HomeMy WebLinkAbout556 -- ""--.. " o R :D I -f; A \~ 'l: -s 0 . 556. ._._~_._._._--*_. ......... A~; OJU:I;\.A0~~ ~rovid.lng for t1'l~ issuanc(~ of "bondS of Local Im- ~rovement lllstrict "(AO. 7-1', fixing the amount of SUCh bond issue~ also th0 date and denominations of SUC11 bondS,and ordering the de- livery ot such bandS. The tllty 00uncil of t:ne glty of AUburn.d.o orda1n as to-l-lowS: S:;;ction1. Tllatlocal im.,rovement bondS ot Local Il.1ijlrOV~m~n.t District }50.7-1 ot the '1ty ot AUburn be issued in the manner ana' . form provided by Ord1nance ~0.26~ of the Ordinances of th~ City ot AUburn relatinG to tIle issuance of .local lm]arov91~911t bondS tor and on 8.cco'Unt of t:i:l<? cost and. exp-ens~ of l:iakinG imE:rOV9r:lents Jrovid.ed. tor .oy Ol~dinance l~O.515 ot tlle ordinances ot t:rle lity ot AUburn creating Local ImJrovement :J1strict -{:'\0.11 ot said t1ty.. I~ction 2. That the total amount ot said. local im~rovement bondS~ to be lssue1 as in thiS ordir~nc0 ~rovided,is her~bY fix~ at the sum of ;...3 a-!> Jill. sal1 sum. ot $ 3 ~ h 3.~~ b9inc; the amount ot the cost aAd. ex-pehS9 of maldng th~ 'improvements to be :made by the ]:rovisions of said ordinance 1tO.5l5 :cemain1ng un-laid after .~ovem- ber '17,'1924.. S~ction 3. That said..bonds Shall be dated. :Jec~mber '10,'1924,Sha11 be in denominations of ; ~OO~ eaCh exc~pt the first numbered ot said bondS Whicl1 Shall be in the sum ot * ~.3."{ 7 . ,Shal'l bear int;?rest at the rate ot 7 ]ler c'?nt Jer annum.,}layable annually.and Shall have attaChed thereto inter~st couJons tor each interest ,ay- men t .' ,::r~."~ iPction 4. That tlH~ eity tlerl\: ot the 11ty ot Au.burn is herebY or1ered and. c1irected. to caus."" to be printed such bendS of Local Im- JroVeli1~r..t :District \}.0.7'1 and. that, uLJon execution thereof in the manner prescribed bylaw and. thl3 ordinances ot said city, said (Jity ~l'?'rl( be and. is hereby authorized to sell sa14 bendS and. deliver Such bon~ to the ~urchaser or Jt~chas~rs th~reof u}on pa~nent to said city of th~ amount or amounts of th0 ,rinci}al of such bond. or 'oond.S,tog9t11er with ~remi1.:l..'l':J.S and. accrued int€irest,it any.and. that thereupon the warrants of said Local Improvement ~istrict 00. 71 be retired,and that said lity Ilerk be and is also hereby author- ized to sell and 1eliver said bon1s at }a:r and accrued. int9r,?st" it any, in eXchange for and r9d'?ml~tlon of tI10 wal'rants drawn u:@on Local IT:!.L"rOV(7lr:'?nt :J\;l.nd, :District ';;0.7'1, of the local 1::~rovement funds of tl'::.S! $ i ty of AUburn, renlaining Un-ia11. Intro1uc'?1 and ]ja8Bed '.~ov':!mber '18,1924. Approved 'l'ovember '18,'1924. Att.:::st: A?2rov~d as to form. ~, ~~~~,.j Publisl"le1 ,..ovemb er /Lo Jl921~. --' ~ i ty Attorney..