HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 2015 Comprehensive Transportation Plan Adopted by Ordinance No. 6584 December 14, 2015 Table of Contents Page Chapter 1 Introduction 1 - 1 1.1 Purpose 1 - 1 1.2 How the City Uses the Plan 1 - 2 1.3 Regional Coordination 1 - 4 1.4 Accomplishments Since the Last Plan 1 - 7 1.5 Plan Organization 1 – 9 1.6 Staff Resources 1 - 10 Chapter 2 The Street System 2 - 1 2.1 Existing Street System 2 - 1 2.2 Street Standards and Levels-of-Service 2 - 8 2.3 Future Street System 2 - 13 Chapter 3 Non-Motorized Transportation 3 - 1 3.1 Pedestrian Travel 3 - 1 3.2 Bicycle Travel 3 - 9 3.3 Equestrian Travel 3 - 12 3.4 Future Non-Motorized System 3 - 14 Chapter 4 Transit 4 - 1 4.1 Needs Assessment 4 - 1 4.2 Transit User Needs 4 - 5 4.3 Transit System Recommendations 4 - 10 Chapter 5 Policies 5 - 1 5.1 Coordination, Planning and Implementation 5 – 2 5.2 Street System 5 – 10 5.3 Non-Motorized System 5 – 15 5.4 Transit System 5 – 19 5.5 Air Transportation 5 – 20 Chapter 6 Funding 6 - 1 6.1 Financial Planning and Programming 6 - 1 6.2 Funding Sources 6 - 2 6.3 Revenue Shortfall Contingency 6 - 8 6.4 Funding Strategies, Project Prioritization 6 – 8 Chapter 7 Monitoring and Evaluation 7 - 1 7.1 Annual Updates 7 - 1 7.2 Multi-Year Updates 7 - 2 List of Maps and Figures Page Map 1-1 Adjacent Jurisdictions 1 - 6 Figure 1-1 Transportation Program Staff Resources 1 – 10 Map 2-1 Functional Roadway Classifications * Map 2-2 Average Daily Traffic Volumes (2013) * Map 2-3 Truck Route Map * Map 2-4 Freight Route Classification Map Map 2-5 Auburn LOS Corridors * Figure 2-1 Population, Housing and Job Growth (2000 - 2035) 2 - 13 Map 2-6 Transportation Improvement Projects * Map 2-7 Intelligent Transportation Systems * Map 3-1 Existing Sidewalks and Future Priority Sidewalk Corridors * Map 3-2 Existing and Future Bicycle Facilities and Multi-Use Trails * Map 3-3 Bicycle Corridors and Connectors * Map 4-1 Auburn Transit Routes and MIT Shuttle Route * Map 4-2 Auburn Transit Routes and Transit Dependent Areas * *Map located following the chapter corresponding to the Map number. List of Tables Page Table 1-1 Transportation Improvements Completed Since 2009 1 - 8 Table 2-1 Existing (2014) Corridor Levels of Service 2 - 10 Table 2-2 2022 Capacity Projects 2 – 16 Table 2-3 2022 Corridor Levels of Service 2 - 19 Table 2-4 2035 Capacity Projects 2 – 22 Table 2-5 2035 Corridor Levels of Service 2 – 25 Table 2-6 Regional Growth Center Mode Split Goals 2 – 29 Table 3-1 Existing Equestrian Facilities 3 - 13 Table 3-2 Future Trail Projects 3 - 14   Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The transportation system is a vital component of Auburn's social, economic, and physical structure. The primary purpose of the transportation system is to support the movement of people and goods within the City and connect the City to the broader region. Secondarily, it influences patterns of growth, development and economic activity by providing access to adjacent land uses. Planning for the development and maintenance of the transportation system is a critical activity promoting the efficient movement of people and goods, ensuring emergency access, and optimizing the role transportation plays in attaining other community objectives. 1.1 PURPOSE The Comprehensive Transportation Plan is the framework for transportation planning in Auburn. It functions as the overarching guide for changes to the transportation system. The Plan evaluates the existing system by identifying key assets and improvement needs. These findings are then incorporated into a needs assessment, which guides the future of the transportation system. This Plan is multi-modal, addressing multiple forms of transportation in Auburn including the street network, non-motorized travel, and transit. Evaluating all modes enables the City to address its future transportation needs in a comprehensive and balanced manner. VISION The Comprehensive Transportation Plan reflects the current and future needs of the Auburn community and, in doing so, seeks to:  Enhance the quality of life for all Auburn residents;  Encourage healthy community principles through non-motorized travel;  Promote a transportation system that supports local businesses and enhances economic development opportunities;  Create a transportation system that is efficient, uncomplicated, and welcoming to visitors; and  Provide a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that addresses both local and regional needs. Auburn Station Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 2 GMA REQUIREMENTS Washington State’s 1990 Growth Management Act (GMA) requires that transportation planning be directly tied to the City’s land use decisions and fiscal planning. This is traditionally accomplished through the adoption of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Auburn fulfills this mandate by adopting the Comprehensive Transportation Plan as the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. In order to be GMA compliant, the Comprehensive Transportation Plan must:  Inventory the existing transportation system in order to identify existing capital facilities and travel levels as a basis for future planning;  Identify level-of-service (LOS) standards for all arterials, transit routes, and state-owned facilities as a gauge for evaluating system performance;  Specify actions and requirements for bringing into compliance locally owned transportation facilities or services that are below an established level-of-service standard;  Determine existing deficiencies of the system;  Use land use assumptions to estimate future travel, including impacts to state-owned facilities;  Identify future improvement needs from at least ten years of traffic forecasts based on the adopted land use plan;  Include a multiyear financing plan based on the identified needs;  Address intergovernmental coordination; and  Include transportation demand management strategies. 1.2 How the City Uses the Plan The Comprehensive Transportation Plan provides policy and technical direction for development of the City’s transportation system through the year 2035. It updates and expands the 2009 Comprehensive Transportation Plan by recognizing network changes since the last plan, evaluating current needs, and identifying standards for future development and various infrastructure improvement scenarios. The Plan underwent a major update in 2005 and a midterm update in 2009 to incorporate the Lea Hill and West Hill annexation areas into the Plan. NEEDS ASSESSMENT A system-wide, multi-modal needs assessment was conducted throughout plan development to ascertain which aspects of Auburn’s existing transportation system work well and which ones need improvement. An evaluation of potential solutions and investment priorities was also conducted as part of this process. The end result is that Auburn has a more thorough understanding of system deficiencies, how best to address these deficiencies, and direction for expanding the system in a sustainable manner. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Public outreach is an important component of the ongoing needs assessment process. During 2014 the City held a number of community meetings through the Imagine Auburn visioning Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 3 process. The meetings included discussions of capital investments in transportation infrastructure and other transportation related issues which have been incorporated into this document. As part of the adoption process, the Plan is also reviewed by the City of Auburn Planning Commission, including a hearing where members of the public are provided the opportunity to provide input on the plan, and is then reviewed and adopted by the City Council. POLICY DEVELOPMENT The City creates policies to state preferences for preservation of the existing system and development of the future transportation system. Policies can be qualitative in nature, but often they are quantitative and prescribe a specific standard. Policies are also important for communicating the City’s values and needs to neighboring jurisdictions and regional and state agencies. Having established policies in place enables the City to more effectively influence change in keeping with its needs and objectives. LOS AND CONCURRENCY The concurrency provisions of the 1990 Growth Management Act (GMA) require that local governments permit development only if adequate public facilities exist, or can be guaranteed to be available within six years, to support new development. The GMA requires each local jurisdiction to identify facility and service needs based on level-of- service (LOS) standards. Auburn ensures that future development will not cause the system’s performance to fall below the adopted LOS standard by doing one or a combination of the following: limiting development, requiring appropriate mitigation, or changing the adopted standard. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN AND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The City uses the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) to develop a financial plan for capital improvements in Auburn, thus enabling the City to fulfill the GMA requirement of having a multiyear financing plan based on the identified transportation needs. The TIP, is a financial planning tool used to implement the list of transportation improvement projects identified in the Transportation Plan. It is a six-year plan which is reviewed and updated annually by the City Council to reflect changes to project priorities and funding circumstances. The first three years of the plan are fiscally constrained. Traffic impact fees on new development are determined by the cost of the capacity projects included in the TIP. The Capital Facilities Plan is also an annually adopted six-year financing plan. However, it is fiscally constrained for all six years. Unlike the TIP, the CFP is an adopted element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 4 1.3 REGIONAL COORDINATION In addition to being influenced by factors within the City, Auburn’s transportation system is influenced by what happens beyond its City limits: growth in neighboring communities, infrastructure maintenance by regional agencies, the lack of funding for road maintenance, new capacity projects, and competing demands for transit services. This Plan calls for effective interjurisdictional actions to address cross-border issues and to mitigate the impact of new development. The Plan also recognizes that other jurisdictions, particularly state agencies and transit providers, are responsible for a major share of the transportation facilities serving Auburn. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has jurisdiction over three major routes connecting Auburn to the region: SR-167, SR-18, and SR-164 (Auburn Way South). Auburn coordinates with WSDOT to study these corridors and implement roadway improvements. WSDOT also serves an important role as administrator of federal and state transportation funds. SOUND TRANSIT Sound Transit provides a variety of regional transit services for King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. In Auburn, Sound Transit provides commuter rail and express bus service. Auburn Station also serves as a hub and transfer station for local transit service provided by King County Metro Transit and Pierce Transit. The transit chapter provides more detail on current Sound Transit services, remaining needs for regional transit service, and the role Auburn plays in coordinating with the agency. KING COUNTY King County Metro Transit, a division of the King County Department of Transportation, provides local bus service for the Auburn area. Planned service for the City of Auburn is described in the Metro Strategic Plan for Public Transportation 2011-2021 and in Metro’s Long Range Public Transportation Plan now under development and expected to be completed in 2016. The City has developed an employee Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program in cooperation with Metro Transit. Details of the CTR program are summarized in the Non-motorized and Transit chapters of this plan. Auburn partners with King County Metro Transit on the 497 bus route, which provides peak hour service from Lakeland Hills to the Auburn Station. Auburn and King County Metro Transit hope to continue this relationship and develop future partnerships to expand transit service in Auburn. King County Road Services Division is responsible for maintaining and regulating the roadway network in King County, including the Totem and Klump portions of King County located inside the City limits. King County Road Services has a number of programs and plans in place that regulate development and other activities affecting their roadway network. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 5 PIERCE COUNTY Auburn partners with Pierce Transit on the 497 bus route, which provides peak hour service from Lakeland Hills to the Auburn Station. Auburn and Pierce Transit hope to continue this relationship and develop future partnerships to expand transit service in Auburn. Auburn also participates in The Regional Access Mobility Partnership (RAMP), a regional coalition comprised of both public and private sector interests dedicated to improving mobility in the South Puget Sound and Washington State. COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES Under the Growth Management Act, King and Pierce Counties have adopted Countywide Planning Policies to guide development in both incorporated and unincorporated areas of their jurisdictions. The policies support county and regional goals to provide a variety of mobility options and establish LOS standards that emphasize the efficient movement of people and not just vehicles. The Countywide Planning Policies are also important because they provide direction for planning and development of potential annexation areas. PUGET SOUND REGIONAL COUNCIL The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) sets policy for King, Pierce, Kitsap, and Snohomish counties through its long-range planning document, Vision 2040, and its regional transportation plan, Transportation 2040. Both documents encourage future growth to be concentrated in regional growth centers. They also seek to provide a multi-modal transportation system that serves all travel modes, actively encouraging the use of alternatives to single occupant vehicles. Another important policy theme is a focus on maximizing the efficiency of the transportation system through transportation demand management (TDM) and transportation system management (TSM) strategies, as well as completing critical links in the network. Auburn’s Transportation Plan is required to be consistent with PSRC’s regional planning efforts. ADJACENT CITIES The City recognizes the importance of coordinated and strong inter-jurisdictional action because transportation impacts do not stop at local boundaries. The City works closely with neighboring cities and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe to address transportation issues. These neighbors adopt goals and policies that directly impact Auburn. In developing this plan, analysis was undertaken to ensure that all transportation system improvements are compatible with neighboring jurisdictions. CITY OF KENT The City of Kent shares Auburn’s northern border and several regional transportation corridors including S 277th Street, SR 167, and the West Valley Highway. Most recently, Auburn has completed coordination with Kent on the annexation of the S 277th Street from Auburn Way North to the Green River into the City of Auburn to allow the widening of S 277th Street between Auburn Way N and L Street NE. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 6 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY The City of Federal Way is located west of Auburn. Several roadways, most notably SR 18, connect Auburn and Federal Way. Auburn and Federal Way regularly coordinate on both motorized and non-motorized roadway improvements affecting both jurisdictions. CITES OF SUMNER/ALGONA/ PACIFIC/BONNEY LAKE The City partners with its southern neighbors in many respects, including street system planning, transit planning, and regional trail planning. Auburn is also working with Sumner, Pacific and Algona on roadway improvement projects, including the recent preservation of Boundary Boulevard in partnership with Algona, and financial support of Pacific’s project to widen Stewart Road to the west of the White River. The City coordinates primarily with Bonney Lake for provision of water service in the Pierce County portion of the City. However, efforts to coordinate transportation systems and services will likely occur in the future. Partnerships with neighboring cities will continue to be an important factor in successful transportation planning. MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (MIT) is situated in the southeastern portion of the City and in unincorporated King County, generally to the east of Auburn Way South (SR-164) and south of SR-18. The Muckleshoot Tribe operates two major attractions in or near Auburn: the Muckleshoot Casino and the White River Amphitheatre. Both of these activity centers generate a large number of vehicle trips. Commercial development on tribal lands is expected to increase in the future and must be evaluated during transportation planning efforts. The City and tribe coordinate on a variety of transportation planning issues, both to accommodate the capacity needs derived from traffic generated by tribal land uses and to ensure the tribe has a functioning transportation system for its members. The Muckleshoot Tribe has developed their own Comprehensive Land Use Plan. In addition, a Transportation Plan and a Tribal Transportation Improvement Program have been created to identify transportation needs and plan for the next seven generations. One theme that is emerging from this effort is the need to build a well-connected internal roadway system on the reservation. Currently, Auburn Way South is the primary route for drivers and pedestrians traveling within the reservation. This extensive internal network will increase transportation efficiency and most importantly improve safety along the Auburn Way South corridor. The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and the City of Auburn have created a partnership to provide safety improvements along Auburn Map 1-1 Adjacent Jurisdictions Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 7 Way South. These improvements are currently under construction and are anticipated to be complete in the Spring of 2017. During July 2015, the State Legislature passed a transportation package which included a $15 million project to construct a new off-ramp from eastbound SR-18 to SR-164. At this time the scope and alignment of this new connection are not know, however, the City will be working with the MIT and WSDOT in the design process. 1.4 Accomplishments Since the Last Plan Since 2009, the City has completed numerous transportation improvements, with an emphasis on providing new road capacity, improving pedestrian and bicycle safety, preservation of existing infrastructure, and providing better access to regional transit services including commuter rail. Table 1-1 shows the key projects completed since the 2009 plan. The completed projects list includes the grade separation of M Street SE and the A Street NW corridor, which provides a parallel connection to Auburn Way N between downtown Auburn and S 272nd Street. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 8 Table 1-1. Transportation Improvements Completed Since 2009 # Project Name Location Type of Improvement 1 M Street SE Underpass M St SE (3rd SE to 8th SE) Roadway 2 A Street Corridor NW New Road (3rd NW to 14th NW) Roadway 3 ITS Improvements, Phase B S 277th to City Hall Signal and ITS 4 8th Street NE and R Street 8th St NE & R St NE Signal & ITS 5 A Street SE Pedestrian Improvements A St SE (3rd St SE to 6th St SE) Non-Motorized 6 37th Street SE and R Street SE Pedestrian Connector 37th St SE (Olympic to R St SE) Non-Motorized 7 SE 316th Place Traffic Calming Improvements SE 316th Place (112th to 116th) Safety 8 Terrace Drive Re-channelization Terrace Dr. NW (15th to W St) Safety 9 2009 Sidewalk Improvements Citywide Non-Motorized 10 2009 Citywide Arterial Pavement Patching Citywide Preservation 11 Citywide Guardrail Improvements Citywide Safety 12 F Street SE and 4th Street SE Traffic Signal F St SE & 4th St SE Intersection, Safety 13 West Valley Highway Improvements WVH, W Main St to SR-18 Roadway 14 Citywide School Zone Flashing Beacons Citywide Safety 15 2010 Local Street Preservation Citywide Preservation 16 South Auburn ITS Improvements C St SW, A St SE Signal and ITS 17 S Division Street Main St to 3rd St SE/SW Roadway 18 8th Street NE Re-channelization M St NE to 104th Roadway 19 2010 Traffic Signal Improvements Citywide Signal & ITS 20 Auburn Way South & M St Improvement’s AWS & M St SE Intersection, Safety 21 2011 Local Street Preservation Citywide Preservation 22 8th and 104th Signal Improvements 8th St NE & 104th Ave SE Intersection, Safety 23 2011 Citywide Sidewalk Improvements Citywide Non-motorized 24 Auburn Way South Phase 1 – Dogwood to Fir Roadway 25 Auburn Way South Phase 2 – Fir to Hemlock Roadway 26 Lea Hill Safe Routes to School 116th Ave SE, SE 312th St Safety 27 2011 Local Street Reconstruction Citywide Preservation 28 2012 Local Street Preservation Citywide Preservation 29 15th and WVH SW Repairs 15th St SW & WVH Signal & ITS 30 Traffic Signal Battery Backup Improvements BNSF Grade Crossings Signal & ITS 31 Citywide Traffic Signal Safety Improvements Citywide Signal & ITS, Safety Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 9 # Project Name Location Type of Improvement 32 2013 Local Street Preservation Citywide Preservation 33 West Valley Highway Preservation WVH, 15th NW to 37th NW Preservation 34 8th Street NE ITS Improvements 8th St NE (M St to 104th Ave SE) Signal & ITS 35 2013 Sidewalk Repairs Citywide Non-Motorized 36 2013 Arterial Pavement Patching Citywide Preservation 37 37th and B Street Pre-Signal 37th St NW & B St NW Signal & ITS, Safety 38 29th and A SE Repairs 29th & A St SE Signal & ITS 39 E Main Signal Pole Replacement E Main St & Auburn Way Signal & ITS 40 East Valley Hwy Overlay Peirce County Limits Preservation 41 2013 Arterial Crackseal Citywide Preservation 42 2014 Traffic Signal Improvements Citywide Preservation 43 2014 Local Street Improvements Citywide Preservation 44 2014 Citywide Arterial Pavement Preservation Citywide Preservation 45 2014 Citywide Arterial Crackseal Citywide Preservation 46 R Street SE Bicycle Lanes 17th St SE to White River Non-Motorized 47 B Street NW Bicycle Lanes 3rd St NW to 30th St NW Non-Motorized 48 Terrace Drive NW Bicycle Lanes 15th St NW to W St NW Non-Motorized 49 Dogwood Street SE Bicycle Lanes 21st St SE to Skyway Lane Non-Motorized 50 West Valley Highway Bicycle Lanes Main St to SR-18 Non-Motorized 51 14th Street NW Bicycle Lanes B St NW to A St NE Non-Motorized 52 116th Avenue SE Bicycle Lanes SE 304th St to SE 312th St Non-Motorized 53 124th Avenue SE Bicycle Lanes SE 316th St to SE 320th St Non-Motorized 54 132nd Avenue SE Bicycle Lanes SE 304th St to SE 312th St Non-Motorized 55 M Street SE Bicycle Lanes 4th St SE to 8th St SE Non-Motorized 56 Evergreen Way SE* New Roadway Roadway 57 I Street NE* New Roadway Roadway * These projects were constructed by others as part of private development projects 1.5 Plan Organization The following three chapters are organized according to the three primary transportation modes in Auburn: the street system (Chapter 2), the non-motorized system (Chapter 3), and the transit system (Chapter 4). Each chapter contains a needs assessment and discussion of the future system, including proposed projects or improvements. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 1. Introduction Page 1- 10 The remaining chapters cover subjects pertaining to all three system types. Chapter 5 details the City’s transportation objectives and policies. Chapter 6 discusses funding sources that can be used to finance future network improvements. Chapter 7 identifies a monitoring and evaluation strategy to ensure the document remains relevant and that progress is made towards implementation of the Plan. 1.6 Staff Resources Implementation of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan requires numerous resources, including staff time. All departments play a role in executing the Plan, but the Community Development & Public Works (CDPW) Department is the implementation lead. The CDPW Department employs engineers, planners, technical and support staff, and maintenance and operations personnel to maintain and improve the City’s transportation system. Nonetheless, staff performs many functions and dedicating sufficient resources to carry out the goals of this plan continues to present challenges. Figure 1-1 identifies the basic organization of the CPDW Department. Figure 1-1 Transportation Program Staff Resources (2015) Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 1 Chapter 2. THE STREET SYSTEM The City is served by an extensive street network, which includes highways, arterials, collectors, and local streets. The Auburn transportation system is designed to accommodate all modes of travel. This chapter describes the network and how well it serves the City both existing and future. 2.1 Existing Street System FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION The street system functions as a network. Functional classification is the hierarchy by which streets and highways are defined according to the character of service they provide. There are three main classes of streets in Auburn: arterials, collectors, and local streets. Existing street classifications are shown in Map 2-1. All streets have been classified using the Federal Functional Classification system guidelines. No significant changes have been made to the classification of City streets from the previous Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The Auburn Engineering Design Standards identifies design standards for each type of City street, in conformance with WSDOT and AASHTO standards. From a planning perspective, acknowledgment and proper designation of functional classifications allows for the preservation of right-of-way for future transportation corridors, whether the corridor provides access to car, HOV, transit, bike, or pedestrian use. Functional classification helps establish corridors that will provide for the future movement of people and goods, as well as emergency vehicle access. Proper designation is crucial to the planning effort; as development occurs, accommodation for the appropriate transportation corridors should be incorporated into development plans. STATE HIGHWAYS SR-18 – connects I-5 to I-90 through Auburn. Within the City limits, SR-18 has interchanges with SR- 167, West Valley Highway, C Street, SR-164/Auburn Way S, Auburn Black Diamond Road, and SE 304th Street providing access to downtown Auburn and Lea Hill. It is classified as both a Highway of Statewide Significance (HSS) and a National Highway System (NHS) route for the entire corridor segment. SR-18 is a full control limited access highway, allowing access only at interchanges within the City limits. SR-167 - also known as the Valley Freeway, serves as an alternative to I-5, connecting South King and north Pierce counties to the I-405 corridor to the north. SR-167 is designated as both HSS and NHS. Within the City limits, SR-167 has interchanges with SR-18, S 277th Street, 15th Street NW, and 15th Street SW. SR-167 is a full control limited access highway, allowing access only at interchanges within the City limits. Auburn Way S at M Street SE Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 2 SR-164 - is a 15-mile roadway corridor beginning at the SR-18 interchange with Auburn Way S. The corridor is aligned southeast through the City, connecting with the Muckleshoot Tribal Reservation and White River Amphitheater, and unincorporated King County before terminating in the City of Enumclaw at its junction with SR-410. SR-164 is a City street which is part of a State Highway. It is classified as an urban minor arterial by WSDOT, and also a HSS. The City of Auburn classifies is as a principal arterial. SR-164 does not have the same access restrictions as found on SR-18 and SR-167. ARTERIALS Arterials are the highest level of City street classification. There are two types of arterials in Auburn. Principal Arterials are designed to move traffic between locations within the region and connect with the freeway system. Design emphasis is placed on providing movement for both inter- and intra-city traffic. As such, these facilities typically carry the highest traffic volumes, experience the longest vehicle trips, and have the highest speed limits of all City streets. Direct access to adjacent land uses is permitted, although these streets are most likely to have limited access, in an effort to enhance safety along these corridors, and increase capacity for through vehicles. These arterials are the framework street system for the City and usually extend beyond the City limits, connecting with neighboring jurisdictions. They are typically constructed to accommodate five-lanes of traffic with speed limits of 30 to 45 mph. The design year average daily traffic (ADT) is greater than 15,000 vehicles per day. Principal arterials are heavily utilized as bus routes, carrying both local and regional service. Typically, on-street bicycle facilities are not appropriate for Principal Arterials and bicyclists are accommodated on adjacent separated trails or on parallel bicycle routes. Pedestrians are accommodated on sidewalks. Minor Arterials interconnect and augment the principal arterial system by providing access to and from the principal arterials and freeways. They serve moderate length trips with slightly less mobility than principal arterials and distribute traffic to smaller geographic areas. Minor arterials may serve secondary traffic generators such as business centers, neighborhood shopping centers, major parks, multifamily residential areas, medical centers, larger religious institutions, and community activity centers. While minor arterials should not enter neighborhoods, they do provide access between neighborhoods. They are typically constructed to accommodate four to five lanes of traffic with speed limits of 30 to 35 mph and a design year ADT of 10,000 to 20,000 vehicles per day. Minor arterials are frequently utilized as bus routes, have sidewalks to comfortably accommodate pedestrians and may include bicycle lanes, as appropriate. COLLECTORS Collectors are a step below arterials in the City classification system. There are three types of collectors in Auburn. Urban Residential Collectors are used to connect local streets and residential neighborhoods to community activity centers and minor and principal arterials. Urban Residential Collectors are typically constructed to accommodate two travel lanes with medians and turn pockets at intersections or two travel lanes with bicycle lanes. The posted speed limit is generally 30 mph and the design year ADT is 2,500 to 10,000 vehicles per day. Urban Residential Collectors have sidewalks and may be utilized for some transit service, including dial-a-ride transit and paratransit services. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 3 Rustic Residential Collectors are routes located in areas with less intensive land uses associated with the Residential Conservancy land-use designation. They carry traffic between local and arterial streets. Rustic Residential Collectors provide access to all levels of arterials, are typically constructed to accommodate two lanes with gravel shoulders on both sides, and have a speed limit of 30 to 40 mph. The gravel shoulder may be reduced on one side to provide a wider shoulder on the other for equestrian access or bicycle travel. Rustic Residential Collectors do not have sidewalks and generally do not carry transit services except for paratransit and possibly dial-a-ride-transit. The design year ADT is 1,000 to 5,000 vehicles per day. Non-Residential Collectors provide intra-community access by connecting non-residential areas such as industrial and commercial areas to minor and principal arterials. They may serve neighborhood traffic generators such as stores, elementary schools, religious institutions, clubhouses, small hospitals or clinics, areas of small multifamily developments, as well as other commercial and industrial uses. Non-Residential Collectors are typically constructed to accommodate two lanes and a center two-way left-turn lane, with a speed limit of 30 mph and may include bicycle lanes. The design year ADT is 2,500 to 5,000 vehicles per day. Non-Residential Collectors have sidewalks and may be utilized for some transit service, including dial-a-ride transit and paratransit services. LOCAL STREETS Local Streets are the most common street type in the City. Local streets comprise all facilities not part of one of the higher classification systems. Local streets primarily provide direct access to abutting land and to the higher order streets. Service to through traffic is discouraged. There are four categories of local streets. Urban Local Residential Streets provide access to abutting residential parcels. They offer the lowest level of mobility among all street classifications. The street is designed to conduct traffic between dwelling units and higher order streets. As the lowest order street in the hierarchy, the street usually carries minimal through traffic and includes short streets, cul-de-sacs, and courts. The speed limit is generally 25 mph and the design year ADT is 200 to 1,200 vehicles per day. Urban Local Residential Streets have sidewalks to accommodate pedestrians. Bicyclists may travel either on the sidewalk or within the travel lane depending on their level of comfort. Transit service is generally limited to dial-a- ride transit and paratransit. Rustic Local Residential Streets serve areas associated with the Residential Conservancy zoning designation. They provide access to adjacent land and distributing traffic to and from the arterials, residential collectors, rustic, and local streets. Rustic Local Residential Streets are two-lane roadways with gravel shoulders and a speed limit of 25 mph. The design year ADT is 100 to 1,000 vehicles per day. Because these streets have low traffic volumes, bicyclists can comfortably share the travel lane with motorized vehicles. Since Rustic Local Residential Streets do not have sidewalks, pedestrians walk Residential Collector, Urban Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 4 along the shoulder of the road. Transit service is very infrequent and most likely limited to paratransit and possibly dial-a-ride-transit. Local Non-Residential Streets provide direct access to higher order classification streets and serve primarily industrial and manufacturing land uses. They offer a lower level of mobility and accommodate heavy vehicle traffic. Typically they have two travel lanes with a speed limit of 25 mph and the design year ADT is 400 to 1,200 vehicles per day. Local Non-Residential Streets have sidewalks to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists may travel on the shoulder of the road (Class IV bicycle facility), although bicycle travel may not be as comfortable as on Local Residential Streets due to a greater frequency of trucks and other heavy vehicles. Transit service is generally limited to dial-a- ride transit and paratransit. Private Streets can be appropriate for local access in very limited usage. They provide direct access to City streets and should be limited to those streets accessing properties within a planned area and immediately adjacent properties. Private streets at a minimum are built to the same design and construction standards as a local residential street. ALLEYS AND ACCESS TRACTS Alleys provide vehicular access to abutting properties, generally through the rear or side of the property. Alleys can be public or private and serve several purposes including access management and the alleviation of traffic problems on city streets. Alleys should provide through access to city streets or adequate turnaround space if through access is not feasible. Alleys shall be constructed to allow for general-purpose and emergency access at all times. Access Tracts, sometimes referred to as shared driveways, provide vehicular access for lots that do not abut a street or alley. They are most common in panhandle lots or rear lots that do not have street or alley access. Access tracts are privately owned and maintained. They must provide for sufficient vehicular movement and turnaround space, be free of temporary and permanent obstructions, and provide for emergency access. TRAFFIC VOLUMES Average daily traffic counts were obtained from data collected during 2013. Map 2-2 shows the existing average weekday daily traffic volumes on City arterials. A major contributor to the high traffic volumes on City arterials is traffic passing through the City. This pass-through traffic originates in surrounding jurisdictions and uses City streets to access the major regional highways, such as SR-18 and SR-167. Between 25 and 30 percent of all vehicle trips on the Auburn street system begin and end outside the City. The City is committed to working with WSDOT to improve the state highway system, thereby reducing the demand on the City street system. SPEED LIMITS The City designates speed limits as a means of alerting drivers to safe and appropriate travel speeds for a particular corridor segment. Typically, the higher the classification of roadway, the higher the posted speed limit. Except for school zones which are posted at 20 mph when children are present, speed limits in the City range from 25 mph (typically for local roads) to 45 mph on some principal arterials. The City routinely monitors corridors to ensure appropriate speed limits are in place. Unless otherwise posted the statutory legal speed limit in the City is 25 mph. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 5 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SIGNS Traffic signals, signs, and pavement markings are used to inform road users, thereby increasing the effective use of the roadway by moving traffic more efficiently and safely. The City uses the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as guidance for design, construction, and placement of these design elements in the right of way. FREIGHT Auburn is an important freight hub in the Puget Sound region, and the efficient movement of freight, through and within the City, is critical to Auburn’s economic stability. Both rail and truck freight, originating largely in the Ports of Tacoma and Seattle, pass through Auburn regularly. RAIL The Union Pacific Railroad (UP) and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) have rail lines running through Auburn. The UP line runs north-south, to the east of the Interurban Trail. BNSF has a double-track, federally designated, high-speed railroad line running north-south. BNSF and Sound Transit are planning to add a third track to this north-south line by 2016. This third track is being installed to handle increased commuter rail traffic and freight traffic. The BNSF Stampede Pass line runs east-west through downtown Auburn, entering Auburn at the east end of town near Auburn- Black Diamond Road and merging with the north-south line just south of the Auburn Station. In addition, BNSF operates a rail yard between A Street SE and C Street SW, south of SR-18. In the future, this area may develop as a multi-modal rail yard, prompting the need to mitigate increased truck traffic through capacity improvements. BNSF also has plans to increase traffic on the Stampede Pass line, the east-west rail line running through Auburn. To accommodate this increase the City recently completed the grade separation of M Street SE. Both the BNSF north-south line and the Stampede Pass line are handling an increase in rail freight traffic. BNSF handles a number of unit (solid) coal trains traveling to terminals in northwest Washington state as well as unit oil trains carrying crude oil to northwest Washington state refineries. While loaded coal and oil trains are usually handled on the .north-south line, some of these empty trains return east to Wyoming or North Dakota via the Stampede Pass line. The pavement at the crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad at 15th Street SW is in very poor condition. Rehabilitation of the pavement is a high priority for the City, and a project has been programmed to reconstruct 15th Street SW from C Street SW to the railroad tracks. TRUCK The City has designated truck routes for through freight movement in an effort to maximize the efficiency of and protect the roadway infrastructure. Current City of Auburn truck routes are shown in Map 2-3. Truck routes, established by City ordinance, are designated for roadways that incorporate special design considerations such as street grades, continuity, turning radii, street and lane widths, pavement strength, and overhead obstruction heights. In addition, the Washington State Freight and Goods Transportation System (FGTS) is used to classify roadways, freight railroads and waterways according to the annual freight tonnage they carry as directed by RCW 47.05.021. Map 2-4 shows the 2013 classifications of City streets. The FGTS is primarily used to establish funding eligibility for Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 6 grants, fulfill federal reporting requirements, support transportation planning process, and plan for pavement needs and upgrades. The FGTS classifies roadways using the following categories:  T1: more than 10 million tons per year  T2: 4 million to 10 million tons per year  T3: 300,000 to 4 million tons per year  T4: 100,000 to 300,000 tons per year  T5: at least 20,000 tons in 60 days and less than 100,000 tons per year Truck freight tonnage values are derived from actual or estimated truck traffic counts and converted into average weights by truck type. The City expects that the majority of regional truck trips will take place on state highways. However, recognizing that trips through the City are sometimes necessary, Auburn has designated a network of north-south and east-west corridors as truck routes, which are built to truck standards. In addition, the City has designated future truck routes, which will be designed and constructed to accommodate truck traffic, as opportunities arise. FMSIB has expressed an interest in these first and last mile connectors which provide access between these classified freight facilities and port, rail yard, distribution centers and truck terminals. Auburn has significant industrial and commercial development throughout the City. The City encourages local delivery trucks to use the designated truck network as much as possible, but recognizes that trips on non-truck routes are necessary. The City is committed to supporting local industry, business, and residential needs and recognizes that the ability to ship and receive freight is essential to the success of many businesses. To implement this policy, the City will collaborate with local businesses to improve freight access, while maintaining the roadway infrastructure, whenever possible. This may include adopting City Code and updating the Auburn Engineering Design and Construction Standards in a manner that favors these priorities. However, in a limited number of key locations, trucks may be prohibited due to existing design elements which do not support trucks, protecting sensitive areas such as downtown and residential neighborhoods, and to extend pavement life. SAFETY The City places the highest priority on providing a safe transportation system for all travel modes. Continual efforts are made to make changes to the street system in a manner that improves safety and decreases the likelihood and severity of collisions. Pedestrian crossings and other non-motorized safety issues are discussed in the following chapters. At grade railroad crossings, emergency response needs and collisions related to the street system are discussed below. At Grade Railroad Crossings Truck Traffic Using S 277th Street Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 7 At grade railroad crossings create conflict points between vehicles and non-motorized road users and rail traffic. Auburn has several at grade railroad crossings: the Union Pacific tracks cross 44th St NW, 37th Street NW, 29th Street NW, West Main Street, and 15th Street SW. The BNSF tracks cross 37th Street NW, 29th Street NW, 3rd Street NW, W Main Street, and Auburn-Black Diamond Road. With more than 60 trains passing through the City each day, the City has many at grade crossings, each with unique safety implications. The City coordinates with railroad operators and the State to upgrade the crossings whenever possible. For instance, the project to grade separate M Street SE at the BNSF Stampede Pass tracks by lowering M Street SE under the railroad overpass was completed during 2013. Recent upgrades include the construction of a pre-signal where 37th Street NW crosses the BNSF tracks, to stop westbound vehicles on 37th Street NW to the west of the grade crossing in advance of the traffic signal at B Street NE. The pre-signal will prevent vehicles from stopping on the crossing. BNSF is currently constructing a third rail mainline between Seattle and Auburn to improve service and reliability for passenger rail. The new mainline is located on the west-side of the existing tracks. The third mainline will reduce vehicle storage for westbound vehicles on W Main Street and 3rd Street NW between the tracks and traffic signals with C Street NW. The City is working with BNSF to upgrade the crossings to provide additional time to clear vehicles and pedestrians from these crossings before the gates come down. Impacts at the remaining grade crossings are anticipated to worsen in the future due to increased vehicle demands at the crossings, combined with increased rail traffic, resulting in more frequent, and longer duration, closures. EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND MANAGEMENT Providing residents with quick responses in emergency situations is a high priority for the City. The City maintains a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and supporting plans which identify critical facilities that should be maintained as a first priority during catastrophic events. Critical transportation facilities, generally include Principal Arterials, bridges and major evacuation routes. In addition, the City works to provide a street network that will ensure multiple alternate routes for emergency vehicles. Fire and police response vehicles are equipped with traffic signal controls that enable emergency vehicles to secure safe and rapid passage along signalized corridors. In addition, the City has mutual-aid agreements with nearby emergency response operators to ensure adequate coverage in case of road closures or other obstacles that would otherwise prevent timely emergency response. COLLISIONS The City collects and reviews collision data to identify intersection and roadway locations where potential hazards exist. Potential safety problems are identified using the Safety Priority Index System (SPIS) methodology, an effective problem identification tool for evaluating locations with higher BNSF Freight Train at West Main Street Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 8 collision histories. The SPIS score for a location considers three years of data and considers frequency, collision rate, and severity. If a hazard is identified, corrective measures can then be identified and implemented as appropriate. While the City relies primarily on its own data, collision data from other sources, including neighboring jurisdictions and the State, is utilized whenever available. 2.2 Street Standards and Levels-of-Service The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the City to establish service levels for the street network and to provide a means for correcting deficiencies and meeting future needs. Transportation professionals use the term ‘level-of-service’ (LOS) to measure the operational performance of a transportation facility, such as a street corridor or intersection. This measure considers perception by motorists and passengers in terms of speed, travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions and delays, comfort, and convenience. The City currently uses a single-mode LOS system based upon vehicular travel. In the future, a multi- modal system which includes transit, pedestrians, and bicyclists should be developed and adopted. The currently adopted LOS methodology gives letter designations from ‘A’ through ‘F’, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions, and LOS F representing the worst. LOS can be quantified in different terms, depending on the transportation facility. Definitions for each level-of-service and the methodologies for calculating the level-of-service for various facilities are contained in the Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board, 2000). The City most commonly uses corridor level-of- service for accessing facilities. Generally, this is considered the most comprehensive way to determine vehicular traffic impacts. The following descriptions provide some guidance for interpreting the meaning of each LOS letter for corridor LOS on city streets.  LOS A describes primarily free-flow operations at average travel speeds, usually about 90 percent of the free-flow speed (FFS) for the given street class. Vehicles are completely unimpeded in their ability to maneuver within the traffic stream. Control delay at signalized intersections is minimal. FFS is the average speed of vehicles on a given facility, measured under low-volume conditions, when drivers tend to drive at their desired speed and are not constrained by control delay. Control delay is the total elapse time from a vehicle joining the queue until its departure from the stopped position at the head of the queue. This includes the time required to decelerate into the queue and accelerate back to free-flow speed.  LOS B describes reasonably unimpeded operations at average travel speeds, usually about 70 percent of the FFS for the street class. The ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is only slightly restricted, and control delays at signalized intersections are not significant.  LOS C describes stable operations; however, ability to maneuver and change lanes in midblock locations may be more restricted than at LOS B, and longer queues, adverse signal coordination, or both may contribute to lower average travel speeds of about 50 percent of the FFS for the street class.  LOS D borders on the range in which small increases in the number of vehicles may cause substantial increases in delay and decreases in travel speed. LOS D may be due to poor progression through the signalized intersections along a corridor, inappropriate signal timing, high Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 9 traffic volumes, or a combination of these factors. Average travel speeds are about 40 percent of FFS.  LOS E is characterized by significant delays and average travel speeds of 33 percent or less or the FFS. Such operations are caused by a combination of adverse signal progression, close signal spacing, high volumes, extensive delays at critical intersections, and inappropriate signal timing.  LOS F is characterized by urban street flow at extremely low speeds, typically one-third to one- fourth of the FFS. Intersection congestion is likely critical at signalized locations, with high delays, high volumes, and extensive queuing. CITY LOS STANDARDS AND CURRENT LOS It is necessary to define LOS standards for transportation facilities to enforce the concurrency requirements of the GMA. If development causes a facility to degrade below a defined LOS standard, concurrency requires that the development make improvement to restore operations to the LOS standard or better, or the permit for that development be denied. Auburn defines unsatisfactory LOS as: an unacceptable increase in hazard or unacceptable decrease in safety on a roadway; an accelerated deterioration of the street pavement condition or the proposed regular use of a street not designated as a truck route for truck movements that can reasonably result in accelerated deterioration of the street pavement (typically addressed through the payment of the truck impact fee); an unacceptable impact on geometric design conditions at an intersection where two truck routes meet on the City arterial and collector network; an increase in congestion which constitutes an unacceptable adverse environmental impact under the State Environmental Policy Act; or the inability of a facility to meet the adopted LOS standard. The City uses corridor LOS as its primary measurement of transportation system impacts. The City corridors typically used for analyzing LOS are shown in Map 2-5, although the City may require analysis of a different segment in order to assess the full LOS impacts. All arterials and collectors in Auburn have designated LOS standards. The LOS standard for these corridors is primarily LOS D with the exception of some corridors that may operate as LOS E or F. While the City uses a weekday PM peak hour based LOS system, weekday AM peak hour LOS impacts may be required to be analyzed in situations where unique conditions are likely to result in a LOS deficiency during the weekday AM peak hour. Table 2-1 identifies Auburn’s LOS Standards, as well as the 2014 corridor LOS. As indicated in the table, LOS was calculated for many of Auburn’s street corridors using traffic count data collected during 2014. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 10 Table 2-1 Corridor Level of Service – Existing 2014 Weekday PM Peak Hour ID Corridor From To LOS Standard* 2014 LOS NB/EB SB/WB 1 Auburn Way N 15th St NES 277thStE CC 2 Auburn Way N E Main St 15th St NE E D D 3 Auburn Way S E Main StM St SEF CD 4 Auburn Way S M St SE Academy Dr. SE D B C 5 M St/Harvey Auburn Way NE Main StE DD 6 M St/Harvey E Main St Auburn Way S E D C 8 37th St NE/NW West Valley Hwy Auburn Way NE CC 9 15th St NE/NW West Valley Hwy Auburn Way N F** D D 10 Auburn Ave/A St 6th St SEE Valley Access RdD BC 11 Main St West Valley Hwy R St D D D 12 15th St SW West Valley Hwy C St SWE DD 13 C St SW EllingsonRd SR-18 D B C 14 West Valley Hwy 37thSt NE15th St NEE BC 15 S 277th St Frontage Rd L St NE E C C 16 R St SE/Kersey Way Howard RdLake Tapps PkwyD BB 17 Lake Tapps Pkwy East Valley Hwy Kersey Way SE D C C 18 A St NW/B St NW 3rd St NWS 277th StD CB 19 8th St NE/Lea Hill Rd Harvey Rd 124th Ave SE E C B 22 SE 312th St/132nd Ave SE 124th Ave SESR-18D BB 25 105th Pl SE/SE 320th St Lea Hill Rd 124th Ave SE D A C 26 Lakeland Hills Way SE Lake Tapps Pkwy A St SEE DC 27 29th St SE/Riverwalk Dr. A St SE Auburn Way S D D C 31 3rd St SW/Cross St C St Auburn Way SF FE 33 41st St SE/Ellingson Rd A St SE C St SE F F F 35 West Valley Hwy 15th St NW15thSt SWE DE * Corridor segments within Downtown Auburn may operate at LOS E in accordance with the Auburn Downtown Plan. All other arterial and collector corridors must operate at LOS D or better, unless otherwise indicated. ** Total travel time in the eastbound direction cannot exceed 1,000 seconds for this corridor to meet LOS standards. As shown in the table, each of the corridor segments currently meets LOS standards adopted by the City as part of this plan. The LOS standards for several corridors have been revised downwards in recognition that a number of corridors are considered to be built out by the City due to Rigth-of-Way constraints, impact to existing development, and project costs. For example, eastbound Cross Street and both eastbound and westbound 41st Street SE, all of which currently operate at LOS F. The poor operations on these segments can be attributed to their short length, closely spaced signalized intersections, and limited storage lengths, combined with high volumes of turning traffic. In the majority of cases it is the traffic operations at the intersections along a corridor which limit the capacity of the corridor, rather than the capacity of the roadway segments between intersections. This is especially true along corridors with closely spaced intersections, such as Cross Street and 41st Street SE, and corridors where two principal arterial roads intersect, such as Auburn Way S and M Street SE. Along other corridors where the number of intersections is limited and the distances between them are greater, the corridor LOS may not identify a bottleneck at one or more of the intersections along the overall corridor. An example of this is along the Kersey Way corridor, where the overall corridor Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 11 operates at LOS B, but the intersection with 29th Street SE operates at LOS D, with the highest delays and longest vehicle queue associated with southbound traffic on Kersey Way. STATE HIGHWAY LOS Amendments to the GMA in 1998 added new requirements for local jurisdictions to address state- owned transportation facilities, as well as local transportation system needs in their comprehensive plans (RCW 47.06.140). House Bill 1487, adopted by the Washington State Legislature in 1998, requires that the transportation element of local comprehensive plans include the LOS standards for Highways of Statewide Significance (HSS). HB 1487 clarified that the concurrency requirement of the GMA does not apply to HSS or other transportation facilities and services of statewide significance. HB 1487 also requires local jurisdictions to estimate traffic impacts to state-owned facilities resulting from land use assumptions in the Comprehensive Plan. THE WSDOT STANDARD WSDOT has identified a LOS D standard for all urban Highways of Statewide Significance (HSS) according to the State Highway System Plan (HSP). All state highways within the City of Auburn, including SR-18, SR-167, and SR-164 are classified as urban Highways of Statewide Significance, and therefore have a LOS D standard. LAND USE/TRANSPORTATION RELATIONSHIP Land use and the transportation system are intertwined, each influencing the development of the other. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate how the future transportation system can be improved to best support both existing and proposed land-uses. In 2003 Auburn was designated as a Regional Growth Center by the Puget Sound Regional Council as part of the Vision 2040 plan. Designated regional growth centers are identified for housing and employment growth, as well as being eligible for regional transportation funding. A broad overview of Auburn’s Comprehensive Plan land use map’s more intensive land use designations shows industrial (light and heavy) designations in the west side of the valley floor portion of the City, extensive commercial development (light and heavy) located along Auburn Way N, Auburn Way S, and A Street SE, and sizable heavy commercial designated areas near the SR-18 and 15th Street SW interchange (The Outlet Collection) and between 15th Street NW and 37th Street NW (Emerald Downs). Downtown Auburn is near the geographic center of the City, located generally east of the Interurban Trail, north of SR-18, west of F Street SE/NE, and south of 3rd Street NW/NE and 4th Street NE. Residential development generally exists along the east side of the valley floor and the surrounding hillsides of West Hill, Lea Hill, and Lakeland Hills. A major land use activity in Lea Hill to the east includes the Green River College located on SE 320th Street. As with many cities in South King and North Pierce counties, especially those along the SR-167 corridor, the local land use plan is characterized by a predominance of industrial land use designations. The land use element identifies “Industrial” as the City’s second most predominant zoning designation (residential being first). Consequently, the City’s land use plan establishes a development pattern that has traffic generated by these industrial uses directed towards the State Highway System. Another key feature in the Comprehensive Plan land use element is a “Heavy Commercial” designation at 15th Street SW, adjacent to SR-167 and SR-18. This commercial designation is the site Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 12 of The Outlet Collection. The Outlet Collection attracts customers on a regional basis and impacts use of the State Highway System, even more than the downtown, or the commercial development along Auburn Way and A Street SE. The same can also be said for Auburn Way N to the north of downtown which serves as an auto mall, which attracts both local and regional traffic. Downtown Auburn contains a mix of land-uses including residential, commercial and industrial uses. Commercial uses in the Downtown are focused along Main Street, Auburn Way and A Street SE and tend to serve more local needs. Historically, this commercial development has served predominantly local needs. However, the presence of the Auburn Station, Multi Care, City Hall, and recent and proposed new development projects, combined with regulations and policies that encourage transit oriented developments, downtown commercial development will serve a broader range of needs in the future. Downtown Auburn also has the Cities most robust non-motorized infrastructure, including both extensive pedestrian and bicycle facilities. This provides the opportunity for both residents and employees to rely on proximate transit services at the Auburn Station, combined with a robust non- motorized transportation system for a portion of their transportation needs. The goal of this plan is to continue to grow and expand the non-motorized transportation system to provide the same transportation choices throughout the City. The City’s Comprehensive Plan land use map focuses residential development in the eastern portion of the valley and in the West Hill, Lea Hill, and the Lakeland Hills area. Access to the State Highway System in Lea Hill is limited to SR-18 at SE 304th Street. Future impacts on the State Highway System in the Lea Hill area will primarily be commuter traffic due to the predominance of residential compre- hensive plan designations in that area, and continued growth of Green River College. The development of Lakeland Hills will also principally result in increased commuter traffic. Future impacts to the State Highway System can generally be gauged by projected arterial link ADT volumes at or near state highway ramps. This is, at best, only a general estimate since not all traffic passing through these street segments is utilizing the State Highway System. Further, traffic using the arterial segment may be originating from outside Auburn, and may therefore not result from assumptions in Auburn’s land use plan. Several city arterials connect directly to SR-167 and SR-18. Some examples include C Street SW, West Valley Highway, and Auburn Way South connections with SR-18, and 15th Street NW and 15th Street SW connections with SR-167. These streets are among the most heavily used in the City, a function of their relationship to the State Highway System. SR-164 is also within the city limits. Year 2013 average daily traffic (ADT) volumes along SR-164 range from a low of 21,700 near the eastern city boundary up to 35,900 along Auburn Way South near SR-18. These volumes are forecast to continue to increase over the next 20 years. However, the growth is limited by the capacity of the roadway. The State Highway System also impacts the City’s local street system. A “pass-through” traffic pattern results in significant traffic volume increases on the local arterial street system. For example, many of Auburn’s weekday PM peak hour trips are work to home trips originating outside of the Auburn area and destined for residential areas outside of Auburn, including Pierce County and the Enumclaw Plateau. This traffic exits state routes and travels through Auburn to avoid congestion on the State Highway System. This is evidenced by increases in traffic counts within the City that clearly exceed that which might be expected through anticipated growth and development patterns outlined in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 13 Figure 2-1. Population, Housing, and Job Growth FOR CITY OF AUBURN 2000 – 2035 1 – Population and housing data for 2000 and 2010 taken from US Census. 2 – Population and housing projection for 2025 and 2035 from City of Auburn. 3 – Covered employment data and estimates derived from PSRC. 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 2000201020252035 Population Housing Units Jobs City’s land use plan, such as at SR-164 at the eastern City limit. The City may implement measures that encourage local traffic movements and discourage pass-through trips. 2.3 Future Street System METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATING FUTURE SYSTEM TRAVEL FORECASTS HOUSING AND EMPLOYMENT GROWTH Auburn has grown rapidly during the past decade, and housing and employment are expected to continue to increase significantly by 2035, with the population reaching approximately 95,000 residents, as shown in Figure 2-1. Much of the housing growth will come from higher density re- development in the downtown area and the rapidly growing Lakeland Hills and Lea Hill areas. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 14 TRAFFIC GROWTH The City of Auburn relies on traffic forecasts using the VISUM travel demand model, which is based upon the land use plan and assumptions found in the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan. Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) household and employment forecasts are also used. The model is calibrated to include existing land uses and local knowledge, including large traffic generators such as Boeing, the Outlet Collection, Emerald Downs, Muckleshoot Casino, and White River Amphitheater. Areas outside of the current city limits that are expected to significantly impact the City transportation system are included in the model. The model enables the City to conduct traffic forecasts for all arterial and collector streets based upon a number of if-then development and land use scenarios. The more dramatic traffic increases are often caused by development outside the City, especially along the roadways serving the Enumclaw Plateau. Other areas of major traffic increase include A Street SE, M Street SE, and the West Valley Highway. In order to address the growing traffic volumes and congestion levels on city streets, traffic operations were evaluated for a near term horizon year of 2022 and a long term horizon year of 2035. This approach was taken to help identify which improvement projects need to be included in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to accommodate short term growth, vs. those longer term projects which are needed to accommodate additional growth forecast to occur between 2022 and 2035. FUTURE 2022 CONDITIONS City Projects The current TIP, adopted during 2015, identifies programmed projects for the years 2016 to 2021. Therefore, the analysis of 2022 traffic operations includes City projects which would increase capacity along both roadway segments and at intersections which are anticipated to be constructed by 2022. The included projects are listed in Table 2-2 and illustrated on Map 2-6. This includes a project programmed in the TIP that is not included in the travel demand model: a new crossing of the BNSF Rail yard between SR-18 and 41st Street SE (TIP #12). This is discussed in more detail in the Future System Recommendations section of this chapter and may be included in future updates to this plan. The TIP also includes non-capacity projects such as non-motorized and preservation projects. The City’s ADA transition plan also identifies non-motorized improvements. In addition, non-motorized improvement projects are discussed in Chapter 3, Non-Motorized Transportation. Regional Transportation Projects In addition to the City of Auburn projects identified above, a number of regional transportation projects are planned to be completed, predominantly WSDOT projects planned for the freeway system. However, none of these projects are anticipated to be completed by 2022. Additional Projects In addition to the projects identified in Map 2-6, four intersections outside of the City were identified as potential level-of-service concerns during the plan development. While the following intersections have not been analyzed in detail because they are situated outside of Auburn’s jurisdiction, they should be evaluated by the appropriate jurisdiction and programmed for improvements as needed: Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 15  51st Avenue S/S 316th Street (King County)  S 321st Street/46th Place (King County)  S 321st Street/Peasley Canyon Road (King County)  West Valley Hwy/Peasley Canyon Rd (WSDOT) As mitigation for an adjacent development project located within the City of Auburn, the eastbound stop-controlled S 316th Street approach to 51st Avenue S is being widened to provide separate left- and right-turn lanes. This improvement was required to mitigate a development related impact to LOS at this intersection. The same development project also identified a traffic operations impact at the S 321st Street intersection with 46th Place S. As mitigation for that impact the development dedicated ROW to the City to allow the 46th Place S approach to S 321st Street to be realigned to the east to create two offset “T” intersections. This project is included in the City of Auburn TIP (TIP #9) and included in Table 2-2 below. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 16 Table 2-2. Future Capacity Projects and Cost Estimates – 2022 Map No. Location (corridor and segment) Description Total Cost (2015 dollars) City Projects Included in the 2022 Analysis 1 Auburn Way S Dogwood St SE to Fir St SE U-Turns, pedestrian improvements, and access control $1.75M 2 I Street NE Corridor 45th St NE to S 277th St Construct 5 lane arterial $6.75M 3 S 277th Street AWN to Green River Bridge Widen to 5 lanes total and install a Class 1 trail $8.3M 4 A Street NW Phase 2 W. Main St to 3rd St NW Construct multi-lane arterial $3.15M 5 F Street SE 4th St SE to Auburn Way S Pedestrian, Bicycle and Vehicular Access Improvements $2.5M 6 M Street NE E Main St to 4th St NE Widen to 4 lanes $1.5M 7 8th Street NE Pike St NE to R St NE Add EB lane to south side of 8th Street NE $1.45M 8 49th Street NE Auburn Way N to I St NE Construct multi-lane arterial connection $3.35M 9 46th Place S Realignment S 321st St and 46th Pl S Realign 46th Place S to the east to create two new T intersections $825K 10 124th Ave SE Corridor SE 318th St to SE 312th St Widen to 4 lanes and bike lanes $4M 11 SE 320th Street 116th Ave SE to 122nd Ave SE Roundabout, Bike lanes, and safety improvements $4.64M 12 Auburn Way S Muckleshoot Plaza to Dogwood St SE Additional turn lanes and vehicle storage, access control, and non- motorized improvements. $2.9M Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 17 City Projects Included in the 2022 Analysis (Continued) 13 W Valley Highway Improvements 15th St NW to W Main St Roadway widening, re- channelization, non-motorized improvements and ITS upgrades $3.7M 14 W Main Street W Valley Hwy to Interurban Trail Re-channelization, non-motorized improvements, ITS upgrades $4.45M 15 Auburn Way S Fir St SE to Hemlock St SE Widen to 5-lanes, signalize Hemlock St SE $4.6M 16 M Street SE Corridor 8th St SE to Auburn Way S. Construct multi-lane corridor $6.7M 17 Lea Hill Road Segment 1 R St NE to 105th Pl SE Widen to 2 lanes each direction including widening of the Green River Bridge. Includes bike lanes and sidewalks. $13M 18 Lea Hill Road Segment 2 105th Pl SE to 112th Ave SE Widen corridor to include 2 eastbound lanes, bike lanes and sidewalks. $12M 19 Lea Hill Road Segment 3 112th Ave SE to 124th Ave SE Widen corridor to include 2 eastbound lanes, bike lanes and sidewalks. $4M 20 W Valley Highway SR-18 to 15th St SW Re-channelization, non-motorized improvements, ITS upgrades $3M 21 R Street SE 17th St SE to M St SE Construct a new roadway connection $10M 22 M Street SE at 12th Street SE Install a new traffic signal $625K 23 M Street SE at 29th Street SE Install a new traffic signal $450K Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 18 City Projects Included in the 2022 Analysis (Continued) 24 124th Avenue SE at SE 284th Street Safety and capacity improvements $700K 25 Lake Tapps Parkway Lakeland Hills Way to E Valley Hwy Add ITS system $1M 26 29th Street SE at R street SE Increase intersection capacity $1.8M 27 A Street SE at 37th Street SE Install a traffic signal and southbound u-turn for future access management $935K 28 I Street NE at 22nd Street NE Construct a new roundabout $1.4M     Subtotal for City Projects $109M  Non-City Projects included in the 2022 Analysis 51st Avenue S 288th Street Add signal 2022 LEVELS OF SERVICE Weekday PM peak hour levels of service were calculated for 2022 conditions using the same methodology used to calculate the 2014 levels of service shown previously. The same corridors were analyzed in both cases. The 2022 levels of service account for the growth forecast to occur between 2014 and 2022 and the capacity improvement projects identified above. The 2022 levels of service are shown in Table 2-3. Is should be noted that without the projects shown in Table 2-2, the traffic operations presented in Table 2-3 would be significantly worse, with a number of corridors operating below adopted LOS standards. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 19 Table 2-3. Corridor LOS – Future 2022 Weekday PM Peak Hour ID Corridor From To LOS Standard* 2022 LOS EB/NB SB/WB 1 Auburn Way N 15th St NES 277th StE C D 2 Auburn Way N E Main St 15thSt NE E D D 3 Auburn Way S E Main StM St SEF C E 4 Auburn Way S M St SE Academy Dr. SE D C C 5 M St/Harvey Rd Auburn Way NE Main StE D D 6 M St/Harvey Rd E Main St Auburn Way S E D D 8 37th St NE/NW West Valley Hwy Auburn Way NE C C 9 15th St NE/NW West Valley Hwy Auburn Way N F** D D 10 Auburn Ave/A St 6th St SEE Valley Access RdD C C 11 Main St West Valley Hwy R St D C D 12 15th St SW West Valley Hwy C St SWE D D 13 C St SW EllingsonRd SR-18 D B D 14 West Valley Hwy 37th St NE15thSt NEE B C 15 S 277th St Frontage Rd L St NE E C C 16 R St SE/Kersey Way Howard RdLake Tapps PkwyD B C 17 Lake Tapps Pkwy East Valley Hwy Kersey Way SE D C C 18 A St NW/B St NW 3rd St NWS 277th StD C B 19 8th St NE/Lea Hill Rd Harvey Rd 124th Ave SE E C B 22 SE 312th St/132nd Ave SE 124th Ave SESR-18D B B 25 105th Pl SE/SE 320th St Lea Hill Rd 124th Ave SE D B B 26 Lakeland Hills Way SE Lake Tapps Pkwy A St SEE D D 27 29th St SE/Riverwalk Dr. A St SE Auburn Way S D C C 31 3rd St SW/Cross St C St Auburn Way SF E E 33 41st St SE/Ellingson Rd A St SE C St SE F F F 35 West Valley Hwy 15th St NW15th St SWE D C * Corridor segments within Downtown Auburn may operate at LOS E in accordance with the Auburn Downtown Plan. All other arterial and collector corridors must operate at LOS D or better, unless otherwise indicated. ** Total travel time in the eastbound direction cannot exceed 1,000 seconds for this corridor to meet LOS standards. As shown in the table, all of the evaluated corridors would meet the revised LOS standards in 2022 with the inclusion of the improvements identified above. However, the following segments are forecast to operate at LOS F in 2022:  Southbound Auburn Way S between E Main St and M St SE;  Eastbound 41st Street SE between A St SE and C St SW; and  Westbound 41st Street SE between A St SE and C St SW. In order to improve traffic operations along these corridor segments additional improvements beyond those already included in this analysis are required. A review of the segment of Auburn Way S between E Main St and M St SE shows that traffic operations through the SR-18 interchange and at the intersection with M St SE cause the overall corridor segment to degrade to LOS E. The interchange area is constrained by the existing SR-18 overpass, the configuration of the SR-18 on- and off-ramps, and the close spacing of the ramp intersections which provide limited vehicle storage. As a result the ability to increase capacity along this section of the corridor is limited. It is possible that the construction of the new eastbound off-ramp from SR-18 to SR-164 in the vicinity of the Muckleshoot Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 20 Casino could draw traffic away from this area; however the scope of this project has not yet been determined so it was not accounted for in this analysis. It may also be appropriate, as with certain other corridor sections, for the City to consider changing the LOS standard for this corridor to reflect that the existing corridor is built-out and further improvements are neither desirable nor cost effective. Similar circumstances exist for Corridor #33, 41st Street SE/Ellingson Road. This corridor is forecast to operate at LOS F in both the eastbound and westbound directions in 2022. This corridor is constrained by the BNSF bridge, the close spacing of the C Street SW and A Street SE signalized intersections, and the limited storage space between the two intersections. Providing additional capacity would likely require the BNSF bridge to be reconstructed, an expensive proposition, with a limited increase in capacity. It is possible that other capacity projects may reduce traffic volumes on this by constructing additional capacity on alternate routes. These include the crossing of the BNSF rail yard to the north which would provide another east-west connection across southern Auburn, and the completion of the improvements to Stewart Road to the south, including the replacement of the White River bridge, which would provide additional capacity between SR-167 and the Lakeland Hills area. The BNSF rail yard crossing project is included as project #12 in the TIP, however construction is shown beyond 2021, so this project was not included in the analysis of 2022 conditions. Completion of the Stewart Road capacity improvements are being planned by the Cities of Sumner and Pacific. The City of Auburn supports these improvements, and has programmed the project in the TIP as project #73, which will provide the City of Pacific with some funds to support construction of their portion of the project. Construction of these improvements is not anticipated until beyond 2022, so this was not accounted for in this analysis. Another potential option could be to revise the LOS standard for this corridor to reflect that the existing corridor is built-out and further improvements may not be cost effective. The transportation system can be compared to a three legged stool in terms of the improvement strategies which are available to reduce congestion. The three options are to construct improvements to add capacity, make better use of the existing infrastructure which is available, and to manage demand. The analysis presented above accounts for the construction of additional capacity, and making better use of the available capacity through expansion of ITS infrastructure and the optimization of signal timing. The analysis does not account for demand management strategies which could result in improvements to traffic operations through the use:  Road Pricing  Parking Management and Parking Pricing  Car Sharing  Pay-as-You-Drive Insurance  Ridesharing and HOV Lanes  Transit Incentives  Transit and non-motorized Improvements  Telework, compressed work week, off-peak schedule Many of these solutions have been implemented at the state level, with additional consideration being given to expanding the options which are currently in use. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 21 Decisions need to be made regarding how these three potential congestion management tools are balanced to provide the most cost effective solutions. It is unlikely that the City will be able to implement all of the capacity projects documented above by 2022 due to the cost of the project portfolio being in excess of available funding. Therefore, the focus should be on the most cost effective projects which reduce congestion at locations where it is a recurrent problem, and improving the efficiency of the existing system. Transportation system management and transportation demand management are included in the future system recommendations section at the end of this chapter. FUTURE 2035 CONDITIONS City Projects In addition to the projects identified above which were included in the 2022 analysis, a number of additional projects were included in the analysis of 2035 conditions. These additional projects include those which are included in the TIP but which are not anticipated to be constructed until beyond 2022, and the longer term projects included in the previous Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The included projects are listed in Table 2-4 and illustrated on Map 2-6. This includes a project programmed in the TIP that is not included in the model: the crossing of the BNSF Rail yard. This is discussed in more detail in the Future System Recommendations section of this chapter and will likely be included in future model runs and updates to this plan. Regional Transportation Projects In addition to the City of Auburn projects identified above, a number of regional transportation projects were included in the development of the forecast volumes. These are predominantly WSDOT projects planned for the freeway system. Table 2-4 summarizes the included projects, along with planning level cost estimates. Additional Projects Another future project with significant area-wide impacts is the addition of the Auburn Bypass connecting SR-18 to SR-164. A draft Bypass Feasibility Report (September 2009) was prepared in partnership with WSDOT, the City of Auburn, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and other regional partners. While a preferred alternative for the bypass has not yet been developed, the Washington State Legislature included funding in the 2015 transportation budget for the design and construction of this new connection. It is anticipated that the new roadway will include an eastbound off-ramp from SR-18 to SR-164 in the vicinity of the Muckleshoot Casino, no additional details regarding the project have been determined. Therefore, this was not accounted for in the traffic forecasts. The impacts of this project will be identified and mitigated as part of the process to determine the ultimate alignment. The project will be included in future updates of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 22 Table 2-4. Future Capacity Projects and Cost Estimates – 2035 Map No. Location (corridor and segment) Description Total Cost (2015 dollars) Additional City Projects Included in the 2035 Analysis 29 SR-164 Hemlock St SE to Academy Dr SE Widen road to two lanes each direction plus a center two-way left turn lane. Upgrade the intersection of Auburn Way South and Dogwood Street to accommodate Bypass traffic. $61M 30 R Street Bypass M St SE to SR-18 Construct a new bypass road $6.2M 31 SE 304th Street 112th Avenue SE Add signal and NB left turn lane. Include sidewalks and bike lanes both sides. $1.3M 32 124th Ave SE & SE 320th St Intersection Improvements SE 318th St to SE 320th St Construct intersection improvements at the entrance to Green River College. $1.85M 33 A Street Loop A St SW to A St SE Add one-way (EB) road with unsignalized free right turn at A Street SE. Include sidewalks both sides of new road. $1.7M 34 SE 284th/SE 288th St 124th Ave SE to 132nd Ave SE Construct new collector linking 284th Street at 124th Ave. to 288th Street at 132nd Ave. Road will be one lane each direction with bike lanes and sidewalks. $7.7M 35 51st Avenue S 296th S Provide protected SB left turn phase and signal and SB left turn lane; Include bike lanes and sidewalks on all legs $1.4M 36 D Street NW 37th Street NW to 44th Street NW Construct 4 lane arterial $6M Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 23     Subtotal for City Projects $87M           Additional City Projects NOT Accounted for in the 2035 Analysis 35 51st Avenue S 296th S Provide protected SB left turn phase and signal and SB left turn lane; Include bike lanes and sidewalks on all legs $1.4M 37 BNSF Yard Grade Separation TBD Construct road across BNSF yard $32M 38 Auburn Way S Bypass Riverwalk Dr to SR-18 at R St SE Construct an Auburn Way S Bypass between Riverwalk Dr and R St SE with new connection to SR-18 $60M Non-City Projects included in the 2035 Analysis SR-167 I-405 to SR-509 From I-405 to SR-18, add one NB and one SB general purpose lane; From SR-18 to SR-161, add one NB HOT lane and one SB HOT lane; Add direct NB/SB HOV/HOT lane connection ramps between SR-167 & I-405; Add NB and SB auxiliary lanes between I-405 and S 180th Street; Add NB and SB auxiliary lanes between SR-516 and S 277th Street; Extend SR-167 from SR-161 to SR-509. SR-18 at SR-167 Complete ramp from EB SR-18 to SB SR-167 and eliminate SR-18 access from West Valley Highway near Peasley Canyon. SR-167 15th Street NW to 8th Street E Add HOV lane each direction Stewart Road SR-167 to East Valley Highway Widen to 2 lanes each direction and center turn lane in the Cities of Sumner and Pacific. Includes widening of the White River bridge. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 24 2035 LEVELS OF SERVICE Weekday PM peak hour levels of service were calculated for 2035 conditions using the same methodology used to calculate both the 2014 and 2022 levels of service. The 2035 levels of service account for the growth forecast to occur by 2035 and the capacity improvement projects identified above. The 2035 levels of service are shown in Table 2-5. As shown in the table, all of the evaluated corridors would meet the revised LOS standards in 2035 with the inclusion of the improvements identified above. However, the following additional corridor segments would operate at LOS E or F in 2035:  Southbound Auburn Way N between S 277th St and 15th St NE;  Southbound Auburn Way S between E Main St and M St SE;  Northbound M St between E Main St and Auburn Way S;  Eastbound 37th St between W Valley Hwy and Auburn Way N;  Westbound 15th St SW between W Valley Hwy and C St SW;  Southbound Lakeland Hill Way SE between Lake Tapps Pkwy and A St SE;  Eastbound 3rd St SW/Cross St between C St and Auburn Way S;  Westbound 3rd St SW/Cross St between C St and Auburn Way S; and  Westbound 41st Street SE between A St SE and C St SE. In addition, there are two locations where corridors would operate at improvement levels of service in 2035 relative to 2022 conditions:  Eastbound 41st Street SE between A St SE and C St SE, which would improve from LOS F to LOS E, the result of the improvements identified above, combined with the planned improvements to the Stewart Road corridor and SR-167 which would attract traffic currently using the 41st Street SE/Ellingson Road corridor to access A Street/East Valley Highway to the south.  Southbound West Valley Highway between 15th Street NW and 15th Street SW, which would improve from LOS D to LOS C. This is also likely to improvements to SR-167, which would reduce the use of West Valley Highway as a parallel bypass route. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 25 Table 2-5. Corridor Levels of Service - Future 2035 Weekday PM Peak Hour ID Corridor From To LOS Standard* 2035 LOS NB/EB SB/WB 1 Auburn Way N 15th St NES 277th StED E 2 Auburn Way N E Main St 15thSt NE E D D 3 Auburn Way S E Main StM St SEFC F 4 Auburn Way S M St SE Academy Dr.SE D D C 5 M St/Harvey Rd Auburn Way NE Main StED E 6 M St E Main St Auburn Way S E E D 8 37th St NE/NW West Valley Hwy Auburn Way NEE C 9 15th St NE/NW West Valley Hwy Auburn Way N F** E E 10 Auburn Ave/A St 6th St SEE Valley Access RdDC C 11 Main St West Valley Hwy R St D D D 12 15th St SW West Valley Hwy C St SWED E 13 C St SW EllingsonRd SR-18 D C D 14 West Valley Hwy 37th St NE15thSt NEEB C 15 S 277th St Frontage Rd L St NE E E C 16 R St SE/Kersey Way Howard RdLake Tapps PkwyDB C 17 Lake Tapps Pkwy East Valley Hwy Kersey Way SE D C C 18 A St NW/B St NW 3rd St NWS 277th StDC C 19 8th St NE/Lea Hill Rd Harvey Rd 124th Ave SE E C B 22 SE 312th St/132nd Ave SE 124th Ave SESR-18DB B 25 105th Pl SE/SE 320th St Lea Hill Rd 124th Ave SE D C C 26 Lakeland Hills Way SE Lake Tapps Pkwy A St SEED E 27 29th St SE/Riverwalk Dr. A St SE Auburn Way S D C C 31 3rd St SW/Cross St C St Auburn Way SFF F 33 41st St SE/Ellingson Rd A St SE C St SE F E F 35 West Valley Hwy 15th St NW15th St SWEC C * Corridor segments within Downtown Auburn may operate at LOS E in accordance with the Auburn Downtown Plan. All other arterial and collector corridors must operate at LOS D or better, unless otherwise indicated. ** Total travel time in the eastbound direction cannot exceed 1,000 seconds for this corridor to meet LOS standards. To improve traffic operations along the corridor segments which are forecast to operate at LOS E and F in 2035, additional improvements beyond those already included in this analysis are required. However, it may not be cost effective to construct the additional capacity needed along all of these corridor segments. It may, however, be possible to improve traffic operations at key intersections along these corridors to reduce congestions. The City, and the broader region, will need to identify strategies and adopt policies, including transportation demand management, transportation system management, and public-private partnerships, to be able to manage congestion while reaching projected growth targets. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 26 FUTURE SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS FUTURE STREET IMPROVEMENTS The proposed future street plan consists of a combination of city street and regional transportation improvements, described in Table 2- 3 and shown in Map 2-6. The City cannot adequately solve traffic congestion by making City street improvements alone. Partnerships with WSDOT, King and Pierce Counties, and other agencies are essential to implementing the future street system in Auburn. The following actions are proposed: 1. Implement street projects prioritized in the City’s TIP and CFP; 2. Program and seek additional funding for street capacity projects not currently identified in the TIP and CFP; 3. Work collaboratively with WSDOT and other partner agencies to implement roadway improvements to the regional highway network; and 4. Work to implement TSM, TDM and non-motorized improvements. DOWNTOWN CIRCULATION PLAN Auburn’s Downtown is undergoing considerable growth and transition to a higher density, mixed-use town center. Major redevelopment, including the Trek Building and Merrill Gardens mixed-use projects is occurring to the south of Main Street. The transformation of downtown Auburn will include many changes to the public right-of-way and streetscape. The Downtown Circulation Plan will accommodate the many types of travelers that will be using downtown streets including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, truck operators, and personal vehicle users. An improved pedestrian and bicycle environment will need to be designed into the fabric of downtown Auburn. At the same time, there are several major north-south corridors which traverse the downtown, so accommodation for high traffic volumes and the potential repercussions of modifying the existing street system will need to be considered in the development of the Downtown Circulation Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL PARK DISTRICT In the vicinity of the Environmental Park, to the west of downtown Auburn, the City is evaluating the use of low impact roads and projects that add sidewalks, trails, and additional connectivity between Clay Street and Western Avenue. This area will be examined in more detail for transportation improvements as the concept for the Environmental Park District is further refined. 41ST STREET SE/ELLINGSON ROAD BETWEEN A ST SE AND C ST SW The area around 41st Street SE/Ellingson Road between A Street SE and C Street SW continues to be a bottleneck for Auburn drivers, especially with additional development in the Lakeland Hills PUD and the Pierce County cities to the south. The close spacing of these two intersections, coupled with the West Main Street, Downtown Auburn Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 27 numerous business and residential accesses in the area warrant a more in depth study of the area. This study will likely also include the entire A Street SE and C Street SW corridors, and an evaluation of the BNSF rail yard crossing projects discussed below. BNSF RAIL YARD CROSSING The City has identified the need for a new east/west grade separated crossing of the BNSF rail yard between C Street SW and A Street NE. There are a variety of criteria that the City will consider to determine the alignment of the crossing, including potential development of the BNSF property as a multi-modal rail yard, commercial development on Auburn Way S and A Street SE, re-development of the GSA property, funding feasibility, neighborhood impacts, transportation impacts, and engineering feasibility. The crossing project was not accounted for in the 2035 traffic model. Therefore, it is difficult to access the specific impacts of the crossing project. However, it is anticipated that the project could significantly improve east-west mobility in southern Auburn, relieving the existing bottlenecks at 3rd Street SE and 41st Street SE, by providing an additional alternative for the residential neighborhoods to the east of the rail yard to connect with the commercial and retail land-uses and SR-167 to the west of the yard. One potential impact of the crossing project, depending on the alignment selected, could be an increase in traffic through the Terminal Park neighborhood. AUBURN BYPASS Another future project with significant area-wide impacts is the addition of the Auburn Bypass connecting SR-18 to SR-164. A draft Bypass Feasibility Report (September 2009) was prepared in partnership with WSDOT, the City of Auburn, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and other regional partners. While a preferred alternative for the bypass has not yet been developed, the Washington State Legislature included funding in the 2015 transportation budget for the design and construction of this new connection. It is anticipated that the new roadway will include an eastbound off-ramp from SR-18 to SR-164 in the vicinity of the Muckleshoot Casino, no additional details regarding the project have been determined. Therefore, this was not accounted for in the traffic forecasts. The impacts of this project will be identified and mitigated as part of the process to determine the ultimate alignment. The project will be included in future updates of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Transportation system management (TSM) techniques, which make more efficient use of the existing transportation facilities, can reduce the need for costly system capacity expansion projects. These techniques can also be used to improve LOS when travel corridors reach adopted LOS standards. TSM techniques used by the City include:  Re-channelization/restriping, adding turn lanes, adding /increasing number of through lanes;  Signal interconnect and optimization;  Turn movement restrictions;  Access Management; and  Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The City will continue to use these TSM techniques to maximize the efficiency of the existing street network. Of the various TSM strategies available, the City continues to invest in and expand its ITS infrastructure as a cost effective means of increasing system capacity. The ITS system enables the City Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 28 to change traffic signals in real-time, thereby accommodating unexpected increases in traffic or traffic obstacles such as event related traffic and collisions. For example, ITS has proven to be a useful tool in helping to manage the impact of event traffic traveling south on Auburn Way South, often during the PM peak, to the White River Amphitheatre. The City will continue to roll out ITS capabilities on corridors around the City, as referenced in Map 2-7 and detailed in the ITS policies included in Chapter 5. In addition to TSM strategies, the City strives to provide viable alternatives for travelers, to ensure freedom of choice among several transportation modes, including transit, biking and walking as alternatives to the automobile. The City will prioritize the development of pedestrian-friendly environments such as bicycle routes and pedestrian paths as the non-motorized system expands. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT Reducing congestion includes strategies to reduce demands on the transportation system. The State of Washington emphasized the importance of transportation demand management (TDM) by adopting a Commute Trip Reduction law. That law requires all major employers, with over 100 employees arriving between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 AM, to develop programs and strategies to reduce the number of commuter automobile trips made by their employees. Transportation demand management reduces demand on the street system. While TDM and TSM employ a different suite of strategies, they share many of the same benefits. Both increase the efficiency of the transportation system, reduce the need for costly capacity expansions, help improve LOS, and contribute to an enhanced quality of life for those who use and benefit from the transportation system. TDM strategies include:  ride-sharing through vanpools and carpools;  preferential parking for high-occupancy vehicles;  car sharing programs;  transit use incentives;  parking management to discourage single occupant vehicle (SOV) travel;  telecommuting;  alternative work schedules to compress the work week or shift the commute outside the typical commute hours; and  urban design encouraging non-motorized travel through design features. The City of Auburn will continue to encourage drivers of single occupancy vehicles to consider alternate modes of travel such as carpools, vanpools, transit, non-motorized travel, and alternative work schedules, and has identified mode split goals for the Regional Growth Center. The goals were developed in consideration of the current mode splits for the Auburn Regional Growth Center, the current mode splits for all of the designated Regional Growth Centers, and the 2040 mode split targets identified by PSRC for all of the designated Regional Growth Centers. The existing and 2035 mode split goals for the Auburn Regional Growth Center are summarized in Table 2-6. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 29 Table 2-6. Regional Growth Center Mode Split Goals Mode 2010 Existing 2035 SOV 81% 56% HOV 8% 8% Transit 6% 27% Bike 2% 4% Walk 3% 5% The mode split goals for the Regional Growth Center reflect the desire to significantly reduce automobile travel as a share of work trips, with the most significant increase in the share of trips by transit. The reduction in the vehicle mode split will be the result of the right mix of land-use changes, transportation investments, and roadway pricing tools. Additionally, factors such as shifting demographic trends, preferences, and technology may contribute to mode shifts above and beyond the identified goals. STREET MAINTENANCE & REHABILITATION The City is responsible for maintaining the physical structure of the roadway system. However, pavement maintenance is expensive, and adequate funding is generally not available. Recognizing this dilemma, Auburn residents approved Proposition 1, the “Save Our Streets” (SOS) Program, in November 2004. The SOS program created a dedicated local street fund for repair, rehabilitation, and maintenance of local roadways from property tax revenues. In 2013, after the original programs tax increases ended, the City Council modified the funding source for this program to be from sales tax on construction. The City has created a similar program to fund the repair and maintenance of arterials and collector streets. The program is funded through a one percent utility tax. While the available funding through this program is limited, which makes prioritizing projects challenging, the City has been able to maximize the value of the available funds by using them to leverage grant funds, enabling significantly more arterial and collector street repair and maintenance to be completed. Local Residential Street Before SOS Rebuild Local Residential Street After SOS Rebuild Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 2. The Street System Page 2- 30 NEIGHBORHOOD NEEDS Transportation systems and facilities can impact adjacent neighborhoods. Potential impacts result from increased traffic resulting from drivers seeking alternate routes to congested arterials, in an effort to save time. These impacts can include higher vehicle speeds resulting in potential safety concerns, and associated air and noise pollution. Neighborhoods throughout the City are concerned with these traffic impacts and want to discourage cut-through traffic. City policies discourage through traffic in neighborhoods. The City also has a traffic calming program that addresses the pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile traffic safety concerns that impact neighborhoods. The traffic calming program is a community-based program with the goal of identifying potential problems and development of solutions to help mitigate these impacts. The program raises public awareness of traffic safety issues and ways that people can help minimize traffic problems in their own neighborhoods. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION The Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.070) provides that comprehensive plans should include a discussion of intergovernmental coordination efforts, including “an assessment of the impacts of the transportation plan and land use assumptions on the transportation systems of adjacent jurisdictions.” Auburn works closely with neighboring cities, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and state and regional agencies to ensure coordinated efforts are made in developing all modes of the transportation system. TS18 TS18 TS16 7 TS16 7 A ST SE B ST NW AUB U R N W A Y S C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURN WAY N R ST SE 124TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE E M A I N S T WESTVALLEYHWYN SE 3 0 4 T H S T S 2 7 7T H S T C ST NW 15 T H S T S W 2N D S T E STUCK RIVER DR SE W MA I N S T 15 TH S T N W LAKE TAP P S P K W Y S E 4 1 S T S T S E 29T H S T S E SE 3 1 2 T H S T 51ST AVE S K E R S E Y W AYSE SE 2 8 8 TH S T 8T H S T N E 37 T H ST N W LA K E L A N D HILL S W AY SE O R AVETZRD SE 25 T H S T S E EAST BLVD D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4T H ST S E 104THAVESE I ST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE 299TH ST N ST NE W ST NW O ST NE S 2 8 7 T H ST 56TH AVE S SCENIC D R S E118TH AVE SE SE 3 2 0 T H S T AUBURN-BLACKDIAMONDRD SE D ST NE 112TH AVE SE ACADEMYDRSE P EA S L E Y C A N YO N R D S K ST SE EAST VALLEY HWY E 4TH ST SW 8T H S T S E M ST NEJOHNREDDINGTONR D NE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 47THST SE 56TH ST SE R IV E R DR SE S 3 0 5 T H S T 57THPLS SE290THST 130TH AVE SE 35TH W AY SE R ST NW 26 T H ST S E B ST NE SE 3 2 3 R D P L 17 T H S T S E 36T H S T S E 50 T H S T N E 64 T H S T S E V ST NW A S T E SE304T H W A Y 1 0 8 T H A VESE 22N D ST S E 42 N D S T N W S 2 9 2 N D S T SE 2 8 2 N D S T S E 295THST 5 1 S T ST S E SE 2 8 6T H S T V CT SE 32 N D S T SE 72 N D S T S E 42 N D S T N E 2N D S T S E PEARL AVE SE 62 N D S T S E SE 3 07 T H P L S 3 2 4 T H S T 65 T H S T SE SE 3 15 T H P L TH E TH E OU T L E T OU T L E T CO L L E C T I O N CO L L E C T I O N Au b u r n T r a n s p o r t a t i o n P l a n Ma p I D : 4 6 0 9 Pr i n t e d O n : 1 1 / 2 4 / 2 0 1 5 °01 Mi l e s Ci t y o f A u b u r n Hi g h w a y Pr i n c i p a l A r t e r i a l Fu t u r e P r i n c i p a l A r t e r i a l Min o r A r t e r i a l Fu t u r e M i n o r A r t e r i a l Re s i d e n t i a l C o l l e c t o r Fu t u r e R e s i d e n t i a l C o l l e c t o r No n R e s i d e n t i a l C o l l e c t o r Fu t u r e N o n R e s i d e n t C o l l e c t o r Ru s t i c C o l l e c t o r Lo c a l Pr i v a t e Fu n c t i o n a l R o a d w a y C l a s s i f i c a t i o n Ma p 2 - 1 So u r c e : C i t y o f A u b u r n G I S D e p a r t m e n t .-21,700 .-13,300 .-32,300 .-4,800 .-10,400 .-6,800 .-5,600 .-28,200 .-2,000.-8,900 .-1 0,2 0 0 .-13,600 .-7,700 .-23,100 .-22,200 .-17,600 .-4,400 .-8,300 .-7,400 .-5,600 .-3,700 .-35,900 .-6,200 .-10,700 .-8,800 .-7,300 .-5,300 .-6,0 0 0 .-31,000 .-23,000 .-1,200 .-8,500 .-4,100 .-16,100 .-5,400 .-2,700 .-16,900 .-3,400 .-9,700 .-17,800 .-11,100 .-12,500 .-9,400 .-21,800 .-4,600 .-25,400 .-16,600 .-28,900 .-6,400.-4,900 .-9,300 .-3,200 .-4,300 .-22,500 .-1,600 .-18,400 .-8,200 .-7,900 .-8,600 .-17,200 .-8,100 .-18,100.-24,000 .-24,800 .-16,700 .-21,900 .-6,500 .-18,000 .-1,700 .-15,300 .-900 .-7,100 .-4,600 .-7,700 .-21,700 .-21,900 .-6,200 .-4,100 .-5,300 .-8,300 .- 10,200 .-4,400 .-4,600 .-4,400 .-10,400 .-2,700 .-7,400 .-3,700 .-4,800 .-13,600 .-21,800 .-1,600 TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SE AUBURN WAYS B ST NW C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURNWAYN R ST SE 124TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE E MAIN 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COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4592Printed On: 10/6/2015 °0 1 Miles Parks City of Auburn 100-999 1,000-9,999 10,000+ Average Daily Traffic Volumes (2013) Map 2-2 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SE AUBURN WAY S B ST NW C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURN WAY N R ST SE 124TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE E MAIN ST WESTVALLEY HWY N SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR SE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE TA P P S P K W Y S E 4 1ST S T S E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE S KERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKEL A N D H I L L S W A Y SE ORAVETZRDSE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD SE 320TH ST D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4TH ST SE 104THAVE SE I ST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE299TH ST N ST NE W ST NW O ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE S SCENICD R S E 118TH AVE SE SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMOND RD SE D ST NE 112TH AVE SE P E A S L E Y C A N Y O N RDS K ST SE EAST VALLEY HWY E 4THSTSW 8TH ST SE M ST NE JOHNREDDINGTONRDNE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 47THST SE 56TH STSE 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ST 15TH ST NW LAKE TA P P S P K W Y S E 4 1ST S T S E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE S KERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKEL A N D H I L L S W A Y S E ORAVETZRDSE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD SE 320TH ST D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4TH ST SE 104THAVE SE I ST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE299THST N ST NE W ST NW O ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE S SCENICDR S E 118TH AVE SE SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMONDRDSE D ST NE 112TH AVE SE P E A S L E Y C A N Y O N RDS K ST SE EAST VALLEY HWY E 4THST SW 8TH ST SE M ST NE JOHNREDDINGTONRDNE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 47THST SE 56TH ST SE RIVERDRSE S 305TH ST 57THPLS SE290TH ST 130TH AVE SE 35T H W A Y S E R ST NW 26TH ST SE B ST NE SE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E 36T H S T S E 50TH S T NE 6 4 T H S T S E V ST NW A S T E SE304TH WAY 108T H AVESE 22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST SE295THST SE 286TH ST V CT SE 32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 2ND ST SE 7 3RD ST SE PEARL AVE SE 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL S 324TH ST 65TH ST SE A ST SE THE THE OUTLET OUTLET COLLECTION COLLECTION 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Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-1 CHAPTER 3. NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION Non-motorized transportation is an integral component of Auburn’s transportation system. Non-motorized travel includes walking, bicycling, and equestrian travel. The City seeks to enhance the non-motorized travel environment both for recreational travel and trips that might otherwise be taken via a car or bus in order to improve mobility and environmental health. The City recognizes that the evolution of the transportation system has prioritized the automobile as the primary travel mode. A side effect of this process has been the erosion of conditions favorable to non-motorized travel. This chapter seeks to redress the balance by enhancing conditions in which non-motorized modes are a realistic and attractive travel option. Planning and developing a strong non-motorized network supports several state and national acts including Washington’s Growth Management Act, Commute Trip Reduction Act, the federal Clean Air Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), MAP 21 (Federal Surface Transportation Bill) and its successors. Supporting the non-motorized system helps ensure compliance with these initiatives and the healthy community principles espoused by PSRC through Vision 2040. It also increases funding opportunities for City projects. Improving the non-motorized system also helps address the findings of the citywide Health Impact Assessment process which recommended that the City improve sidewalk connectivity, improve the pedestrian environment, eliminate natural and man-made mobility barriers for pedestrian and bicyclists, improve transit access, improve traffic safety, pedestrian safety and personal security. This chapter is divided into three subsections: pedestrian travel, bicycle travel, and equestrian travel. Each subsection contains an assessment of existing conditions and needs, followed by guidelines for development of the future system. 3.1 Pedestrian Travel As a Regional Growth Center, the City encourages transportation planning that emerges from a clear land-use plan based on a community vision and the values expressed in Imagine Auburn. In this vision, Auburn supports higher density housing in the downtown; neighborhood commercial districts; and landscaped, pedestrian-oriented street and sidewalk design. This pattern of development reinforces a positive pedestrian environment. Riding on the Interurban Trail Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-2 NEEDS ASSESSMENT Auburn has many assets, which contribute to a welcoming pedestrian environment, most notably a pedestrian-scaled downtown and an extensive network of trails. The needs assessment highlights these existing assets and identifies improvement needs. EXISTING PEDESTRIAN ENVIRONMENT  As a whole, Auburn’s urban fabric in the downtown has remained intact and supports a positive pedestrian environment. Businesses, shops, and single-family homes front streets with sidewalks and street trees. However, some of the older sections of sidewalks need repair or replacement. Since adoption of the 2009 Transportation Plan, there have been sidewalk, ADA and lighting improvements to Main Street, S Division Street Promenade, City Hall Plaza and Plaza Park and behind the shops on East Main Street. New growth in the downtown core has or will result in the development of multi - story residential and office buildings and senior housing, helping renew the pedestrian infrastructure and creating a need for continued effort to maintain and improve the sidewalk system. In addition, the Sounder commuter rail station and transit hub at West Main Street and C Street SW provide pedestrians more options for connecting to regional destinations. These improvements contribute to a more hospitable environment for pedestrians. The city has an annual sidewalk repair program which focuses on ADA improvements, responding to complaints, repairing identified hazards, and improving areas with high pedestrian use. Commercial development outside the downtown exists primarily along arterials and is dominated by strip development and auto-oriented businesses. Although sidewalks are provided on most arterials, pedestrians may feel exposed to the traffic. Surface parking lots border the sidewalks, and driveways interrupt the continuity of the sidewalk system. The heavy volumes of vehicular traffic and wide streets along arterials, such as Auburn Way, pose a barrier for pedestrians walking along or crossing the roadway. Sidewalk Inventory A sidewalk inventory was conducted as part of the Plan update in 2005. A subsequent inventory was conducted in 2008 to collect sidewalk data for the West Hill and Lea Hill where a large scale annexation into the City took place in 2007. The inventory is continuously updated based on aerial photography and GIS data as improvements are completed. The inventory identifies sidewalks in the City, and rated their condition. This inventory continues to serve as a guide to help the City identify problem areas and program improvements according to prioritization guidelines, outlined later in this chapter. The older residential neighborhoods tend to have sidewalks on both sides of the street, but they vary widely in condition and construction standards. Some residential areas, such as southwest Lea Hill, were built under King County’s jurisdiction and sidewalk construction was not required. Breaks in the sidewalk network require pedestrians to maneuver around parked cars, into private New Pedestrian Crossing at Green River College on S 320th Street Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-3 yards, or into the street. In newer neighborhoods such as Lakeland Hills, sidewalks built to the city standards applicable at the time of their construction are provided on both sides of the street. The sidewalk survey of the Lea Hill and West Hill annexation areas revealed a sporadic and often disconnected sidewalk system. Several of the newer residential developments have sidewalks, but many of the older residential areas and arterial streets are missing large segments of sidewalk, resulting in an inconsistent pedestrian environment. Map 3-1 illustrates the existing and proposed sidewalk network within the City. Trail Network Auburn’s developing trail network provides local and regional connections for both recreational use and commuting. Currently the only regional trails that have been developed include the Interurban and portions of the Green River and White River Trails. The Lakeland Hills Trail network provides connections to neighborhood parks, community center, and to the City of Sumner via a tunnel under the BNSF railway. Map 3-2 illustrates the existing and proposed trail network within the City. SCHOOL ACCESSIBILITY  School safety is a major concern for parents, students, the school districts, and the City alike. The Auburn School District, working with an advisory committee, has established a safe walking area for each elementary and middle school based on the presence of sidewalks, walking paths, and safe neighborhood streets, as well as the availability of safe street crossings and the traffic conditions in the surrounding neighborhoods. All routes within the safe walking areas are designated as ‘Safe Routes to School’. Occasionally, individual schools will notify parents and students of preferred walking routes within each area. Since the last major update of the comprehensive plan the following Safe Walking Routes improvements have been made throughout Auburn;  School Zone Flashing Beacons were installed at all elementary and middle schools.  Rectangular Rapid Flashing Warning Beacons were installed at the existing crosswalk at E St NE and 4th St NE for Washington Elementary.  A new crosswalk with warning signage and ADA pedestrian ramps was installed at K St SE & 23rd St SE for Pioneer Elementary. This also improved drainage on the street.  Rainier Middle School received improved crosswalks, signage, and ADA pedestrian ramps along 116th Ave SE.  Lea Hill Elementary received 600 feet of sidewalk, curb and gutter, and ADA pedestrian ramps on the south side of SE 312th Street as well as pedestrian push buttons and countdown pedestrian signal heads at the intersection of SE 312th Street and 124th Ave SE.  The new Auburn High School created all new sidewalk and crosswalks with bulb outs on both East Main Street and 4th Street NE.  New crosswalks with warning signage, ADA pedestrian ramps, and curb bulb outs were added at Terminal Park Elementary. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-4  New curb, gutter, ADA pedestrian ramps and pavement was constructed on H St SE between 17th and 21st St SE for Olympic Middle School. Some of these improvements were made possible by a Safe Routes to School grant. The flashing beacons have been funded through a combination of grant programs and City resources. Despite the progress that has been made over the past several years, there are still areas of need. The following needs were identified to enhance and improve the safety for school children in and around the school safe walking areas. Pioneer Elementary School Curb & gutter, sidewalks and ADA ramps along K St SE between 21st St SE and 25th St SE. Cascade Middle School The crossing at M Street NE and 24th Street NE experiences heavy traffic. The City and school district continue to cooperate to increase the safety of this crossing near the school. Dick Scobee Elementary School The City will continue to coordinate with the School District in exploring ways to improve access to surrounding neighborhoods to increase the school’s designated safe walking area. Terminal Park Elementary School Curb gutter, sidewalks, and ADA ramps along B St SE between 12th St SE and 17th St SE. Evergreen Heights Elementary School Curb, gutter, sidewalks, and roadway improvements along S 316th between 51st Ave S and the eastern boundary of the school. This includes access and circulation improvements to the school and intersection improvements at 56th Ave S. Hazelwood Elementary School Sidewalk and ADA curb ramp improvements along SE 304th Street between 112th Ave SE and 116th Ave SE and along 118th Ave SE from SE 304th to the north. Lea Hill Elementary School Sidewalks and ADA ramps along both sides of 124th Ave SE between SE 304th St and SE 312th St. Mountain View High School Sidewalks along 124th Ave SE between SE 284th St and SE 304th St, and along 132nd Ave SE between SE 288th St and SE 299th St. Riverside High School & Ilalko Elementary Safe Walking Route to School Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-5 Pedestrian crossing of A Street SE and the BNSF Railway would greatly benefit students at these two schools. A 2015 study identified a preferred crossing alternative for future development. Lakeland Hills Elementary Encouraging increased walking and biking to this school would provide the greatest benefit for easing traffic congestion and safety concerns. Additionally an onsite parking and access redesign would further reduce school pick up and drop off related congestion. Chinook Elementary Sidewalks along Auburn Way South between Hemlock St SE and Academy Dr SE. Additionally intersection improvements have been identified to reduce conflicts and improve circulation for buses. Accessible Routes of Travel The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all new public, commercial and institutional developments meet ADA standards. Furthermore, existing public buildings, public outdoor facilities, and public rights-of-way shall be retrofitted to achieve accessibility. An accessible route of travel is designated to accommodate the needs of many different people, including those who are blind, using wheelchairs, pushing a stroller or cart, or injured. The law requires that municipalities have a transition plan in place to address ADA issues. The City of Auburn is in the process of completing that plan and ADA design specifications can be found in the Auburn Engineering Design Standards manual. Site Design Pedestrian conditions should be evaluated at the earliest stage of new development. The zone between the development and the public right-of-way needs to contribute to pedestrian network connectivity and continuity. In addition to the public right-of-way, the interior of the site ought to be examined for suitable pedestrian circulation, and how the two are connected. Wherever possible, walkways should be placed along the most direct routes to connect buildings, parking, bus stops, and other attractions. In some cases, walking trails that link residential streets to collectors or arterials can provide a more direct pedestrian connection than travel along the sidewalk network, particularly in neighborhoods without a street grid system, specifically those with cul-de-sacs. FUTURE SYSTEM This section describes the City’s vision for the future pedestrian system and identifies programs and initiatives that will enable it to achieve this vision. Downtown The downtown is historically the social heart of the community, a place for people to interact. It is considered one of the primary pedestrian-oriented areas in the City. Important existing pedestrian downtown linkages include connections from W Main Street to the transit hub and commuter rail station, and between W Main Street and the Multicare Auburn Medical Center. The Downtown Plan, a special area plan adopted in 2001 as part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, anticipates high pedestrian oriented developments in this area, particularly around the Auburn Station. The Downtown Plan also identifies W Main Street, A Street SW, Division Street, and the alley south of Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-6 Main Street as high priority pedestrian corridors. In addition, several recently completed projects have helped improve non-motorized access to the downtown and transit station, including the City Hall Plaza and Plaza Park project completed in 2010, the Division Street Promenade Project completed in 2012 and the A Street NW Extension project, opened in June 2013. Auburn Station has created demand for new mixed-use development, including commercial and residential elements. The City is committed to focusing new commercial and residential development adjacent to the Auburn Station and has been working on partnerships to bring several mixed-use developments to Downtown. These developments include pedestrian friendly design and streetscape improvements. A vital pedestrian network that extends beyond downtown is a key element in the revitalization of the downtown core. Commercial Corridors The City should encourage major employers to locate near transit routes and stops. Furthermore, pedestrian connections from residential areas to commercial corridors can be enhanced through site design policies that encourage more direct non-motorized connections to major retail locations. Future planning along commercial corridors should also include amenities such as landscaping adjacent to the sidewalk, improved pedestrian crossings, and enhanced bus stops at high use locations. Auburn has several commercial corridors, most notably Auburn Way North and South, that are frequently traveled by pedestrians. While most of these areas have sidewalks, there is the opportunity to enhance the pedestrian environment by providing additional protected crossings, making improvements to lighting, completing remaining sidewalk gaps and eliminating ADA accessibility barriers. For instance, pedestrian crossing issues arise because pedestrians often cross at uncontrolled or mid-block locations rather than walking to the nearest signalized crossing. This dynamic is partially attributable to the location of bus stops in relation to employment centers. Hence, efforts should be made to locate bus stops so commuters crossing to the opposite side of the road are dropped off and picked up near a signalized intersection. Residential Neighborhoods Investment in Auburn’s neighborhoods is an essential component of providing a comprehensive and functional pedestrian network. As noted in the needs assessment, sidewalk conditions vary throughout the City. This plan acknowledges the need to retrofit the pedestrian network in many areas of the City and incorporate pedestrian facilities into new development. Financial mechanisms to help accomplish this goal are described later in this chapter. High Priority Pedestrian Corridors Map 3-1 identifies High Priority Pedestrian Corridors that are currently lacking a complete sidewalk system. Some of the corridors have sidewalks on one side or for portions of the corridor. Others are missing sidewalks altogether. These High Priority Pedestrian Corridors were selected based on the following criteria: pedestrian volumes; proximity to schools, parks, transit routes and commercial areas; and where missing gaps can be completed. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-7 The High Priority Pedestrian Corridors are roadway corridors where the City intends to target investment in pedestrian facilities. The City’s current half street policy requires sidewalk to be constructed by developers whenever significant improvements are made to a property. This has proven to be an effective means of building out the sidewalk network. However, it is a slow process because it relies on new development or redevelopment to occur, making it difficult to complete whole corridors. By programming specific pedestrian corridors for investment, the City can leverage grant dollars and other resources to more strategically complete gaps in key pedestrian corridors. The High Priority Pedestrian Corridors identified in Map 3-1 are regularly reviewed for inclusion in the City’s Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and for grant funding opportunities. NON‐MOTORIZED TRAILS  The Auburn Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan is currently being updated and will identify specific projects for the development of local and regional trails. Thus far the long term list includes: The Auburn-Pacific Trail provides a multi-use path that improves access from the White River to the Interurban Trail. A planned pedestrian crossing, under the BNSF railroad tracks just north of the BNSF Stuck River Bridge (over the White River), will improve the regional trail system by providing a connection between the City of Pacific and Auburn’s White River Trail connection to A Street SE. Funding is still needed for the Auburn section of the Green River Trail. Planning efforts are also focused on the Auburn Environmental Park and connecting the park to the Interurban Trail. This unique park project shows residents the diversity of the ecosystem along the Mill Creek corridor. Additional trail planning is underway for connecting the Fenster Natural Park to the Green Valley Road area. An important component of Auburn’s trail system includes trailheads. Trailheads should be inviting to users and provide amenities such as parking, bicycle racks, information kiosks, restroom facilities, water fountains, trash receptacles, and seating facilities. Trailheads should be constructed and improved as Auburn’s trail system further develops. See Map 3-2 for existing and proposed trails and trailhead locations. FUNDING MECHANISMS  Sidewalk Improvement Program The City of Auburn has an Annual Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Improvement Program to repair damaged sidewalks, tripping hazards, and to complete small missing links in the sidewalk network. Auburn Multi-Use Trail Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-8 These funds are essential for promoting non-motorized travel and can be used to leverage other funding sources, such as state and federal grants or other city capital projects. Auburn has identified three principal areas in which sidewalk improvements should be prioritized: corridors that provide access to and within the downtown, school zones, and parks with a focus on addressing potential hazards and areas of known complaints. Additional criteria for priority access improvement could include, but are not limited to, areas with high concentrations of senior citizens or disabled citizens, areas with high volumes of pedestrian-transit interaction, areas where private improvements such as trees have damage the public infrastructure and areas where property owners are willing to financially participate in the construction of sidewalk improvements through a local improvement district (LID). In considering projects, staff also review existing street deferral agreements to determine if the improvements previously allowed to be deferred are now needed and should be completed by the private party. “Save Our Streets” Program In November 2004, Auburn residents approved Proposition 1, “Save Our Street” Program, which created a dedicated local street fund. This money was set aside for repair and maintenance of local roadways which can sometimes also include sidewalk repair and rebuild. In 2013, the city council modified the funding source for this program to be from Construction Sales Tax revenues and no longer from property taxes. “Arterial Preservation” Program The City also currently implements the annual arterial street preservation program funded by a 1% utility tax. Pedestrian, ADA, and safety improvements are included in many of the arterial improvement projects funded by this program. Local Improvement Districts Local Improvement Districts (LID) enable city investment in a specified area by leveraging city funds with contributions from property owners in the district. LID’s use limited city resources to improve neighborhood quality and can be used to finance new sidewalks. Safety Education and Enforcement Awareness of pedestrian safety issues should be promoted through educational programs and enforcement efforts. This combination helps reinforce key safety issues such as safe pedestrian crossings and speeding. The City will proactively work to identify problem areas and issues. The following list contains examples of some techniques that can be employed in these efforts.  Maintaining non-motorized travel information kiosks at key City destinations (e.g. Main Street, Outlet Collection, Emerald Downs, trails). Sidewalks will be prioritized:  Where hazardous conditions are present;  On school walk routes;  Where extensive improvements are needed in a single neighborhood;  Along streets with curb and gutter;  Along Downtown pedestrian corridors;  Where curb ramps are missing; and  Where they will complete a missing link in a pedestrian network.  Where property owners are willing to financially participate in the construction of sidewalk improvements through an LID. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-9  Displaying educational information in City publications, on the website, and on TV.  Maintaining and expanding wayfinding signage to direct pedestrians and bicyclists.  Partnering with the School District to teach children safe walking and biking behaviors.  Launching public information campaigns for problematic locations and partnering with the Police Department to provide enforcement.  Increasing driver awareness of vehicle speeds through the presence of radar speed signs where appropriate. Enforcing pedestrian, bicyclist, and driver infractions. 3.2 Bicycle Travel Bicycle facilities are an important component of Auburn’s transportation and recreational infrastructure. Bicycling provides an environmentally friendly travel mode and helps citizens to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It also helps improve traffic congestion and air quality by providing an alternative to driving. Increasingly, bicycle commuting is becoming a more popular alternative, and the City must take steps to provide a more functional and attractive network for commute cyclists, in addition to recreational cyclists. NEEDS ASSESSMENT Existing Conditions The topography in the Auburn Valley is flat and conducive to cycling for a range of skill levels. Areas along the Green and White Rivers provide recreational opportunities for multi-use trails that accommodate bicyclists, pedestrians and equestrians. The Interurban Trail is part of a major north- south regional trail system. The Green River trail is also an extension of a north-south regional trail. Therefore, Auburn has a good network of existing or planned north-south recreational trails. However, there are few existing cross-town connections and new connections onto the West Hill and Lea Hill are needed. Cross-town bike connections to the West Hill and Lea Hill areas of Auburn are more challenging due to steep topography. Yet investing in these connections is important because a significant number of Auburn residents live in these areas. Building these connections would improve bicycle access to regional transit, local employment the regional trail system, and to downtown Auburn. Recreational and commuter cyclists travel along the Interurban Trail to areas north and south of Auburn. Cyclists also frequently ride along S 277th Street to the east side of Green River Road, and down along the Green River to 8th Street NE, or down R Street NE to SE Auburn Black Diamond Road. SE Auburn Black Diamond Road and SE Green Valley Road are popular routes for accessing areas east of Auburn. However, these roads are characterized by challenging cycling conditions and are not suitable for inexperienced cyclists. Once in Auburn, there is especially a need to increase the number of east-west bicycle facilities. Investing in trail connections to improve bicycle access in these areas should also be a priority. Bicycle lanes are limited on city arterials and collectors, making it difficult both for regional and local riders to navigate for any reasonable distance through the City. Limited bicycle storage is also a hindrance to cyclists. Map 3-2 identifies existing and planned trails and bike facilities in the City. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-10 Auburn Bicycle Task Force In March 2010, the city formed the City of Auburn Bicycle Task Force. It was intended that the Bicycle Task Force would further refine the City’s goals and policies for its bicycle transportation system. The Task Force was comprised of a broad cross section of community members and interested parties that were charged to develop recommendations on bicycle facilities, issues and opportunities centered on the following three principles:  Connections – for example, how do bicycle riders get from the north end to the south end of the City or from Lakeland to Lea Hill?  Recreation Opportunities – for example, how does the City further build and capitalize on a bicycle network to support and enhance the recreation options for its citizens?  Economic Development – for example, how does the City capitalize on the Interurban Trail as a conduit of customers for existing and new businesses? Bike Improvements Completed and Planned in the Near - Term Future The work of the task force has informed and guided city decisions on future bike lane and trail improvements and connections. Its work is directly reflected in improvements already made as well as the future bike lanes and trail improvements shown in Map 3-2. Since 2009 bike lanes have been added to 124th Ave SE, and SE 320th Street near Green River College on Lea Hill, a new bike lane connection has been created by the construction of the new A Street NW corridor. Bikes lanes have been added as part of the new M Street SE BNSF underpass project and sharrows (share the road with bike symbols) have been added to East Main Street. Bike lanes are part of the new planned West Main Street project and the F Street SE project includes development of a Bicycle Boulevard and Bike Share Program. Bicycle Facility Classification The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has developed classifications for bicycle facilities and parking. Bicycle classification is based on the design and exclusiveness of use. Existing Class I multi-use trails in the City include S 277th St, Interurban Trail, White River Trail, and Green River Trails. Class II bicycle lanes added since the last major update include;  Terrace Drive NW (15th to W St)  A ST NW/B ST NW (3rd to 30th)  14th St NW (A NW to A NE)  R St SE (17th to White River)  M St SE (3rd to 8th)  116th Ave SE (SE 304th to SE 312th) Bicycle Facility Classification  Separate Facility (Class I) – A non- motorized two-way paved facility, that is physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier.  Bike Lane (Class II) – An exclusive on street one way lane for bicyclists delineated with signing and striping  Shared Lanes (Class III) – A lane shared by vehicles and bicycles. Wider lanes that may be delineated with shared use markings and signage.  Bicycle Boulevard– A bicycle focused roadway designated with enhanced signage and special pavement markings and bicycle-friendly design standards such as wide curb lanes and bicycle safe drain grates. Typically designed to connect key bicycle destinations. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-11 Class III shared facilities were tested on R St NE/SE, Auburn Black Diamond Road and E Main St. They were well received by the cycling community and continue to be maintained. Shared facilities will continue to be implemented on other appropriate roadways. Bike parking facilities are classified by length of use: long term, medium term, and short term. The longer bikes are to be stored, the more durable the facility’s design must be. Long term bike storage facilities are available at Auburn Station. The City currently provides short term bike storage throughout the downtown core. Improvement Needs Cyclists desire safe routes that make connections throughout the City and to regional points of interests. The existing facilities while being continuously improved still fall short of creating a well- connected bicycle network in Auburn. The City plans to build out the bicycle network shown in Map 3-2 and provide better east-west connections. Upgrading bicycle facilities on city streets is a very important component of this plan. Auburn shall make greater efforts in the future to encourage bicycle use, particularly for commuting purposes, as a form of transportation demand management (TDM). One mechanism of doing so is to ensure that bike lanes and trails which serve major employers are prioritized. The City needs to take a more aggressive role in programming implementation of the future bicycle network identified in this chapter, ensuring that eventually all residents of and employees in Auburn feel comfortable commuting on bike. In addition, Auburn should seek outlets, including the City’s website, to provide up-to-date information on bicycling options within the City and to regional destinations. The Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program provides a formal mechanism for encouraging these practices and is required by state law for employers with 100 or more employees arriving at a single location during the AM peak. Auburn’s CTR program calls out bicycle storage facilities, lockers, changing areas, and showers as measures employers can take to meet CTR goals. In addition, Auburn can use the SEPA process to encourage development of these facilities at the time of new development or tenant improvements. The Downtown Plan also discusses the need for improving bicycle facilities in the area. On-street bicycle facilities will be sought in association with planned roadway improvements. In addition, the City should investigate providing bicycle storage and other amenities on City owned properties. FUTURE TRAVEL The future bicycle network includes corridors for regional, recreational, and cross-town connections. The regional corridors will provide connections to the Valley communities as well other areas of King and Pierce Counties. Local biking groups have identified the Interurban Trail and Green River Trail as important regional connections. Other planned regional connections will link Auburn to attractions around the Puget Sound. The Work is Easier when Shared Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-12 The Green and White River corridors are multi-functional, providing recreational opportunities for regional and local bicycle trips. Therefore, the City has prioritized the completion of both these trail systems. Also, Auburn will seek to enhance portions of City trail systems whenever possible, by providing amenities for non-motorized travelers such as rest areas, as well as safety improvements including warning signage and grade separated trails. As shown in Map 3-2, the bicycle routes identified for future development will consist of a mix of interconnected local trails and on- street bike facilities linking Auburn's neighborhoods. The future Bonneville Power Trail will be a separated, hard surfaced trail crossing the Lea Hill area and connecting to the Interurban Trail and West Hill via on-street bicycle facilities. This new bike route is planned from Lea Hill through Isaac Evans and Dykstra Park to connect to downtown Auburn via the new A Street NW corridor. Numerous other on-street bicycle facilities and trails are planned. The selection of bike facility projects will be based upon safety, route continuity and connectivity. In addition to new bicycle corridors, spot safety improvements are an important component of the City’s future bicycle network. Improvements including flashing beacons have already been made at the Interurban Trail crossing of 15th Street SW and are planned at the Interurban Trail crossing of West Main Street and C Street SW and Ellingson. In addition, safe access to downtown Auburn and onto West Hill, Lea Hill and Lakeland are a priority for the City. Typical bicycle route improvements along a Class I facility include purchasing the right-of-way, designing the trail, and constructing the trail and trailhead. For a Class II pathway, improvements include striping lanes, installing warning and directional signage, and painting bike symbols on the pavement. For a roadway where bikes will share the lane with vehicles it may include the installation of shared use markings and signage. As this plan is updated in the future, emphasis should continue to be placed on developing a safe and convenient bicycling environment for both recreational and commuter cyclists of all experience levels. 3.3 Equestrian Travel Auburn citizens have a long history of supporting the planning and development of equestrian facilities. The City intends to increase its network of soft-surface, multi-use trails in more rustic locations with appropriate facilities suitable for equestrian use. NEEDS ASSESSMENT EXISTING CONDITIONS  Auburn’s equestrian trail system is quite limited. The Parks Department currently manages a two- mile, soft-surface trail, along the White River at Roegner and Game Farm Wilderness Parks. Otherwise, there are no formal equestrian trails in Auburn. Horse owners do have informal access to the soft-surface path adjacent to the Interurban trail, as well as large open spaces in the rustic area just south of the White River and east of Kersey Way in southeast Auburn. To reach the open areas, many ride along the edge of roads such as 53rd and 56th Streets SE. These are narrow roads with gravel shoulders. Drainage swales run parallel to many Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-13 portions of these roads, and while conditions vary, typically there is a narrow unpaved shoulder or grassed area alongside the road where horses can walk. IMPROVEMENT NEEDS  The lack of equestrian trail miles in the City and connectivity to regional equestrian facilities are two areas that need improvement. As indicated by Table 3-1, there are currently two-miles of formal equestrian trails in the City. This is a barrier to most equestrians, particularly those bringing horses via trailer. In order to become a more equestrian friendly community, Auburn must undertake planning initiatives to expand the current network.   Auburn, as a regional growth center, has elected to become increasingly urbanized. As the City continues to urbanize, it will seek opportunities to include equestrian planning in its infrastructure improvements. Special consideration for equestrian facilities should be given to southeast Auburn and Lea Hill as both have existing equestrian communities. Loop trail development is one strategy that can be employed to increase the length of equestrian trails in Auburn. Loop trails can be linked to existing linear facilities, thereby increasing network miles. Opportunities to expand the equestrian trail system should be considered in all future infrastructure planning and development. Features such as busy arterial streets, steep slopes and narrow bridges are barriers to equestrian travel. Hence, equestrian trail planning should go hand in hand with other planning activities the City is undertaking. When planning equestrian trails, other facilities such as trailer parking and directional signage should be accommodated. FUTURE SYSTEM The southeast Auburn area, south of the White (Stuck) River and east of Kersey Way, should be designated as an Equestrian District. Future development in this area should be consistent with that designation. Southeast Auburn is particularly suitable as an Equestrian District because it contains a City watershed, shorelines of statewide significance, and numerous critical areas. Equestrian trails may be situated near some of these features, whereas more intense development may be unsuitable. Equestrian trails may also be appropriate for parts of Lea Hill, and should be evaluated. When locating equestrian trails along rustic roads, it may be appropriate to maximize trail potential by constructing a wider shoulder able to accommodate equestrian travel on one side of the road. Members of the equestrian community in Auburn have emphasized the desire for a trail connection between Roegner Park and southeast Auburn. One potential alignment would be along a route roughly parallel to Kersey Way and 53rd Street SE. The Parks Plan identifies this future trail as the Table 3-1 Existing Equestrian Facilities Facility Potential Primary Users Within Auburn City Limits Soft-surface Trail Equestrians Off-road Cyclists Pedestrians 2.17 miles Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-14 Williams Trail. Potential obstacles include critical area impacts and right-of-way acquisition. The topography along Kersey Way includes steep hillsides and large drainage swales. As trail planning progresses to a more detailed level, other alignments should be evaluated. The equestrian routes identified for future development are concentrated along the White River, the Green River, and in the properties in southeast Auburn. These routes are identified as soft-surface, multi-use trails that are suitable for riding and walking but do not meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Construction costs and the extent of clearing needed are much less for soft-surface trails than for paved trails. Some of the soft-surface trails are proposed to occur in conjunction with a paved trail. Summaries of trails that are appropriate for equestrian use are listed in Table 3-2. Design specifications for equestrian trails will be incorporated into the Auburn Engineering Design Standards manual. 3.4 Future Non-motorized System Auburn’s future non-motorized system consists of an interconnected network of sidewalks, bike lanes, multi-use trails, and equestrian paths. The list of proposed projects in Table 3-2 is developed for planning purposes. Map 3-2 identifies the location of the trail projects identified in Table 3-2 and maps the future trail and bicycle network. Table 3-2 Future Trail Projects Trail Name Description Potential Users Green River Trail This paved trail will be part of a regional recreational corridor. King County is the lead administrator of the project but will work in collaboration with the City for the portion of the trail in Auburn. The trail alignment will extend along the west bank of the Green River from S. 277th St., south to Brannan Park. From Brannan Park, the trail will then run south along M Street SE to 22nd Street NE, where it will turn east towards Dykstra Park. It will then cross the river at the Dykstra foot bridge to the east bank of the river. It will then parallel Green River Road and 104th Ave SE. Once across Lea Hill Road SE the trail will follow 104th PL. SE to the dead end. From the dead end the trail will follow the wooded bluff until it reaches a point opposite of Fenster Nature Park. At the alignment of 2nd St. SE the trail will cross at a future bridge location to the west side of the river and into Fenster Nature Park. The trail will continue south through the park and into the King County owned Auburn Narrows area where it will end near the intersection of Auburn Black Diamond Rd. and Green Valley Road. Bicyclists Equestrians Pedestrians Auburn Environmental Park Loop This looped recreational path spurs off the Interurban Trail and will go through the Auburn Environmental Park. Off-road Cyclists Pedestrians Equestrians, possibly White River Trail The White River Trail runs along the south side of the White River from Roegner Park to the eastern edge of Game Farm Wilderness Park. Future extensions of the trail are planned from A Street SE to Roegner Park, across the White River via the future BNSF Railroad underpass, on the south side of the river within the City of Pacific, and from Game Farm Wilderness Park to southeast Auburn along the White River. Bicyclists Equestrians Off-road Cyclists Pedestrians Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-15 Trail Name Description Potential Users Williams Trail These recreational trails are intended to use public or quasi-public lands, including utility corridors. A variety of loop trails may be possible within this large area. Bicyclists Equestrians Off-road Cyclists Pedestrians Bonneville Power Trail This east-west trail will extend from Lea Hill to Dykstra Park Street, where it will connect to downtown Auburn and West Hill via an existing and planned series of bike lanes. There are topographical and environmental challenges that will need to be addressed during the design phase. Bicyclists Pedestrians Equestrians Academy Trail The portion of Academy Drive from SR 164 to Green Valley Road is currently closed due to slope failures. However, it has the potential to be re-opened as a multi-use recreational trail. Bicyclists Pedestrians Equestrians Lakeland Hills Trail This trail serves the Lakeland community and links Sunset Park and Dorothy Bothell Park via a meandering sidewalk path along Lakeland Hills Way SE. Pedestrians This network will provide local and regional connections for a variety of non-motorized modes. The completed portions of the Interurban and Green River Trails connect pedestrians, cyclists, and equestrians to areas north and south of Auburn, while the White River Trail provides for east-west travel. Additional bike lanes and completion of the paved trail network will guide cyclists safely to points of interests and through congested areas of the City. The establishment of an equestrian district and trails in the southeast portion of the City permits more opportunities for equestrian travel in scenic areas. Pedestrians will be able to travel more safely and comfortably with upgrades and expansion of the sidewalk network, new crossings and street lighting, and better street design near schools and frequently traveled pedestrian locations. The addition of a BNSF undercrossing, just north of the White River and west of A Street SE, will provide safe passage for pedestrians. A new trail connection along C Street SW will provide pedestrians and cyclists with a safer connection to downtown and Auburn Station. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-16   PROMOTING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES  The City of Auburn envisions a transportation system that will help promote healthy community principles by coordinating land use, the non-motorized transportation system, and transit in a manner that encourages walking and bicycling. The Puget Sound Regional Council has identified several elements, which contribute to the desirability of walking, bicycling, and transit use.1  Concentrating complementary uses such as restaurants, retail and grocery stores proximate to residences and employment.  Linking neighborhoods by connecting streets, sidewalks, and trails.  Designing for safe and welcoming pedestrian and bicycle facilities.  Enhancing transit opportunities and non-motorized connections to transit facilities.  Reducing and mitigating the effects of parking. These principles, many of which can be promoted by thoughtful transportation systems planning, encourage healthier communities by increasing physical activity and decreasing air pollution caused by vehicle emissions. Auburn has historically planned for a transportation system that incorporates many healthy community principles, such as transit facility planning and regional trail planning. In addition, the Downtown Plan calls for a mixed-use, high density, pedestrian oriented downtown. Improving the non-motorized system also helps address the findings of the citywide Health Impact Assessment process which recommended that the City improve sidewalk connectivity, improve the pedestrian environment, eliminate natural and man-made mobility barriers for pedestrian and bicyclists, improve transit access, improve traffic safety, pedestrian safety and personal security. In the future, Auburn shall continue to promote these principles through long-range planning efforts, capital facility improvements, development review, and community activities involving active lifestyle elements. 1 Vision 2040 Update Issue Paper on Health: What’s Health Got to Do with Growth Management, Economic Development and Transportation?, Puget Sound Regional Council, December 2nd, 2004. White River Trail Multi-Use Path Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 3. Non-Motorized Transportation Page 3-17 IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS  The City has developed policies and identified funding strategies that will help implement the future non-motorized network. They can be found in Chapters 5 and 6, consecutively, of this plan. The planning direction outlined in this chapter shall be used as the foundation for implementing the non-motorized policies and securing funding. ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SE B ST NW AUBURN WAY S C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURN WAY N R ST SE 124TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE E MAIN ST WEST VALLEY HWY N SE 304TH ST C ST NW 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR SE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE TA P P S P K W Y S E 4 1ST S T S E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE S KERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LA KEL A N D HI L L S W A Y S E ORAVETZRDSE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD 55TH AV E S SE 320TH ST D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4TH ST SE 104THAVE SE IST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE299THST N ST NE W ST NW O ST NE S 277TH ST S 287TH ST 56TH AVE S SCENICDR S E 118TH AVE SE SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMONDRD SE D ST NE 112TH AVE SE P E A S L E Y C A N Y O N RDS K ST SE EAST VALLEY HWY E 4THSTSW 8TH ST SE M ST NE JOHNREDDINGTONRDNE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 47THST SE 56TH ST SE RIVERDRSE S 305TH ST SE290TH ST 130TH AVE SE 35T H W A Y S E R ST NW 26TH ST SE B ST NE SE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E 36T H S T S E 50TH S T NE 6 4 T H S T S E V ST NW A S T E 108T H AVESE 22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW SE 282ND ST SE295THST SE 286TH ST 32ND ST SE 2ND ST SE 73RD S T SE PEARL AVE SE 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL S 324TH ST 65TH ST SE 43RD ST NE A ST SE 108THAVE SE 104TH AVE SE THE THE OUTLET OUTLET COLLECTION COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4587Printed On: 10/6/2015 °0 1 Miles Priority Future Pedestrian Corridor Existing Sidewalks 5 Education Facilities Parks 1/4 Mile from School 1/2 Mile from School City of Auburn Recently Completed ^_Protected Crosswalks Existing Sidewalks and Future Priority Sidewalk Corridors Map 3-1 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SE AUBURN WAY S B ST NW C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURN WAY N R ST SE 124TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE E MAIN ST WESTVALLEY HWY N SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR SE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE TA P P S P K W Y S E 4 1ST S T S E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE S KERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKEL A N D H I L L S W A Y SE ORAVETZRDSE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD SE 320TH ST D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4TH ST SE 104THAVE SE I ST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE299TH ST N ST NE W ST NW O ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE S SCENICD R S E 118TH AVE SE SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMOND RD SE D ST NE 112TH AVE SE P E A S L E Y C A N Y O N RDS K ST SE EAST VALLEY HWY E 4THSTSW 8TH ST SE M ST NE JOHNREDDINGTONRDNE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 47THST SE 56TH STSE RIVERDRSE S 305TH ST 57THPLS SE290TH ST 130TH AVE SE 35T H W A Y S E R ST NW 26TH ST SE B ST NE SE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E 36T H S T S E 50 TH ST N E 6 4 T H S T S E V ST NW A S T E SE304TH W AY 108TH AVESE 22ND ST SE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST SE295THST SE 286TH ST V CT SE 32ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 2ND ST SE 73RD S T SE PEARL AVE SE 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL S 324TH ST 65TH ST SE A ST SE THE THE OUTLET OUTLET COLLECTION COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4604Printed On: 10/6/2015 °0 1 Miles Existing Trailheads Future Trailheads Bike Facility Future Bike Facility Trail Future Trail Parks City of Auburn Existing and Future Bicycle Facilities and Multi-Use Trails Map 3-2 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 INTERURBAN TRAIL MAIN ST CONNECTOR A/B STREET CORRIDOR 124TH AVE SE CORRIDOR GREEN RIVER ROAD CORRIDOR LEA HILL CONNECTOR STEWART/LAKE TAPPS CONNECTOR SOUTH AUBURN M STREET SE CORRIDOR WEST VALLEY CORRIDOR A S T SE A ND L AK ELA ND HIL LS C OR RID OR NORTH 37TH ST NW AND WEST HILL CONNECTOR NORTH AUBURN R STREET NE / I STREET NE CORRIDOR RIVERWALK-AUBURN WAY S-ENUMCLAW CONNECTOR KERSEY WAY / LAKE TAPPS CORRIDOR C STREET TRAIL AND 15TH ST SW CORRIDOR TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SE AUBURNWAYS B ST NW C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURN WAY N R ST SE 124TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE E MAIN ST WESTVALLEY HWY N SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR SE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE TA P P S P K W Y S E 4 1ST S T S E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE S KERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE ORAVETZRDSE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD SE 320TH ST D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4TH ST SE 104TH AVE SE I ST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE 299TH ST N ST NE W ST NW O STNE 37TH ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE S SCENICDR S E 118TH AVE SE SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMONDRDSE D ST NE 112TH AVE SE ACADEMYDRSE P E A S L E Y C A N Y O N RDS EAST VALLEY HWY E 4THSTSW 8TH ST SE C ST SE M ST NE JOHNREDDINGTONRDNE H ST SE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 47THST SE 56TH STSE S 305TH ST 57THPLS 130TH AVE SE 35T H W A Y S E R ST NW B STNE SE 323RD PL 17TH ST SE 50TH ST NE 6 4 T H S T S E V ST NW 21STST N E 108T H AVESE 23RD ST S E 36T H S T S E 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST O ST SE 5 1 S T S T S E SE 286TH ST 72ND ST S E 2ND ST SE PEARL AVE SE 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL J ST NE K ST NE 57TH DR SE S 324TH ST FIR ST SE 43RD ST NE A ST SE MUCKLESHOOTMUCKLESHOOTCASINOCASINOTHE THE OUTLET OUTLET COLLECTION COLLECTION KE NTKENT P IE R C EPIERCECOUNTYCOUNTY K I N GKINGCOUNT YCOUNTY PA C I F I CPACIFIC SU M N E RSUMNER E D G E W O O DEDGEWOOD AL G ON AALGONA F STREET / LES GOVE CORRIDOR AUBURN BLACK DIAMOND/GREEN VALLEY ROAD CONNECTOR Downhill B.P.A Powerline Right of Way B.P.A Po w e rlin e Rig h t of W ay B .P.A P o w e rli n e Ri g h t o f W a y VALENTINE ToToFlami n g F la m i n g Ge ys erGeyser @ EMERALDDOWNS AUBURNDOWNTOWN SUPERMALL YMCA LES GOVE Hill AUBURNGOLFCOURSEBRANNAN PARK MARYOLSONPARK LAKELAND HILLSCOMMERCIALAREA Only ToToKentKent @ ToToKen tKent @ ToToKen tKent @ @ ToToKen tKent&&S eat t leSeattle @ @ToToFeder a l F e d e r a l Wa yWay @ ToToFedera l Fe d era l Wa yWay @ ToToFedera l Fed e ra l W a yWay @ ToToEdgewoo dEdgewood @ ToToMiltonMilton @ To To Ta c o m aTacoma @ ToToSumn e rSumner&&P uya ll upPuyallup @ ToToSumn erSumner&&Bo nn e yBonneyLakeLake @ ToToBonn eyBonneyLakeLake @ ToToEnumc l a wEnumclaw ToToBlackBlackDiamondDiamond@ ToToPacif icPacificRaceway sRaceways @ GRCC GAMEFARMPARK MUCKLESHOOTCASINO PACIFICRACEWAYS INTERURBAN TRAIL INTERURBAN TRAIL ToToKen tKent @ Recommended U p hill R o u t e AUBURNENVIRONMENTALPARK Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4593Printed On: 10/6/2015 °0 1 Miles Connectors Corridors Interurban Trail City of Auburn Bicycle Corridors and Connectors Map 3-3 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department Focus Area Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 1 Auburn Station Metro Transit Hybrid Articulated Bus Courtesy: Metro Transit CHAPTER 4 TRANSIT Transit service is a key component of Auburn’s transportation system, providing mobility within the City and access to and from the City. Unlike the street and non-motorized systems, Auburn does not directly administer transit service. Rather, the City works with local transit agencies to coordinate service in Auburn. The transit agencies are publicly funded and are responsible for providing transit service within their service boundaries. Today, Auburn is served by local and regional bus, as well as a commuter rail line that runs between Seattle and Tacoma/Lakewood. 4.1 NEEDS ASSESSMENT EXISTING TRANSIT SERVICES The following section provides a brief summary of the public transportation services offered in Auburn. Existing transit service for the Auburn area is identified in Map 4-1 at the end of this section. KING COUNTY METRO TRANSIT Bus Service Metro Transit provides local bus services linking destinations within the community and providing regional connections to the Auburn Station and the 15th Street NW Park-and-Ride. Metro Transit offers the following services in Auburn: Route 164 provides regional service between Kent, Auburn and the Green River College. It connects with the Route 181 at Green River College. Route 180 provides service daily between southeast Auburn, Auburn Station, and Kent Station, connecting to Route 150, with service to Seattle. Route 180 also serves Sea-Tac Airport and the Burien Transit Center. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 2 DART Vehicle Courtesy: City of Kent Route 181 provides daily service between the Twin Lakes Park-and-Ride, Sea-Tac Mall, Federal Way Transit Center, the Outlet Collection, Auburn Station, and Green River College. Route 186 provides weekday peak hour service between the Auburn Station and Enumclaw via Auburn Way South. The service is scheduled to meet Sounder Commuter Rail trains at the Auburn Station. Route 915 provides weekday midday service and some weekend service between the Auburn Station and Enumclaw via Auburn Way South. The route also includes a small portion of Demand Area Responsive Transit (DART) service with limited, variable routing in response to rider requests. Route 917 provides weekday and Saturday service between A Street SE, 41st Street SE, Algona, the Outlet Collection, and the Auburn Station. Peak hour weekday service is also provided between the Auburn Station and the Social Security Administration and the General Services Administration (GSA). The route offers DART service (limited variable route) in portions of Pacific. Route 952 is a weekday AM and PM peak hour route specifically designed to serve the Boeing Everett facility. It operates from the 15th Street NW Park and Ride to the Boeing Everett Plant. Route 910 is a DART route which was inaugurated in October 2010 in a partnership between Auburn and King County Metro Transit, and functions as a community shuttle circulator service. The route provides weekday and Saturday service between north central Auburn, the I Street NE corridor, downtown Auburn and the Outlet Collection/YMCA on 15th Street SW. Due to financially driven cuts by Metro Transit, Route 919 was recently discontinued. This was a community focused route, which operated fixed route and some DART between downtown Auburn, the Library, Senior Center, Les Gove Park and southeast Auburn in the Dogwood area where it interchanged with the Muckleshoot Tribal Shuttle. Although service to the area is still available on the Routes 186 and 915, Route 919 operated during the off-peak hours filling gaps in the service offered by the Routes 186 and 915. Metro also discontinued the Route 152 to and from Seattle. Former Route 152 passengers must now use the Sounder train or the Route 190 which they can access at the Star Lake Park and Ride. ACCESS ACCESS Transportation is a King County Metro paratransit service, providing door-to-door, shared- ride van transportation within most of King County. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires curb-to-curb paratransit service for persons whose disabilities prevent use of accessible non-commuter, fixed route bus service. This service is intended to offer a comparable level of service to that provided by regular bus service. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 3 Sounder Train Courtesy: Sound Transit Sound Transit Regional Express Bus Courtesy: Sound Transit Vanpool Services Metro Transit sponsors vanpool services that serve residents and employees in Auburn. Vanpool is a shared-ride service that provides group transport for commuters with proximate origins and destinations. Vanpool is a popular and flexible service that provides commuters with an alternative to driving alone and fixed-route transit service. Vanpool will continue to be an important strategy for mitigating peak period congestion throughout Auburn and the region. Metro Transit Facilities Metro Transit owns and operates the Auburn 15th Street NW Park-and-Ride with 244 surface parking stalls. Metro also operates into the Auburn Station managed by Sound Transit. Additionally, Metro maintains approximately 177 other bus stops in Auburn, 42 of which contain passenger shelters. Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Under state law, the City is required to administer a Commute Trip Reduction program for all employers in Auburn with at least 100 employees arriving during the peak morning commute hours. The City of Auburn contracts with Metro Transit to provide CTR support services for the CTR affected local employers. Currently, there are 10 CTR employers in Auburn with a total of 5,500 employees. Metro Transit assists employers in complying with state law by providing rideshare support and a host of other incentives aimed at reducing single occupant vehicle travel. PIERCE TRANSIT Route 497 is operated by Pierce Transit in partnership with the City of Auburn, and King County Metro Transit. It operates peak hour weekday service between Lakeland Hills and the Auburn Station. As a morning and evening service meeting Sounder trains the 497 is a commuter - oriented route, but is open to all riders. In the future, the City hopes to expand the Route 497 to serve all peak hour Sounder trips. Because Route 497 primarily serves Sounder passengers and because it significantly reduces the demand for commuter parking at the Auburn Station parking garage managed by Sound Transit the city is seeking financial participation from Sound Transit in operating this route and making this a permanent route. Vanpool Services are provided by Pierce Transit similar to those offered by King County Metro Transit. SOUND TRANSIT Sound Transit is the regional transit provider for Puget Sound. It provides limited stop, transit services linking Auburn to major regional destinations in King and Pierce Counties. The agency offers both Sounder commuter rail and regional express bus services in Auburn. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 4 Sounder Commuter Rail Sound Transit operates the Sounder commuter rail service on the Lakewood-Tacoma – Seattle route via the BNSF Railway. Sound Transit provides weekday peak hour trips northbound to Seattle in the AM and southbound from Seattle to Tacoma -Lakewood in the PM. Reverse direction trips are also provided in each peak hour with mid-day service being planned for future years. Some connections are available between south line Sounder trains which terminate in Seattle and north line Sounder trains from Everett to Seattle. Additional special event service to and from Seattle for Mariners, Seahawks and Sounders games and the Emerald Downs racetrack in Auburn is offered on some weekends. Currently, eight trains operate northbound to Seattle in the morning peak and return southbound during the PM peak. Two trains operate southbound to Tacoma/Lakewood in the morning and northbound to Seattle in the early evening. In September 2016 a new round-trip between Lakewood and Seattle will be added. The new round-trip will leave Lakewood for Seattle in the late morning and return from Seattle to Lakewood in the early afternoon. Regional Express Bus Service Route 566/567 offers daily weekday, limited stop service between the Auburn Station the Kent Station, the Renton Transit Center, the Bellevue Transit Center, and the Overlake Transit Center. Route 577/578 offers daily limited stop service between Puyallup, Sumner, Auburn, Federal Way and Seattle. The 577 provides service between the Federal Way Transit Center and Seattle during the peak periods when the Sounder trains is in operation. The 578 provides service between Puyallup and Seattle during the off-peak hours when train service is not currently provided. Transit Facilities Sound Transit owns and operates the Auburn Station located in downtown Auburn. This full service multi-modal facility provides parking for a total of 633 vehicles in a 6-story parking garage and a surface parking lot. The facility currently handles approximately 470 daily bus trips. Approximately 3,000 passengers ride bus service to/from the station on a daily basis. Boardings at Auburn on Sounder commuter rail are 1,300 per day. The facility draws numerous transit riders from outside Auburn including many from outside the Sound Transit taxing District, the geographic area where residents contribute tax revenue to fund Sound Transit. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 5 4.2 Transit User Needs DEMOGRAPHICS People use public transportation for two reasons: because they have to ride or because they choose to ride. Carrying the choice rider, such as commuters, often has the greatest positive impact on the transportation system by helping control peak hour traffic demand. But providing a “safety net” of adequate transportation to those who absolutely depend on it is, arguably, public transportation’s most important role. There are a number of ways to identify “transit dependency” but the most effective way is to identify locations with high concentrations of residents who have no vehicle available in their household. An examination of the most recent year 2000 Census data available from the Bureau of the Census shows that some areas of Auburn have a surprisingly high number of households with no vehicle available. This remains the most recent information available with the level of detail necessary to identify needs on a block level. As a comparison baseline, 9 percent of Auburn households have no vehicle available; this percentage is consistent with that of King County (9 percent) and slightly higher than that of Pierce County (8 percent). For the purpose of this analysis, block groups with significant concentrations of residential development in which over 12 percent of households have no vehicle available are considered transit dependent areas. There are eleven census block groups in Auburn in which over 12 percent of households have no vehicle available, nine of which have significant concentrations of residential development and are therefore identified as transit dependent areas. It is also notable that four of the nine block groups with large concentrations of residential development have at least 20 percent of households with no vehicle available. The nine block groups comprising the transit dependent areas had a total of 3,698 households in 2000, 771 (21 percent) of which had no vehicle available. Map 4-2 shows the transit dependent areas and overlays the existing transit service in order to identify if adequate transit service is available to these highly transit dependent neighborhoods. Comparing the neighborhoods in question to the transit route structure, it is apparent that the vast majority of Auburn’s most transit dependent population lives within ¼ miles of a fixed route bus – the distance standard most often identified by the transit industry as a reasonable walking distance to transit. An exception to that rule is the area near Dogwood Street SE north of Auburn Way South where many of the transit dependent residents are located more than ¼ mile from fixed route bus service. In the future, it will be critical to ensure these areas continue to be well covered by transit service, both in terms of route and schedule coverage. SERVICE COVERAGE Generally speaking, local transit service coverage in Auburn is well planned and well operated. Even so there are some areas of the community that do not have adequate local service coverage, as well as some important regional bus links and commuter rail services that have yet to be fully developed. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 6 Auburn YMCA - Major trip generator Local Bus Service Some of Auburn’s most populated neighborhoods are deficient in local bus service, including the West Hill, Lakeland Hills during the non-peak hours, and parts of east and north Auburn. The least served residential area of Auburn is West Hill, an area with approximately 5,000 residents with no transit service. Lakeland Hills, a planned residential community with approximately 3,800 homes has peak hour service to downtown Auburn but lacks all day service. Lea Hill, a predominantly residential community on Auburn’s east hill, does have two transit routes, which predominantly serve Green River College, leaving a large portion of the residents unable to walk to a transit route. In 2014, a license plate survey of the Auburn Station garage indicated a substantial number of Lea Hill residents utilize transit service at Auburn Station. This suggests that a commuter oriented shuttle serving Lea Hill, similar to the Route 497 shuttle implemented in Lakeland Hills, could be successful. Additionally, residential areas of east Auburn, east of M Street NE and south of 8th Street NE, and parts of northeast Auburn, east of I Street NE, are also located more than ¼ mile from fixed route bus service. It is difficult for these areas to access transit, both for local and regional trips. The design of King County Metro’s local bus routes in Auburn should be reviewed in relation to future changes in Sound Transit’s Sounder commuter rail and regional express bus services to identify opportunities and priorities for productive improvements to transit coverage, frequency, and hours of operation. Regional Bus Service The most important unmet regional transit need is for all day, express bus and commuter rail service between Auburn, Tacoma/Lakewood and Seattle. While the original Sound Transit Regional Express Bus Service Plan contained a direct link between Auburn and Tacoma/Lakewood, the connection was discontinued in Sound Transit’s later service plans. Sounder Commuter Rail Sounder Commuter Rail, a highly popular and attractive service, operates bi-directionally in the peak periods. Most of the trips are operated in the peak direction; northbound during the weekday AM peak and southbound during the weekday PM peak. No midday, evening or weekend regular service is currently provided. These services are needed as is additional capacity on some of the currently most popular runs. Intercity Passenger Rail Auburn is an ideal location for a future stop on the Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor, which runs from Vancouver, BC to Eugene, OR. A former intercity passenger rail stop and Amtrak city, Auburn is centrally located in South King County at the intersection of SR-18 and SR-167 and is a 10 minute drive from I-5. The Auburn Station is Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 7 the only facility in King or Pierce County with direct freeway access and currently serves over 3,000 bus passengers and 1,300 commuter rail passengers and is centrally located within 10 miles of 500,000 people. Amtrak should implement more intercity rail stations in the high density and traffic congested areas of Puget Sound such as at Auburn Station. A new Auburn stop would have great ridership benefits since it is at a station with available overnight parking and is in close proximity to hundreds of thousands of potential new customers. Furthermore the projected schedule impacts of a stop in Auburn could be largely absorbed in the overall route schedule. TRANSIT SCHEDULING The scheduling of transit service is often as important as route alignment and coverage in determining the success of the service. Scheduling to Successfully Serve Employers One of the most overlooked aspects of transit system design is scheduled transit arrival times versus major employer shift times. While a transit system can physically serve the front door of a business, its actual scheduled arrival times will often determine if anyone rides the system. It is not the intention of this effort to conduct an exhaustive employer shift time analysis of the community. However, an example of the challenge can be found in examining one of Auburn’s major employers, the Boeing Company with over 6,000 employees. The company’s primary morning shift time arrival occurs at 6 AM, the earliest southbound Sounder train from Seattle, arrives in Auburn at 6:41 AM. The first run of the day for the Metro Route 181 from Federal Way and Lea Hill arrive near Boeing at approximately 6 AM, making it difficult for employees to meet the shift time. The first runs of the Route 917 which serve the nearby GSA and SSA offices arrive after the Boeing shift time as well. None of the existing bus routes stop close enough to the Boeing facility to allow employees to walk to the facility. This shows how it would be beneficial to coordinate with major employers to offer alternate transit options that can meet various shift times such as dedicated Vanpools or Vanshares. The lack of transit schedule synchronization with key employers in a community can also negatively impact other opportunities. The City of Auburn in partnership with Metro Transit was the first agency in Puget Sound to create the concept of ‘Van Share’, a specialized transit service in which vanpools carry employees to their employer’s front door from regional transit centers. Where the schedules work, such as in providing a direct link between Boeing’s Renton facilities and the Tukwila Station, the concept has been highly successful. On the other end of the trip, the Van Share concept can be successfully implemented to transport employees between their homes and the Transit Station, saving capacity on the roadway and at the Auburn Station parking facilities. Due to the fact that Auburn’s major employer shift times sometimes don’t match Sounder and regional bus transit arrival times, Van Share has not yet achieved its full potential in Auburn. However as Sounder and bus service to the Auburn Station increase this option may become more viable for major employers in Auburn. To maximize the investment in public transit service in Auburn, it is recommended that both Sound Transit and Metro Transit conduct an evaluation of their schedules with a focus on improving service to major employers in the Auburn area. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 8 Transit Capacity A second consideration in scheduling service is ensuring that enough service is available to meet the demand. Sounder Commuter Rail has also been immensely popular, indicating that increased service is supported by the ridership demand. Daily Sounder boardings at south end stations total around 6,000 riders, the equivalent of a lane of traffic on SR 167 or I-5, emphasizing the importance of expanding Sounder service. The Auburn Station is a highly successful component of the Sounder service. Total rail boardings at the Auburn Station today average over 1,300 riders per day making Auburn one of the busiest stations on the Sounder route. URBAN DESIGN The design of the build environment has direct implications on the quality and availability of transit service. Urban design can either encourage or inhibit the provision of local transit service. Some inhibitors to providing neighborhood service include inadequate street geometry and construction, lack of a satisfactory location for a terminal at the end of the route, absence of a street grid that could be used to turn around a bus, and the absence of a connected sidewalk network. Ideally, new residential developments should be laid out with future transit route alignments in mind and supporting transit facilities. Likewise, retrofits of the existing street network should accommodate transit design considerations IMPROVING LOCAL SERVICE Preserving the Route 910 Since 2010 Auburn and Metro Transit have partnered through the Transit Now initiative to implement community shuttle circulator service. The Route 910 shuttle serves Northeast Auburn commercial and activity areas. The service has become steadily more popular, doubling in productivity since its inception. This partnership route between, Auburn and King County Metro has now been extended until 2020. Add Service to Replace the Terminated Route 919 Currently, a planned expansion of service to the Metro Route 915 is expected to begin in March 2016. This will increase service to hourly, midday on some of the alignment of the former Route 919. The city should continue to look for opportunities to improve service along the route of the former 919. Preserve and Expand Commuter Connection Bus Routes Auburn should work with Pierce Transit, Metro Transit and Sound Transit to preserve the Route 497 and add service to the Route to meet all existing and future Sounder trains while encouraging Sound Transit to fund a portion of the Route 497. Auburn should explore the concept with Metro Transit and Sound Transit of adding a new commuter bus/van service to Sounder from Lea Hill and the west hill of Auburn and encourage Sound Transit to fund a portion of the routes. Similar to the Route 497, these routes would be timed to meet Sounder trains and operate on a direct route and express schedule after leaving the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 9 Lea Hill or west hill areas. These potential services are particularly relevant given Metro Transit’s recent focus on the expanded use of Alternative Service concepts for covering areas which cannot support the use of a traditional fixed route bus but which are still in need of public transportation. TRANSIT FACILITIES One type of transit facility improvement stands out as the most important ongoing need: parking. Comparing the number of current Sounder daily boardings (1,300) to the available number of parking stalls at the Auburn Station (633) and the number of passengers who transfer daily from bus to Sounder (approximately 150) shows there is a lack of parking for Sounder at the Auburn Station. Additional train trips are currently being planned, including three new round trips, and these will attract more ridership (and result in more parking needs) in downtown Auburn. Although there is always a desire to have as many people as possible access commuter rail without parking, the reality of the service is that it is usually used by customers who want to start and end their day with a direct, fast trip to and from the station. Only the Route 497 is specifically designed to link commuters to Sounder. It accounts for the majority of transfers between bus service and rail service. Given the strength of the demand for Sounder and the location of many of its users, other lifestyle choices (bike, pedestrian or TOD) will also not be sufficient to ultimately negate the continued demand for more parking. So, for the foreseeable future, parking will be a continuing challenge at the Auburn Station and even more will be needed as three more Sounder roundtrips are added, as scheduled in 2016 and 2017. Building the infrastructure to accommodate commuter parking demand is an essential component of making transit an attractive option for commuters. In order to do so, action is essential to clearly identify the future demand and acquire the land needed to build the parking. The plans created in ST2 and ST3 (ST2 is the Sound Transit Plan approved by voters during 2008, ST3 is a proposed ballot measure for voters to consider in 2016) to build parking should be followed. If this is not done, neighborhoods within walking distance of Auburn Station, particularly those bordering W Main Street, will experience an increase in on-street commuter parking, making it difficult for residents to find parking during the day and early evening. To combat this issue, the City has established a restricted parking zone for residents to the west of C Street NW, however the problem may begin in other locations. Sound Transit should also examine the usage of the Auburn Station garage by people who live outside the Sound Transit Taxing District. The agency should consider requiring those users to pay to park in the Auburn Station garage. In a 2014 survey of the vehicles parked at the Auburn facility over 90 vehicles (15 percent of the parking supply) were registered at addresses outside the Sound Transit Taxing District. King County Metro Transit is responsible for installing new and maintaining existing bus shelters in Auburn. Both the City and agency should continue to prioritize potential improvements to shelters, benches, pads, bus zones, customer information and pedestrian access. Currently, about 20 Metro bus stops that meet warrants for the installation of shelters have not received them yet and City staff is focused on working with Metro to accomplish that installation. Pedestrian improvements around existing or planned transit stops, including enhanced crosswalks and pedestrian refuges, should also be examined by the City. The placement of bus stops is driven Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 10 by a variety of criteria including transit system operating and design standards, professional engi- neering field evaluation, and public input. 4.3 Transit System Recommendations This section contains the recommendations derived from the transit needs assessment, as discussed in the first part of this chapter. Recommendations are organized by lead agency, with the understanding that implementation of any major system improvement will require the collaboration of many agencies. KING COUNTY METRO TRANSIT Maintain the operation of the Route 910 in partnership with Metro Transit. Explore partnering with Metro Transit and the Muckleshoot Indian tribe to create a new route combining the best features of the former Route 919 and the MIT tribal shuttle to provide better transit service to the city and the Reservation. Work with Metro Transit to create new, limited stop AM and PM peak transit services designed for commuters from Lea Hill and west hill to and from the downtown Auburn Station. Conduct an evaluation of transit schedules; improve service to major employers. Work with Metro Transit to add service to the Route 497 to meet more Sounder trains. Explore, assist and encourage the implementation of commuter Vanpool and Van Share linking Boeing to the Auburn Station. To meet Sounder and Regional bus routes. Work with Sound Transit and Metro Transit to create additional parking at or near the Auburn Station. PIERCE TRANSIT Work with Pierce Transit to add service to the Route 497 to meet more Sounder trains. SOUND TRANSIT Work with Sound Transit to add service to the Route 497 to meet more Sounder trains and fund a portion of the Route. Work with Sound Transit to add new commuter bus service to the Sounder from Lea Hill and West Hill and fund a portion of the routes. Institute midday Sounder service to and from Tacoma/Lakewood and Seattle and plan for evening and weekend service in the near future. Address the loss of existing parking at the Auburn Station due to the use of the overcrowded Sounder parking facility by Sounder riders who live outside the Sound Transit taxing district and pay nothing for the facility. Begin working with the City of Auburn to create additional parking near the Auburn Station, as specified in ST2 and included in ST3, which is scheduled to be on the November 2016 ballot. CITY OF AUBURN Continue the operation of the Route 910 in partnership with Metro Transit. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 4. Transit Page 4- 11 Explore partnering with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe to create a new route combining the best features of the former Route 919 and the MIT tribal shuttle to provide better transit service to the City and the Reservation. Work with Metro Transit and Sound Transit to create a new, limited stop AM and PM peak transit service for commuters from Lea Hill and west hill to and from the Auburn Station. Work with Pierce Transit and Metro Transit to add service to the Route 497 to meet more Sounder trains and encourage Sound Transit to fund a portion of the Route 497 to continue the route in service for multiple years beyond 2016. Work with Sound Transit to address the loss of existing parking at the Auburn Station due to the use of the overcrowded Sounder parking facility by Sounder riders who live outside the Sound Transit taxing district and pay nothing for the facility. Begin working with Sound Transit and Metro Transit in partnership to create additional commuter parking at or near the Auburn Station. ^_ TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SE AUBURN WAY S B ST NW C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURN WAY N R ST SE 124TH AVE SE 132ND AVE SE E MAIN ST WEST VALLEY HWY N SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR SE W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE TA P P S P K W Y S E 4 1ST S T S E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE S KERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKEL A N D H I L L S W A Y SE ORAVETZRDSE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD SE 320TH ST D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4TH ST SE 104THAVE SE I ST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE299THST N ST NE W ST NW O ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE S SCENICDR S E 118TH AVE SE SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMONDRD SE D ST NE 112TH AVE SE ACADEMYDRSE P E A S L E Y C A N Y O N RDS K ST SE EAST VALLEY HWY E 4TH STSW 8TH ST SE M ST NE JOHNREDDINGTONRDNE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 47THST SE 56THST SE RIVERDRSE S 305TH ST 57THPLS SE290TH ST 130TH AVE SE 35T H W A Y S E R ST NW 26TH ST SE B ST NE SE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E 50TH S T NE 6 4 T H S T S E V ST NW A S T E SE304TH WAY 108T H AVESE 22ND ST SE 36T H S T S E 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST O ST SE SE295THST 5 1 S T S T S E SE 286TH ST V CT SE 72ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 2ND ST SE PEARL AVE SE 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL S 324TH ST 65TH ST SE THE THE OUTLET OUTLET COLLECTION COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4510Printed On: 10/6/2015 °0 1 Miles ^_Auburn Transit Station Park & Ride City of Auburn Metro Transit Routes Pierce Transit Routes Sound Transit Routes Muckleshoot Shuttle Routes Auburn Transit Routes and MIT Shuttle Route Map 4-1 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department ")164 ")181 ")181 ")910 ")180 ")952 ")566 ")566 ")578 ")181 ")917 ")180 ")497 ")917 ")578 ")497 ")186/915 ")910 ")MITShuttle ^_ TS18 TS18 TS167 TS167 A ST SE B ST NW AUBURN WAY S C ST SW I ST NE M ST SE AUBURN WAY N 124TH AVE SE R ST SE 132ND AVE SE E MAIN ST WEST VALLEY HWY N SE 304TH ST S 277TH ST C ST NW 15TH ST SW 2ND ST E STUCK RIVER DR S E W MAIN ST 15TH ST NW LAKE T A P P S P K W Y S E 41ST S T S E 29TH ST SE SE 312TH ST 51ST AVE S KERSEYWAYSE SE 288TH ST 8TH ST NE 37TH ST NW LAKEL A N D H IL L S W A Y SE ORAVETZRDSE 25TH ST SE EAST BLVD SE 320TH ST D ST SE 110TH AVE SE 4TH ST SE 104THAVE SE I ST NW WESTVALLEYHWYS SE299TH ST N ST NE W ST NW O ST NE S 287TH ST 56TH AVE S SCENICD R S E 118TH AVE SE SE 316TH ST AUBURN-BLACKDIAMOND RD SE 321ST ST S DSTNE 112TH AVE SE ACADEMYDRSE K ST SE EAST VALLEY HWY E 4TH ST SW 7TH ST SE C ST SE M ST NE JOHNREDDINGTONRDNE B ST SE FOSTER AVE SE 52ND AVE S 47THST SE 56TH ST SE 57THPLS SE290TH ST 130TH AVE SE 35T H W A Y S E R ST NW 26TH ST SE B ST NE SE 323RD PL 1 7 T H S T S E 36T H S T S E 50TH S T N E 6 4 T H S T S E V ST NW AS T E SE304TH W AY 108T H AVESE 22ND ST SE G ST NE 42ND ST NW S 292ND ST SE 282ND ST SE295THST 5 1 S T S T S E SE 286TH ST V CT SE 32ND ST SE 72ND ST SE 42ND ST NE 2ND ST SE PEARL AVE SE 62ND ST SE SE 307TH PL S 324TH ST 65TH ST SE SE 282ND ST A ST SE R S T S E 56TH A V E S MUCKLESHOOTMUCKLESHOOTCASINOCASINO THE THE OUTLET OUTLET COLLECTION COLLECTION Auburn Transportation Plan Map ID: 4684Printed On: 10/8/2015 °0 1 Miles ^_Auburn Transit Station Park & Ride City of Auburn Transit Dependent Areas Metro Transit Routes Pierce Transit Routes Sound Transit Routes Muckleshoot Shuttle Routes Auburn Transit Routes and Transit Dependent Areas Map 4-2 Source: City of Auburn GIS Department ")164 ")181 ")181 ")910 ")180 ")952 ")566 ")566 ")578 ")181 ")917 ")180 ")497 ")917 ")578 ")497 ")186/915 ")910 ")MITShuttle Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 1 CHAPTER 5. POLICIES Transportation objectives and policies establish the framework for realizing the City’s vision of its transportation system. Policies provide guidance for the City, other governmental entities and private developers, enabling the City to achieve its goal in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The policy framework presented below is a guideline, which the City will use to evaluate individual projects and address its infrastructure needs. The objectives and policies are organized according to five broad headings. The first heading, Coordination, Planning and Implementation, addresses the system comprehensively, detailing policies that pertain to the planning and implementation of the system as a whole. The subsequent four headings list policies specific to the following systems: Street system, Non-motorized system, Transit system, and Air transportation. The analysis of the transportation system, as well as any individual proposals, shall consider all modes of transportation and all methods of efficiently managing the network. Public Art on West Main Street Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 2 GOAL To plan, expand, and improve the transportation system in cooperation and coordination with adjacent and regional jurisdictions to ensure concurrency compliance with the growth management act, and to provide a safe and efficent multimodal system that meets the community needs and facilitates the land use plan. 5.1 Coordination, Planning and Implementation OBJECTIVE: COORDINATION To be consistent with regional plans and the plans of neighboring cities, to encourage partnerships, and not to unreasonably preclude an adjacent jurisdiction from implementing its planned improvements. Coord-01: Coordinate transportation operations, planning and improvements with other transportation authorities and governmental entities (cities, counties, tribes, state, federal) to address transportation issues. These include:  Improvement of the state highway network through strong advocacy with state officials, both elected and staff, for improvements to state highways and interchanges;  Improvements to roadways connecting Auburn to the surrounding region, including SR 167, SR 18, SR 181/West Valley Hwy, SR 164, and S 277th Street;  Improved access to the Interstate 5 corridor and regional employment centers;  Transit connections to the Regional Growth Centers;  Establishing the Auburn Station as a center for multi-modal transportation connections to proposed future intercity rail service;  Strong advocacy with US congressional members to provide funding to mitigate transportation problems connected to interstate commerce; and  Proactively pursuing forums to coordinate transportation project priorities among other governmental entities, including proposed future intercity rail service. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 3 OBJECTIVE: LONG-RANGE PLANNING & PROGRAMMING To continue to plan for the future of the multi-modal transportation system through long-range planning, programmatic planning, and financial planning, in compliance with the Growth Management Act. Plan-01: The Comprehensive Transportation Plan shall be evaluated and amended annually to ensure it is technically accurate, consistent with state, regional, and other local plans, and in keeping with the City's vision of the future transportation system. Plan-02: The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) shall be updated annually to reevaluate project priorities, develop a plan to fund capital improvement projects, and ensure consistency between project priorities and financing plans. Project evaluation criteria shall foster economic development, maximize utilization of city financing to match transportation grants, promote safety, integrate planning of other projects requiring disturbance of pavements, promote mobility, and optimize the utilization of existing infrastructure. OBJECTIVE: SAFETY To provide a transportation system that is safe for all users. Safety-01: A safe and efficient transportation system shall be prioritized over driving convenience. Safety-02: Utilize education to increase awareness of existing traffic laws and safety issues, especially as they relate to pedestrians and bicyclists. Safety-03: Engage the community in transportation issues through public involvement and partnerships with organizations such as the Auburn School District. Safety-04: Identify areas with persistent traffic violations and address these violations, in part, through Police Department enforcement. Safety-05: Emphasize enforcement of the "rules of the road" for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists whose actions endanger others. Conduct enforcement in a manner that reinforces the messages found in non-motorized education & safety programs. Safety-06: Recognize the potential effects of hazards on transportation facilities and incorporate such considerations into the planning and design of transportation projects, where feasible. OBJECTIVE: CONNECTIVITY To provide a highly interconnected network of streets and trails for ease and variety of travel. Connect-01: An efficient transportation system seeks to spread vehicle movements over a series of planned streets. The goal of the system is to encourage connectivity while preventing unacceptably high traffic volumes on any one street. Ample alternatives should exist to accommodate access for emergency vehicles. For these reasons the City will continue to plan a series of collectors and arterials designed to national standards to provide efficient service to the community. Connect-02: Encourage the use of trails and other connections that provide ease of travel within and between neighborhoods, community activity centers, and transit services. Development patterns that block direct pedestrian access are discouraged. Ample alternatives should exist to accommodate non-motorized transportation on arterials, collectors, and local roads. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 4 OBJECTIVE: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Minimize the environmental impacts of all new transportation projects and transportation related improvements. Environ-01: Thoroughly evaluate the impacts of all transportation projects and apply appropriate mitigation measures in conformance with SEPA, the Critical Areas Ordinance, and other city, county, state, and federal regulations. Environ-02: Identify and consider the environmental impacts of transportation projects at the earliest possible time to ensure planning and decisions reflect environmental values, to avoid delays later in the process, and to reduce or avoid potential problems that may adversely impact the environment and project outcome. Environ-03: Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID), green technology, and sustainability practices into transportation improvements as primary alternatives whenever feasible. Environ-04: Support efforts to improve air quality throughout the Auburn area and develop a transportation system compatible with the goals of the Federal and State Clean Air Acts. Environ-05: Require air quality studies of future major development to assess impacts created by site generated traffic. OBJECTIVE: LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (LOS) THRESHOLD To ensure that new development does not degrade transportation facilities to below LOS standards. LOS-01: New development shall not be allowed when the impacts of the new development on the transportation system degrades the LOS to below the adopted LOS standard, unless the impacts are mitigated concurrent with the development as described in Chapter 2. LOS-02: The term "below level-of-service" shall apply to situations where traffic attributed to a development likely results in any of the following.  An unacceptable increase in hazard or an unacceptable decrease in safety at an intersection or on a roadway segment.  An accelerated deterioration of the street pavement condition or the proposed regular use of a street not designated as a truck route for truck movements that can reasonably result in accelerated deterioration of the street pavement.  An unacceptable impact on geometric design conditions at an intersection where two truck routes meet on the City arterial and collector network.  An increase in congestion which constitutes an unacceptable adverse environmental impact under the State Environmental Policy Act.  An increase in queuing that causes blocking of adjacent land uses or intersections.  A reduction in any of the four (4) LOS standards below. 1. Arterial and Collector Corridor LOS: The level-of-service standard for each arterial and collector corridor is “D”, unless otherwise specified in Chapter 2 of this plan. The City may require a Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 5 development or redevelopment to examine a shorter or longer corridor segment than is specified in Chapter 2, to ensure a project's total LOS impacts are evaluated. 2. Signalized Intersection LOS: The level-of-service standard for signalized intersections is “D”, with the following exceptions; for signalized intersections of two Arterial roads the level-of-service standard during the AM and PM peak periods is “E” for a maximum duration of 30 minutes and for signalized intersections of two Principal Arterial roads the level-of-service standard during the AM and PM peak periods is “E” for a maximum duration of 60 minutes. The City may require a development or redevelopment to examine individual signalized or roundabout intersections for LOS impacts to ensure a project's total LOS impacts are evaluated. 3. Two-Way and All-Way Stop Controlled Intersection LOS: The level-of-service standard for two- way stop controlled and all-way stop controlled intersections, is “D”. If LOS falls below the standard, analysis and mitigation may be required in a manner commensurate with the associated impacts. This may include, among other requirements, conducting a traffic signal warrant analysis and installing or financing a signal or roundabout. 4. Roundabout Intersection LOS: The level-of-service standard for roundabout controlled intersections is “D”. The City may require a development or redevelopment to examine to examine roundabout intersections for LOS impacts to ensure a project’s total LOS impacts are evaluated. LOS-03: Establish a multi-modal level-of-service system in the future. LOS-04: PM level of service is the city standard. AM level of service may need to be analyzed in situations where specialized conditions exist that disproportionately impact AM traffic. OBJECTIVE: CONCURRENCY To ensure transportation facilities do not fall below the adopted level-of-service standard, as required by the Growth Management Act. GMA-01: Require developments to construct or finance transportation improvements and/or implement strategies that mitigate the impacts of new development concurrent with (within 6 years of) development, as required by the Growth Management Act. GMA-02: New development that lowers a facility’s level-of-service standard below the locally adopted minimum standard shall be denied, as required by the Growth Management Act. Strategies that may allow a development to proceed include, but are not limited to:  Reducing the scope of a project (e.g. platting fewer lots or building less square footage);  Building or financing new transportation improvements concurrent with (within 6 years of) development;  Phasing/delaying a project;  Requiring the development to incorporate Transportation Demand Management strategies; or  Lowering level-of-service standards. GMA-03: The denial of development in order to maintain concurrency may be grounds for declaring an emergency for the purpose of amending the Comprehensive Plan outside of the annual amendment cycle. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 6 GMA-04: Evaluate city transportation facilities annually to determine compliance with the adopted level-of-service standards and, as necessary, amend the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) to remedy identified deficiencies. GMA-05: Coordinate transportation improvements with the State, Counties, and neighboring jurisdictions to encourage through trips to occur on state facilities, reducing stress on the city street network. OBJECTIVE: FINANCE To finance the transportation systems necessary to serve new development, while ensuring the City has the capability to finance general transportation needs. Funding-01: Require developments or redevelopments to construct transportation infrastructure systems needed to serve new developments. Funding-02: Actively pursue the formation of Local Improvement Districts (LID) to upgrade existing streets and sidewalks and construct new streets to the appropriate standard. Funding-03: Improvements that serve new developments will be constructed as a part of the development process. All costs will be borne by the developer when the development is served by the proposed transportation improvements. In some instances, the City may choose to participate in this construction if improvements serve more than adjacent developments. Funding-04: Revenues for street transportation improvements should primarily provide for the orderly development of the City's transportation system in compliance with the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The basic criterion for such funding should be the degree to which that project improves the overall transportation system and not the benefit that might accrue to individual properties. Where it is possible to establish a direct relationship between a needed improvement and a development, the development should be expected to contribute to its construction. Funding-05: Encourage public/private partnerships for financing transportation projects that remedy existing and anticipated transportation problems, or that foster economic growth. Funding-06: Aggressively seek and take advantage of federal, state, local, and private funding and lending sources that help implement the City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Funding-07: Maintain a traffic impact fee system based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) guidelines, as modified by the City Council, as a means of enabling development to mitigate appropriately for associated traffic impacts. Funding-08: Reassess the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan if funding for transportation facilities is insufficient to maintain adopted level-of-service standards. Funding-09: Prioritize funding for projects supporting infrastructure and economic development within the designated regional growth center . OBJECTIVE: QUALITY OF LIFE To improve the quality of life for Auburn residents and businesses through design of the transportation system. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 7 Moving Traffic More Effectively with Intelligent Transportation Systems QOL-01: Enhance the livability of Auburn through a variety of mechanisms, including the innovative design and construction of roadways, non- motorized facilities, and associated improvements. Apply design standards that result in attractive and functional transportation facilities. OBJECTIVE: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT (TSM) To efficiently operate the existing transportation system through Transportation System Management (TSM) strategies, thereby maximizing resources and reducing the need for costly system capacity expansion projects. TSM-01: Use TSM strategies to more efficiently utilize the existing infrastructure to optimize traffic flow and relieve congestion. Examples include:  Re-channelization/restriping, adding turn lanes, adding /increasing number of through lanes  Signal interconnect and optimization;  Turn movement restrictions;  Access Management; and  Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). TSM-02: Support Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) implementation in coordination with Map 2-7. Future ITS corridors will be prioritized using the following criteria.  Grants, loans, or partner funding can be leveraged to expand the ITS system on a specific corridor(s).  There is existing infrastructure that would make it easier and more cost efficient to implement ITS elements.  The corridor(s) completes a logical segment or missing link in the citywide ITS network.  Significant travel-time savings can be achieved with ITS implementation.  Corridor supports other City communication and technology needs.  ITS implementation would have significant safety benefits, including reducing the need for police flaggers in intersections during events. TSM-03: ITS elements include but are not limited to:  Operational improvements such as traffic signal coordination;  Traveler information including traffic alerts and emergency notification;  Incident management; and  Traffic data collection. TSM-04: Require development to contribute its share of ITS improvements as mitigation. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 8 TSM-05: Program signal timing to encourage specific movements and the use of travel routes that are underutilized. OBJECTIVE: TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM) To utilize transportation demand management strategies to lessen demand for increased street system capacity, help maintain the LOS standard, and enhance quality of life for those who use and benefit from the transportation system. TDM-01: Encourage the use of high-occupancy vehicles (buses, carpool, and vanpool) through both private programs and under the direction of Metro and Pierce Transit. TDM-02: Promote reduced employee travel during the daily peak travel periods through flexible work schedules and programs to allow employees to work part-time or full-time or at alternate work sites closer to home. TDM-03: Encourage employers to provide TDM measures in the workplace through such programs as preferential parking for high-occupancy vehicles, car sharing, improved access for transit vehicles, and employee incentives for using high-occupancy vehicles. TDM-04: In making funding decisions, consider transportation investments that support transportation demand management approaches by providing alternatives to single-occupant vehicles, such as transit, bikeways and pedestrian paths. TDM-05: Recognize emerging TDM strategies such as tolling, variable-priced lanes, and car sharing may be effective in certain situations. TDM-06: Coordinate with Metro and other jurisdictions to enhance Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) programs for CTR employers in Auburn. TDM-07: Lead by example through implementation of a thorough and successful Commute-Trip Reduction (CTR) Program for City employees. OBJECTIVE: PARKING To ensure adequate coordination of parking needs with traffic and development needs and support development of a regional park-and ride lot system by Metro Transit, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit, and the Washington State Department of Transportation. Parking-01: On-street parking should be allowed only when consistent with the function of the street and with traffic volumes. Parking-02: New developments should provide adequate off-street parking to meet their needs. Parking-03: Develop and maintain regulations, which foster a balance between meeting the need for public parking and ensuring developers provide adequate parking to meet the demand generated by new development. Parking-04: In certain cases, such as in the Regional Growth Center and in areas with high pedestrian and transit use, it may be appropriate to reduce the developer parking obligation to achieve other community benefits or employ innovative parking strategies such as the use of "park & walk" lots, where people could park their vehicles and walk to nearby destinations. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 9 Parking-05: The City shall evaluate new residential subdivisions with constrained space for driveways, utility services, street lights, street trees, and fire hydrants and the resultant impact on the provision of adequate on-street parking. Where appropriate, the City shall require the subdivision to provide dispersed locations of on-street parking (or street accessible parking) to meet their needs in addition to the zoning code required off-street parking. Parking-06: Encourage park & ride lots on sites adjacent to compatible land uses with convenient access to the Auburn Station, SR 18, SR 167, and all regional transportation corridors. Parking-07: Work proactively with Sound Transit, WSDOT, Metro Transit, and Pierce Transit to ensure the adequate supply of park & ride capacity in Auburn. OBJECTIVE: RIGHT-OF-WAY To retain and preserve existing right-of-way, and identify and acquire new right-of-way as needed to achieve the City's objectives. ROW-01: The acquisition and preservation of right-of-way is a key component of maintaining a viable transportation system. Methods used to acquire and preserve right-of-way include:  Requiring dedication of right-of-way as a condition of development;  Purchasing right-of-way at fair market value; and  Acquiring development rights and easements from property owners. ROW-02: Preserve and protect existing right-of-way through the issuance of permits such as ROW Use permits and franchise and public way agreements, by monitoring and responding to right-of- way encroachments and safety impacts, and by limiting vacations of public right-of-way. ROW-03: Vacate right-of-way only when it clearly will not be a future need or to support economic development. OBJECTIVE: MAINTENANCE AND PRESERVATION To maintain the City’s transportation system at a level that is comparable with the design standards applied to new facilities. Prsrv-01: Establish programs and schedules for the level and frequency of roadway and non- motorized system maintenance. Prsrv-02: In order to help ensure the long term preservation of the city street system, the City shall prohibit non-local trip heavy vehicles from traveling on city streets , unless the City permits such travel via the issuance of a temporary haul permit that requires appropriate mitigation. Prsrv-03: Establish standards of street repair and seek to obtain sufficient financing to attain and maintain a safe system in good condition. Prsrv-04: Continue to implement the “Save Our Streets” program for maintenance and rehabilitation of local streets. Prsrv-05: Continue to implement the arterial/collector streets maintenance and rehabilitation program. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 10 Prsrv-06: Develop and implement operations and maintenance procedures to ensure ongoing effectiveness of LID infrastructure. Prsrv-07: In order to help ensure the long term preservation of the city street system, the City may prohibit trenching or cutting into newly constructed or newly overlaid pavements for a period of 5 years. Overlays of up to the full roadway width of affected pavement surface should be required as mitigation in the event cuts into new pavements cannot be avoided. Prsrv-08: City shall notify and coordinate with all private and public utilities within the City limits when planning to complete pavement overlay’s or reconstruction. 5.2 Street System OBJECTIVE: COMPLETE STREETS Ensure Auburn’s transportation system is designed to enable comprehensive, integrated, safe access for users of all ages and abilities including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit riders and operators, and truck operators. Street-01: Plan for and develop a balanced transportation system, which provides safe access and connectivity to transportation facilities for users of all ages and abilities including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit users and operators, and truck operators. Street-02: Plan for, design, and construct all transportation projects, whether City led or development driven, to provide appropriate accommodation for bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users in a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, except in situations where the establishment of such facilities would be contrary to public health and safety or the cost would be excessively disproportionate to the need. Save Our Streets - Patching Treatment Save Our Streets - Overlay Helping those with Special Needs Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 11 Principal Arterial: 15th Street NW Street-03: Ensure the transportation system meets the requirements outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Street-04: The Auburn Engineering Design Standards is the primary vehicle for executing the Complete Streets Objective and should include standards for each roadway classification to guide implementation. Street-05: Context and flexibility in balancing user needs shall be considered in the design of all projects and if necessary, a deviation from the Auburn Engineering Design Standards may be granted to ensure the Complete Streets Objective and supporting policies are achieved. OBJECTIVE: STREET NETWORK To provide an integrated street network of appropriate classes of streets designed to facilitate different types of traffic flows and access needs. Street-06: The city street system shall be made up of three classes of streets:  Arterials - a system of city, county, and state streets designed to move traffic to or from major traffic and activity generators. Arterials should be adequate in number, appropriately situated, and designed to accommodate moderate to high traffic volumes with a minimum of flow disruption.  Collectors - a system of city streets that collect traffic and move it from the local street system to the arterial street system.  Local streets - a system of city streets, which collect traffic from individual sites and conveys the traffic to the collector and arterial systems. Street-07: The Functional Roadway Classifications Map shall serve as the adopted standard for identifying classified streets in the City of Auburn and the potential annexation areas. Street-08: Ensure all eligible streets classified in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan are federally classified. Street-09: Street standards shall be developed, modified, and implemented that reflect the street classification system and function. The design and management of the street network shall seek to improve the appearance of existing street corridors. Streets are recognized as an important component of the public spaces within the City and should include, where appropriate, landscaping to enhance the appearance of city street corridors. The standards should include provisions for streetscaping. Street-10: The classification standards adopted in the Auburn Engineering Design Standards are considered the City’s minimum standards for new streets. In cases in which the City attempts to rebuild an existing street within an established right- of-way, the City Council reserves the authority to determine if additional right-of-way should be obtained in order to realize the improvement. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 12 Preservation of neighborhood continuity and cohesiveness will be respected. Street-11: The standards for residential streets may be modified in cross section to provide better relationships between the different components of the street including, but not limited to, on-street parking, the landscape strip, and the sidewalk. Among other objectives, this may be done to balance the need to provide adequate parking and buffer pedestrians from traffic. Street-12: These minimum standards do not limit or prevent developers from providing facilities that exceed the City’s standards. Street-13: Encourage King and Pierce counties to develop and implement a similar system of arterial designations within Auburn's potential annexation area. Street-14: Designate new arterials to serve developing areas concurrent with approval of such development. Arterials shall be spaced in compliance with good transportation network planning principles, and support the importance of overall system circulation. Street-15: Encourage King and Pierce counties to develop and implement a similar system of collector designations within Auburn's potential annexation area. Street-16: Designate new collectors to serve developing areas concurrent with approval of such development. Collectors shall be spaced in compliance with good transportation network planning principles, and support the importance of overall system circulation. Street-17: Access Tracts may be permitted, as long as emergency access can be guaranteed at all times. Street-18: The local street network shall be developed to maximize the efficiency of the transportation network in residential areas and minimize through traffic in neighborhoods.  The internal local residential street network for a subdivision should be designed to discourage regional through traffic and non-residential traffic from penetrating the subdivision or adjacent subdivisions.  Where possible, streets shall be planned, designed and constructed to connect to future development.  When applicable, non-motorized paths shall be provided at the end of dead end streets to shorten walking distances to an adjacent arterial or public facilities including, but not limited to, schools and parks.  Residential developments should be planned in a manner that minimizes the number of local street accesses to arterials and collectors.  To promote efficient connectivity between areas of the community, existing stub end streets shall be linked to other streets in new development whenever the opportunity arises and the resulting traffic volumes are not likely to exceed acceptable volumes as identified in the Auburn Engineering Design Standards. OBJECTIVE: PRIVATE STREETS To discourage the development of private streets and ensure, if they are permitted by the City, they are constructed and maintained according to City standards. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 13 Street-19: Private streets are discouraged, but may be permitted on a discretionary basis, as regulated by city code and the Auburn Engineering Design Standards. Street-20: If a private street is permitted, it must be built to public street standards as identified in the Auburn Engineering Design Standards and Construction Standards manuals. Street-21: Private streets must provide for emergency vehicle access and be privately maintained by an approved association or business. The City does not maintain private streets. OBJECTIVE: ACCESS MANAGEMENT To limit and provide access to the street network in a manner which improves and maintains public safety and roadway capacity. Street-22: Seek consolidation of access points to state highways, arterials, and collectors. This will benefit the highway and city street system, reduce interference with traffic flows on arterials, and discourage through traffic on local streets. To achieve this level of access control, the City:  Adopts and supports the State’s controlled access policy on all state highway facilities;  May acquire access rights along some arterials and collectors;  Adopts design standards that identify access standards for each type of functional street classification;  Encourages consolidation of access in developing commercial and high density residential areas through shared use of driveways and local access streets; and  Will establish standards for access management, develop a planning process to work with the community and implement access management solutions on arterial corridors. Street-23: Strive to prevent negative impacts to existing businesses, without compromising safety, when implementing access management. OBJECTIVE: THROUGH TRAFFIC To accommodate through traffic in the City as efficiently as possible, with a minimum of disruption to neighborhoods. Street-24: Continue to coordinate with the Washington State Department of Transportation to facilitate the movement of traffic through the City. Street-25: Encourage the State and Counties to develop through routes, which minimize the impact of through traffic on Auburn's residential neighborhoods. Street-26: Actively solicit action by the State and Counties to program and construct those improvements needed to serve Auburn to the state and county arterial and freeway systems. OBJECTIVE: TRAFFIC CALMING To employ traffic calming techniques to improve safety and neighborhood quality. Street-27: Implement the City’s traffic calming program to improve neighborhood safety and quality. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 14 Street-28: The traffic calming program shall require a technical analysis of existing conditions and appropriate treatments before actions are taken to fund and implement traffic calming measures. Street-29: The traffic calming program shall incorporate neighborhood involvement and seek community support. Street-30: New construction should incorporate traffic calming measures, as appropriate. OBJECTIVE: FREIGHT MOVEMENTS To facilitate the movements of freight and goods through Auburn with minimal adverse traffic and other environmental impacts. Freight-01: The movement of freight and goods is recognized as an important component of Auburn’s transportation system. Freight-02: The movement of freight and goods which serve largely national, state, or regional needs should take place in such a way so that the impacts on the local transportation system are minimized. These movements should take place primarily on state highways, Interstates, or on grade-separated rail corridors in order to minimize the local impacts. Freight-03: Seek public and private partners to leverage funds for freight improvement projects and associated mitigation. Freight-04: Continue to work with the Freight Mobility Roundtable, FAST, FMSIB, and other local and regional groups to ensure regional needs are met, and local impacts are mitigated. Freight-05: All through truck trips and the majority of local trips shall take place on designated truck routes, as identified on the truck route map, Map 2-3, of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. This policy shall not apply to developments and uses operating under existing right-of-way use permits, traffic mitigation agreements or equivalent agreements directly related to the regulation of permitted haul routes. Freight-06: If the City is unable to acquire funding to maintain existing truck routes to a Pavement Condition Index Standard of 70 on a segment of roadway, that route may be restricted or closed to truck travel. Freight-07: Work towards designing and constructing future truck routes, as identified on the truck route map in Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan, to sustain routine truck traffic. Freight-08: Local truck trips that have origins and/or destinations in Auburn may have to sometimes use routes not designated as truck routes. The City may approve the use of alternate routes not currently designated as truck routes for truck traffic, with appropriate mitigation. Approval may be made through issuance of right-of-way use permits, traffic mitigation agreements or equivalent agreements. Freight-09: Development shall be required to mitigate the impacts of construction generated truck traffic on the City’s transportation system, based on the City’s LOS standard. Freight-10: Temporary haul routes for overweight or oversized vehicles shall be permitted under circumstances acceptable to the City and with appropriate mitigation. A temporary haul permit must be obtained prior to the hauling of oversized or overweight freight. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 15 Freight-11: Truck traffic in residential neighborhoods shall be prohibited, except for local deliveries within said neighborhood, unless no other possible route is available, in which case mitigation may be required. OBJECTIVE: LATECOMER POLICY To enable private investors to recover a portion of improvement costs for transportation facility improvements that benefit other developments. LC-01: The City may enter into latecomer agreements where substantial transportation investments are made by one party that legitimately should be reimbursed by others, such as, when the infrastructure improvement will benefit a future development. Such agreements will be at the discretion of the City Council. Latecomer agreements do not apply to situations in which a property owner is required to construct improvements per an existing city code provision, such as in the case of half-street and other frontage improvements. OBJECTIVE: ROUNDABOUTS To seek air quality, safety, and capacity benefits by promoting the use of roundabouts over traffic signals. RB-01: Intersections controlled with roundabouts are preferred over signalized intersections whenever feasible and appropriate due to the benefits achieved with roundabouts including reduced collision rate for vehicles and pedestrians, less severe collisions, smoother traffic flow, reduced vehicle emissions and fuel consumption, lower long-term maintenance costs, and improved aesthetics. RB-02: Developments required to signalize an intersection as mitigation for a project may be required to install a roundabout instead of a traffic signal. The feasibility of acquiring the land needed for a roundabout will be considered as a factor in this requirement. 5.3 Non-motorized System OBJECTIVE: PLANNING THE NON-MOTORIZED SYSTEM To plan a coordinated, interconnected network of non-motorized transportation facilities that effectively provide access to local and regional destinations, improve overall quality of life, and support healthy community and environmental principles. NM-01: Implement land use regulations and encourage site design that promotes non-motorized forms of transportation. NM-02: Include the role of non-motorized transportation in all transportation planning, programming, and if suitable, capital improvement projects. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 16 NM-03: Plan for continuous non-motorized circulation routes within and between existing, new or redeveloping commercial, residential, and industrial developments. Transportation planning shall seek to allow pedestrians and bicyclists the ability to cross or avoid barriers in a manner that is safe and convenient. NM-04: Actively seek to acquire land along corridors identified for future trail development in the Comprehensive Transportation Plan and Auburn Parks, Recreation, & Open Space Plan 2005 and subsequent Park plans. NM-05: Schedule, plan and co-sponsor events that support recreational walking and bicycling. These events should emphasize their recreational and health values and introduce people to the transportation capabilities of bicycling and walking. NM-06: Improve and protect the non-motorized transportation system through the establishment of level-of-service goals for non-motorized facilities. OBJECTIVE: DEVELOPING THE NON-MOTORIZED SYSTEM To build a safe, attractive, and inter-connected non-motorized transportation system. NM-06: Develop and maintain the non-motorized system, including bike routes, walkways and equestrian paths, to encourage significant recreational use. NM-07: Develop and maintain the non-motorized system, including bike routes, sidewalks, and multi-use paths in a manner that promotes non-motorized travel as a viable mode of transportation. NM-08: Develop the non-motorized system to accommodate appropriate alternative forms of non- motorized transport, as well as medically necessary motorized transport. NM-09: Appropriate street furniture, lighting, signage, and landscaping should be installed along non-motorized routes to increase safety and to ensure that facilities are inviting to users. NM-10: Clearly sign and mark major non-motorized routes to guide travelers and improve safety. Interurban Trail at W Main Street Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 17 NM-11: Non-motorized routes shall be constructed to accommodate emergency vehicle access and be amenable to law enforcement. NM-12: Locate and design non-motorized transportation systems so that they contribute to the safety, efficiency, enjoyment and convenience of residential neighborhoods. NM-13: The development of facilities supporting non-motorized transportation should be provided as a regular element of new construction projects. Improvements shall be secured through the development review process. NM-14: Minimize hazards and obstructions on the non-motorized transportation system by properly designing, constructing, managing, and maintaining designated routes in the system. OBJECTIVE: PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL To enhance and encourage pedestrian travel in Auburn. Ped-01: Promote pedestrian travel within the city and connections to adjacent communities with emphasis placed on safety and on connectivity to priority destinations such as schools, parks, the downtown, and other pedestrian-oriented areas. Pedestrian-oriented areas are those areas with high pedestrian traffic or potential and are identified in this plan. These areas and streets shall encourage pedestrian travel by providing enhanced pedestrian improvements or controls on motorized traffic. Ped-02: Focus investments on and aggressively seek funding for the high priority pedestrian corridors, identified in Map 3-2. Ped-03: Require developers to incorporate pedestrian facilities into new development and redevelopment in conformance with the Auburn City Code. Ped-04: Continue to construct new and rehabilitate existing sidewalks through a sidewalk improvement program. Ped-05: Seek ways to provide pedestrian amenities such as streetlights, trees, seating areas, signage, and public art along all major pedestrian travel routes. Ped-06: Work towards buffering pedestrian walkways from moving traffic, particularly in areas with high levels of pedestrian movements, such as near schools and commercial areas, and along corridors with heavy vehicular traffic. Ped-07: Pedestrian crossings shall be developed at locations with significant pedestrian traffic and designed to match pedestrian desire lines. Ped-08: Encourage the formation of LIDs to develop pedestrian pathways and other non- motorized amenities throughout the City. Partner with the local school districts to improve Safe Walking Routes to School. OBJECTIVE: BICYCLE TRAVEL To improve Auburn's bicycling network. Bike-01: Develop programs and publications, and work with local employers to encourage citywide bicycle commuting. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 18 Bike-02: Designate, develop, and maintain high priority bicycle routes, in conformance with Map 3- 4, that create an interconnected system of bike facilities for local and regional travel, including on- street bike routes, and multi-purpose trails. Bike-03: During the development review process, ensure projects are consistent with the Non- motorized chapter of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan by requiring right-of-way dedications and other improvements as needed to develop the bicycle network. Bike-04: Focus investments on and aggressively seek funding for the high priority future bicycle corridors, identified in Map 3-4 and corridors and connectors, as applicable, specified in Map 3-5. Bike-05: Encourage the inclusion of convenient and secure bicycle storage facilities in all large public and private developments. Bike-06: Continue to develop and implement Sharrows and associated Share the Road signage in residential and some non-residential areas of City. Bike-07: Continue installation of bike lanes in parts of City where there is existing/adequate right- of-way. Bike-08: Develop an Auburn specific bicycle signage program to highlight corridors, connectors and in-city/out of city destinations. Bike-09: Make improvements to existing Interurban Trail – signage, pavement conditions, vegetation maintenance, grade crossings, and upgrades to user facilities at Main Street crossing. Bike-10: Develop a capital improvement program project with cost estimate for the design and construction of bicycle/pedestrian bridge at southern terminus of M St. west of existing Stuck River Vehicle Bridge. Bike-11: Develop a capital improvement program project with cost estimate for the design and construction of innovative and safe pedestrian/bicycle crossing at M St./Auburn Way South intersection. Bike-12: Install one or more bike boxes through a pilot program approach to test effectiveness and public response. Focus pilot program efforts at key intersections such as the West Main Street and C Street intersection, the M Street and Auburn Way South intersection and the Ellingson Road and A Street intersection. Bike-13: Continue to install bicycle/pedestrian crossing warning systems along Interurban Trail at all crossing locations consisting of S 277th Street, 37th Street NW, and W Main Street. Bike-14: Develop and maintain an official Auburn Bicycling Guide Map. Bike-15: In coordination with the City Council, Mayor’s Office, Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce, Auburn Tourism Board and appropriate City departments develop strategies and actions for the implementation of the bicycle oriented economic development recommendations of the Auburn Bicycle Task Force. OBJECTIVE: EQUESTRIAN TRAVEL To improve Auburn's equestrian environment. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 19 Eq-01: Strive to incorporate equestrian facilities into the design of trail and transportation facilities, where possible and appropriate. These efforts should be concentrated south of the White River in Auburn's southeast corner and in Lea Hill, but considered for other areas of the City. Eq-02: Transportation projects, and other public and private projects, in lower-density neighborhoods should be evaluated, and where possible, planned, designed and constructed to be compatible with equestrian use. Eq-03: Create an interconnected system of safe equestrian trails and provide adequate equestrian amenities adjacent to those trails. 5.4 Transit System OBJECTIVE: TRANSIT SERVICES To encourage the continued development of public transit systems and other alternatives to single occupant vehicle travel, to relieve traffic congestion, to reduce reliance on the automobile for personal transportation needs, to improve route coverage and scheduling, and to ensure transit is a convenient and reliable mode option for both local and regional trips. Transit-01: Partner with WSDOT, Metro Transit, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and private businesses to achieve Auburn's transit and passenger rail objectives. Transit-02: Work with local and regional transit agencies to serve new and existing trip generators in Auburn, such as colleges, commercial areas, and community facilities. Transit-03: Encourage Sound Transit, Metro Transit, and Pierce Transit to expand transit to underserved areas of Auburn. Transit-04: Partner with WSDOT, Amtrak, and Sound Transit to establish an intercity passenger rail stop at the Auburn Station. Transit-05: Consider both the transit impacts and the opportunities presented by major development proposals when reviewing development under the State Environmental Policy Act. Transit-06: Encourage the inclusion of transit facilities in new development when appropriate. Transit-07: Encourage bus stops to be located at well-lit and accessible areas. Transit-08: Work with transit providers and regional agencies to develop a transit system that is fully accessible to pedestrians and the physically challenged, and which integrates the access, safety, and parking requirements of bicyclists. Transit-09: Identify areas of concentrated transit traffic and impose design and construction standards that accommodate the unique considerations associated with bus travel, such as street geometry and pedestrian linkages. Transit-10: Work with transit providers to create new commuter – oriented transit routes and maintain existing commuter routes linked with Sounder commuter rail. Transit-11: Develop rider information packages that inform users of commuter, transit, rail, trail, and air transportation opportunities. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 5. Policies Page 5- 20 5.5 Air Transportation OBJECTIVE: AIR TRANSPORTATION To provide an efficient municipal airport, serving light general aviation aircraft, as an integral part of the City’s transportation system. Air-01: Continue to develop the Auburn Municipal Airport in accordance with the Airport Master Plan. Air-02: The airport shall be managed as a general aviation facility; the use of jet aircrafts and helicopters that create noise and land use conflicts shall be evaluated, in conformance with FAA regulations. Air-03: The siting of new airport facilities shall consider neighborhood impacts such as increased noise generated from the use of those facilities. Air-04: Use of the airport by non-conventional aircraft such as ultra lights shall be discouraged, in conformance with FAA regulations. Air-05: The City’s zoning ordinance and other appropriate regulatory measures shall enforce the airport clear zones as regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The impact of development on air safety shall be assessed through SEPA review, and appropriate mitigation measures shall be required by the City. Air-06: Minimize or eliminate the potentially adverse effects of light and glare on the operation of the Auburn Airport. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 1 CHAPTER 6. FUNDING The ability to finance the maintenance and enhancement of the transportation system is critical to the implementation of this plan and the success of the future transportation system. This chapter details the financial planning tools and funding mechanisms available to accomplish these goals. 6.1 Financial Planning and Programming The City updates its financial plan annually in order to ensure programmed transportation improvements are financially feasible and prioritized in accordance with available funds. The Transportation Improvement Program and Capital Facilities Plan are the two financial planning documents the City uses to identify its financial strategy for implementing transportation improvements. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a six year plan which lists programmed transportation improvements in the following categories: roadway improvement projects, intersection improvement projects, non-motorized and transit projects, preliminary engineering and miscellaneous projects, and preservation projects. Transportation needs are identified by examining the latest information concerning safety and accident history, growth trends, the traffic model, traffic studies, and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The City adopts a six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) annually, including a revenue forecast and analysis of available funding. Projects are then prioritized according to a number of factors including safety, capacity needs, access needs, and the likelihood of securing funding. The first three years of the TIP must be financially constrained, so project programming is often limited due to funding limitations. The TIP is an important tool for identifying funding needs and developing a financial plan for project implementation. It also feeds into the Capital Facilities Plan. Auburn City Hall Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 2 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN The Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) is the Comprehensive Plan element which identifies the financial plan for implementing all capital improvements in Auburn. Transportation improvements are included in the Capital Facilities Plan, which is amended annually. The Capital Facilities Plan enables the City to fulfill the GMA requirement of having a multiyear financing plan based on identified transportation needs. It also enables the City to make informed decisions about its investment of public dollars and make timely decisions about maintaining levels-of-service in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan standards. The 2016-2035 Transportation Plan capacity projects are forecast to cost approximately $196 million. The revenue sources proposed to be used by the City of Auburn for these transportation improvements are described below. Forecasts are based on current funding levels for City funds and based on past trends for grants and partnerships. 6.2 Funding Sources The City uses a combination of public and private funding sources to implement transportation improvements in Auburn, both for maintenance activities and capital improvements. GENERAL TAX REVENUES The City receives tax revenues from a variety of state, regional, and local sources including the real estate excise tax (REET), sales tax, and the motor vehicle fuel tax (MVFT). Despite these revenues, the City has numerous maintenance and capital improvement needs that cannot be met by existing tax revenues alone. Recognizing the need to raise additional revenues for the local street system, Auburn residents approved the ‘Save Our Streets’ (SOS) program in 2004 for specific funding from property taxes, and in doing so, created a funding program to help rehabilitate Auburn’s residential streets. In 2013, the City Council modified the funding source for the program to be from Construction Sales Tax instead of property taxes. With the success of the ‘Save Our Streets’ program, the City intends to pursue a program that will help fund arterial and collector street maintenance. The City does have an Arterial Street Fund; however, these funds have proven inadequate in addressing all the maintenance and capital needs of the arterial system. In addition, the City has also created an Arterial Street Preservation Program to preserve and rehabilitate the pavement on these classes of streets. The program is funded through a one percent utility tax which was adopted by City Council during 2008. 2016 – 2035 Forecast: REET: $6,000,000 Sales Tax: $32,000,000 (Local Roads Fund) MVFT: $10,700,000 Utility Tax: $40,000,000 (Arterial Roads Fund) Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 3 GRANTS The City has an active grant program and continually seeks grants, both private and public, to improve Auburn’s transportation system. The following is a list of some of the grants the City has historically applied for and will likely apply for again in the future. FEDERALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) replaced the Transportation Enhancement (TE) Activities with the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). The original TE activities remain eligible for TE funds that were previously apportioned until the TE funds are obligated, rescinded, or lapse. MAP-21 funds projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the inter-modal transportation system. The program provides for the implementation of a variety of non-traditional projects, including the restoration of historic transportation facilities, the construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, landscaping and scenic beautification, and the mitigation of water pollution from highway runoff. The Surface Transportation Program (STP) provides flexible funding that may be used by states and localities for projects on any public road, non-motorized improvements, bridge projects, and transit capital projects. The Safety Program is a federal program targeted at reducing accident rates at intersections and along corridors, particularly at those locations with higher than average fatality and injury rates. Funds come from the Highway Safety Improvement (HSIP) Program included in MAP-21. HSIP requires that states program and spend safety funds according to their Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Washington State's plan is called Target Zero. The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program is a federally funded program administered through PSRC. CMAQ funds projects and programs in air quality non-attainment and maintenance areas, which reduce transportation related emissions. In addition to the aforementioned programs, the federal government has an annual appropriations bill. Auburn may apply through the offices of Washington senators and congressional members for funding for specific projects. This funding source has historically been a successful means of financing some of the City’s more expensive capital improvement projects. FEDERAL LEGISLATION President Obama signed MAP-21 (P.L. 112-141) into law on July 6, 2012. This major transportation law provided $105 billion for the nation's surface transportation programs over a two-year period. MAP-21 replaced the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which was enacted in 2005 with an expiration date of 2009. Congress had passed nine short-term extensions to SAFETEA-LU before finally agreeing the two-year MAP-21 almost three years later. After a series of extensions, MAP21 is now set to expire October 29, 2015. Efforts are currently underway in Congress to reauthorize the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act also dedicates funding to numerous programs, many of which can be used to help finance the City’s programmed transportation improvement projects. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 4 STATE FUNDED PROGRAMS The Safe Routes to Schools Program is a state and federally funded program that aims to protect children from traffic related deaths and injuries and promotes a healthy lifestyle by encouraging bicycling and walking to school. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Grant is a state funded program that funds non-motorized safety improvements. The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) administers annual grant programs that fund roadway and non-motorized projects that improve safety, mobility, capacity, and promote economic development. The TIB offers several programs, each of which emphasizes different funding criteria. The Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) is a state funded program that provides low-cost financing for public facility improvements. Public entities are eligible to apply for and receive loans and grants for public facilities linked to economic development outcomes such as private business investment and job creation. CERB also finances site-specific studies and plans. 2016-2035 Forecast: Federal Grants: $60,000,000 State Grants: $30,000,000 LOANS Low-interest loans are also available to municipalities. For example the Washington State Department of Commerce Public Works Board offers low-interest loans (PWTF) for local governments to finance public infrastructure construction and rehabilitation. Eligible projects must improve public health and safety, respond to environmental issues, promote economic development, or upgrade system performance. Roads, streets and bridges are eligible for these loans. The loans can be strategically employed to leverage grant funding by providing a local match, enabling the City to compete for funding for public infrastructure projects. In addition, the City has the option of issuing bonds for public infrastructure projects. 2016-2035 Forecast: PWTFL: No PWTF loans are included in the forecast. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 5 PRIVATE SECTOR CONTRIBUTIONS The City has an established traffic impact fee system based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) guidelines, as amended by the City Council. The fee system estimates the amount of traffic each development is anticipated to create, based on the land use type and size. Traffic impact fees compensate the City for the capacity improvements needed to accommodate the new trips generated by new development. In turn, the City uses the revenues to expand the street network through the capacity projects included in the TIP. The fees are based on the costs of the capacity project included in the TIP and forecast growth throughout the City. The fees are updated annually following the adoption of the TIP by City Council. Payment of the impact fee does not relieve developers of their codified obligation to construct half-street improvements, nor the need to mitigate project impacts identified through the SEPA process, which may include the construction of an identified TIP project (and a credit for the impact fee contribution towards that project). The City also charges a truck impact fee for certain land-use types which are associated with significant truck traffic generation, such as commercial and industrial uses. These fees are used to address impacts on the City’s truck routes and other truck-related infrastructure. 2016-2035 Forecast: Traffic Impact Fees: $20,000,000 Development Improvements: $15,000,000 FUNDING PARTNERSHIPS The City has successfully formed several funding partnerships, which have enabled it to leverage its resources in implementing transportation improvements. MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE (MIT) The City anticipates continuing to partner with MIT on funding projects of mutual benefit through out the City. A recent partnership project is Auburn Way South (Dogwood to Hemlock). The City expects MIT to be a major funding partner on the Auburn Way South Bypass project and also to participate in the remainder of the (SR-164) Auburn Way South Corridor improvement projects. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) The City anticipates continuing to partner with WSDOT on funding projects involving the State Routes through the City. Recent appropriations by the state legislature budgeted $15 million for the Auburn Way South Bypass project for the East Bound Off-Ramp. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 6 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Local Improvement Districts (LID) enable city investment in a specified area by leveraging city funds, when available, with contributions from property owners in the district. In essence, LID’s are a means of using limited city resources to improve neighborhood quality through improvement of streets, sidewalks, and other features of the roadway. FAST (FREIGHT ACTION STRATEGY TEAM) FAST is an innovative partnership composed of transportation agencies, ports, cities, economic development organizations, trucking, rail, and business interests. One of FAST’s primary objectives is to obtain funding for projects that improve freight mobility. FAST helped fund the S 277th Street Grade Separation, the 3rd Street SW Grade Separation, and the M Street Underpass project. FMSIB (FREIGHT MOBILITY STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD) The mission of the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) is to create a comprehensive and coordinated state program to facilitate freight movement to local, national, and international markets. FMSIB is also charged with lessening the impact of freight movements on local communities. FMSIB obtains funding directly from legislative appropriations and has contributed funds to the 3rd Street SW Grade Separation, the S 277th Street Grade Separation and the M Street Underpass projects. 2016-2035 Forecast: MIT: $15,000,000 WSDOT: $20,000,000 LID: No LID funds are included in the forecast. FAST: No future FAST funding is included in the forecast. FMSIB: No FMSIB funds are included in the forecast. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 7 FUTURE FINANCING POSSIBILITIES As the transportation system evolves, so will the range of financing options available to the City. In general, the financing options currently available under state law fall short of meeting current and anticipated transportation improvement needs. Hence, the City will continue to seek fair and sustainable strategies for funding the maintenance activities and capital improvements needed to preserve the City’s transportation network. Among other strategies, the implementation of a street utility may be employed to fund many of the City’s transportation needs. TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT In 1987, the State Legislature created Transportation Benefit Districts (TBDs) as an option for local governments to fund transportation improvements. Chapter 36.73 of the Revised Code of Washington provides for the establishment of TBD by cities and counties to levy and impose various taxes and fees to generate revenues to support transportation improvements within the district. A TBD is a quasi-municipal corporation and independent taxing district created for the sole purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, providing, and funding transportation improvements within the district. In 2005 and 2007, the Legislature amended the TBD statute to expand its uses and revenue authority, including the ability to authorize a $20 annual vehicle license fee (VLF), and up to an additional $80 of VLF, if approved by voters within the district. The state legislature provided local governments with these tools because inflation has eroded the local share of gas tax and a series of statewide ballot initiatives passed over the last 12 years have eliminated other traditional sources of funding for local transportation needs. The City of Auburn created a TBD in 2011. The TBD is currently considering the implementation of the $20 annual vehicle fee, possible local sales tax increase and how the revenue raised could be best used to achieve the goals of the TBD. 2016-2035 Forecast: (If Authorized) TBD: $16,000,000 STREET UTILITY A street utility would be used similarly to how sewer and water utility fees are now collected. A monthly or annual fee would be charged to residents and businesses in Auburn, for example via a flat fee or through a pro-rated fee based on anticipated usage. The implementation of a street utility would require a change in state law. The street utility system is one in which all residents and businesses would pay their fair share of funding street maintenance and repair. If implemented, a street utility would undoubtedly be combined with the suite of other financing strategies the City currently employs. 2016-2035 Forecast: (If Authorized) Street Utility: $5-9 Million per year Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 6. Funding Page 6- 8 6.3 Revenue Shortfall Contingency Revenue forecasts for City funds are considered to be relatively secured. Other revenue such as grants and partnership funding can be slightly more unpredictable. While all the revenue currently forecast above does fully fund the transportation plan improvements, if shortfalls arise the City will have to take one or more of the following actions to maintain compliance with GMA concurrency requirements;  Supplant the projected budget shortfall with other existing City funds.  Enact new sources of revenue.  Revise Land Use Plan to reduce development capacity and resultant need for additional transportation improvements.  Lower the LOS Standard sufficiently to reduce the need for additional transportation improvements.  Impose restriction (moratorium) on further development with impacts to areas not meeting LOS standards until current LOS standard is met. 6.4 Funding Strategies, Project Prioritization The City uses a variety of criteria to prioritize transportation projects, including safety, mobility, and overall community benefit. In addition, the City also considers the availability of funding and the ability to leverage City dollars to raise addition funds. For example, grants are often available for specific types of capital investments, whereas they are more limited for maintenance/preservation. Hence, the City often needs to budget for maintenance/preservation through tax revenues. Capital improvements may be financially secured through a combination of public and private investment. Hence, project prioritization for capital improvements is often partially dependent on the ability to secure outside funding. Likewise, maintenance and preservation is highly dependent on the limited tax revenues available to the City. In the future, the City will need to continue lobbying for its share of federal, state, and county tax revenues, seek creative avenues for securing private investment dollars and grant funds, and potentially implement new funding strategies such as tolling and street utility fees. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 7. Monitoring and Evaluation Page 7- 1 CHAPTER 7. MONITORING AND EVALUATION The Comprehensive Transportation Plan, a long- range plan with the horizon year 2035, predicts the needs and conditions of the future transportation system, enabling the City to anticipate its future needs. Nonetheless, the transportation network is dynamic, constantly evolving due to circumstances beyond the scope and influence of this plan. Hence, regular updates are necessary to ensure the Plan remains current and relevant. 7.1 Annual Updates The Comprehensive Transportation Plan can be amended annually as part of the City’s regular Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle, which ensures proposed changes go through a public review process before the amended plan is adopted by the City Council at the end of the calendar year. In preparation for the annual amendment cycle, the City will review the plan and propose updates as needed. These proposed updates may be due to changes to City priorities, the availability of new information, or the relevance of certain plan components. RE-EVALUATION The annual re-evaluation process provides an opportunity for the City to identify progress made in implementing the Plan, as well as identify new needs that have arisen since the previous update. The update will consider the street, non-motorized and transit systems, and assess whether the Plan adequately addresses the implementation strategies necessary to ensure the transportation infrastructure continues to grow in line with the City’s objectives. As part of this process, the City will review its future projects list and update the Transportation Improvement Program and the Capital Facilities Plan as appropriate. It will also review and update the Policies and Funding chapters, in order to remain consistent with the City’s vision and current with potential funding strategies. TECHNICAL INFORMATION The Comprehensive Transportation Plan contains a range of technical data, much of which informs other elements of the Plan. As part of the annual amendment cycle, technical information, such as traffic volumes, existing levels-of-service, roadway classifications, and transit route and ridership information will be updated as appropriate. Updated information will inform Auburn Time Auburn Station Clock Comprehensive Transportation Plan Chapter 7. Monitoring and Evaluation Page 7- 2 much of the evaluation process, enabling the City to quantify system changes over time and make appropriate decisions in planning the future system. MODEL UPDATES The City’s traffic model shall be updated on a regular basis, every few years, as new land use, employment, and housing data becomes available. Model updates are important as they ensure the City has an accurate understanding of how land use patterns, employment, and other factors impact future transportation conditions, enabling the City Council to make informed policy decisions. The model also provides an understanding of the impacts associated with different projects, allowing the City to devise a revised list of future projects to improve capacity and safety, as well as achieve other priorities. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY The annual evaluation process is an opportunity to ensure the Comprehensive Transportation Plan is consistent with other elements of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, including the land-use element, economic development element, Auburn Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, and Capital Facilities Plan. Hence, as part of the annual amendment cycle, the City will ensure these plan components are consistent with and supportive of each other. 7.2 Multi-Year Updates The City has the opportunity to preform annual updates to the Comprehensive Transportation Plan on an as needed basis to account for significant changes which have occurred during the previous year. A more exhaustive process is periodically necessary, hence, a thorough rewrite of the Plan shall be conducted every five to eight years. This endeavor will include a broad public outreach effort with input from neighboring jurisdictions, state and regional agencies, and Auburn residents and businesses. Much like the process for the 2009 update, it will present an opportunity to holistically examine the current transportation system and lay the framework for development of the future system.