HomeMy WebLinkAbout526 ./ ~- ......~... ..... '{(:'<~" ..'.. ..." .. .... ~ ,,c, :'~:?',',:.. o R D I . ~\ A .~ C :I .~ 0 *~26 -:.. kf~ OR.Dr~\A),:C]l: provi1ing for tIle 1mprovem.ant of t~1ose portions of C. Stj,'~'3t 8.W~)J) str-~et i.W.)li str~et S.W. and F str~et i)...W'.... s1 tua te b'3tween. Main street west and Trlird. street.' S.W. and. tl1at portion of 'First ~trqet S.W.situate between C st~ceqt S:w. and F Btl'~st S.W.,and tr~t portion of T:.l1ird street s..'1. situate he- tWgen C stTget S.W. and D street S.W.)all in the City of AUburn by the ~rading,paving and curbing of said. portions of C str~et ~..w. D str'1.at S.W.,ll s"creet S.W.)F stree'G S.W.,First street S.W.. and ' Third. street S.W.,mld the doing of such other work as Sl1all be necessary, all according to trJ.e plans and specifications on tila wi t11 tl'l'1 City C'lark and in accordancs with the R'3S01ution of I11- tentiol). providing for Loca.l Improv3m"'nt District "~0..15" a1JprOV- ing and. adopting said plans and. spe cifica~iona; creati~g Local Improvement District ~0.75 and Local Improvement FUnd)District 'i\o~. 75;; providing for tlH~ ass?ssffi'-mt of tIlE! cost and -axpsns'3 of SUCll inrlH'ovement upon the property ~n said District; and providing tor tile payment thereof "oy bon dS of said District. The City Council of the City of AUbunl do or1ain as followS: S ::.ction 1. That all those pOl~tiol1S of C str?et G.W..,D strget S.W.,l1 street S.W. and F street S.W. sit'J.at~ bstw~an Main street W9S'~ and T:.'1ird street S.. W. , and all that pOl~t ion of First street s.W. situate between C str~et S.W. and F straet S.W.,mld al.l tllat portion of ~nird Str1ct S.W. situate b~tween C ~treet S.W. and n.B tl:~e~~ ~~1Y..'1.&!::1 ~tn ~lle_ C! ty _ of AUbUTI1) be improv~d by ~rad.ing) paving and CUrbing sai1 portl011s~ of c'-s.rtreet. 8.W...,D~'gtj!;-3'3t s....W~!) :&: strt.'\et S.W.)F street a.W.)First street S.W. and Tnird stre€!t s.w.)and the doing of such other work as Shall be n9c~ssaryto propqrly complete said improvem~nt; all according to the plans and sp4cifications for said improvam3nt prapared by ths City ~n- gi11s~r and now on file in the offic-=> of the City C'lerk,and in accordanC3 wi t:n t11Q. resolution of il1tQ.ution providing for Local Impl'ovement Distl'ict -~o. 75 pasS~:l bY the City Council on April: lst,l:92~v . ~C!ction 2. That tha plans and specifieatiol1s for said improve".. ment pr~pa~ced 'oy the City';;ngineer and now on fil~ in t11$ offic? of the City Clerk be, and the smne herebY ars)approved and adopted. iqction 3. Tllat tIle c:.ost and ex:pel1s~ of said improvement) in- cll11ing all n<1cc:;ssary and incidental expenses ,Sr.l.all be borne bY and asst."l8S9:l against tl19 propqrty included'..Jin the ass.;:ssmgnt diSr'", tric t 11,'~r-Jinaft9r Cl"ea tei according to .law.. Tua City of Kilburn. SIlall not oG lia"o13 in any rnan:.ler for any portion of tlle cost and Bxpanse of said imJ?rov~mel1t ""xc3pt as- ~~i-i1. provi1:d"L ;i;.! s~ct ion 4-. 'J:.na t tller~ is 11~rebY 9sta-oliSllei a Local ImprOV:.im~nt . District to b3 called Local Improvement District 'Jo. 75) ,rrniCh said District is described as follOWS: ItAll of the property b~tW3ell tr.!.9 termini of tr.l.ose portions of said streets proposod to be improv~d as aforesaid and on each side th~reof,abutting upon)adjaCent)vicinal or proximate to SUCh portions of said str''1sts to a distance baclc f'l'om tI1S marginal lines tllereof .as provided -DY ,law.. It , ~ ... '-... a<'~ct:Lon 5. TtJ.at said improv~mentshall be made by the City .~ Auburn under the supervision of the City Council thereof 9~~lCh committee or pp.l'sons as tlle City Council may designat.e~ ~ ~ S ~ction 6. T:.'1a t th~r~ 1S l1ersbY ~staold:Shed ;.n .t-:o..8 Treasury ~ of ~h~'City o~ AUburn a fund to- b~ blOWY.!. asuLbcal Improvement Fulld,nin"trict ~o. 75"; tllat cHI money paid into th? t:c~asury 9f ~ -~ j . j ~~~ ) 1 ...a""'!' ........... . ~~;.~ - - -l .', -'. ." J;' .~:~ . --bOO - r ~ ~~~:! '" -~- ~~...~~~~~-=..:-.:::- ""' ~ ...Z;:~ '\../ ':!:' --'::--'='"~--~::- ---!'!!" ...--- . -~. ~~~,~ ~~ ,,~~ , ....~ t' ._ .~.__.-~~--' - "--~. ::~~: '.!'_~~,~~~~~,-~~~ ~ ~ .:-'-'~~"' . ~ ,..--- fII/IJ:S .... . . '~~ :r;.- f~;' - trJ.3 City of AUburn on account of tl13 cost and. expe~sg of improve- ments in said District shall be paid into and credited to said ~und)alld that all wal'rants drawa or issued .oy tlle City of AUburn In paym~nt for :Lrnprovements in or 8X'genses aga.ir~Bt said district shall 00. xrawn upon and payable from said fund. s~ction 7. pa~nen.t for said improvement Shall be made in the first instanca bY warrants drawn upon said Local Improvement Fund, which warrants shall bear int~rost at the rate of B~ght per cent per alu1um. BondS bearing int~rgst at the rate of seven per cent p~r alIT!Uill payable on or before twelve years from the date of iSsu= al1C~ shall b9 issued~ -in paym~nt of the- cost al1d.ex:pen6~':! ofsai-d i-ml~ provem~l1t, whiCh bondS snal-l. be rAdeemed .oy the col-lectiol1 of spec- ial ass~ssments to be levied alld. assass3d upon the property within .said district)payable in ten equal annual installments)with inter- est at thS rate of sev<an pe~c cent :per annum,under tIllS mode of Ilpay_ ment by BondS II as d.af ined by law. 1 ~ sect~on 8. The City Treasur.er shall)upon receipt of an assess- ment 1'011 therefor ):pUblHHl a noticq in t:ne of ficial. nevrsl1a:pe:c of the City of AUburn for two consecutive wsekly issues tl~,t such ro~l is in hiS hands for col'lectiol1 and that any aSSE'SSm3nt ti:H~reon or any ]?orti.on of mlY ass9ssment may .oe paid. at any t:i1na witIlin thirty days from the dats of the first pUblication of said notica,without int"'rqst~pel1alty or cost)and tr~t unless :payment be ma1a within such time tIle sum remaining unpaid. tl1ereaftQ1' may be pai.d in equal a:cillual installments ~ tlle 111OOb8r of Wl1ich annual inatallment3 snal.I: .oe two 1-3SS than tlu~ nunlb€n~ of years whiCh said bO:ldS are to run) with inter~st on th~ whole unpaid swn so Charged at the rate of aeven per c9n~ pel' annwn,payable annu all y_, and each Y8ar thel'eaft.gr _ .Q11~.Q.f 5JgQ11- i!ls~~111n~nj~a_ ~()g<3th9r_Yfi~~1~}1~ i~_t'?r~~t du.e tll~reon and. 011 all il1staJ..lments thBreart~r to b ,'C01~- 1u"'g shal-]:' '1JlS-'cO"l"'l-ecrt- . ad in the mannq~c :provided by law, and. unl~ss :payment be macle at the' time) such installment or installments Shall bEar inter 3st a~c tl1~ rat? of s.even :per cent per annum and. may be co;L-l.ect~d and tne l~el1 th~:csof enforced in trJ.a manner provided .Oy ,law.. ~~ '" SBction 9. Furthel' provision Shal.l b-9 made "oy th3 City Counci.l for t11e levy and coll'6ction of ti13 assessments here.in provided for and 1'01' tIle issuancq of said bm dS in payment of the cost and ex- pense of said. impl'ovement,such proviSion to be ma1e from time to time bY ordinance. S'~ction -1;0. That t:niS Ordinallc:' Shall tak3 effect and .09 in fOl~C'':) five days from and after its passage,ap:prO'"val and :p1.1blica- tion a~ required bY law. j: Introduced passed .A:P111'oved. 1924-. 1921J... 1924-. ~~~ ,Mayor~ " Att3St: City Clerk. APprov~d as to form.~~~^":~,(~~'1 PUb116h~d. r ~21J-. ) City Attorney. ~