HomeMy WebLinkAbout544 ..- ~~- . ., ORDI1~YClC ~O.544." A"); ORDrMl~:m approving and confirming the assessment and the assessment 1'01'1 certitied to tile City Counvil Qn the 2nd day of S8]ltember,1921J.,bY the streets and Alleys Oemmittee and Oity J:n- gineer tor the costs at the imprevement in Local ImJrovement >>1s- trict ~o. 7(3 in the Oity ot AUburn, in ]iursuance ot Ordinance lio. 522 passed ~ I ~- . .'1"921f.,and prOViding tor the diSllos1t1en or moneys coIrlCte1 on said assessment. Whereas {!ue not1ce has been g1ven t:nat Objections to the as- sessment and assessment roll here1nafter ment1ened w&u'ld be heard and considered by the City Counc1.1 at the City Hall,AUburn, Wash- ington,on the 7th day ot october,~1-92Jf+,at g o.ol.Ok P.ll..at Wh10h time the City Counc11 would meet to hear appealS and Objections or any and a11 persons claiming to be aggrieved by said assess- ment; and Whereas the time ror ti'11ng Gbj ectiens er tak1ng an aJpea1 haS pasSed and no Objections thereto have been so ri~ed; and Whereas the City Council :nas caretu11Y exa.m1ned and considered SUCh assessment and assessment 1'_1-1, and is now t'u:11y advised in the prem1ses; ~aw, ~~FORll, TEll CITY C OU'{~OIL OF TIrE CITY OJ AU:SUR1~ :10 OlD.AI11 AS FOLLOWS: sectio.n~. !hat the assessment and assessment ro~l certit1ed to tll,s City Councfl en the 2nd day 01' $Slttember,'1"921J..bY the streets and A11eys Committee and Oity llng1neer 01' the City ot AUburn tflr t:ne costs at the imprevement 01' all that portHm at second street l~.:m. in the City at AUburn Situate between AUburn Avenue and the east line produc~ southerly in a stra1ght ~ine or Lot ~~ in BlOCk H,Condict Addition to AUburn,bY ~ad.ing and ]laving said portion 01' seoond street ~.~.,and by the doing ot other work in- oidental thereto,oonstitut1ng Local Improvement :G.:tat':iot ~G. 7'3 1n the City or AUburn,in Jursuance ot Ordinance ~o.522 or said City ot AUburn passed C:'\-'''''- \ \: ~~ il'l-924,and the ,levy and charge or tlle cost ot saitl 1mJrovement as Shown upon said assess- ment r.l'J.; and therebY apportioned upon the adjoining, c</)ntiguous and a~Gpr.ximatelots and parcelS 01' ,land special'J.;y benetited,1n accordance with the Jaws of the state 01' Wash1nct.n and Ordinance 110.522 </)1' tIle City 01' AUburn,are hereby a~prGVed and contirmed in all respeotS,and the City ~easurer is herebY d1rected to coJ:1eet said assessment Which may be paid without 1nterest,penalty or costs within 30 days after due notioe Sha11 have been given to the ownerS 01' the property within said assessment district by JUbJ:1oa- tion in the manner prev1ded by 'laW,anc1 it said assessments be not paid within said 30 days front the date ot tile tirst pUb1ica- ti.n ot said notice the same sball bear interest thereafter at the rate ot 7 per cent Eer annum. section 2. The moneys col-lected upon said assessment, appreved bY thiS ordinanoe,are hereby ordered to be placed in Local Impreve- ment FUnd,District ~o.13,the special fund created by ordinance ~o.522,and all warrants d.rawn and bondS issued tor the payment .t said improvement Shall be issued en and payable only out at sai1- improvement tund., S action 3. This ordinance Shall take effect and be in toree five days from cmd after its passage, a},;proVal and JUb1ioation ...~ t,~. '- ... .. ~~ '. -- t' as required. by law. At t-3St: Introduced october 71~921J.. passed october 7,~92~. Approved october 7,~924. // --, '- ~ ~ ,~: .c~,Mayor. /t!;J.4.t~ .CUy ClEll'k. JU'hl:iehe1 Octoner A]lpr&Ved as to torm. ~~l('..hM,l q. -lq24. .City Attorney. STATE OF WASHINGTON. COUNTY OF KING, 1 ~ss. J I, uu_u~_.u~_.__~~_~~~~~u__u___u_, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o.__~~~u, of the ordinances of the said TI C.t fA b t.tl d "AN ORDINANTCE" anproviYl{l" and confirming the Ie 1 you urn, en 1 e 'tl..l -~ -----~~-------,,-----~-----=- asse3s~ent and the assess~ent roll certified to the ~ity ouncil on t h ~_ 2J1<i_A~Y__ Q f u ~~p_~ ~!T~~~r J_ _ ~ 9_~ ~ _ _12~ _ ~h ~ _ .?_~:r ~_~~ ~_ _ ~~~ _ ~~_~ ~ l_~ _ 9_~~~_~ t tee and City Engineer for the costs of the improvement in Local Improve- men t- 1) i-s-t-pi -Gt - - -N Q-.- -,73- -i n- -t he- - ~ i-ty. ~ of- -Au.);rldl'-ll J - -:i.-I=l- -:p-ut'.suanc.e-..{}f - nrd i- nance No. 522passed April 15. 1924, and providing for the dispo- s i Lien _ .o.f- - m.o-n ey-s - .c-o.l.l-ec t.ed - .on - .s.ai-d - as sas s man:l..- '! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " -------.---------------------------------------------------------------------. I further certify that said Ordinance No. ~j._~u___ was duly passed by the . COlllJ.ciI and approved by the Mayor of the said rrhe City of Auburn, and pub- lished as provided by law in The _!l_~~tjj)}g~_QDg_o_QP_e_~~~_Qr___________ a weekly new.:pJl.p.er published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on - ' ~ tl~ '~~.;~,--=-~~~-------------- clay of ___~~~_~~~~__,___u.__u__u_, A. D., 19~_~_. I 11 Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this u_u____u_ , _ -Bth November 24. ______u_u_____ day of ___u_________u____, A. D., 19__u.~-\ (Signed) _____n_____________ __,.._+uu_u_u_____ City Clerk of the City of Auburn.