HomeMy WebLinkAbout552 -"-~:" . , ; . ~T. ~ '. o R D I ~ A ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 . 552 . :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: A~ ORDI~Al~E tiXing the amount ot tax levies necessary to raise the amount ot the estimated eX}.ienditures ot the City or AUburn tor the year '1;92;,less the total ot tl1e estimate<l. reve- nues from sources other than taxation including available sur- }'lUe,and SUCll expenditures as are to be met trom bond and war- rant issues, and the ex,snditures tor sa-lariea and wages,mainte- nance and oJeration and caJital outlay ot the JUblic -library Gt the City ot AUburn tor the yeaJ.~ -1.'925. Whereas the Gity Council ot tIle City ot AUburn has heretotore, Jursuant to the provisions ot ChaJter -J.;58 ot tIle Session Laws ot the state ot Washington tor the year -1923, duly fixed. and determ1n- e~l sSltarate-1y each item ot the bUdget ot the City of AUburn tor the year -1925 and by ordinance duly adoJted said bUdget as so fixed and determined; and Whereas the County Assessor of ICing County, WaShington, haS du- ~y certitied that the total assessed valuation of allot the ,roJ- erty situatt: within the present cor-porate -limits ot the City fId AUburn, as equalized and fiXed by the county and state :BoardS .~ Equalization for the year -1924' is tl,,821',756 and that the assess- ed. valuation of all ]lroJerty situate ,v1thin the corporate -limits of tJ:H~ city of AUburn as SUCh corporate -l1m1'te existed prior to the 5th day of December ,19-11t,as equa1izea. and fixed by the county and. state BoardS of :iqual1zation tor the year -1-92"" is the sum of $'1.-137)454;; and Whereas said budget heretofore fixed and determined and ado,t- ea. by Ordinance as aforesa1d :provided. for the tollowing expendll- tures during the year A.:D.-1925, viz: AS interest and sinking fund for genara-1 refunding bondS,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i2,27~.oo, a~l of whiCh is to be raised by taxation against the taxable }?roperty 8i tuate wi thin the o-ld or corporate limits of the Oity ot AUburn as such corporate 2im- 1 ts axis ted prior to the 5th day ot December, '19-~~;: As interest and sinking fund for municipal bui2d- 1ng bondS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -12,732.63, all of WI1ich is to be raised by taxation against all of the taxable property of the Oity of AUburn;: .. As interest and Sinking tund on .-15,000 park bonds,$ 900..00, allot Which is to be raised by taxation against all of tIle taxable Jro~erty of the City of AUburn; As sa-lari as and wages , maintenance and .,era ti on, and ca)ital out-lay ot and for the 1\1b'lic Library of the City of AUburn.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .2,732.63, allot WhiCh is to be raised by taxation against a~l of tl'J.e taxable property ot the City of AUburn; and Aa current e~enditures ot ,the City ot AUburn tor salari?s and wages,ma1ntenance and operation and caJ.;ijalt. out-lay. after deducting therefrom the estima- ted revenues of said city from sources otl:ler than taxation including available SU1'";P1US, - - - - - - - $-19,128.44-; 110W, T:H:E~FORE, the City Council ot the City of AUburn do ordain as follOWS: .~_ 11 t: -~ oj ;---; ~ ----~. . . ~. f ~- J $: . ,JI) ~ '. , ->W>- Section~. ~hat,in order to raise said sum of $2,274.00 as inter'21st and sin1c1ng tund for general re:t'und1ng bondS, there be and is hereby levied upon all of the real and :personal proJerty wi thin tile cOr:Pora te -l1m1ts ot the city of AUburn as SUCh cor- Jorate .limits existed. prior to the 5tIl day of l>ecember,'19'11-,as Shown uJon the assessments rol-ls of King county, Vlashington, tor the year A.:t>.'1921f+.,as equalized. and fiXed bY the county and. state :BoardS of Jilqual1zation, a tax of two (2) m11-1S on each and every dol.lar of the equalized. assessed. va.luat10n tllereot. S~ct1on 2~~hat,in order to raise said sum of .2,732.63 as in- terest and Simk1ng tund tor munici'8"l bU1-1.41ng bQnUJthere be.and is harebylev1ed upon all of the r~ and Jersonal JroJerty with- in the Jresent cor,poratel1m1 ts of the city of AUburn as Shown upon the assessment ro1-ls ot ICing county, Wash1ngtontfor the year A .:O.-192lf.., as equalized. and t1Xed bY_ the coun~y and S to. te :Boar~ of equalization,a tax of one and one-half C'l.t) mtl.ls on eaCh and every dollar of the equalized assessea. valuation thereof. Section 3. That,in ord.er to raise said sum of .900.00 as in- terest and sinking fUnd on .'15,000 park BondS, there be and is hereby ,levied upon all of the real and ]lersonal pro].lerty wi th1n the Jresent corporate -limits of the City of AUburn as ShOwn uJon tile assessment rollS of King county, WaShington, for the year AJ. '1924,aB equalized. and fixed by the county and state :BoardS of :I- qual1Zation,an~ ad.ditional tax Qt one-ha-lt (.fr) mil-l on each a nd every dollar of the equa'lized assessed valuation thereot. -----.. section 4. That, in order to raise said sum of .2,732.63 for the sUJJort of the pUblic Library of the city of AUburn,and ,ur- suant to the provisions ot ordinances ~.S.2Q; and 2813 of the Or- dinances of the City of AUburn, there be and is a.lso hereby -levi- ed. upon all of the real and persona'l JI'Olierty wi thin the :present corporate limits of the City or AUburn as Shown upon the assess- ment rollS ot Xing 0 oun ty J Was111ngt on, tor the year A.J).-1.'924, as e- qualized bY the County and state :Boards ~ :J:qua'lization.an addi- tional tax of one and one-half Coli) m11-1s on each and every d.l~ lar of the equalizea. assessed valuation thereGf. section 5- That, in order to raise said sum of 1-1-9-128.44 te aSSist in meeting the current eXJenditures ot the City ot AUburn for tile year A .D.,192;, there be and is also hereby -levied uJen al..l of the real and personal proJerty wi thin the :present cOrJorate -11m- its of tl1e City of AUburn as S110wn uJon the assessment ro-l-ls ot King Count y,wash1ngton, for the year A.J.'1-924,as equal1zed. and tixed. by the County and. State Board.a of llqual1zation,an addition- al tax ot ten and one-half (-l-Of) ml1.1S on eaCh and every dGl']a.r of the equalized assessed valuation thereof. Introduced octOber 7ta92~. passed OctOber 7,~92~. AJproved oct.b~r 7. rJ.-<} 24. - ~'/)~ ....~~ U~~:::=. . ,1myor. APproved as to torm. Pu~~1shed octOber 9,~~,\~.d Attest: .Ci ty Attorney.