HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC-Facility_Extension_Plan_PacketY F CIT AtIBURN WASHINGTON PERMIT CENTER PLAN SUBMITTAL PACKET Informational Brochure January 200 Project Documentation Checklist Legal Owner Information Sheet Public Facility Extension Application Fire Flow Information Plan Review Checklist Prepared by Development Section Engineering Division Public Works Department 25 West Main St. Auburn, WA 98001-4998 (253) 931-3010 FAX (253) 931-3053 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Project: Address: This document checklist is provided to outline various documents and plans that may be required in the civil plan approval process. The City of Auburn Developer's Public Extension Manual, and Section 1.07 and 1.08 of the Design and Construction Standards, outline requirements. Please submit applicable documents or plans required for grading permits, building permits or Public Facility Extensions. The City will confirm required documents and plans with the first plan review. Additional requirements, or documents needing signature by the owner, will be addressed with the first review plan comments. Submit this form with plans. Use F] to check items submitted (Ck). Shading F I denotes submittal time frame: Column "A" = Initial submittal to the City. Column "B" = Prior to approval of plans. Column "C" = Prior to start of construction. Column "D" = Prior to Certificate of Occupancy/project acceptance. A B C D Ck PLANS/DOCUMENTS Permit Application ? Building or Grading permit application ? Public Facility Extension (FA C) application ? Legal Owner Information Sheet ? Street Delay application (if applicable) ? Plan Review Checklist Plans** ? Grading and Erosion Control plans (4) ? Building Site plans (8) ? Public Facility Extension plans (8) ? Sewer and water ? Storm drainage ? Streets ? Illumination and signing ? Landscape plans (3) ? Site Design Plan per SEPA, if required (3) ? Wetland plans (2) Legal Documentation** ? Legal Owner information sheet ? Legal Description of property ? Title report/short plat certificate ? Pre-annexation agreement (if applicable) ? Sewer/water availability certificate (if applicable) ? Other Reports** ? Geotechnical report ? Storm water quality and quantity report (2) ? Storm water pollution prevention plan/report ? Fire flow information ? Roadway Analysis Report (if applicable) "Additional copies maybe requested if consulting support services are used during review, as determined by the city. REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 09-07) Shading I-I denotes submittal window: Column "A" = Initial submittal to the City. Column "B" = Prior to approval of plans. Column "C" = Prior to start of construction. Column "D" = Prior to Certificate of Occupancy/project acceptance. (Refer to City of Auburn's Design & Construction Standards for more information.) A B C D Ck PLANS/DOCUMENTS Conditions ? SEPA Determination ? SEPA letter - response to conditions ? Hearing Examiners Conditions (plats, CUP, etc.) ? Shoreline Substantial Development Permit ? Other Easements/Dedications ? Off-site easement ? On-site sewer easement ? On-site storm easement ? On-site water easement ? Right-of-way dedication ? Private cross drainage easement ? Private joint access easements ? Other Agreements ? Storm Water Access & Maintenance Agreement ? Street Delay Agreement ? Traffic Mitigation Agreement ? Other Plan Approval ? Mylars 4-mil thickness ? Electronic File (AutoCAD) ? Plan copies from approved mylars Construction (prior to start of construction) ? Approved plans and permits ? Pre-construction meeting ? City of Auburn Business License ? Contractor's L&I License ? Performance Bond ? Certificate of Insurance ? Material submittals ? Emergency call-out list ? Other REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 09-07) Shading I-I denotes submittal window: Column "A" = Initial submittal to the City. Column "B" = Prior to approval of plans. Column "C" = Prior to start of construction. Column "D" = Prior to Certificate of Occupancy/project acceptance. (Refer to City of Auburn's Design & Construction Standards for more information) A B C D Ck PLANS/DOCUMENTS Project Closeout Bill of Sale Record construction drawings Developer contribution documentation Easement revisions (if applicable) Final storm water report (2) Final Electronic drawing file (AutoCAD) Maintenance Bond Utility Payback Agreement Other Other Approvals or Permits (if applicable) Right-of-way permit - Auburn Right-of-way permit - King County King County Metro permit WSDOT approval Developer Participation Agreement Other REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 09-07) CITY OF AUBURN LEGAL OWNER INFORMATION SHEET Project Name PLEASE PRINT: Please indicate the Legal Owner's Name and the type of signature block that the owner uses for signing legal agreements, deeds, and easements that will be recorded. (NOTE: Errors will cause a delay in permit approvals.) All billings and financial information will be sent to this address unless otherwise noted. Owner's Name: Individual Corporation Contact Person: Partnership L.L.C. Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) Email Address: Parcel Number(s) (Tax Code Number) (Six Digits) (Four Digits) Legal Description/STR 'A, SEC TWN , RNG Legal Description Attach an 8 1/2 X 11-inch bond paper sheet **************************************************************************************************** Please indicate where legal documents are to be sent for proper signature and execution. Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Email Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) **************************************************************************************************** Please indicate where civil plans are to be returned for plan review correction. Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Email Address Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) Applicant/Agent Signature Date REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 09-07) CITY OF AUBURN FACILITY EXTENSION APPLICATION Project Name: Project Address: Project Details Application Facility City Verification Fee Length (LF) Length (LF) Project S533.00 Public Water Private Water Public Sanitary Sewer Private Sanitary Sewer Public Storm Drainage Private Street Storm Drainage Private On-site Storm Drainage Public Street Private Street Total S (Application fee required is $533 for the project and $160 per facility and is non-refundable) Private facility lengths shall not include fire sprinkler connections, irrigation systems, domestic service lines and/or traditional side sewer connections. Private Facilities except for private streets within gated communities and the private storm systems contained within, will not be charged an application fee or an extension fee and are include for information only. Contact Person: (Please print) Address: Phone Number: ( ) FAX Number: ( ) Please complete the Legal Owner Information sheet and attach to this application. The applicant is advised that additional fees may be applied in the event the City determines the need to obtain consulting support services to assist the City when the Scope of the Extension is beyond the City's normal area of expertise or the City's ability to review within a reasonable time as determined by the City. Applicant/Agent Signature Date ************************************************************************************************* The above information will be utilized to prepare the Developer Public Facility Extension Agreement (FAC). The executed agreement and forty percent (40%) of the Facility Extension Fee will be required before detailed plan review begins. Receipt # FAC # REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 09-07) FIRE FLOW INFORMATION The applicant is required to provide information to the City of Auburn for the Fire Department to define the specific fire requirements of the proposed building and for the Public Works Department to evaluate the development's compliance with the City of Auburn Comprehensive Water Plan. A. The building specific fire flow is defined by the International Fire Code is the flow rate of water supply, measured at 20 psi residual pressure, that is available for firefighting. The information requested below will be used to define the building specific fire flow, according to the International Fire Code table B105.1 (current adopted edition). Minimum requirements: (as per Auburn City Code 15.36A.061) Building Specific 1) Single-Family Residential 1,000 GPM / 2 Hours 2) Commercial/Mufti-Family 1,500 GPM / 2 Hours B. The 2001 Comprehensive Water Plan identifies off-site water system improvements and system requirements that are required to meet customer supply demands and provide adequate fire protection throughout the water system. The improvements may need to be installed in the proposed development area in accordance with the following fire flow criteria: Minimum requirements for fire flows are: System Requirements 1) Single-Family Residential 1,500 GPM @ 20psi/2 Hours 2) Commercial/Mufti-Family 2,500 GPM @ 20 psi/3 Hours The submitted Project Information will also be used to evaluate and recommend fire hydrants and on-site water main requirements, in accordance with the Auburn City Code. For additional questions, please feel free to call: Fire Department: 253-931-3060 Public Works Department: 253-931-3010 PROJECT INFORMATION NAME OF PROJECT: SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT AGENT: PHONE: APPLICANT ADDRESS: APPLICANT E-MAIL ADDRESS: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE: As defined by the International Building Code (Type VB, etc.) BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE: TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: Single-Family, Apts/Mufti-Family, Office, Warehouse, # of Units PLEASE ATTACH SITE MAP IDENTIFYING WATER SERVICE: Include size of existing main(s), location(s), capacity and proposed on-site water main. Signature Date ************************************************ CITY COMMENTS *********************************************** CITY PROJECT NUMBER(S): SPECIAL CONDITIONS: REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 09-07) Project Date Checklist Prepared by PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST This checklist correlates to Chapter 3 of the Auburn Design Standards (DS), entitled Plan Preparation Requirements. Additional elements of this checklist relate to Chapters 4 through 11 of the DS. The reader should read section 9.01, General Requirements before proceeding with this checklist. Procedure: The Applicant's Engineer submits this checklist as part of the plan submittal package. The Engineer marks either the E box, if the described item is included, or the N box (Not Applicable), if in the Engineer's opinion the item is not applicable to the project. Items marked "N" by the Engineer shall be accompanied by an explanation on this checklist of why the required feature was not considered applicable. The City Development Review Engineer will go over this list while reviewing the plans and check the "C" box if the item has been addressed satisfactorily on the plans. If not, the City Development Review Engineer will circle the item and include it in his/her list of plan review comments to be returned to the Applicant when plan review is completed. APPLICATION E N C ? ? ? Public Facility Extension Application (FAC) completed. (City Form FC036). ? ? ? Legal Owner Information Sheet completed. (City Form FC083) ? ? ? Project Documentation Checklist Attached. GENERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS Standard Plan Format E N C ? ? ? Each sheet of the plan set shall be stamped by a professional civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington. The stamp on the final mylar, to be submitted for approval, shall be signed and dated. ? ? ? North arrow either to top, right, or left. REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Page 1 E N C ? ? ? A title block shall be provided on each plan sheet. The title block shall include the development title (in bold print), the name, address and phone number of the firm preparing the plan and the owner/developer, a revision block, page (of pages) numbering, and sheet title (e.g., grading, erosion/sedimentation control, road and drainage, water and sewer). ? ? ? FAC # shall be 1" bold lettering above the title block on the cover sheet only. ? ? ? Indicate units of measurement for all slope callouts as either % or ft./ft. Do not mix units of measurement on a plan set. ? ? ? All match lines with matched sheet numbers (stationing). ? ? ? The street classification shall be provided under the street name on all plan views. ? ? ? City of Auburn Engineering approval block (4"x2') provided with the following information in lower right corner of each civil plan sheet. Show project reference, BLD, FAC, and/or GRA number in the approval block area. PROJECT REF. THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUBURN'S ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS. APPROVED B Y. DATE APPRO VED. ? ? ? City of Auburn Planning approval block (4"x2') provided with the following information in lower right corner of each landscape plan sheet. Show project reference, BLD, FAC, and/or GRA number in the approval block area. PROJECT REF. THIS PLAN SHEET REFLECTS THE CITY OF AUBURN'S MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. APPROVED B Y. DATE APPRO VED. REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Page 2 E N C ? ? ? Drafting Standards E N C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sign-off block (4"x2') provided for Record Drawing certification and printed as follows on each plan sheet, generally in the lower right hand corner. RECORD DRAWING CERTIFICATION THESE DRAWINGS CONFORM TO THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION RECORDS. BY DATE TI TLE/POSI TION. CONFIRMED BY CITY. DATE Plan sheets shall be on sheet sizes 24" x 36. " Any variation must be approved by the City prior to plan submittal. Approved plans shall be good quality, 4 mil thickness, mylar or approved equal. No stick-on type material will be allowed. Margins shall be set to provide for % size drawings. Lettering size shall be no smaller than 1/10 of an inch in height and shall be uppercase. Existing features shall be shown with dashed lines, and/or half- toned (screened). Proposed features shall be shown with solid lines. The intent is to clearly distinguish existing features from proposed improvements. Minimum scale shall be as indicated below. Any variation must be approved by the City prior to plan submittal. Site work. I" = 40' horizontal Site work. I" = 4' vertical Public facility work. 1 " = 20' horizontal Public facility work. 1 " = 2' vertical Use APWA symbols and include legend of existing and proposed improvements and utilities. REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Page 3 Title Sheet The Title sheet(s) shall have the following applicable items. E N C ? ? ? Vicinity map with north arrow. ? ? ? Site Address. ? ? ? Owner/Developer, address, contact and phone number. ? ? ? Engineer/Surveyor/Architect address, contact & phone number. ? ? ? Elevations with City datum. City benchmark reference numbers and locations are indicated. ? ? ? Sheet Index. ? ? ? Legend. ? ? ? Legal description including quarter section, section, township, and range. ? ? ? Parcel numbers (King & Pierce Co. Tax Assessor No.) for Site Only. ? ? ? Applicable plat name and lot numbers. ? ? ? An overall site plan key map shall be shown if the plan-set includes more than five plans sheets, unless otherwise directed by the City. General Notes The following (8) General Notes are required on the title sheet. Other City standard construction requirements are referenced by general note 2. Copies of these notes are available upon request. ? ? ? 1. THIS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUBURN'S REQUIREMENTS AND BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. ANY CHANGES FROM THE APPROVED PLAN WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER, ENGINEER AND THE CITY. ? ? ? 2. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO THE "WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION" (20021LATEST EDITION), EXCEPT WHERE SUPPLEMENTED OR MODIFIED BY THE CITY'S CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS MANUAL. COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. Page 4 REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C ? ? ? 3. A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE START OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT 253-931-3010 TO SCHEDULE A MEETING. ? ? ? 4. LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR IS CAUTIONED THAT OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE TRUE ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND THE EXTENT OF ANY HAZARD CREATED BY OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES. IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION MARKING AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR, UNDERGROUND FACILITIES OR UTILITIES, IS GOVERNED BY THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 19.122 REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON (RCW). PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL ONE- CALL (1-800-424-5555) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, GAS, POWER, TELEPHONE AND TELEVISION). ? ? ? 5. PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION A PROPOSED ROUTE AND SCHEDULE FOR HAULING MATERIAL TO THE SITE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL. IF THE CITY BELIEVES THAT THE PROPOSED HAUL ROUTE WILL ADVERSELY IMPACT THE STREET NETWORK, HAULING MAY BE LIMITED TO APPROPRIATE OFF-PEAK HOURS OR ALTERNATE ROUTES. ? ? ? 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ON AND AROUND THIS PROJECT. PRIOR TO THE START OF WORK, ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT USED FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND STREET MAINTENANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR APPROVAL. CONTRACTORS AND THEIR SURETY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR INJURIES AND DAMAGES TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY SUFFERED BECAUSE OF CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS OR NEGLIGENCE CONNECTED WITH THEM. ? ? ? 7. ALL CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING FOR EXTENSIONS OF PUBLIC FACILITIES SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A WASHINGTON LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OR A WASHINGTON LICENSED PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER. ? ? ? 8. CERTIFIED DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. REFER TO THE CITYS "RECORD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT" HANDOUT. ? ? ? Construction Sequence Required for all Projects. A construction sequence shall be shown on the plans indicating the relative timing of key construction activities on the project such as site clearing, erosion control placement, grading, temporary detention and WQ phasing into permanent detention and WQ facilities, utilities, paving, landscaping and illumination, activities in the R/W and any other construction event needing special attention. For work within right-of-way, the plans shall indicate that time limits for such work are applicable. Page 5 REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Grading & Erosion Control Plan Requirements E N C ? ? ? Refer to General Plan Requirements. ? ? ? 50'X 20'X 1' minimum quarry rock entrance. Note that a wash pad may be required. ? ? ? Cross-sections for fill and grading shall be shown on the plans through all properties and at least 30' beyond the property lines. Enough cross-sections shall be shown to represent the site. ? ? ? Siltation control measures (i. e., siltation ponds, silt fences, setbacks, hay bales, ditches, etc.) shall be provided as appropriate to protect adjacent properties. ? ? ? A phasing schedule for installing and removing TESC measures, including the transition from the temporary storm drainage system to the permanent storm drainage system. ? ? ? Protection of downstream conveyance facilities. ? ? ? Limits of clearing. ? ? ? Approximate fill and/or excavation quantities in cubic yard are indicated. ? ? ? Show existing trees six inches (6') in diameter and larger, and indicate if tree is to either be retained or removed. Note that a land clearing permit may be required. ? ? ? Provide temporary retention or detention facilities including City of Auburn's Standard Control Structure Detail No. STORM-04. Include water surface (WS.) elevations, sizes, design storms for the W. S. elevations and release rates. ? ? ? Provide site stabilization criteria including hydroseeding mixture and application rates. Grading and Erosion Control Notes The following (6) Grading and Erosion Control Notes are required on the grading plans. Other City standard construction requirements are referenced by general note 2. Copies of these notes are available upon request. REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Page 6 E N C ? ? 1. WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, ALL REQUIRED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES INDICATED ON THE PLANS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION, PRIOR TO LAND CLEARING AND/OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THESE FACILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED, AND UPGRADED IF NECESSARY, TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER AND STORM DRAINAGE RUNOFF DOES NOT IMPACT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES, NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. ? ? 2. THE SOURCES FOR ALL MATERIAL IMPORTED TO THE SITE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. ? ? 3. THE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED), SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO MEET ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES MAY BE REQUIRED AS SITUATIONS WARRANT DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND ADDITIONS TO THESE CONTROL SYSTEMS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMI TTEE. ? ? 4. THE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, INCLUDING ALL PERIMETER CONTROLS AND THE DETENTION (RETENTION IF INFILTRATION SYSTEM IS USED) CONTROL PONDS, SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL SITE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND APPROVAL FOR THEIR REMOVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE CITY. ? ? 5. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO WATER THE SITE, AS NECESSARY, TO REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO SWEEP ALL AFFECTED PUBLIC ROADS, AS NECESSARY, TO REMOVE MUD DEPOSITED AS A RESULT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. ? ? 6. ALL AREAS OF ACTIVE EARTHWORK WHICH HAVE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION IMPACTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS, OR THE EXISTING CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM MUST BE STABILIZED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: FROM APRIL I TO SEPTEMBER 30, AREAS AT FINAL GRADE AND THOSE THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN THIRTY DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN TEN DAYS. FROM OCTOBER I TO MARCH 31, EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN STAGES IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE SOIL EXPOSURE. EXPOSED SOILS WITH AN AREA GREATER THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS AND EXPOSED AREAS OF LESS THAN 5,000 SQUARE FEET THAT WILL REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY. REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Page 7 SITE PLAN Site Plan Requirements E N C ? ? ? Site zoning and adjacent zoning. ? ? ? At least one sheet showing all boundary survey information (i.e., bearings, distances, lot sizes, etc.) must be provided. ? ? ? Existing and proposed public rights-of-way with accurate dimensions. ? ? ? Existing and proposed easements with dimensions including recording number for existing easements. ? ? ? Existing and finished elevations and contours. Spot elevations required when site is very flat. Provide spot elevations along property line and 30 feet (30) beyond property line, at least every 50 feet (50'). ? ? ? Existing and proposed improvements including buildings, utilities, landscape, curbs and pavements. Also include gas, underground & overhead power, telephone and cable television lines. ? ? ? Length, width, grade, location, and type of all existing and proposed streets, driveways, sidewalks and wheelchair ramps. ? ? ? Building setback from property lines. ? ? ? Indicate if existing structures, trees, etc., shall be retained, removed or relocated. Indicate new location if relocation is proposed. ? ? ? Provide finished floor elevations for proposed buildings and existing buildings. ? ? ? Show flow paths with arrows and elevations for existing drainage ways such as swales, ditches and pipes. ? ? ? Show lakes, rivers, streams, 100-year flood plains with elevations, wetlands, sensitive slopes and other sensitive areas. Show buffers and native growth protection easements if required. ? ? ? Indicate highest seasonal groundwater elevation. ? ? ? Maintenance access, (all-weather surface) provided for storm, water, and sanitary sewer utilities. ? ? ? Dimensioning of parking lot layout. Page 8 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C ? ? ? Parking spaces, per American Disability Act requirements. ? ? ? Location and type of all curbs. ? ? ? Typical parking lot pavement cross-section design for the proposed development. Typical pavement sections for access and frontage roads. ? ? ? Landscape areas with details to be provided on a separate landscape plan and submitted to the Engineering and Building Divisions. ? ? ? Pavement saw cut & restoration limits. ? ? ? Emergency Vehicle Access. ? ? ? Site access, including adjacent driveways, roadways and intersections. ? ? ? Street luminaries, conduit for streetlights, traffic signals, and traffic signal loop detectors located within the vicinity of the project. ? ? ? Building roof and foundation drains connected to site drainage system. ? ? ? Floor drains and drains from other covered areas potentially subject to pollutants, wash areas within parking lots indicated, and the connection to the sanitary sewer through an approved oil/water separator. ? ? ? For single-family home sites indicate means for collection and discharge of water from roof, foundation drains and driveways. ? ? ? Vertical or horizontal utility conflicts including sanitary sewer, storm, water, gas, power, telephone, and cable television. ? ? ? Site specific details, except standard City of Auburn details. Storm Drainag e Re quirements E N C ? ? ? Indicate length, slope, type and inverts of storm drainage pipes. ? ? ? Typical ditch section. ? ? ? Location of manholes and catch basins. Indicate type, stationing, offset, rim and invert elevations, lid type (grate or solid), and number manholes and catch basins consecutively. Page 9 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C ? ? ? Show existing and proposed sewers and water mains as ghost lines. Identify crossings and minimum distance between utilities. ? ? ? Downspouts or footing drain locations and inverts. ? ? ? Provide arrows to indicate drainage direction in parking lots, roadway intersections and cul-de-sacs. ? ? ? Provide details and cross-sections of detention or retention facilities including appurtenances such as the control discharge structure. Indicate water surface elevations, allowable discharge rates and design storms. ? ? ? Show emergency overflow to the public facility. ? ? ? Berm dimensions, material, and compaction requirements for ditches and detention ponds where applicable. ? ? ? Indicate type of material and size of energy dissipaters and riprap. ? ? ? Provide detail of water quality facility, including stabilization requirements. ? ? ? Limits of surface water ponding within parking lots. ? ? ? Trash racks as applicable. ? ? ? Location and widths of easements. ? ? ? Location and type of pumps, if applicable. ? ? ? Details of water quality facility. ? ? ? Bioswale location, length, width, slopes and cross-section. ? ? ? Planting and seeding requirements with establishment procedure (construction sequence) for water quantity or quality systems. ? ? ? Design storm drainage per Chapter 6 of the Design Standards & SEPA requirements. ? ? ? Downspouts or footing drain locations and inverts. Connect to drywells and/or catch basins as applicable. Roof drains shall be 6 inches (6') minimum with at least one percent (1 %) slope. ? ? ? Match pipe crowns in catch basins and manholes. ? ? ? All exposed storm line ends, 15 inches (15") in diameter and larger, shall have trash racks. Page 10 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C ? ? ? Provide detail of water quality facility, including stabilization requirements. ? ? ? Centerline of pipes 10 feet (10) minimum distance from building structure. ? ? ? Outside edge of infiltration trench and open ditches 10 feet (10) minimum from building structures. ? ? ? Bioswales to be located a reasonable distance from building structures to allow for proper maintenance. ? ? ? Check the on-site storage elevations against the hydraulic grade line of the receiving off-site system. Storm Drainage Profile Requirements Note. Storm drainage located within the street right-of-way shall be shown on the street profile. Storm drainage located in easements shall have separate profiles. E N C ? ? ? Structures shall be shown, include size, type, station, invert elevation, type of lid or grate, grate and elevation. ? ? ? Pipe shall be shown include, material, size, slope (% or ft/ft), and lineal footage. ? ? ? Show all utility crossings and identify type and size of utility. ? ? ? Show ditches where applicable, slope (% or ft/ft), and type. ? ? ? Show existing and finished grade along centerline. ? ? ? Show connections to existing structures. Storm Drainage Report & Calculations The storm Drainage report format shall include a narrative and plan description of the following items. E N C ? ? ? Title page including project name and address. ? ? ? General information, which includes existing drainage conditions. ? ? ? Off-site drainage considerations. ? ? ? Downstream drainage considerations. ? ? ? On-site drainage considerations. ? ? ? Soil log information and existing land characteristics. Page 11 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C ? ? ? Design storm(s) discharge and storage time(s). ? ? ? Calculations. ? ? ? Topographical map showing site, overland flow line (Tc), slope, and drainage basins. ? ? ? Conclusions and recommendations. ? ? ? Appendix with Storm Drainage Pollution Prevention Plan. Storm Drainag e Re port Design Criteria: E N C ? ? ? Total acreage. ? ? ? Pervious acreage. ? ? ? Impervious acreage. ? ? ? Soil type(s). ? ? ? Curve Numbers CN. ? ? ? Precipitation for 64% of the 2-year124 Hr. ? ? ? 2-year124 Hr. ? ? ? 10-year124 Hr. ? ? ? 25-year/24 Hr. ? ? ? 100-year/24 Hr. Drainag e Basin Rep ort Summary E N C ? ? ? Pre and post developed basins. ? ? ? Time of concentration calculations. ? ? ? Time of concentration topographical map (can be included in Appendix). ? ? ? Summary of pre-developed conditions with post development requirements. Page 12 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Hydrolo gic Analysis E N C ? ? ? Retention or detention facilities designed using hydrographic analysis. ? ? ? Basin summary. ? ? ? Hydrograph summary. ? ? ? Stage storage tables for custom storage. ? ? ? Stage discharge tables for combination discharge. ? ? ? Stage discharge tables for multiple orifice. ? ? ? Level pool summary. ? ? ? Apply the appropriate factor of safety. ? ? ? Route the 24-hour, 100-year post-development storm event through the retention/detention facility to verify the performance standards. ? ? ? Conveyance system designed using pipe network analysis. ? ? ? Biofiltration system designed. STREET PLAN Street Plan Requirements E N C ? ? ? Refer to General Plan Requirements. Vertical ? ? ? Existing and proposed centerline road grade. ? ? ? Finish grade elevations every 50 feet (50) and every 25 feet (25) for vertical curves along design centerlines. ? ? ? Vertical curve information in profile section. ? ? ? Address vertical utility conflicts in profile. Horizontal ? ? ? Existing and proposed rights-of-way. ? ? ? Existing and proposed contours and elevations. Page 13 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C Horizontal ? ? ? Existing and proposed street names. ? ? ? Existing and proposed centerline bearings. ? ? ? Horizontal Stationing. ? ? ? Location of curbs, sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, and driveways (by station). ? ? ? Locations of monuments at all centerline intersections, cul-de- sacs, PCs and PTs by station. ? ? ? Mailbox types and locations. Submit to postmaster for approval. ? ? ? Address any horizontal utility conflicts in plan. ? ? ? Street landscaping, if required. ? ? ? Show construction limits. ? ? ? Slope excavation, embankment limits. Intersection ? ? ? Intersection plans shall be 20 scale drawings in conformance with Standard Detail TRAFFIC-13. Detail Sheets ? ? ? Non-Standard details required. Not to scale. Typical Roadway Sections ? ? ? Typical roadway sections showing pavement depths, widths and materials, cross slopes of pavement (%), centerline, dimensioned right-of way lines, curb and gutter, ditches, embankment and excavation slopes, rockeries, walls, etc. Typical sections will be per station ranges and so labeled. Striping and Signing ? ? ? Provide 40 scale plans per these standards and MUTCD including lane markers, pavement markings and signing. Signalization ? ? ? Provide 20 scale separate detailed signalization plan per City of Auburn and WSDOT Standards, including poles, bases, conduits and traffic loops. Illumination ? ? ? Provide 40 scale street lighting plans per DS 10. 10, including information on luminaires, service cabinets, junction boxes, power source, conduits and wire. Page 14 REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C Landscape Plan (Applies to Site & R/W Landscaping) ? ? ? Landscaping strip requirements. ? ? ? The location and size of landscape areas. ? ? ? The location, species, and size of planting materials. UTILITY PLAN Note. Sanitary Manholes shall be labeled with Auburn standard numbers on the plans submitted for 2nd review. Sanitary Sewer Requirements E N C ? ? ? Refer to general plan comments. ? ? ? Sanitary sewer pipe size, locations & stationing. ? ? ? Sanitary sewer pipe to be generally between 8 feet (8) and 15 feet (15) deep unless otherwise approved by the City. ? ? ? Sanitary sewer pipe is extended full width of property to serve adjacent upstream property. ? ? ? Sanitary sewer pipe is located properly in the roadway or easement and located 10 feet (10) minimum from watermains or storm lines. ? ? ? Location of manholes. Indicate type, stationing, offset, rim and invert elevation, and number manholes. (Use City MH numbers. Provided by the Auburn Sewer Utility after 1St review). ? ? ? Pipe invert elevations drop 0.1 foot through manholes. ? ? ? Manholes are spaced every 400 feet (400) unless shorter distances required. ? ? ? Provide knockouts in manholes for future connections. Pipe stubs are not generally required. ? ? ? Drop manholes, if approved, are to be detailed on the plans. ? ? ? Manholes are not to be located within limits of parking lot ponding or in wheel paths in streets. ? ? ? Provide Length, slope (2% minimum preferred), type of material, and inverts for side sewers. ? ? ? Stationing for side sewers from downstream manholes. Page 15 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) E N C ? ? ? Connection of side sewer to the City's sanitary sewer pipe shall be indicated with a tee. ? ? ? Separate side sewer is provided for each building. ? ? ? Sewer cleanouts shown near the inside or outside of the building and every 100 feet (100) or total changes of 90° of grade or alignment. ? ? ? Easement width is a minimum of 20 feet (20) when sanitary sewer pipe depth is over 10 feet (10) or in unstable soil conditions, and 15 feet (15) wide when depth is less than 10 feet (10'). ? ? ? Centerline of pipe at 10 feet (10) minimum from building structure. Sanitary Sewer Profiles Note. Sanitary sewer located within the street right-of-way shall be shown on the street profile. Sanitary sewer located in easement shall have separate profiles. E N C ? ? ? Structures shall be shown, include size, type, station, invert elevations, type of lid, and elevation. ? ? ? Pipe shall be shown include, material, size, slope (% or ft/ft), and lineal footage. ? ? ? Show all utility crossings and identify type and size of utility. ? ? ? Show existing and finished grade along centerline. ? ? ? Show connections to existing structures. Water Plan Requirements E N C ? ? ? Minimum System Fire Flow. 1500 gpm residential, 2500 gpm multi-family & other land uses. ? ? ? If building fire flow as designated by the Fire Marshal is over 2500 gpm, fire hydrants shall be served by a main that loops around the building or complex of buildings and reconnects back to a distribution supply main. ? ? ? Refer to General Plan Requirements. ? ? ? Indicate minimum 42 inches (42') of cover over waterlines. ? ? ? Waterline extended full width of property. E N C Page 16 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) ? ? ? Connection details to existing water mains. ? ? ? Valve locations spaced approximately 400 feet (400) apart unless shorter distances are required or at tees. ? ? ? Valves located in pavement and clustered properly. ? ? ? Butterfly valves (12" line and above) indicated where used in the system. ? ? ? Fire hydrants are installed in correct relationship to curb. ? ? ? Hydrants are a minimum of 50 feet (50) and a maximum of 150 feet (150) from the building. ? ? ? Blowoffs (2-inch minimum size) are located at low points or on dead-end lines as required. ? ? ? Air vacs are located at high points. ? ? ? Pressure reducing valve and vaults as required. ? ? ? Concrete blocking, mechanical or restrained joints. ? ? ? Easement width is a minimum 15 feet (15'). ? ? ? Minimum distance between sewer and waterline is 10 feet (10) horizontally and 1 foot (1) vertically. If less than minimum, special pipe or concrete encasement may be required. ? ? ? Centerline of pipe is 10 feet (10) from building structure. ? ? ? Meter and service size including location. Note minimum of one (1) meter per lot. ? ? ? Water service is not connected directly to fire sprinkler line. ? ? ? Gate valve separates sprinkler (Fire & landscaping) system from main line. Indicate proposed sprinkler line location, including backflow prevention and flow detection device. ? ? ? Fire Sprinkler Note shown on plan. "A fire sprinkler line requires a separate detailed plan and approval by the Fire Marshal. Contact Fire Department for requirements. " ? ? ? Indicate length and material of water main. ? ? ? Provide profile showing cover, appurtenances, stationing and all crossings. Page 17 REF. HADEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Water Line Profile Note. Water lines located within the street right-of-way shall be shown on the street profile. Water line profiles are not generally required for lines located in easements unless there are utility conflicts. E N C ? ? ? Pipe shall be shown and include, material, size, and lineal footage. ? ? ? Water line profile shall include pipe cover, and stationing. ? ? ? Show all utility crossings and identify type and size of utility. ? ? ? Show existing and finished grade along centerline. ? ? ? Show connections to existing structures. ? ? ? Show bends and label. ? ? ? Show all valves. Page 18 REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Comments REF. H:\DEVELOPMENT\Handouts\Plan Submittal Packet (Rev 10-04) Page 19