HomeMy WebLinkAbout531 ~~. ~;._..,. . ~....r< .". ~,...- ., "(-~" '. .- ~.'''''''''_. -.:...._ .!IIiI'-~ ..., .~ ~.'."'.':.'..' F~": ~~\ ":-~:;:,. ~ ~, / ~ ~ t o R DIY A .~\ 0 ~ -~ 0 AI 53 I. . - "-" -" - . - . -' -. 531 .... .."" .-......... ~ A-;'~ ORDr:A0.0ll: providing for the impro-cement of 'that portion of 0 ~treet ~.W~situate between Main ~treet West and. Tr.l.ird iitreet -~,.W.~of that :portion of D iitreet -0..W.sit- uate c~tween l~iain itra;?t west and. T11ird itrget ~..W.. of trJ.8.t portion of F i tr"3'et -0., W. 51 tua te. -oetween Main . tr~et wqS t ai11 tIle soutt. bCUn1a:i."y lirre- of Lot 1"1'3 in Block A of LUn.'i'11.8 Gard€n Tracts to AUburnlwashington~of tha'~ portion of G ~tr-$t ~~:>W. situate-~'oetVv'"2en Main iH1'2et W~st and the south boundary lines of Lots Tl a::.1 '12. in Block A of Lunn1 s GardQn T:-cacts to AUbUr111 was:r.i.il}.gton~al'ld that portion of Third ~tl"eG-t ~~W.Situate betw~~n the Wcs~ marginal line of the Tacom~ i '"'attl,~ ?i~l:..t"...of~way of tlle '\;\Ortl1~rn Pacific Railway Oom};)a- l1jT aria. :0 i t:n~ii1t -~. w. 1 all in the Oi ty of AUburn~ 'oy tile grai- i~L)paving and curbing of all of said portions of said str'3~ts ,and th~ d.oing of sucrJ. otl1er work afISi:..a.l1 'be necl3S- sarY1al1 acco~vling to the plans and sp~cifications on fiTe with tile City C'l'?:rk aYlj, in accorda:r.1C? wit11 th3 Resolution of Intention providing for Local Improvement District -~o. 7T; apPl"ovil1g and adoptiug said :plans and. specifications;' c:r€atin~ Local Impl"Oy-ement District 1\0.77 and Local Improve- mSD.t F-o.nd, District -i\o" 77; providing for the assessment of tIle cost and expense of such improvement upon tile property of said District; and providing tor the' payment thereof by bondS of said District.. - """"-The City C-6urfciT ot-the-'OTty ot AUburn'" 1\0 ~or<W.1n""as" --.,.........- =-= fo llOWS :. iection rl'. That all tt.J.at portion ot C atreet ~.W.situate between Main ~traet west and Third street ~.w.,all that por- tion of D street ~.W.situate between'Ma1n itreet West abd Third itreet ~.W.Ja1:1 that portion of F :iltreet '~.'W.situate between Main itreet west and the south boundary Tine of Lot -1-3 in :SloCl<: A of Luun1 s Garden Tracts to AUburn 1 WaShington, al.l that portion of G i3treet 1.>..W. situate' between Main liltreet west and the south boundary line of Lots 11 and 12 in Block A of LUl1n's Garden Tracts to AUburn, Wasnington1and l!1-1b:11. that portlQ~ of ~:ird itraet ~.W. situate between the west margi- nal 1-1:,19 of th9 mcoma-ieattle right-ot-way ot the -~.ortllern Pacific Railway Company and D ~tr?at ~\"I W" ,<all in t:ne Ci t:y- of' Xu.-(}I..11~::--1 be im:pl'Oved. 'oy gra1il1.g) paving an1 curbing said. POl'ttons of 0 iittr~~t ':1..W.,D street -~.W~I]' ~trq8t '~.W.,G S tr~~t '0... W'" an1 T11ird straet ij.", W. ) an1 'c:rle 10Llg Jf Such other work as sn.all 'oC n9c~ssary to pro:p8rly com:p19t~ said. il:,:Ol~OV ~m 311t; all acco:c1 tilE: to tIt ~. plans al:d sp.... c~t.ficatior~s ::G~ S~2.~ :'::.::J;;;ov:-"!r1ont prApar'?1 -oy tr-:<? C1 ty :,'ngiIi'eer ai-:~d ;~J:V 0":.'"2- 1'i'le :L:l tIle? office of tl1a City Clerl<:,ana. in aCCOl"d.anc~ wi tr.L t:le' rClsoluttol1 of intention providing' for Local Improve- ment District '~0.77 llass~d 'oy t11q City Oounci-l on JUlle 3, 192'L ~ection 2. ~lat the plans and S~3cifications for said im- pl'ov~mpnt pl'2-:pa:-c~1 bY t:r..e Oi ty :lngineer and now on fila in tr...e offlc~ of tilS C1 ty Clerk 'oe, a~'~d t~le same :nereby are, approved al1d ad oJft 11 . Section 3- Tl1a~ the cost al:.1 qx:pl3ns'~ of said improvement, includtr.g n.:: necessary a:11 incidental eX'..Q911sClS, Shall be bornCl bV and. assssss1 against -el.1S' property inc::'u1e1 in tile a"SS9ssm'~nt district :n'!:.'''''illaft91' cl'0ate1 according to law. lIha City of Auourn sri-all r...ot. -De "11ab13 in any ma111l.zr for any llor- ti on of trtS cost and ':JCp 111SB of said. im:provemellt ~xce}?t as ,'. ~.. '"',......: ...,);_...... ~.t ~- ..----- ........ ::...... .~.. ~ ~;~ <.M;i. -uotr' ~ .~ ~-~ ~ h9rsin provi1ed. ~. ~aGtiol1 4-~ T11a t :.:-:.~:..'e is hereoy 9stao.lished a Lecal L:rgrove- ment Distl"ict to be Galled Local Improvement District -~\o. 77, w~tliCh said d.is trict is d.~scri bed. as fo 1.1 ows : l,lAl'l of the prop ,;rty o0twp.~n~ ~tl}e tennini of tI106 ~ por~ tions of 8~id 8t~~ts~prepoa~d to oe improYAd as afore- said. 8.~J:1 on '?acl:i. sid.""' tllm'30f,ao-J_ttillg Ul?on,a'ijac~l1t,vic_ in~l or proximate to SUch portions of sai'i str~~ts to a distarl.c"": oack from tl' e ma:cgiTl8.2. 11119S th')raof as pro- vid.ed by laW.J/ ,23ction 5. Tnat sa1d improvement Shall be ma':l~ ljy the City of AUburn undgr the supervision of the City COilllCil thereof or such cOlmhi ttee or pSI'sons as the City C OUl1ci.l may d.'3S ignato.~ ::i ~~ction 6... TeJ.at there is ~n~r0bY establis~ned in the treas- ury of the City of AUburn a I"'u.nd to be known as "Local Improve- ment Fu.nd, District -~o..Tl!1; that all moneys paid into the traas- Ul~Y of "Gl19 City of AUbU}."l1 on aCCO"ilYlt of t:ne cost and ex-geuse of imprOY3ments in said. District Shall be paid into an1 Cl'!!d- itsd to said tund,and that all warrants drawn or issued by the City of AUburn in paYlllent for improvements in or ~Xpe~lSqS a- gainst sa t1 District silall lJ~ 1raw:n upon a:i.d pa~-ahl'e from said Iund. ;oo__.~ - - - ~~~~oII!I SBction 7. ~le City Treasurer S~~ll,upon receipt of an as- ssssm~lt roll ther9for,publish a notic~ in the official n~ws- paper of t:r.lg City ot AU'oUrJl tor two consecutive W3~kly iStfileS that SUCll roll is in r~s hands for col-lection ai.1.d that any ass ~:ssm -:lnt th~reoll or any :portiop. of any aSSQSmn8nt may be paid. at any time wi thin thirty days from th'~ date of the first puo'liGation of said notice, wi t:rl0U.t int~rest,penal.ty or cost~ and. tli.a t unless payment be made wi t11in SUCll time tlI9 sum re- maining lLn.paid th,ereafter may b~ paid in equal annual, install- ments J the num'ber of WI1icll annual installments shal-l be two . -less "e,han tile number of yaars wrlich said bendS are to rJ.n~ with int~r ~st on the W:~ole unpaid Sw~ so charg9d at th~ rate of seV:Y.rl P-'j:c ce:1t par al1num1payab19 annua+~Ja111 aacll year th8~eattsr ons of such 1nstal1m~nts,togather with the 1n- t~r~st dUQ thqreon and on all installm~nts thereafter to be- COffi3 due Shall be collecte'i in th.-; manner provided by 'lavV~ and. unless pa;Y1U'1n t .oe made at t11.3 time, sucl1. instal'lment or illstallm~nts Shall bear int"'1'8st at the rate of S~VGn per c"'yr: P~:L' a::111u..111 al1d. may iJ? cOll"'ctg1 a~J.1 t~:~ 1i 3n t:v~rsof ~m- :::"'0l.'c9din ti!:~r::aYl::l-e-r-"provid~1 by law. ~~ction 8. pa~nent for said improv~ment Shall be IT~1e in th~ first instance by war:cants drawn u:pon sa11 Local Improv,s- ment FJ.nd, w~1ich YfCi..:..':cants Sha.ll bear int9resJe, at the rat0 of eight per cent per anrr~m. Bon1s bea:cing int~rest at the rat2 of s -:.vsn pe:c cent per annum paya:ole oll or beI'or~ twelve ysars from t11S date of issuance S11all bP ~ paym~nt of th;! cO,13.t and 9XP ans~ of said improycm.al1t, whi'ch bonds shaJ:l b'.:; re1'l'3m- 91 by th1 collection of special ass0ssments to be 1~vie1 and ass :?s~~1 upon the prop>:!rty wi thin said 1:Lstrict 1 payable in ten equal mliJ.ual installments, wi tJ:.:. inter8st at the rate- of S~V;3n p~r cent p~r annum, un1el' tile mo1e of J'pa:Y1119nt by Bondsf/ as d.Dfill~d by law. S~ction 9~ J?~rth~r provision shall be ma1e by the City Coul1cilfol1 the levy alld col19ction of t:ne. assessm8nts h.are- -- ~"'- _ -"1 ", ","', '.'. ;., ..,:'..' , . .. .... '~"'. "'_.'. ':. ." ',,,?of: ,'.' I "';' ~.',,".; .j" .'. e'" '~"<:f''':':~-- ~"'i.-_: .~" ---.. ' , '. ; - -'~~'+'~~~I ....;j -. _ .:-<;,..;.......[;.: .,. ... . ~ ~-'-~ -..~~.::- ~ -:to. .:::-- ~ ~ ~- -- ~~ _I!!'III-~ ~ , t.:::...~ ._",........ ..,... ~~:-:. '.~€J~~,r-';-~L ___~ ~~.:,:-.:.._.- ~_., 11II ~'" in provid91 for and for the issuance of said bonds in pa~- ment of thq cost an1.expanse of said irr~rov~n9nt1such prq- vision to 1)9 ma1a from tims to time by orclinanc8. ~ Section -10. Tl'lat tilis or1ial1c--~ shall take effect an.d. be 1n ~ - forGe five days from and aftnr its passage,approval and pUb- lication as r9quired by law. In tl'o1uCOd JJ.ly <g') -1924. pass ad. J;.ily 1-{1924. - -!tpprove1 July -l~ -192J4-. At~~st: -JIvrAY OR. Approved a~_ to fonn. ~~<~~.lI'J ,City Attorney. PUblisllBd ;JUly/f, 1924. ,. ..,." - - ~~ ~J1 r ,;;.. ~ -~ ... ~ ...-- '"