HomeMy WebLinkAbout561 f ~;cDno.'tr-"-""~'-, i . ....................;7.:.......,,' 1'\ J t. '-..~~~v. f i {;~ f" \1 1 "l'''~''n i f TIH~ iity 'ouncil of tll<? tity of AUburn do ord.a1n as fOllowS: "fIO Z"ct10n ,1. T~t tl19 C..it:'[_ Treasurer of th.a iity of AUb1..'lI'll s11all ..f:r:r~:;m s~c~ ~tles as sna'J.:l. be preecribed by the .laws and statutes OI tlJ.... Jto.t.. of TfaSl11ngton and by otl1er ordll"l..anc9s of tl1!3 Qiity' t: Au~~rn; ~~l1at ,in. a:1ition_ ther et;> , 1 t sl1all be the duty 0;- the u!y ~~u,~~r..,~ ~ 0 at.v ~lid to a.LI ,of t.rle detail w'ork of collecting water .: .~;tc;;;~s .l.u.. or }a:'labl: to tne Ii ty of AUb1.J.n'.. and all moneys dUe or !ia;ao:-e to said city lor water taJs and all oth!2:1' Lloneys due or !ay- ab....z. lnto the "water :rund" of said city,to issue and deliver JroJ- er r0c~iJts for all moneys so paid,to keej proJer accounts boOkS aI3-d recordS of all raatters relating to tl19 riatel' :aeJartment of the @l~Y of AUb1..'lrn,and to ~'?narally ~c}2!rfortl SUCh 1U.t1es relati~ to the llater l1f?~a1't:G.1ent of tll<? :::ity of AUburn as we1'e,Jrior to Januarj ..1st 19Z1,}iel'forrr..t':>d by the Sity 'lerk of said City. t S'?ction 2. That the lity Treasurer may a1lpoint a d6JUty tor WhOS-3 acts he and hiS 'bcn dsmen S:rSL1I be held r,gs~ons1b.le. ii'~ction 3- That notr.ing h',;Jrein contained Sball be construed as r'8quirir~ the eity Tr'Z~asurer to att<'nd to the detail work of c0-1- lect1nr; local inr~roV?ment d1strict and other sJ~cial assessments ",.'~_.".. in the first instan~:, and to issu.e and deliver recei)ts tor moneys ~ai1 thsr9on, or to }s:rfo:t'L1 any of t11~1'loJ.ties af)si~11.'z1 to t:rJ.e 11"y Ilerk 'by the ~rovisions of iection ,1 of Ordina.nc~ '5,0..-:S:.~~ of tl19 ordinances of tll'? iity of AUburn~1 section 14-. T"nat it Shall b~ th,' duty of t11e ~1ty Trl2usurer to maintain in th~ ~ity Hall an offics for the transaction of th~ dU- ties of his office, to k99:-? said office OJen on all 'lays ot the year (2XC2!t iiundaYS, saturdaYs and Holi dP-ys) from 8 0' clcok A.I!. to ll:30 Q1CloclcA.M.,and frol3ll2:30 olclock P.M. to 5 olclock P.M.. and on all $at~rdays of tt.:.e yaar ('3Xce~t HolidaYS) from g olclock A.M. tol o'clock P.M.; and. that a not1c~~ statine t11:3 hOurs Wh~l said. office snall b~ kept oJen as aforesaid Shall at all times be " " ke,t peste.d at th~ ?-ntranc~ to said. office. I.')ction 5. Tr..at tll?'ity Tr3asurer at tlH~ eity of AU'bUrr'J. Shal:l r?c?ive as com~en5ation for th? servic~s s~ecitied. or referred to m:d to l:9;!i':::rfoI'll181 bY hill'. as afor.9said tl1e sum. of On13 Hundred. and T\'Tt:Ylt~I-};'iv"e ]/011a1'5 (;~'l25.oo) pel' month until t110 first Monday in J'u.ne.A.:.;.1.925,a111 sr.all receiv t!1.~ 5UIrl. o~ One HUI,ldr'Sd al1.1 J1fty ~ollars ($'l50..00) }0r month for the ~ erio.a. -oeglr~1l~~ en tne1'1rst Mond.ay ~ June,A.~.~925)and thsrea~ter; tnat SUCD co~~ensation s11all ')e ;@aid monthly, on th~ day or t11~ first regular :m.9~ting 01' tt;i~ ~;ity ~ouncil af'ts}.' th? exlliration. of tlJ:9 Ilwnth tn Wllich such s'?:rvices Shall have '02'-:'>1:1 ;erforraed, bY -pro1i,sr wa:rl"a1l1.ts drawn upon tIle Treaen..1.rer of t}:l~ ~ i ty of AUburn; and tl1at such warrants riay b'~ drawn 1l"ioOn eitr~'~'r t11e ~urrent J:X~ens'~ Nnd or t:ne Water ]\tnd of said cfty,as the \tity Gouncil DJaY direct.. ;N;; ",.,-"","'_.. ",~~:-"',.-"'" .<>.'.--. ""^ I I , ' j 10 :,1 . l.t..1 i .,J I i l'~:.,; N Llt:"JN "): c,,- t i .,9 z' ~ o r.:;:i Cl:: t; 0 L&.J >- tn OJ ~ -. ---.... ".,.~-" -'lt~~~Jl~Q ,-(1;.6 11_ (.~ q tJ:. ' \.-1~b I ol\~ Ct-\f) I S I ~ '\\0. ~--. b l. 561 1_ ~"..- ~ '. .' ... , 'W f :J I ~~ A ")1 . :E :-:-:-:-:-:-:-: AY, Ol'\]JI~::A1(:~]; relatin.;~ to and Jrescribing the dutiAs of th~ , Treasurer ot tIle Uty of AUburn,1'ixing the conr.ensat10n 01' SUChity ~~ t;ai~~aSl,lrer, a"'1d prescrlbin~ When and. hOVi S1.lCll com-llensation Shall i?'ct10n 6. Tr..at all or1in;:.mc s of the Gity of Auburn in conflict . witll t11<:: provia iona of trJ.iS or'lil1a.nce, and ~articu.larlY Ordinance )0.395 of trr>e Or1inances of said ~1ty, b?:,an1 tll'? saLle 11,.:.:rebY are a.n~is r-0p Ealed., .'roo,,...-- , ~ ,..- ---."';":~-. -:. -- 1t..:...... <.. "f-::;: .... t! 41q'l . .. J- .. ..~ "'. " .... -'- .- '... ~~'ct10n 7. That thiS ordinanc:: Shall talce er'fsct 8.l1.i be in force fi v<:~ 1aye frOili.nd a:t'ter i te ~assa,e, alt:@roval and ]n.:tb11cation as rBquir'2 i by law._ Att:>st: rntroduc')d and Jaseed ~ecember Ai>}trOV-9d J;eCeriber ~::.--,1924., _, ~. 7 ~~~C~~;?~/ , . .~ ~~~e;A-' . tHy 8lerk. '< -," 1924 '.... . - . .- Mayor. APprOved as to form. pUblished lJ9cenlber ....., J ~J~ NX;!li~'"hlW . '-......) ,1924. .~, '1 ty Attorney.. ~ - =-eoUNTY OF KING, 1 rss. J STATE OF WASHINGTON, -'-"-""-_:::~;~-,.---- ....... it\ . .' .,..J"! A. C. Ballar d " I, ____________________________________, the duly elected, qualIfied and actmg City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N 0.___5_~~__, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled" AN ORDIN ANCE !'_~~_c:.~~~~_~_o__~~~_.P_~~!l_~~~_~i ng the duties of the City Treasurer of the Jity of Auburn, fixing _ ___________________________________4__________________-------------------- "til~ compensation of lliuch City '.l..reasurer, and prescrirjing when and how such compensation shall be paid." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " ~ ( 'f --~-------------------------------------~--------------------------------------- .-------.---------------------------------------------------------------------- I fUI:ther certify that said Ordinance No. __~~~____ ,vas duly passed by the Council ana approved by the Mayor of the said 'rhe City of Auburn, and pub- ~-l. h'~d'" ,'d db I .' Th Washington Cooperator kl __ _ IS e . as pI()Vl 0 Y aw m e ___n___ ________n______________n____ a wee y - newspap{ll' published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on '.. _ ,~. 4th . Dee ember 24 · the__:::-::._:-:-_____~________n__ (lay of ________.nn_.._____._________, A. D., 19n__. -:Witness l?y hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ------------ ____2:;~h_____ day of __:&:e?EuaD'-m----' A. D., 1iL2~_~ //) ~ /'4 /J (SIgned) _____,_______________~~-~, City Clerk of the City of Auburn.