HomeMy WebLinkAbout560 ~~:'~:'7",:~'" '.-^ "II .' ~~< '. "''''Wu:,y.~~ ~~"" ..,' . C~ P-b \ S f 1 .,. ....- 560 OR~I~A1i~ ~.~ ~ba :-:-:-:-:-:-: -:-: I!J'~-;~ OIaI-;.;\l~'!,relatingto an1 }r08Crlbing th91uti'?s of tIle i1ty w~,~: rlc ~~ tIle \IIi ~ ty of ,Auburn, fixing the. cOIiJensatlon of SUch 11 ty ~...~ rk,,,"n11'resvribint, When and how Sucn com.Jensatlon Shall be )aid. The iity 'ounc11 ot tIle li1ity of AUb1.1rn do ordain as fOllows: ~~ction '1. That t:ne e 1 ty Ilc,;rk Sha 11 perform. Such dUt1es as Shall b~ )rescribed by the laws an1 statutes of the State of WaSh- ington and by other or1ina~ces of the ~ity of AUburn; that,in ad- dition tllereto,it Shall be tll':? duty of tll~ eity Il';rlc to atten d to al~ of the detail work of collectin~ local im~roven9nt distr1ct and. other special assessments in the first 1nstance,to issue and deli V9r recei}ts for all moneys paic1 thereon, to kee::@ Jro~ If!r 'bOOkS and recQrds relatil'l.:;; to all ass9SSHlent rolls in the bandS of said lity I.lerk for cOJ:lection,to caus'?' to be }ostec1 and (or) PUblished all notices relat1~ to local im}rovement distr1ct and other s)eo- 1a.l assessments Which tllelaw Shall requ1re to be Josted and (or) JUb11shed,and to promltly }ay over to the 81ty Treasu.rer all mon- eys So collected. j I I f . lection 2. That it S1l8.11 be 'tIle duty of the ~ity IlfJrk of the ~"ity of AUburn to ma1nt~1n in tlle €eity IIa~lilor SUCh ot:'ner :p-l,a.ce ~~s t:r~e e i ty Council may from time to t1me l.esignate~an offic(~ for ~he transaction of the duties S}9cif1ed or referred to in seotion -~. 01' this ordinance, and to I{eeli said office olEm on all days 01' the fear (ex.es-,t lundays,iaturdaYS and HOlidays) from g olclock A.u. :Co 1-2:30 RMlOCk p.M.,and from 1:30 olclock P.M. to 5 olcloCk P. U., and. on saturdays ot tIle year (ex.ealt ho'l1(IPYS) 1'rJlm g 01 C10clc A.M. to l,"01C1oCk P.M. ,and that a notiee stating tIle hours W'hen .,said office Shall be O'pen as aforesaid. S1"J.8.11 at all times be ke-lt ,osted at the 9ntrance to said off1ce.. 'S 9ction 3.. That as com~ensation for the s'3rvices s~9cif1ed or I 9forr~1 to in thiS or11nance,th~ City ilerk of the ~ity at AU- f : Durn S1l8.11 r~c=ive the sum of One HU.ndred. and TWenty-Jive :Jol:J.;ars I (;'125.00) ~er month until the first Monday in J'Une,A.:D.l~25,and i ! Shall receiv~ the sum of One Hundred and J1tty :lollars (:r-150..oo) 1 8 ; :per month for the Jeriod beginnin.r:; on the first Monday in .rune, 1 ~.:. ~ A. :>>.,1925, and thereafter; th.a. t suCh. cOI\J.}ensation Shall be lta1d 1 [;,~; N monthly,on the day of the first ree;ular meeting of the 11ty 'Olm- Mi L:_ 0= c1-1 after the eXJirat10n of the month in WhiCh such serv1ces ShaJ;~ I 2: have been J:ertomed, by ~roJer warrants drawn upon the Treasurer of ~ l::l tl1.e Gity of AUburn; and that such warrants Shall be drawn uJon e1- t3 ~ t:ner the current eXJenSr.j fund or the wate~c :t\1nd of said. c1ty,as ~ ~ tlv:: City 'ounci-l may direct.. 'action Jf.. ~at all ord.inances o:t th'z e i ty at AUburn in cont~1ct wi t11 the Jrovisions ot this Ord1na.nce,and -partiCUlarly OI'd1l'l..anC0 '[:,0.-394 01' the Ordinances of sai d 'i ty, be, and the same are and is 11~'rE'bY reJealed.. "1' 'b: m'i t t~i11' illi ordiV1::1.'V1l.c'~ S.".,....11 taK~ l?l'fect and be 1n force ~ ect i on 5. ..na . J>i? .10....-.10. ,- .low. 1 ,;;~'-'--"'" - ---~--""----"- ~. ,~ F~ Y i { ..... -.. --..........,. .. ................ t i .' .~........,-" ., J7. '6 ,~..,-.<.'i',:"y,~~.\ .,>ji;)"~ "-...,'~, '~~ ~(~,........ ,,*1J"?"" '\-- t,_ .-- ....-,. ~.l~.,. ".,,,.~".."f.'\;;.-;-.;.:'./..',,!:j-.....~, flve days from and after its ~aBsale,a~}rOVal and-pub'l1cation as requ1r!?d bylaw. Attest: Introduc'3d and JaBsed. :Jecember --L'192lJ.. MJ'roved ]lee.. eJlI.b~e; ...1924... .- 0' ~ ~// M~ .=:.-~ Mayor. A}FroVe1 as to form. Published :Jecem'ber c;, II ~V In~ '~\ Ii ~, -'~ ~~t~(.\.-bJ.~__--J'itY Attorney. ~1924-. '. .. STATE OF WASHINGTON. COUNTY OF KING, ) ~ss. J I, uuu~~__~~_~~~_l_c:~.?:.u__uuh_u, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the toregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o._~~_~u_, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDIN ANCE !_,~~~_~~~~_~_ou~!l_~_P!:.~':-u__u scribing the duties of the City Clerk of the City of Auburn, , I; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fixing the compensation of such City Clerk, and prescriQing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- when and hos such compensation shall b paid." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------~---------------------------------- " -------.---------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... ~- I f)lrther certify that said Ordinance No. __~~~_u_ was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said rrhe City of Auburn, and pub- .. . . ViasLington Cooper a tor hsh~d ~s .p!'ovided by law, III The ____u_____________n____,nn_n___u a weekly . -.- .....~-.. - ll~w~r- published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation tl~erein, on c - ~. ~th. Dec ember 24. the ::-:.-____u____u__n___n__ day of ____u___uu___uu.___un__' A, D., 19____. _ ,Witness iny hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ___nn__u_ -- 20th Februc~y 25. (1ay of _n__uuun___ un' A. D" 19u__. ..J' (Signed) u________n_u_ __-'l_,,)>un___uu_u__u~__ City Clerk of the City of Auburn.