HomeMy WebLinkAbout535 ,- -- .--- .......... r.. ..~ .~~.. 1 ----.... - , iJ ~ ~ ~ ~. ..... ORDINANCE ~ n o.~ 535 AN ORDIrAICE: Providing for the improvement of that portion of B Street S. E. in the Ci t~r of Aubl1rn , situate between Lain street East and the soutT erly' mareinal line of Lot 14 in P.iverviev: Addition to Auburn, b;r the gra.c1ill€, paving and cur1Jing of all of saicl, portion of 13 street S. E., andtoT the ir:rprovemont of t: a: portion of lIain street 5a.st j}) t' e C" t,y of Auburn '3 i t1mte between a line CLravll1 ~,t right a:r.[le.s ac:ross 1:a.i:o street East <met. il1tersecting the sO,ltherl;'l boundary line of Lot 9 in Block 14 of Jallard's T:.ird Addition to.the Tovm of Slaughte14 e.t 8 point 20 feet east of tr.e soutlwlest. corner of, said Lot 9 [TId the east m~rGinal line of F street S. E. extended northerly in a straight line across I:ain street East by the grading, pav~l1g, curbing, 2nd siclewalking of all of said portion of I:ain street East (vlhere not noVl so Lroroveo) so that, as so improved there shall be a concrete ana cement curb on both sides of all of' sai~ ::iol.tion of Nain street East, the ollter edge of which curb shall be approximatel~T 10 feet from the res:pective property lines, there shall be concrete pnd cement sidewal~s on both 'sides of all of said portion of F.~ain Street East extend ir~g from the respe ct i ve proJ}erty lines to the ourb, and .a1Ll area and sJi.]ace between the northerly curb end the southerlj1" curl) in saiel ~,ortion of I.~ain Street East s1:all be e;raded and- paved for tl,e full width the reof, Emd the do ing 0 f such o the r 'work as s}lall be necessary, all according to the plans al1C specifications r'o .r:>~le "I,~J_'. J"-e Cl.t-,"" 01Ar" 0""(1' ",- 8CC01"C""'''''C8 '7"J"1 .L..'-e re""ol"+l'O'llt<, ....-1......!....L y ...l1....1.... vll ~ '-" _ __: .( J..!. J.~" ~<:>J.l . ..LVJ. uL. }..J "'tv 1.~ of intel1tion. provicline; for Local Iuprovement :District ~~o. 78; c_pprov- jng and, ~d.Opti!.lg said :Jlans c,ne. s'?ecificetions; creatiI:g Local Im- provemem .Dis~rJ..~c't 1.\:0. ~~~e.r.aw;a,.t- F'Jnd.,_n;RJL:rj.9tl{0~. 78; ;.rovidil'lg for t:;;.e assesSi:1ent of tLe cost <::.110 e:::l)ense of s"."cr inproveme:flt upon the :property 0:: saicl' district; ene. :;roviding for the pOYDlent the~ceof by bonds of, sa:(l clistrict. Tf:1E; City Cou21'cil of the City of Auburn do orda.in as follows: Section 1. Tr...Dt all that })ortiol1 of B Street S. E. in the City of ,A11burn sitllf te betvleon r:ai:r.. Street East ane1 the SOllt' erl;)?" merginal line of Lot 14 in Rivervierl A(i(li t iOl: to Auburn be iml)rOved,. -.,y the grading, paving, an~ curbiLG of all of said portion of B Street S. E. anet the cLoiTg of otlJ.'er i{iOr~_ incioental tJ::ereto, and thpt ell that por- tion 0:':' I~c,il'J Street East in tIle City of A111)llrn si tuate Jetvleen a Line cravll1 et rig;lt ant::les acro s::;: Lai:~ stree-c Eest [' rit :.r.tersectinp: the southerly' boundeTiJ ~ line 0 f :L.o:t; 9 in Blo clJ~ 14 0 f 3e.l1ard I s ~:;.ird 1..c1o it ion to the Tovm of Slaughter a t a po int .20 feet east of t~le soutlTof/est corner of said. Lot 9 and the east lIJar5ilJal line of F Street S. E. extencled 11ortherl;y' in a sJeraight liIJe across ~~ail: Street East be improvea by the grac1ing, pavij:g, cllrbiDg, and sidevlalkir,g of all O.p "'::1J..'c~ --O"~~iO'- n-? --~~_.. ~.:J~r':l"'.l- 1;'",,,,.L.. ( ..,,'e-'e -'0J- -'-0''7 "'0 J....""o-.ovec') - OCJ" t ~ ~Cl.~ '.'~ ___c.....__. ...L t.::vV ~.....:..H_;,1~lJ ,.L..L 1.... l..J .. Yi).J ul1~J. .1 'so t1'::s.t, as so improved, there sl:all be a cor.c~ce'ce L.::':tC:!. cel~:e::lt CU1'0 011 "both sides oJ: all of said :9ortiol1 of ?:ain Street East, t~ e outer eCge of which curb shall be Fp)roximately 10 feet froD the respective property lines, there shall be concr~te and ceDent sideualks on both sieles of all of said r:ortiol' of i:ain Street East exteDding from the respective property lInes ,to the curb, and all areB'and space bet~een the northerl~' curb anil the.s outherl~' c11rb in sa i c1 -~o:rt ior. 0:' !:E'~ij street East Shall be e:racle(1 end paved for the full '7id,th thereof, end tl:e do ing 0 f SllC:~ other VlOT~: as shall l)e ne cessary to prop 61'ly complete said irnpl'ovement; .8.11 acrordine; to the plans and specificat~ons fOT said ir:11)rovement prepared l)y' t'- e Ci t;,r engineer and now or file ~ the office of t"le Cit~r Clerk, al~d iT. accordance vlith the TesolutiOl1 dJf intention providing for Local II::1prOVement I'istrict :r:To. '78 passed b-r t~e Cit;y' Council on July 1, 1924. .~ , ~! '- .' ....~ - .-,. /=:" ... ,.'-- ~ ~ -. C"'- < Section 2. Thst t Ye plans and sp ecificatiolls for saia. iIJ}jro vem ent prepared o;}r the ci ty engineer Emd nOVl on .file il1 tIle offi ce of the C i t;y' Clerk be and. the same he reby ere appr oved an d aelopted. Sect ion 3. Tim t the cost [cl1d expense of sai (1 i: pro vement, includ& ing all necessary ana. incidental expenses, shf'.ll be 1)orne l)y and assessed 8{;ainst Jehe propert~r incluCl.ed in the assessment district hereinafter created according to law. The City of Auburn shall not be lial)le in any manner for any :portion of the co st and expense of SEdcl. i;-'l2!rOvenel1t e:;~cept 28 hereir: provide.d. . Sect ion 4. ThEt the re is hereoy esta~)lished a local impro vement district to be called Loca.l Inpro vement District No. 78 which said district is described as follows: "All of the property between the termini of those portions of saio. streets proposed. to be impro ved as aforesaid aDd on each si de the reof, abutt irg upon, adjacent, ~vicinal, or a:pproxirrJS.te to such l)ort~_ I of said streets to 8 distance pack "DS':t he y.1a.rglnal ,. v VV---' lines thereof as provided by law". '\ Section 5. That said improvement shall be made by tpe Cit;y- of Auburn under the ~"'Visioll of the City Counci 1 thereof or such committee 014 J;lerSOl1S" D,S the City Council ml?Y designate. Section 6. Thft tllere is 11erel)~T estai)lisLecl in the tTeRsury of the City of Auburn a fund to be l:novln as "Local IInprOVemGnt Fund, District No. 78"; tr..at all :r.lOneys :ra id into the treasur~i of the Ci"bJ - - ';'0-f~~11bl1rn-on-croc~he-e-e-s.t..;..:;o..Ja,(j,.-expe.:Gse_c.L..i~m_v81llJ3nj;.$Lj._n~<s_ai d ....... -. ---' district s'all be paid into 8..r:d c::.ec'itec'. to s9,ic flE10., f.liC. t-12t all warrants elrawn or. is sue6 b;y' the City of Aul)"urn in :paYL.1en t for im- provements in or expenses against saicl dis trict shall be araYml\&nu""'t~ lJayable from said fund. . Section 7. rrhe Cit;y' Treasurer shall, UpOl). receipt of an essess- ment roll therefor, publis~ a notice in the official newspaper of the City of All01.lrn for two consecuti ve weekly' issues that S:LlC h roll is in his hana.s fOl" collection ancl that an;y' 'assessr.1ent thereon or an:7 portion of al~T assesSl:lent ma~T be paid at: allY time within 30 day-s from t:"e date of the first publication of saic1. not<ioe, O.-ii thout interest, ~enalty or cost, and that unless ~ayment be Dade ~ithin such time, the sum 14eruainin~ 1.1111)8. id the reafter ma:?" I)e .')2.id in el'1ual annual install- \"...01 .... ........ ":1. ments, tl1~ number, of which annual installments Shell be two less than the number of years said bonds are to run, with interest on the whole unpa icl. sum so charged at the rate. of 7 per cent. per annum, payable annually, and each year tl'L'reafter one of such installment s, to- zetl1cr \7ith the interest due thereon eD d on :::11 installments the re- af<~er 'cc '.;ecOIle Cl."ie ~.;~ [.11 ')0 oolleoted. in t:le 1.tU~ner -)roviC1ea. l)~T law, and unless payment Je. mac1.e at the time, su ch installnel1t or install- '/ ments Shall bear int ere st at the rpt e 0 f r; per cent. per annum, end n8.i,i' be collected aTcl the lien thereof enforced in the nla}1ller provi(led. b~r law. Section 8. J?a;Yl.leI:.t for saiel improvem':.mt shall be G:.de in tl:e first instance by warnmts draYln upon said local hlprovement fund, which W8.1"rants .s11all l)ear interest aJc the rate of 8 per cent. per annum. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum pai,i'able on or 'before 12 years fro:::' the ctate sf issuance Shall be issuecl in payment of the cost [,nel eJ,.'Ilense of said improvement, which bonds shall be redeemed b~' tl:.e collection of 3":Jecial assessments to be levied and assessed ~pon the pro}?ert~,r wi t}lin sai d cListrict, payable in 10 e<lual annual installments, wi -ch interest at tl:e rate of 7 per cent. per annun, under the mode of fTPayrnent by Eondsll as defined bJT law. '''''',,''' --- -_. ~ .... J. .-- ,." ~ 11!~ ~ ~ Section 9. Further provisioYl s:hall be l:jac1e bv the Cit;y- Coun.cil for the levy and collection of the assessments l~~erein provic1ed for and for the issu8.nce of said bOl:ds ill l)a~l1nent of the cost aT.(l ex})el1se of said improvement, such provision to be made from tine to time by ordinance. Section 10. That this Ordinance shall take effect anc1 be iL force five days from and after its passage, e.}!pToval and publio.ation as required by law. Int ro du ced: Passed: Approved: Ane:,'Ust 5, 1924. Aucus t 5, 1924. Angus t {), 1924. . I.1:ayor . ..l':E~1.. """ tf~. City CJe rk. ~ .....~... ~ ;;;;:; -:::.:;;;..-.. ~ iiiiii ..-.;;;;; 0.;,: :;;. --' Approved as to fonn: ~~,,~.J Ci ~ Attorney. Published: August 8, 1924. .. ~ ""=-c '"' ~ ..