENTS AN THE, I' OCFi7Mf3,N`T",S TO 1: I�l.r:.IVT ISIM BY Sf:;r rsER A'I" ILII.r LOSTNCr W.r;1ICF1 1: �I)RESxSLY 1.1r;V1VE "T°TTI CLOSING, AND/OR (11t) "I".I'IT I<1Cm1TV Cir{' B JYI,I. TO If 11.11 3,AD O JOIN S[,, A,1.xR IN ANY PROC",I F:,,DIN`0 BRO,.JC'rlT BY A "1°T':T11tI PARTA" AG.A..INS`I" .BUYER, WITH R1;�,SP CT TO MA1711° RS AR1S.I"NG PRIOR, TO CLOSING DURING ELt,1rR'SCa.E"sRIC)l) OF OWNE,RSLIIP, JAUYER AC KN WL,I`,,'DGI:',S AND 1' GR.E`,T',`' Tl-J'AT 'T'L.IE, Acl�%CMVT.aT I:7CTM.I N"1'S; ItE,,j `,AS 'S BY BUY1.'1R SE,1" FO TI"I 11i:,Rl; fN 1R1. A MKI (. RIAL INDUC I`,1vl.r,,N"r' TO Sf. T.rl, ER TO 11"NTER INTO T1118 ACj l RJ.3, 1lTu",NT ANID TO C ONSt. MN TF,F', TI -1E TRANSACTION C✓ON` I Mf'LA" EID 13Y 'ITItS AGR. `I3f.vIE'N1 ?'I" AND 'rf-IA"r W1'1'L161ri, S( cif ACwKNOWLT :DGM13;NTS, C ISI I,1�I1 NI"'x8, W11,TVEs"ISS AND I`,.EL.1<,MES, SEL1.XR WOULD DICT HAVE, 1 N 1"T' Rl,`,1) INTO "[°1=118 BY EX.F'GU T"I CT 'r ° LTJfS I- UY'ER rtiCXNOWL,EDCrl';S '`1"STAT, TO "I"1 iE, Ex,r i`iT REQUIRED D `1°C) B13 ()r'lalt.t I'iV1:>, I1-I'E DTSC 1.,AtNIL:ILS CONTAINBI) IN °1"1"tIS 11ARA ICAM-1 ARI-', ` C)NS1�1C;t,.i()CJES°" I)ISC�l 1 It�11 I S I C)l r Lrl: -T i)rt")OS ,;S -O AN)� AI'-1'L1CI1'113L - Ll C", At, REQ;1.rIREME1 N" I", 11. rV ain :ellance of Sui: lect Pi -o rcfty; TZialt of Tom cc"f::tcTt�t�7nation. 1I,1. 'Maintenance ol" ' lbjeot Prol)orty; from the date or this AT reemont until the Closing Date (or any ctarlicr termination of this Agreement), Seller a roos to maa ntaain. the SUbJ1eet PrOlVI-ty ira sul staratrtally the same oonditim existiag as ol'"the l -,I'1' ctive Date ordinary wear and toar aceQpted, 11.2 Tisk of Loss; Cdondei Inationi Risk of loss, o or damage to the iinprovements on the Subjoct Property will be, borate by ,Seller in all dmos until the Closing Date and no event of casually or damage shall tal'fc;ct the parties' olal,iggiOrt:r arrack r thea Agreoment or the Purchase glee, however, Buyer will have ilia right to receivo ;arty insurance proceeds dime; Seller in conntetion with any casually or daniaage and, Seller covenants to maintain com.morcTitally ro asonarale c tsuatty Insurance or to roasontablc se[Nnsatrtattce program in place with respect to Clic Subject - Proporty at till timos prior to Closing, Seller sh"Ill promptly notify Brayer of any condemnation or onflnent clona<ain proceeding ati+ltlGft aaffccts purchaw, ernrl,ar*rr,t et.��u ent •-- COA I rt1118K,ara Haft STyvlem r'6.19.7 221rl, AI h"h, q 'trtrraty Parcel 11192105.9161 9111, 91,10, 9160 & 9088 Page 13 q1"27 or may affect lre Subject Property, In alae evcrat f'ttray c�rtcI�'r �ryr�t t r� �r° ctasi rr t cleat tir proccedbig by array eniky other than City, or as deet hl lie<tr of or under threat thereof, which taf fc;ct5 ar name Baal portion ofthc Sulajec.t l'rrpertry (where "na,rter•iarl" 11loans greater than 51YO ofMe vaaltre or file Subject Peoperty), l3nyPr may clec4t either tea -terminate. this Agrt; ment, or to pttrcharsQ the Stillject Property in the condition existing on tine Closing Daate without aadjIusnaent of the Purchase Prim , D amult; Ill "11me of Essence. Time is ofthc sareracu fear this Agwomertt. 12,2: Seller's Remedies for Buyer's Def`anrlt or F'aailure to Close. fl` Buyer rKalls, without legal exotrse, to eon plete A ptrrohaasc of'tile Subject Propos tyill arcerordaanee With tl is Agmement after Buyer's vativer or cloomed waiver of tile Due Diligence Period, Seller may elect to either (aa) retain tine Deposit as liquidated damages ars Seller's sold and cx.clus ve remody or (b) seek to cnforee :specific 1 cr fiarraaaance of this Agreement in liar of any monetary relidor any other relief to wlalela Seller naaxy othawlse bo -Wed ed under law or equity. litryer expressly aagroos that the rote;ntie n or the Deposit by Seiler represonts ra reasonable estinlaa% of the daamaat es in the cve~rat of Btry0eS deftalit and frriltrrc to Close; that, actualdamages ges rxraay be, dif'fictrlt`to arse rUdn, tract that.this provision does not constitute ar penalty. 1,11 this respoct, BLlYCr tattcl Seller arcI no\vk,,dgo that these: damages havo been specifically negotiated between F3uyer and Seller and will compensate Se*lfer ror; delaying the eveantu al satles of the Subject-Proporty and to conipens<ate Seller or its costs and oxpunses aassoclarW " th this Agreoniont, hAhvidistmWitig the foregoing, the Deposit is not intended to it as re more ble c:s hmition of the claarntrpes Seller will incur if Seller denaofisl ,;,s tlae itaaprovenaents Carr the Subjeol'Woperq and BuycrWis to close, and Buyer and Seller agree Chart Seller will be irreparably harmed in such instswe such that aa. le g'al remedy �v`il l lata insuf'0cicnt and Seller should, at its election, be entitled to spe:cificaall;y enforce, this 12,3 Buyerr's RenaWIds stir SWbeA CufaauI Cf,Seller<_lariltr to conalafete the sale✓ or the Su je ot. l'ropody in accordanoo rvlth this Agrecnaent, Btryer';s renaeely WH be to to nvinarte this Agreement or to seek specif c performance. W. Notices, All notices, domands aand rather conamunicaatio.ni reclGliMi Or permitted to be given, shall be in writing and shah! be ;sent by peNonat,l clelNery (incl,ucling by mems cif` profess orarrl messenger or courim, service) or wg stered or cortilie d ntaiil, postage -prepaid, return-meeipt requested, or by e botronic nail (ettaaail) at the addresses provided, `No% slatall be deerilod to have been givml if personally Wercac[ or scrit by electronic mail (eraa.aail), upon receipt, if°sent by mail, two (2) clays after duly planed ill the U,& N�lail. to all of the addresses ses dosigtatated ftrr strcla. panty. The Parties" respective aiciclraws Am notices am as follws of ALlburn — Reatl l,staate Division Purchase lrd5le 4grovinc'llt COar-I A*114011-d 1 /tsrrllH, S'Yatem — V6,191.22 P111 4L KhW C:'iyrrrrtr" Parval1119?105-91b1, 9111, 1140, 9160 El 9088 1ygO Ill cif 27 Attji:,Iosli Arndt 25 West Main Ataburn, `4 A 98001 253,288,41325 Jarfidt@a u buI'll wa, gov t'itll Copies to city or Auburn — Legal .Department Attn: Kendra Com(mu 25 West Main St Auburn, WA 9800 l 253,804.3 108 i,<,Come:a:tr:@aubu:rnwa,gov Attn:: l<tistfile Contoier 31 10artin Luther King Jr, Way PO Box 5259 NIS: 20-44,RG 'l`rtce ra, WA 9811:5-0299 206,618,5930 l�rcclratei er fi�rna tr ltit;tt re,�wt� \'Vitlr Copies multi("are Heald) System AUn; Clen ral Cc>mwii 3 15 Martin Luther ling Jr. W(ay PO Box 5299 NIS l 2tl4-I: t1'(::i: `1°acor fa, WA 98415-0299 l�,e�al:Serwfiees ��,�lt�rltica�t.car AND hurt F!'. Kruckeber Hillis Clark M'artm.& PQtersont 99,9 Third Ave Sto 4600 Scattle, WA 98 104, 206,470,7640 0,7640 a.n. l�tu�t,l�:rtrc�icekae�fl�ltx a.ucltx �. Notice, or change of nddress shall be give n_nelkea-in tile,r-ruantle rcletl i led -i. S"e ctiotr. W. Geneval 144, Entire /\gre;ement. This is the entire Agreonlent (inGlUding the attached 1"Ahi;bits) o Buyer land Seller with respect to Ole matters ccaverecl hereby and supersedes till'. prior agrcettlems between tlaemi, wvritten or oral ']'his Agreement may only lie modified or amended In wwtrititt , signed by 1311yer (incl Sellet. any mivers must be in writing, No waiverof any t1ght cart; nlecly it the event; or defftult>Will eOttstitutO a waiver of suolt right or remody in the event of tatty subsegUOnt cic;itttilt. �el�tre l`erciislaute� utader� Ibis �� reelxterat is the x&ulaer101- COUrt of'King County, Washington, 14,2 Choice rrf` t,awv. 'l'his A reentent will be geavt rneci by the laws of'the State err washingto t. 143 No 'air°ci Party 13c neficiarieslSeveralaility; `1'Ills Agreellient is for Clio benctrt only of the Parties and shall inure to the bendit of and bind the heirs, personal. prrreJarrserirtalAScr1 rfl;menjew-•COAIA'1111ticare,f•ealth.vsum--1`6.7 X1.7,22FMA Kiran Qnmp11(tro i /11921654101, P111, 910,9160 (t 90,3 Page 15 of 27 14 8 Exclusivity. During the term oftlilsAgreenien; SM wRhwt rnaitw no,, list IQ SUWWL Property for sa-10, 11ol• accept any of'(Ievs rrorn third parties with re, pect to sale of the Suliject 111-operty, 1.4.9 Reservation of Puliea %wvu. Notvvithstan(ling X11�.ydijjjg to tile 0()jjtj,aj,y set Inh in "Us Agreement; Buyer understands and auknowludges that City's atithority to exercise its police (.vgwatoq) powers in neeordance Nvithapplicable law sliall not be downed I hnited by (lie provisions of this Agroemontt 111.1 .0 COLIntUparts.Thk Agreement and amwWnwnts that may come to oxist, rnay be executed in as many coLuiterlmirts as iiiay be convenient, or required, 11 shall not be noces%iry that the Signature of, or on behalf of each Party, or that the signature of till persons required to bhA any Pay appam, on each counWqmrL AN countorpatus. C0160yely 00,11SOLLItO fl sin :le 14.tl Approvat , by Auburn City Council 1110 Parti, e acknowledge and agree that this Agreemms is SUb100 to C110 Upl)royaj am! WwWon of he Auburn, City COMICH; pvvidul, however, that Buyer iney not access die Stjjlj&t property to comfilence its it1'ves0gations and Buyer sh<dl have no rWht of entry onto the Sthject Property until such approval and coati ficadmi has been obtdnef Buyer Miall Min such approval prior to the expiration of the Due Diligence Period, 14.12 No Brokem Buyer ralagents And warrants to Seller that no broker, finder, agom or sirnklar intermediary has acted for or on behalf or the Buyer, Buyer shall indeniniFy, debend, and hold Seller hwalms Hurn any Waims arising froni, the breach of (lie foregoing representation, Any broker, findej*, age-jit or, 11 d i acti sjmjlaj� filter, e iay n g frac cw on Wif of to Seller shall be paid 111,0111 Seller's prooce& in accordance with Seetion 821 abovo. 14.13 Assignment, Buyer may not mMgn this Agreement WithOLIt SCH61"fS prior YaRten owumiL 14,14 Exhibits. The f'ollowhig exhiblM are attached and hworpomted into Als Agreement by rolevwice, 0) Exh [bit AL -- LOglil DescrhWu of HW SuW ad Property (Ii) Exhibit 13 — Se!Wr Disclosure, Environinaidal (iii) Exii i4if C — Fo viii of Dec(j J-REWAINDE?,�'R OF'FRIS PAGE J'N'l'l.,N'l'fONAL,LY fl,.,,'FT BLANQ P It rchase al I d Sale efgreen I C I It AINUCarc? [10 0 fth S; Slelj I V6.1 9.222 FI&IL Kliig C.ounly Parcel 11192105-9161, 9111, 91,10, 9 1(jo &. Page/7#27 SIGNATURE VA(3E BUYER =-Q—F-A-013 Li R� a VVMMngwp nuiMpul corpointion Nank I3Gid I& Mayor Dow: Appmed as to Po nn: landm CbmemL Aubwn My Auumey SELLER AWMANKOW LIM vorlooll a 'MoshOwn noNwoM coTomdon Dale� purclif ise onelSalu Agireentent -- COA Alulti(etre Itentill Sjwlem , 1'6,1 9, 7.Z? FIA. -f L KhW Chuq,llorcol P 19210.5-9161, 9111, 9140, 91604, 9088 JAWo /A Q 7 EXHIBIT A I..,egasl Descriptions The Cast half of the fbilming described property: Ceglnnfiv rat fa stone ratoraarraaerat v+1afch Is. tile Southeast corderof Government t„ot 5, secton .tfr, Tuiv€ashlp 21 Nadh, Ramp 6 East, Wiliimotte tit iddi an, tri Karig CorrRaty, Wr jstalEa,gterl; Thence North 00'2W46' Cast along the East lime of Government Lot 5a distance or 16 feet to tine North line of the CAunty Road; Thence We;,(erly aloatg tlae Northerly iaaa rgin of the Coully Rwd e distance of 328 feet to the Ime point of Eae�C'€alalia; Thence North 0012,11'46' East a distance of "11th fest; Thenar Westefty ora as line, paaraallel to ti)a Nodhertymirgtrt of the co€1'frtyt road .ta distarxc of 120 feet; Theme 4GOL11h.eftt to a Meat oil tate tw'orthedY Margin of tine Cotulty Road. which is 120 feet Westerly from tile iaoirit of begiraralracr, Theraca Easterly along the Northerly margin of 11`10 CoUlIty Road as distance of 120 foetto (fie true potrat of faegi€ nfra ; Except the Booth 15 feet thereof conveyed to the City of ,auburn by deed recorded under Recording Number 71102040M7; and The North 25 feet of the South 15D feet of theWest 60 feet of the Cant 388 feet of t~ overrtaasenI Lot Section 19, Tt)a,' nship 21 North, Range 5_- east, Willamette Merirliaara,_tra Kfng County, WilshIn tcta; orad Be i€ar Ir'sg al'Me Southeast corner of Lot 1, Bloelt 4, Ryrarl Addition to fi,LaNIII, aaccora 4lg to the 1*11 thereof recorded In Va'jlt me 51 of Plats, page Sri, In King County, W shingio€i Theixe South 15 feet to the North dean or 12th street outhaast Thence E astefly ra cfistrince of M0.5 feet to the We pofrat of tregtnril 1`g.; Thence NOM a distance of '135 feat, Thence Eos t a distr ice of 5 feet Thence Slouth to the North fine oH201 Street Southeast; Theme West -a sdistance of 5 feat ter ti`to trop polaat_of Italralrtea, Except ttae south '15 feet thereof comel8d to the City of auburn by deed recorded ,cordingNumber 7102040367. %,R 1r111/flt1'1,7s1cOFPAGPIlit#1/;'A''1."1ONAUA'l1`;1,7`8LIfVKI King County Parcel Y 192105-9161, 9111, 91,10, 9160 & 9088 page, 19 q/'27 PM,C'Et. 2: 1'9210,5 x'1'11 Thrat f rtion of thea Southeast r1113rter of GtrverlaMOnt Lot 5, 8ecticua '19, T:aarAIMIP 21 North, Range 5 East, VVllInmetto Marldiran, In King Courtly, Washington, ctoscrfl. t! �� (0110%ts: Bogfoialrati at the Southeast conger of Goyemment Lot ;. Thence: North 00'24'40' �t along the Eist line thereof a distMnc00(115 feetto the Northerly mirgin of the County ftad t°12111 Street �0tith€iast};- Ther ice ,CONIntalnfl North 111312=11461, East 1110119 said EMt.line a distmCe Of 2004 feet to the Soulhwesterhr Margin of State Htghwa!y NO. j; Thence North 4310TI'Mest 2 ono the SouthWeaterly margin a distance of feet; Thence utla 89a3,11461' V41est, p artaliof to the Northerly margin of '12th Street $otjtIjejst, &a distance of 1511 feet to the Northwest comer of the Iiia Of fond corivey d to Ernma J. Oall by deed recorded under Recorfding Number4120274; 20274; Thence Swill 00'24'46,` West along.010 West HMO the Emma J. quail tact emit par-allol to tins East lime of (iovernment Loh 6 as distance of $0.73 feet Thence loath 891`11'46" West, parallel to the Northerly rraarj n or,Q)(11 Street soothe{ast, adistance of 8509 f 00 to 01 true 14111t of 11,0911aral1t of the tract herein descrifaed; Thence North 8V31'4V Rant, nrarallol to the Northerly mar fn of 121h Street Southeast, a distance of a5. i�feet to tine West Une of tile_ ntma zJ k Gall track; Thence South 00'24'46" West along the 'West tine thereof.n distance of 39.27 feet, mope or fess; to tile. Sotrthwust cortaer thereof; Thellee North 80 31`46' East along the South Ifne of the Envilia J. Cull tract a distance of 01.6; feet„ mord 0r less, to the East 11110 oaf Goverment Lot 5 Thence S uther'?y along. the EastI[roe ra c1161anco of 160 feet, More or less, 10 the Wwlherty ralirgin of 12th street Southezaet; Th.ence SOLIth 61311'46" West along tine Northerly margin a distance of 3.23 feet to the ftlilaeast cariaer of the tract of bind conveyed to Walter H.-t3eraz by deed recorded wider Recording Nrau boo 6028014, being h distance of 345.5 feet, mesisured lalong the `Norltaorlymrargln of 12th Street Southeast, from the Wast line of the Soijiflea5t tttrrarter of GovFernmont Lot 5; Thence North along the east Ifne of the Walter 1.1. Benz tract a d(sttrrtce of '13'6 feet to tile NoAh line of tile ouch 150 feet of government Lots; Thence: North 89431'4(Y" Mast along the North line to Inters"t a line dr.miq frame the true polni of bobi[infjrt Booth 00'24*46"West, parallel to tine Cast:ltae of r,iovernnrerit Lot 5 Thence 00424146 least, p al'allel t0 the East 11110, of r3o}rernraae1al Lot 5, f',distance of 141.5'1 feet, more or less, to the trot? point of bogInning; rece,pt (fae sovil 15 feet-lhereof caau0/gid10 the cil� 0fauburn 1-ij rued recorded treader i oxordiiig Ntmandr 7102040368, (Ti%;rtErtlr11. C'h' or1 1'r1 i1 7NY'h,,V7'11131,4 Ul't LFT /ft1tl AIKJ I'ritwhase and S ak Agyr•omm"'I _, Met C,l hdtl(it€'u' ffe allh Systam - 1''6:1.9.7 2) FIN111, ,ilial; ( oim4vl'za ud it 192105-19161, 9111, 900,9160&, 908,11 faze 2 i)f27 f?i Itt:.G-:t 1`92185-9.140 That portion of the Sou€hens€ clutIrter of 0vernment Leat 5, Sec„tiorr '1 g, TOW118hip 21 North, range 5 Ea,sI, Wilhametto Meridian, in King County, Washington, describect as follows' Beginning at the Southeast corner of Government Lot fi; `rhenco:North 00'24'4611 &Istzalong the East lire thereof a°d1SIOnce of 15 feet tothe Not thedy.margIn of tite County 1r+ ICI ('12th Street �otirthe�rst}K Thence conflnulno North 00024'46" " Ewt alorTg the Cast line ca distance of 204,64 feat to the Southwesterly margin of State Highway No, a, being the true point of besilnntng; Thence North 4MV 3" Wei,t along the SouthwE oterly margin o distance of 75 feet; Thence South W31'46" West parallel to the Northerly margin or the County Road (12th Street Northeast) a distance of 150 feet to the Nortliveest corner of the tract of land conveyed to Emma J. Gall b Gleed recorded Cruder RecordIng_Number 4120274; Thence South 00"241,16" West along the West line thereof and parallel to the East fine of Government Lot 5 a distance of 100.00 feet to tileSouthwest corner of tine E rnmo J. Gall traat, Thence North 8q"31'40" East along the South line of the Emma J, Gail tract distance of 201,60 feet-, more or less, to the East line thereof; Thence hlortherly olong the East fine to the trCro point of beginning, "192105-'9110 The W..Ost f calf of the4ollMing.describeci proppily. 0eclInnIn2 of fa Slone monument %,h€ch is the Southeast corner of (30v r1'Cment trot 5,_Sectic+n -11.1, TamishIp 21 North, Range 5 Eist, Wfilarl Otte Meridian, in King County, Washington Thence North 00'24'48" Etast atong the EtIst !1110= or Government Lot 5 a clistance of'16 feet to the North line of_tileowityRoad, I)egIn e V,restoriy, C1lor1Cj tike htuurth rly nrarotln Of ti1� County Re rtl a (fist ince of 228 feet to the lrtie point of laer�irTnnfi; Thence North 00124'461 East a distance of 110 fee(; `thence Was€efffy on A If ne parallel to tt Northerly z'r woln of the County t Rid a distance of 120 feet; the Northerly oflarglfn of the Coudl Road -Cl dW-cl e of -120 feet to file twe point of Except the South 15 feet thereof conveYed b the Cihj of Auburn by flood recorded Udder q� grrjrig f�trrxrtyer 71i1Ga"100' nr rf The North 25 reel of thea South 150 feel of the WVst 60 feet sof the Eist 448 feel of Government Lot 5'11) Section 19, Township 21 Not1h, Range 5 Enst, Willarnette1derldilill In ftlnrl aunty, Washlr)gtor1. t (192105 X088) All that prrrticrt Of GOVOrnrnent Lot _6, Irl tile, Nortfvmt C ua4er of theNorti�ast.Ciu��rter of Sectl0rt 19, 'C(Ymishlp 21 North, Range 5 East; Wilmette Waidian, in King County, a r'��ashinglOrl, 10119 SocrtiM.Pstertyf of Stale Road No, 5, known as the Aubtjrn-Enumcl vd Highway; Except time pottlons corTveyed to the City of Auburn udder Ilecor€ling tilos, 7105DOW16 Gari 3207090552. 1'i�rclrc+saxrarichS`rrti� �t.4+r��rracl�T — C,'�)>i 1Arrlti�`�t�e lfecrftl� SSj�slc�r� .m .i'(i, J %�.r� t�ONr[L King C"array Parcel rl 1921054161,-? 111, 9140, 9160 c4.911,98 Page 21 gf.27` seller Disulosll n - E. 11811'Orttt>ertlttl V1K. !, Yes No J oWt it r'st I'lave tltcac been ally_ flooding, standing waster, or drainage _ — m e x problems on the properly tltaatitrr(,,ct lire 1Jrcalac rty car access (Ca _,._....: lily• �t�ca aea'tp`t Is t vm slaty mated zlaruve to dw prnp dy Awn R" Wind, X floods, laeatelt nioveniunts, earthquake, expansive soils, or Ittnclslcles'? C rare Mum attty slwrclin % tvetwncls, ftcaodplains, i redthal arc;ascair the arca. acct.<� �S ru tlt rc a� y tikastanuca, ntateri tl ,tax° pt e{ucts In or an ila prnperey tlritt to ty lacy eats lr��nra� atatl crag cents, such its asbestos, laat•aa1a1t1c1tyele, rnrlma gn% Idaedhased pahu,wl rats• t* cap u� aactpvikty uvvll kl'tmj m; a fugal orit,le�ilt t uniptng site? �—+" "Es itc� propertybeen n8c(hts an illegal dru naattniitctur•ing hw') I [you answorctl yes it nny of We ftalleaavlttg plull$(I 1;1vc�`�ttarthc9�-c1t tarls�l>c4r c�. Sec; Lintitecl lte talate(l "NN QnrRy—FIranabg 1Rcplac mau a°utarart tlawd My 1% X01% pq amd by BSI and leUa rellarr Mg MHS Auburn l2th ,street Clinic Additional `lanipling 599845) clatc.cl Atagut 3120 1 80mvparctl by BSI. Purchase and S de Agiveinenl-- lbi}�t �i4/trJllG:c'rl� 11cg1tPI:yytttrr1-- I/ I Az22x AWL Khig (;'aunty Porcel 11192105-1161, 911 i, Y/40, 9160 zt 9088 Pogo 1?. vf'27 l X 1. 1131, .A:` "C" C" Fomu mf Decd When I'QCGrcicd' mail to, R1:,CORDING AND W1 Cl ip 1 l' C,CORl Il D, N1A:11., TO °iter tint"Auburn _- Real Kate Division Attn: ;lc:ish Armit: 25 West. Main Murij WA 98001 25308SA325 pace ,above; l"^cit° Rec✓oMees he) BAR ANLD LS4 1.,1t: Drir1) C:,i�;rtftc73�s %rlUl.=1`.1CAR1.., T1l4A1 "1711 SYS1"EM.- Grartttue: C1":1 Y OF AUBURN Legal Doseliption [To 130 limt-ted] 0 Additional on: t"NI-IMITA A SONS01"s Tax Pared 31) tl 192 C 05-9161, 192105. 1 11, 102105-9140, 192,1),-911A "'1.U5-911 1 ReNITIMe Nos. til` 1 o ettin0li'ts 1I1 Ite gt`anWr MULTICARE ClC:,AC,TH SYSTEM, a Washington nonpront. cOrPOrttdO (`"(irtttltCt"), wi'th its Address of 315 t\rlartin fAlthOrKing Jr, Way, P0 Box. 5250 M& 82 J4 1 MG, Tacoma, WA 984L50299, h hand paN, iaaigWm, sells, and conveys to the KATY M' A J13URN, a Washington municipal corporation ("gh xttgg,% with its address of 25 West Main, titiburq, WA 98001 (he real estate clese.vibecl oil the attached 1 xhibit A. skuateci its the 00My of King, Slate Of Washington, SC BK,,,Gr HOWEVER"'O 1: Real estate taxes not yet due and payable 2, Cicitc 1'al and special assessments payable triter the (law liLrar' 3, Lions, clahns, comments, CCttir41 ants, restrictions, CitCUIII 17ratIMS, dGlc, other nuMers of recoil; 4, 2Ot11119 and 00"er laws, ordinances, and rociladolIS, PIIm" rave and sats �Igreellle)It - C04 khIN(AWO 1IM1111 S)Won - M6, T �U:M2 is"laVA 1t'r"lr1; C:'ofelttl! Prrr•eel /1192105.9161,'9111, 9140, 9160 d, 91,98 l"ga 23 Q7 5. Puld in 10ty, chvinage, and hUmay enswnew, wholer or not of rword; 6, Rights orpardes 4-1 possossion; .1 Encroachnicm;s alld o(Ijer whioll would be disclosed by sur aa; iratc,SLWVCY or An inspection of Ow above premises, Grantor hereby covenants with ChWee, its hoh, successom, and Wgn% v) f,�brcvcv WARRANTAND DE END the. sarlic againgjIle IMVNI clalms and denmnds or till PON0113 Chlimein gley, OUVUWI or under Orma, but against none other, [Romahmov Opp intentionally fort Olank,j Ili trehast? a; 0841v Agreawlei It -- CO ,'1 /AlldflCaN fkafthS)),viem — M6.1 91,22 Fjj��,,j I, KNA! County Parcel 11 19210J4161, 9111, 91,1 0, 9160 &-9088 11go 24 cj2? rNI WITNI-38S Grantor has caused IN C. W bo exec uted this day Of__.", . ..... . —, 2022� NIULTICARE, HEAL'I'll sys,rrtm, a 'Whin gummonpront corponalm By: In: Revie"S and Appmved (Qy: 'Nancy Backus, City of AuNII'll NlaNIM Purchave, evIdSelle Agree"Iel It I ll'fllllt('WW' HOU1111 .VVtelftl — 116 19,7,22 FIAMI, King.Counly P(med 1119210-9161. 9111, 91,10, 9160 &� 9088 Page 25 of 27 STATE t)l 1MANHItNG"I'ON' t.:OUN`'Y Chi';` This record was ackilonviedgec] beftwe 1110 cera by as nonprofit corporation, [6,1(1111 130 Cowl MUM PUBLIC III and br tlse=Swic 6 NYnAit gwn MY C'GillIII N c rl B"Xp es Purchase curd Sole Agrownew — G;C7r!`I'VIr11NCOM !10(111/1 8yVem ,.116, l 9,7,22 FINA KhQ %'1rar Mi 1'trrtwl 01921019164 904 91> A 9 NO <£. 917�'�8 Exh ibit "A"' to Bargain ail([ Sajc.f.,.)cc(j L Q E ILI I—j -1 , 19 —Or i mt km I [TO Be I I-I'sorted] Purchase andrde 4gra(mict)t -- c'O,,j / &IIINCOM I-IM1111 S)410111 — 116,19,7.22 FIR"IL K1119 Colf/Ily Parcel /1192111.5-9161, 9111, 1,10, 9160 &. 9088 Pago 27 f)f27