HomeMy WebLinkAbout539 .':"-~ ~""'~"':""" . .,\ .;t .A- t , . ORDINANOE ]10. S 3 Cf . .AE ORDIlVAl'CE providing tor the laying ott, opelli11g, extendi11! and establishiDg ot Seoond street S.E. iJl the Oity ot Aubur.a be- tween the east'margi11al line ot 0 street S. E'e and the we.t margiJlal line ot D street I. E'~, all in theOi.t.~ot Aubun; previding tor the condenmatie., appropriati,o~ taking and d&m8l1:JII ot land and other propert;r thereter, and .l5the a.scertaimnent and p~ent of the ju.t cempe:ruilation to be made t~retor; and providing that the entire cost ot said improvement, except compensation tor legal services, shall be paid on the immediate payment plan by speoial assessmeDt assessed upcan property speoially benetited in the manner provided by law. WHEREAS, Public necessity and oonvenienoe demand that the property, property rights and privileges harein. speoitied be oondemned, appro- priated, taken and damaged tor the purposes herein set torth; and ~.' WHEREAS, suoh impm vemant. will be ot special^~Jtl." to ~~ ~ lands, premises, and other property. new theretore The Oity Counoil of the City ot AuburJl do ordaill as tollows: Seotio11.1. That that oertain street generally known and oatled "Seoond Street S. E.", in the City ot A.b.rn, trom the easterly marginal line ot C Street S. E. to the.Wester17 marginal lina ot D street S. E. all ill the City ot Auburn, be and the same is h.reby laid ott, opened, extended and established Iver, UpOJl and acrlss the tlll.wing desoribed lot, blook, traot or parcel ot land situate in the City ot AuburJl, in the County ot K1-c, state ot Washington, alld more partioularly desoribed as tellews, tl-.1t: Lot Wo. torty-one (41) in Riverview Addition to Auburk, King Ccaunty, Washingtn. .. f Seotio1l 2. That all the lands, property, propert,. rights, r1ghts, privileges and other property desoribed in Seotio12. I here.t be, and the same are, hereby declared necessary, and the same be, and they are, hereby condemned, appropriated, damaged and takeJl by the City of Aubura for the purpose'S.et forth in this Ordinsl1oe, atter just oempensatiol1 baying first been made car paid into court for the owaers thereef. Seotion 3. That the elltire oost ot the. improvement, except compensation for legal servioes, provided tor herein shall be paid o. the immediate payment pla12. and sole17 bY' specia1 assessment on.the property specially be.efited, in the. manner provided by law, and that no part of such cost shall be paid trom the general '!und ot the C1tY' of Auburn, except compensation tor legal services connected therewith. Seotio]1'~ That the City Attorney be, and he is, hereby tulll' autheri.ed and directed to take the .ecesaary _teps tor suoh oon- demnatio:a, and to beti. and preseoute the actiellB alld preoeedi1lgB 1. the manner previaed by law, to ce.demJl, take, appropriate and damage the lands and other propertY', property rights, and privileges neoessary to oarry out the prlvisio~ of this Ird4...ce. Sectiou 5. That this Irdillanoe shall take ettect and be11n force :0. ve days frem and atter its passage, ~proval, and publicatio:R as required byblaw. -1 __ ~ !) .... , . j ~ . ~ I .at ;r II ~ I I \ 1IIL oj , . ' Intr.duced September 16, 1924 PasBed September 16, 1924. ApproTed September 16, .924 . ATTES!: , Ma7or. or TY CLEEUC. APPROVED AS TO liOEM. Publishea. ~.~ A~.'\{kVt,\.II, September 19, 1924. ~. . CITY ATTORDY