HomeMy WebLinkAbout540 .,. J :",~'; .",. ~ -- ~ ...:....rr. ORJtI~\A~~Q:E 1.~0.540." A"');\ ORJj)I11A1iOJ:, a,proving and contirming the assessment and the af',sessment r(}~l certified to the Oity Council &n the 2nd day e1' s.e.t~t1J.be:r ,-1924,bY the streets and A~leys Committeeand the 11ty :mtrgineer for the costs of the improvement in Local Inr,provement ~istriot ~o.69 in the City of AUburn, in ,ursuanoe ot Ordinance -ge..!7];3 Jassed March -1-8,.1924,and providing ter the diSIt.sition .t moneys c.~lected on said assessment. Whereas dUe notioe haS been given that "'J.~tions to the assess- ment and assessment ro~J: hereinatter mentioned WGuld be heard ad. considered by tIle City CGunc1l at the City Hall,AUbum,Washingten, en the 7th cSay ot octeber,l'924.at 8 oJ cloek P.M:. ,at W'hiCh time the City aouncil would meet to hear appea.ls and Objections or any and all persons claiming to be aggrieVed by said assessment; and Whereas the time for f1-ling Objections Qr taking an a])peaa baS Jassed and no Objections thereto have been so fi~ed; and Whereas the a i ty a cuneil has aaretul:Ly examined and considered suCh assessment and assessment roll and is n~ fu~1y advised in the premises;, "'f.OW, THERDOU, TEl1 CITY COU"J::ICIL OJ n-IJ: CI~ OJ AUBUR'~1 :10 OBIAI~ AS FOLLOWS: section~. ~t the assessment and assessment ro~l certitied t. the City Council on the -2nd. day.t Se"'Ptember, f -1924,bY the stree1B and Alleys Committee andCITy J:ngineer ot the City ot AUburn tor the costs ot the improvement ot all tnat ,ortiGn ot L street S.~.. 1n." the G-ity ~ *U~ .-.1 tu~te be1ilJeen~.J4i.\.111 ~ t.L..~ ~~t and the right or way of the 1;\orthern pacitio Ratlway 0 8IllJanY ~ by grading, paving and cUrbing said portion ot L street S .:1. and bY the construction in said portion ot L street S.:E.,-.n beth sides thereof,.t concrete and cement Sidewa-lkS,and by the doing of .ther work 1neidenta~ thereto, constituting Local ImJrevement ~istrtet 110.69 in the City ot AUburn, in laursuanoe of Ordinance ~O.5r1:3 .:t said City ot AUburn Jassed Maroh "18,"1:924,and the -levy and charge of the cost fit said imprevement as Shewn upon said assessment r.1:l. and therebY apportioned uPQn the adjoining, contiguous and a:pprox- imate ,lots and parcelS ot .land speciaJ:ly benefited, in acoordanee wi th the -laws of the S tate .t wash1I11ton and Ordinance -go..5l3 ot the City ot AUburn,are hereby apJreved and confirmed in al.l re- sJscts,and the Oity Treasurer is hereby directed to collect said assessment WhiCh may be paid without interest,pena1ty o~ c.st~ witl11n 30 daye after due notioe Shall have been given to the .-- ere of the property within said assessment distriot by pU~liea- tion in the manner provided by -J,;aw,and it said assessments be net ,aid within said 30 days tr.m the date 01' the first JU~l'icati.n ot said notice the same sha~l bear interest thereatter at the rate 01' 7 per cent per annum.. Section 2. TIle moneys oOl-JLected,!f.]lon said assessment,approved by tllis ordinance, are hereby order ^ to be placed in Local Improve- ment FUnd,~istrict ~..69,the special tund created by Ordinance ~.. .513,8.11'.1 all warrants drawn and bondS issued tor the payment ot said improvement Shall be issued en and payable only Gut or said improvement fund. . Section 3- ThiS Qrdinance shal.l take effect and be in teNe five days from and after its passage,apJreval and JUblioation ,. ..... ~ - . ..... . , ~"",-~~ T. ~ " "- ~... / .~ . '- . ~ as requ1re(J bylaw. Published Introduced October 7t1924. Bassed. october 7,192~. AP:Pr~Wed october :7.,1<)24. ~~~ /:) ,/cB ///7 1/ (/~/ ~-4" - "City Olerk. .A1!prove1 as to torm. ~It la:hMl</ october 9J~924. _Mayer. Attest: ~"ity AttGrney. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 rss. ) I, ___________A.__9_.__~~J:.J.~1:.~________, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a Illullicipal corporation of thethird class, situate in the County"orm:n~f;-13tate 61 W ashingtoii';-cro Ilere oy-certify -Uia:ntle roregolngls'a~ full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N 0.___~'!9__, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDINANCE ,--8.:.:JPXoYin€__and._cJmfirmi.ng the assessment and the assessment roll certified to the City . _ 9 _0_ ~ _cj.1_ _~ ~ _ _tJJ~ _ _ ~!!~_ _ g.9..1. _ 9%_ _ ?~_~~ ~~~ ~!'_'_ _ ~ ~_ ~~ _ _~~ _ _~l] ~ __ ~ ~!'_~~ :_~ _ ~_~ d Alleys Com~Jttee ann the City Engineer for the costs of the - i.m.pr JJ.Jle.!n.e.nt_ _i n... ..Lo.o.aL _lmp..rQy_e_rn~n:t_)2 Lertr JJ~ t_ JIg -"- _ Q ~ _ _! D_ _~t.!=_ _ g 1-_~Y of Auburn, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 513 pasBsd 1~rch 18, . _1..924..,_ -and - p.r.oviding_.f...a.r_ .t.he_..di-sp..o.s i..t..i on _ 01'_ _m9ne YJl_ CJ~.:1.J _EtQ.1;;~_C! on said assessment." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-------.---------------------------------------------------------------------. " ---r- further certify that said Ordinance No. __Q.49____ was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said 'rhe City of Auburn, and pub- ~~\,-.. -~ Jished al:! provided by law in The -.wash.in~on."CO.op.er.atD.r...--------- a weekly .....- -' ~, ~ ,~~wspaper- published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on --- 9th, October 24 the ----------------------___ day of --- --_________._____._________, A. D., 19___~. 'Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ____________ 8th November , 24 --------------- (lay of --__________________, A. D., 19____. (Signed) _____h_____________ __ City Clerk of the City of Auburn.