HomeMy WebLinkAbout558 -.r""--- '';0'-:1;7<\ " "-.~ '"" . t --( 4- ~~ OR];) I -i~, A \'. 'l: -:~ 0 .. .5 .58 .. 4 l ; : - : -: - : -: -:-: A1\ OR:iDI-,:\k\i~ ilroviding for tIle issuance of bondS ot Local Im- ~~ov~ment ~istrict 10.73)fixing the amount o~ such bend issue also tIle date a:nd denominations of suCh bonds)al1d ordering t11~ dellve~.J" of 8UC1\ bend-S... The S:ty iouncil of t11e eity of AUburn do ordain as follOWS: S'~ction -1.. That local im.J?rovem.,ant bondS ot Local Improvement :Jistrict 1~o..7'3 of the iity et ^,rblirn be issued. in tl'ua mannsr and form. :~rovid.ed by Ordinance ~o .26-1. of tIle ordinances of the e i ty ot AUburn relating to t11e issuance of local improvement bondS for and on account of t11e cost and ex~ense of nlaking im]lrovemen.ts Jrovided for by Ordinance 1\0.-522 of the ordinances of tIl.e 6ity of AUburn creating Local Improvement :iistrict -00.73 of said ~i ty e. lection 2. That the total amount ot said local improv9ment bondS, to be issued. as in thiS or'.!inanc9 ,rovided) is hereby fixed at the sum of , I....J. ~ 9. ~'~ . said sum at $L3 ~ 0, ~....'t being tile amount ot the cost ande~oenSe~of mal<:ing the im}itovem.ents under the Jrovisions of said Ord.inance -!~0..522 remaining unpaid after -Sovember -17,19214-. $ sction 3- That said bendS Shall be 1ated liecember '10,'19214-, Shal:1 be in 19nominations ot tJ 0\) OQ.. each exce1t the first nUmbered 01' sai1. .0oo1.s W:'11Ch Shall b,e ~n the sum of $...1 '10. !J--'1 ,Shall b'ear interest at the rate of 7 li2r cent -per annum)]layab19 annually,and Shall have a~tached thereto interest couJons for eaCh int?rest payment. Gf:ctlon If... T'nat tile ilty I19rk of tl1'Z \iZlty at AUburn is h~r~y 01'- ~e1 and directed to cause to be printed such bonda of Local Im- provement District -'5.0.73 and. that, u}?on execution thereat in the rrJann,ar ~r8scribed "bylaw and the ordinances ot said city) said lity Il:lerl<: be and. is herebY authorized to sell said bondS an'.! de- liver such bendS to th,g purChaser or :purChasers thereot Wtlon J~Y- ment to said city ot the amoUllt or amounts ot the ,rinci~al ot such bond or b011S, together with j1lr'3miumB an'.! accrued interQst) it any, and t:n.a t thereUpon tIle warrants ot said Local I~rOV0ment Jistrict .~;,o_ 73 be retired)and that said lity Ilerk be and is alSo her-ebY au- thorized to sell and d.eliver said bondS at Jar and accrued interest, it any in exChange for and redemption of the warrants drawn uJon Local im~rovement Jund,~istrict '~0.7:3,of th~ local imF,roVement fundS of tllS Qity of AUburn)remain1ne unJaid.. Introduced and ~assed. -~ovember18)~92lf.. A}~J?roved. -;\ovem"ber -18,192lf... / A t test: Ii ty ilerk. A~Eroved as to for.m. ~~.I\l~.v..J --->hty Attorney. PubliShed \\ovember ~4-192lf... :Mayor.