HomeMy WebLinkAbout551 "-=-' '.':::~... $ . ~ ... ORDI1\Al1Cl: 110..55-1. '- . ~.. .-.-*-.-.-.-*-.-. ......... k:\ ORDL;A::CiO:S: adopting a bUdget for the City of AUburn for the year A.:J.,192;. The city Oouncil of the City of AUburn do ordain as follrms: seotion -1. That Jursuant to tile provisions of o hap tel' 1.58 ot the laws of washington of the year A.:J.1923, the Mayor of the Oity at AUburn has heretofore duly completed and placed on file with the City Olerk of the Oity of AUburn a preliminary budget for the yearl-925; tbat notioe was thereuJon dU-1Y JUb-1ished as required by -law stating that the :Mayor had comJletad and placed on fae such prel.iminary bu~et and that a cOJY wou1d be turn1shed any t8.XJayer WhO would call therefor at the office of the 01 ty C-lerk and that the oouncil of the 0 i ty of AUburn would meet on the tust Monday in october,~92~.at 8 olclock P.U.,for the JUI'Jose of tixtng the final bUdget and making the taxleV'ies and that any tax;payer might appear at such meeting and be heard for or against any pa:l:t ot such budget and deSignating the :p-].;ace of such meeting as the City :a:al-l- in the City ot AUburn,ICing County,Washington;;. that the Mayor of the Oi ty of AUburn duly provided a sutficient number ot oopies of said detailed and Jrel-iminary budget to meet the reason- able demandS of the tax:Payers theretor; tnat the City Counc1-:t ef the City ot AUburn ~ly met at the time and :tl-ace deSignated 1%1 said notice, on the first :Monday in october,-192lJ.,and tllat any and all taxpayers of the City ot AUburn were given tu-l-l opportunity to be heard for or against any part of such bUdget; that sucn hearing was concluded on said first Monday in october,1924; tllat at the conclusion of SUOh hearing said City Oounctl dUly fixed and determined eaoh item ot said budget se-,arately;: and that the items ot expenditures so tiXed and determined are now here adtqt- ad by thiS Ordinanoe and are as fo~~ows,to-wit: IYi'W.JUiST A\"~ SI1\I(Il1G Fm~ FOR GJI-f>J1RAL R.1:FmQI1~G :e0_8.. Interes. t on .8,000 at 51- .'81' cent :per annum,. qJJ.O.oo Reserve tor Sinking tund,- - - - - - - - - ~~~83~.90 Total- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t (To be raised by taxation on property in old -~1mits) rSXTJmE3 T AWJlJ SI1~r~G :rUl\D FOR litJ11IOIB\L BUIIJ)Il~G BO~S. Interest on t30,OOO at 5f Jer cent Jer annum,t1,575.oo Res erv-g for Sin1d.ng tund, - - - - - - - - -- $1. ,1..57 .6 3 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ , (TO be raised by taxation) I~TEREST ADD SI1\KI~G FU\~ FOR PARK: :eo~~. Inter~et on $15,000 at 6 per cent per annum, t 900.00. \ To be raised bY taxation) 2~27lJ..90 2,132.63 900.00 PARlC Fm.~. ca-Jital out-l..ay,tor acquiring,improving and 'beautifying a pUb-lie Jark, - ....-1.5,000.00 $-15,000.00 ( To be raised by sale ot 'bends) PRIMARY HI G'J:NlAY MAI't\ T%\:."\A1Dl: FU1U) .. VPke~ of primary highways,sa~aries & wages,! ~,ooO.oo Ji):xpense, _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <i 766.0,0, Total-, _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....1, 766.00 LIBRARY FU'iJ). salaries and vmges,- - - - - - - - -t ~,200.oo ~ '~"'"~. " (2') .. . .l , .,.. ., ~.., ' Maintenance and oJeration, - - - - - - - - -. 315a.00 CaJital outlay,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11a.217.~~ Total, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t 2,732.63 (To "be raised by taxation) WA TER FUlQ.. Ca:pital outlay,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10,,570.00 Maintenance and oJeration, - - - - - - - - - -~4, ('00.00 Redemption of emergenoy warrants,- - - - - ~OOO 00 Total,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .38..270.00 C URRl:-;;:\T :lXPJ:-~1SJl: Ftn.U)._ Finanee Officers and acoounts. salaries and wages,- - - - - - - i 8.50.00 Maintenance and oJeration, - - - - -150.00 *1,000.00 Offioe of City Clerk. salaries and wages , - - - - - - - fl, 675.00 .Maintenance and oJeration, - - - - # 700.00* 2, 375.GO Elections. Salaries an~wages,- - - - - - ~ -~ .50.00 l~intenanoe and oJeration,- - - - .100.00$ -150.00 City Euilding. Salaries and wages,- - - - - - - -$ Maintenanoe and o)erat i on, - - - - i Oa"1taJ; out-lay - - - - - - - - - -t ~, . Police Court. Salaries and wages, - - - - - - - 1 Maintenance and operation,- - - - City Eng1neer1s Ott1ee. Salaries and wages,- - - - - - - 1 ~J185.oo Maintenance and operation,- - - -100.400 caJital out'lay,- - - - - - - - - - 285.00$ -1,570.00 City Attorney1s Offioe. salaries aIld wages,- - - - - - - -I 900.00 Maintenanoe and 0) erati on, - - - - -100....00 CaJital out-lay,- - - - - - - - - - 450.00$ 1,450..00 Polioe ])$Jartment. salaries and wages,- - - - - - - 1 3,220.00 Maintenance and operation, - - - - 11-25.00$ 3,64;.00 Fire ~epartment. salaries and wages,- - - - - - - -j 900.00 Maintenance and oJeration,- - - - 3,11-50.00 Ca,ital outlay,- - - - - - - - - 630.00. 4,980.00 Inspection DeJartment. salaries and wages,- - - - - - - -t 950..00* 950.00 Health J!>eJartment. Salaries and wages,- - - - - - - 1 180.00 Maintenance and operation,- - - - 70.00# 2.50.00 sanitation ~epartment. Salaries and wages,- - - - - - - j 2,965.00 Maintenance and oJeration, - - - - 811-5.00 Capital OUt'lay,- - - - - - - - - -, -1,-1.50.00* 4,960.00 Highway ~epartment. galar1~s and wages,- - - - - - - j. 600.00 IvJail:ten~"1.c-a and o,eration,- - - -. 4-,150.00 CaJltal outlay,- - - - - - - - -1.50..00$ 4,900.00 Miscellaneous EXJense. (Maintenance and o:peration) FarkS,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~00.00 Estimated balance owing to water ~epartment Janua~J ~,~925,- - - - . Medical aid & Industrial Ins., , Eond premiums,- - - - - - - - - - f Refunds, - - - - - -- - - - - - - -f Other miscellaneous ~pense,- - - , 900.00 '1,500.00 lJ.oo.oot 2,800.00 lJ.oo.oo 50.00t 4-50..00 , 847.69 200.00 100.00 50.00 50a 00 $. -1 347 69 1_ - .'1 ~ . -' (3) . , 11 J:'" C- .. - . '.- . ...... . Total expenditures from CurlJent :lXJ?ense FUnd, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- $30,827.69;; That the estimated total recei}ts of all moneys to be }:'aid into the Current :s:xpense FUnd ot the 01 ty of AUburn during the year 1925 and 1ar1 ved from sources other than . taxation will amount to the sum of - - - - j .11~699.2.5; and that it will therefore be necessary to raise tlle sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - t19.-l28.1t1~ bY general taxation against all of the tax- able property situate within the present corporate limits of the City of AUburn with Which to ]!ay the currrent eX'jend1tures of said oity tor the year 192.5. Introduced octOber 7J~924. Bassed Ootober 7,~92lJ.. Approved octOber 7,~924. ~? ~~/ ~~C1ty Clerk. ~ :M:ayor . Attest: APproved as to form. ~~V.l.,..{"'~{ Pub-lished octOber 9,-1924. .City Attorne~