HomeMy WebLinkAbout562 R ~;~~~.~7:1'(;;;;p z;".!~_",:,~':_(:'?P "; . ~"~;Jj\'};",\;~,, ... QI- Q '--if- C ~C \.. Q,,-';\ Ci2D l'th' .) \~).-. ~ ~ (, OR:>>I jA-,,\C:I -,'\ 0 . -S-& ~ A-_C, O~r-IS\A_;C::l; d.eClarlni~ it t 0 b~ unlawf'111 tor any :..~erson to O"jsrate or drive any vehicle, or anLml u}on any 1i..1''olic street, highway,alley or otller }l:lblic Jlace \vi thin the cor}}orat'::) 11n1 ts ot' tlJ.:? City of AUburn, Wh811 in an intoxicate:1 condit1on,and ,ro- vi1iu" -;,c;malt1es for violations hf~reof. >...;1 ..... The City Council of t}H~ City of AUb:),rn do ordain as follows: lection1. Tilat it Shall ;)e unlawful for an,y 811son to o}Jerate or 1rl va an,y autoriobile,l.lotor vehicle, otl10r vehicl,~ or aniJ:.tal u}on an,V ~ub11c street,hi~hway,al1ey.or other Juo1ic place w1thtn tIle cor}orate 1blits of t::;e 01 ty of AUburn,at a tinle Wll?l1 SUCh }'2rSOn Shall b~= in an intoxicated. condition._ Z\:,ction 2. That any jerson ,V-ilO Shall violate the }rovisions of iection'l of this Ordinance Shall be de~9d ~ui1ty of a misdeaean- er and uJon conviction thereot' Shall be Junishe1 by a fine of not mor~ than two hundred and fifty dollars (~2'O.OO) or by i~}rlSon- 111€mt for a terTii of not :-,lOre tl18.n sixty (60) 1ays, or by botll su.ch f1nB and i11}risorlJ1ent.. ~~ction 3- Tri1s ord.1nanc2 Shall take eff9ct and b~ in force fiv'''' days from an1 after its >aSf)age,a",~~rova1 and pUblication as dE-,tined by law.. Introdu.ced :~~~~8riber 2,-1924. Pass 13,1 :iec~ ember 2,,1924. A-,"-;,;ra"coA -"'~",:J.]'n),;;;r 2 -192" .i!;;!' V.~""..l. oW',." ':-~I.., , "t'. ~\ ---:-:'7 / . ,.0 U /~~/<. , Mayor.- Attsst: City Cl,erl{. Publls11ed ]locer:aber 4,1924. A}}roved as to form. ~ (\) i'-f - {i " r-- , ~1-i~lI-h~ ~ ):)'f "U0i ~ -q . '\ - ,\ ' ,-~h"',Ar \\, " ;, :i II