HomeMy WebLinkAbout536 .. .. . ,~ .~ .... ." ""-. ~ ORDINAl~O~ NO.536. Alii ORDlNAliO:J, dee-lar1ng a pUb-l:1o emergenoy to exist requ1~DS the ex:pend1ture, tram the water tund ot the 01ty 01' AUburn. tor tlle purcl1ase 01' two hand starters,ot moneys not provided tor in the budget tor the year i;921f.,est1mat1ng the amount ot moneys required to meet SUOh emer~enoy ,and directing that suCh hand starters be purChased and tba}emergency warrants be &'awn upon the water l'Und ot the 01ty ot AUburn in payment theretor. The 01ty oounc1.1 01' the 01ty 01' AUburn do ordain as to.ll-01f8: -- lect10n i. ~-a.t the ioit1OW1ng are-tacts: tliat since the budg.t--- 01' est1ma.ted expenditures trom the Water J1Und ot the 01ty ot AUburn dUring the year 1~..921f. was adopted, Which buctget was dU'ly a- , dopted. bY the 01ty Oounc1-l; in octobert~92;~~i~2.~__ot AUburn~J ~""'-. ~ has caused. to be driven and insta--J:l:ed ~^we - and is now seour- ."\ 1ng a cons1derab-1e portion ot .. its water- supp-J,;y from ~ ~ two we-US ;tbat the water from SUCh two we-Us is pwnpec! into the city water ma1ns ot the C1ty of AUburn by punq>s dr1ven bY elGa- tr1c1 ty; tna t said. pumps are control:l;.ad bY autommat1c starters; that it is now necessal"Y, in case of an emel'gel1.cy arising bY fir9 or oth~l"'\visa) that two nand starters "be PUl~cl1ased and. insta-J:led and. connected with such pum:ps so that such band starters may 'he used 1n case SUCh automatic starters Should at any time ta1-l: to ~unct10n proper-ly;that SUCh budget containS no item 01' 82Cpendj".. !ures tor the purCl'lase ot such two lland starters; that the amount 01' expendi tures necess~y tor the purcnase of SUCh two l1and start- ers is the sum ot .~ 0'* pO ; and that by reason 01' the torego1ng facts a PUb-11a'emergency a:1sts that cou-ld not reasonab-l:y be tore- __" se~n at the. time 01' making SUCh budget requiring the....expenditure - -ot- th"e--est1Iit tedc 8umc:.cot.......~Je'fe-9 ~.trbm;!he ~ wa ter~ JUn~ _0:_ sa1_d _O_1!y tor the purchase ot two hand starters. ..... _.- -- . .;,; -......... sect10n 2. That the two lJand starters specified 1n .ect1on .~ of th1S ordinance be ordered an.d purChased by the city ot AUburn, and tnaiemergency warrants be drawn on the water fUnd of the City of AUburn in pa.:IIIlent therefor. . IntrodUced AUgust ,5,a924. . passed unaniril.ous'l'y by tl'1e aff1nnat1ve vote of a-ll coullci.lJlle<:Ll :gresent AV.gUst , ~ ,a921f.. APproved AUguSt t 1-..i;924. . . ' ~~ Attest: .A;Pproved as to form:. Pllb-1-1Shed AU~S t \ ~- .. ~921f.. -". - ~ - I .~~~ __ ~...............s;::--' ~ 01ty AttornaN" Ziii.;ool _ .......... =:::: - ~ .- --~~ ~~.~~-~ t~ ....0IlIl ~ I