HomeMy WebLinkAbout553 ~- _. " ;-J . / .- ,;. . ..., 553 OR:>>n:-\A-;:::I:r.: \\0. !:,-- ~ J -.-.. :-:-:-:-:-:-: A:- OR:DI\~A)~IJl:: 1froviding for the 1JlJrovement of that Jortion of 9th strGet i.~. situate between ~ ~treet J.~. and J. Itreat I.~., all in the ~ i ty ot AUburn, by tile grading, paving and crav-el-J.;ing of all of said portion of 9th itreet 1.:1. ,and the doing ot SUCh other w:,ork as may b'? necessarY,all according to tlle ~':lans and sJeo- iticat10ns on file with the tlity Clerk and in accordanoe wlth the . reso1Ution of intention Jroviding for Local ImJrovement >>lstrlot 110..8~; a}~roving and adol'ting said ~lans and s]lecifications;' ore- atine; Local Imlrov~ment :Jistrlct ~~o.d-;. creati~. !S LOCal Im~rovement :rund,:listrict 1~O...; ~roviding for the assessment ot the cost and ex}ense ot SUOh im~rovement u}on tIle }ro~erty of sai1 distrlct; and Jrov1ding for the ~ayment th?reot by bondS ot said district. The ~ it Y I ounc 11 of the "it Y of AUburn do ordain as fo llowS-: .action -1. That all that ~ortion of 9th Itreat It~'J situate between:J street 8.:1. and J itreet I.l:.,all in the lity of AUburn, be im}rOved bY tIle grad.ing)~aving an1 gravel'l.ing of all of said Jort1on of 9th street I.~.,and the d.oing of SUCh other work as Sbal.1. be necessary to ~~ro~erlY coml'lete said 1...1l:}rovement; all according to tIle ~lal1.8 and s~ecifications tor said i11rprovement pre~are1 bY tl19 ~ity :Engineer and now on tile in the office of the Sity 'lerk, and. in accordanoe with the reso~ution of intention ~rovi~ing tor Local Im-provement :Jistr1ct ~!~o.88 ~assed. bY tlle City'" lounc1l on OctOber 21.)"1.924-.. section 2.- That the ~lans and. s}ecifications for said im~rove- ment ~re}arsd bY the Q i ty :Il'lgineer and now on fi-le in t:CJ.e office of t113 e ity 'lark be, and tile same herebY are, a~i(@roVed and adopted. section 3- That the cost and expense ot said im1rOVement,lncaUd- iug all n~cessary and incid.ental eX)enses, Shall be borne bY and assessed. against the ~ro~erty inCluded in the assessment distrlct her~inafter created according to law. The City ot AUburn Shall not 'be liable in any manner for any :port ion of the cost and eX:;Hmse of said 1m;rovement ex.cept as herein ~rovided." i~ction 4. ~hat there is h,;?rebY established a local improvem.ent d.istrict to be called. Local Improvement ~lstrlct ~0.8l,W11ich sald district is describe1 as tollows: rAlI of the 1roJerty between the termini ot that Jortion ot said str~et Jr02ose1 to be im}roved as aforesaid, situate on the northerlY side of sai1 street ~ro?ose4 to De 1m~rov- e1 as aforesaid,abutting u~on,adjaCent,vicinal or JroX1mate to SUCh Jortion of said street to a d.istance back t'!:om the marginal line thereot as Jrov11ed bylaw-. iBction 5. ~hat said. im?rovement shall be mad.a bY the lity ot AUburn under th~ sUllerv1sion of t:'1.e .ity 'ounci-l tllereot or such cOr'..,Juittee or ]ersons an tll€~ ~ity touncil may deSignate. iBction 6. nlat there is herebY establlshed in the treasury ot t11'9 9 i ty of ~bUn1. a fund. to be Imown as "Local ImlDrovement J'Und., :Jistrict, -0,0.8&"; tllat all moneys laid. into the treasury of the 8ity of AUburn on account of the cost and eXJ9nse of im}rovements in said district Shall be }aid into and credited to said. ~d,and tha t all warrants dra\vn or issued 'by the t i ty of AUburn in Jay- ment for m~rovements in orex~enaes against said district shal~ "be 1rawn u1,on and :;:;ayable from. said fund.. .., ~/., '....;;J;fT..........'.... ~. .....;<; :. ~: ;; c~ "'!OJ ... '-1 -. ~rJ . {. ~ --- _4 ,.. S '3ction 7. ra;YT.J.snt for sai1 im~rovement Shall be made in the first instance bY warrants d.rawn u?on sa11 local im}rovement tund, Which warrants Shall bear interest at the rate of eight Jer cent per mlnum. Bond.8 bearing interest at the rate of seven Jer cent ~er ar~um Jayable on or betcre twelve years from the 1ate of 1s- suance srpll bS issued in 1a~uent of the cost and ex~ense of sald lm?ro~~ent,W}:lich b<l1dS shal-l be r9d.EH3med by the cOl-:Leation ot s~:.~cial assessments to 1Je levied. and assessed uJon the :pro!erty within said. district,~ayable in ten equal annual 1nstallments)w1th interest at the rate of seven ~er cent ~er annum,un1er the mode of "Pa;y1i.lent 'bY Bonds" as d..efined by law. section 8. Tile e i ty Treasurer Shall, ul'on recei}t of an assess- ment roll therefor"ublis'~. a notice in the ofticial newspaiier of the vity ot AUburn for two consecutive weekly issues that SUCh roll is in his handS for col'l.ect1on and. that any assessment there- on or any }ortion of any assessment may be }aid. at any tlme wi thin thirty days trom the date of the f1rst JUbl1cation of said. noticGJ without interest,~ena1.ty or cost,and that unJ.ess Jaym.ent be made wi tllin SUCh time the sum remaining unJaid thereafter may be Jaid in equal annual installm~nts, tIle number of WhiCh annual insta-J.-:L- ments Shall be two less tllan trJ.e number ot years said b<l1dS are to run, wit1l int9rest ~n the whole unba1d sum so Charged at the rate ot seven :per cent Jar annum,payable amluaJ:1y,an1eaCh year theat- tel' one ()f SUCh installments, togetl1er with interest dUe therecm. and on all installments thereafter to become due shall be collected ln t11e manner provided bylaw, and unless payment be ma1e at the time, SUCh installment or installments Shall bear interest at the rate of seven j.)er cent ~er annum an1 may be col.lected and tI1e lien thereof enforced in the manner provi1ed. bylaw. Section 9. ~lrther ~roviSion Shall be ma1e by the .ity Counoil tor the levy and collection of the assessments herein Jrovlded for and for the issuance ot sa11 bond.S in 2ayment of the cost and ex- ~ense of sai1 improvement, such ~rov1sion to be mad.e from time to time by ord1nance.- iectionlO. This or1inance Shall tak~ffect and be in toroe five d..ays from an1 after its ~assage,afPrOVal and pUb1.1cation as required bY law. IntrOdlJ.c.e1.. -l\oVember 'l81.-1.924-. pass91 '~ovemberl8,192q.. Approved \;oVembe8,1924-. _____7 /~~ F Mayor. Attest: t Ii ty GIerk.. A:;r~roved as to form.. ~_~" .+toILJ P4bliShed. ~o..-oer 20, '1.'92Jf... ~J'ity Attorney.