HomeMy WebLinkAbout542 . . t ""4 ,. ~ .... -: ORJr.,;A.li)J: l~O. 542. A\1 ORDI1:i.A:~OE,a})proving anli confirming the assessment and the assessment roll certified to tIle Oity Oouncil- on the 2nd day ot seratember,1924, by the streets and Alleys Committee and Oity :mng1- near for the costs or the improvement in Local Improvement >>is... trict \10.7'1 in the 01ty of AUburn, in pursuance ot Ordinance ~.. 515 passed. Harch -18,'1924,and providing tor the diSpOSition of moneys collected. on said assessment. Whereas due notice nas been given that Objections to the as- sessment and assessment rol-l hereinafter mentiGned would. be hgard and conSidered by tbe City Oouncll at the City Hall,Auburn, Washington,on the 7th day or october,1924,at 8 CPc-lock p.M.,at Wllich time tIle City Council would meet to hear appealS and objec- tiens ot any and all persons Claiming to be aggr1eved by said as- sessment; and Whereas the time tor tiling Objections or tak1ng an appeal nas passed and no Objections thereto have been so tlled; and Wllereas tIle City Council has caratul-ly examined and cons1der- ed such assessment and assessment roll and is tUlly adv1sed 1n tIle premises; l~OW, nmREFOR'E, ~Irm CITY COtTi\OIL OJ" TIm: CITY 0]' AUBUR11 :DO ORDAJ~ AS FOLLOWS: section -1. ~nat the assessment and assessment roll certitied to the City Counei"l on the 2nd day ot september,-l924, by tIle streets and Alleys, Committee and City Engineer ot the City ot AUburn tor the costs ot the improvement ot all that portion ot . street ~.~. in the City of AUburn situate between 1~in street East and see.nd street ~.~. by grading,Javing and curbing said portion ot 0 street ~.~. and by construoting in said Jortion ot 0 Street ~.E.,on bGth sides th~reot, conerete and cement sidewalkS,and by the doing or other work incidental therete,eonstituting Local Impro~~ment ~1s- trict ~'Sio. 7-1 in the city ot AUburn, in pursuance ot Ordinance 1\0. 515 of said City ot AUburn passed MarCh U3,l924.and th8levy and Charge ot the cost of said improvement as Shown upon said assess- ment roll and therebY a~portioned upon the adjoining, contiguous and approximate lots and parcelS otland special-1y benefited, in accordance with the laws ot the state ot WaShington and Ordinance 1~Q.515 ot the City ot AUburn, are hereby approved and confirmed in all respects, and the City ~reasurer is hereby directed to co~ l~ct said assessment WhiCh may be paid without interest,pena~ty or costs! wi thin 30 days after :!ue notice Shall have been given to the owners ot the property wi tll1n said assessment district by pUb- lication in the manner Jrovlded. by law', and if said assessments be not paid within said 30 days from the date of the tirst pUblica- tiQn st said nGt1ce the same Shall bear interest thereafter at the rate .r 7 ~r cent Jer annum. section 2. The moneys coll~cted upon said assessment, approved by tillS ordinance,are hereby ordered. to be placed in Local Im:pr.v&- ment FUnd, District ~~o. 7-1, the Special fund created. by ordinanoe 110. 5l5,and all warrants drawn and b<<lds issued for the payment ot sai d improvement snall be issued. on and payable only out Gt sal d improvement fund. section 3. ThiS ordinance Shall talee effect and be in force fiv.~ d.ays from an:! after its passage, approval and pUb-11ca.tion as ~1... _.." . '. ~ '. . ... . .~ . '-::.. required bylaw. Intro~uced October 7tl924. passed october 7,~92~. Approved october 7,~924. .. ~.cL/.MaYOr. AtteBt:~4 ,ll1ty lUerk.. .. Approved as totorm. ~~~.~ PUblished October 9,192~. . City Attorney. r' STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 ~ss. J I, h-_h-A!h~!._~_~~}_~~~hhh_____' the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o.__~~~___, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDINANCE ---~p~r-o-yj.llg_M(LJ~,QP.f.~r1A~Dg the assessment and the asseSsment rOll certified to the City IJo>.mcil "- - _Qn. _tb.a -2nd - !1aJl- ~ - Saptamher"J -ll24- -by - -'the. -Sue at.s-.and. .Allay s Committee and City ~r~ineer for the costs qf the improvement in - - _L9J::.aL _Im;p.rQ .'V_eJIlent. - Pist.rir:_t. _E Q~_ _7.1_ _iD_ _th~_ _ ~iJ~.Y _ _Q.! _ ~lJg J~D L_! n pursuance of Ordinance No. 515 passed March 18, 1924, and provid_ 'h -in€,'- -f ~-~i:e- d-is:p.G-s-i-t-1.()n-~--mene-y&- -e 0-1-1e*e4- -on- -sa.-i4 _ assessm en t . " ---------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- -------.------------------------------------------------------------------___e " I further certify that said Ordinance No, __~~gh_ was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said 'rhe City of Auburn, and pub- lished' as provided by law in The Y[~~.r~:!:.Dgt._Q!'1__QQ9.Q~r_~~9P___________ a weekly ,,- ~l~~~'Braper published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on (," - -./'-~ - '9th T' October 24. - -th~ -------~-----_--______h_ da~ of ---------__________'_________, A. D., 19____. "Witness my hand and the olTIcial seal of the City of Auburn, this ____________ : ';---:-~-~~~---- day of __I!9~~~~_~~____ ____, A. D., 19_~~_: (Signed) __________________ _~_ City Clerk of the City of Auburn,