HomeMy WebLinkAbout563 ~~"CC''Wl'~'- - .f'. . ~"'"~':.~~', .-";'.~~?i'r;<:~..;;'.~'.:'\,}:7'~"'.- ~"~" ':";': '.~ ~ .,.-:._- .... '~.... Q R :J I '{:. A '0\ i II -;. 0 . -5.6.3.- :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: C, A,\ ORJJI-;r.!S;I:i: :prov1~1ng for tl1~ iJn2rOVer.l.~nt of tha t -~ortiol'l of S ~con_d :;trEL t i .ll. s i tua te betwe'~n H S trget S .ll. and J-.tr.o<3';' I II a~d tnat ~ort1~n of I Itre~t S.ll. situate between Second &tr~et.l:i. a.l..d J~urt".. Itr"et. S.:I. ,a~l in the ~1ty of AUburn.by the grading Javi~G and cUrbing of sald }ort10n of l'2:cOn1 street I.ll. and by'thA c~ns iI~J.ct1ng of a concrete and cement sidewalk on tl.Le souther.ly side o~ sal~ portion of $9Con1 Itr?0t I.ll. ,and by the grading,paving and Ct.rbing of said :;tortion of I stre~t S .ll. and bY the cor.struct1ng of concrete and cement sidewalkS on both sides at' said ,ortion of I St~?9t Z.::.,and the doing of sUCh other work as may be neoessarJ, aL.. according to tIle ~lans and s}'9Cif1cations on rile with the .i t:v Clsrl{ and in accor~nc9 witll the resolution of intention ,roV1ding~ for Local Im~r?Vem9nt ~istrict ~0.8'; ap~roving and ado~ting said Jlans and s,eclt1cations; creating Local Improvement :aistrict 1~0. 8'; creatir~ LffOal IDl}raveruent :rund,:iistrict '~iO.~; JlroV1ding for tlU; assessment of t119 cost and gx-pens~ of SUCll im,rovement Ulon the pr02erty at said district; and lroViding for the Jayment thereof by 'bonds ot said district.. 'fr..e ~i ty e oUl1cil of tiLE!! Q i ty of AUburn do ordain as tollowS: Section~. That all that )ortion of Second itreet I.~. situate between H street S.~. and J street I.~.,and all that }ortion ot I Itr~et i.li. situate between iecond street I.ll.and Jourth street i.];.,all 1n th~ iity of AUburn)be im:iiroved. by the gradi11g,pavinc; and cUl"'bing of said portion of Second street 1.:1:. and 'bY the con- structing of a concl'ete and cement sidgwalk on tlle south~rly side of said portion of leaGnd .treet I.~.,and bY the grading,Javing and CUrbing of said. ~ort1on of I Itr~et I.~. and bY the constructin& of concrete an1 c,ement sid.mvalkS on both sides of said }ortion ot I str-?f>t S .:E.,and tl18 d.oing of SUCh other work as may l)'~ necessary to j?roperlY complete said improvement; all acording to the J.~ans and a~13cifications for saii im:provement ,repared by the t1ty l11'1&1- neer and now on file in the offic? of the oity elerk,and in aocor- 1anC2 with the resolution of intention Jroviding for Local Improve- ment ~istrict \~0.8!f ~assed 'bY the ~ i ty eouncil on octOber 21,1921J... lection 2. That tlle Jlans and Sl1lecifications for said im.Jrove- ment prepared. bY tlle Iility llngineer and now on file in tlH~ office of tlls City ~li::rk be, and t11e sa;rie herebY are,a~proved and adoJted. S ';~C t ion 3- Tha t tl'l e c C13 t and exp ens e of sa. i d im]l rov ament, 1no-lud- ing all necessary and incidental 'eAl~enses, Shall 1)';;> borne bY and ass:::sse1 against t~l(~ pro!erty included. in the assessment district hereinafter created according to .law. ~.e ~ity of AUbun1 shal~ not "be liable in any manner for any -port ion of t~(1e cost an1 expense at said i~;rovement 9x~e)t as herein ~rovided. section ~. That there is hereby establiShed. a local iffiJrOTement d.istr1ct to be called. Local I~provement ~1strict ~o.~,~nich said district is 1~scribed as follOWS: "All of tlle IJroj?erty betW?9n the t'3rmin1 at' those portions of sat:!. ~-;tr'~.'3ts -pro}:,os '~1 to I:)e im,roved as aforesaid,si tuate oneacfl sid9 thereof, a.outt ing Ullon) adjacent, vicinal or !rox- imate to SUC11 }ortions of said streets to a distar..c:: back from. t~..e rr.arginal lines t11?reof as provided bylaw". i'~~ction .5. T11at said irn:...rov'~ment sllall .oe made by tIle 6ity ...-- ~~ of Au.burn unc10r the su.pervision of tl1f~, iity 101111Cil tller~of or BUCll committ0:3 or p0l'SOns as tl18 City eouncl1 LlaY designate. sc:ction 6. Tha: t:r~ere is hey,?bY 0stabliSl1ed. in tl.L9 tr,easuT.V ot tile Gi ty of AUburn a fuud to "be lmown as "Local Improvement :rund, ......- '\" '7 ",/" , ' - ~ . , ,. .-'" ... ~istrict i\0.8~u; that all moneys ?aid into th~ treasu~ ot tho lit o~ o~UbU:n ..on ~ccount of the cost and exjeIlse of im}rOVemBnts in sald 11~;\.Iricv sJ.lalJ. be Eaid into and. cr?1ited to said tund and that all- warr~~~ts drawn or issued by tIle ~ i ty of AUburn in ~a~ent for :Un- ~:rov';'.u~nts in or '2'~X:2gl1S0S against said ~'listrict Shall l)e draWl"! u.eon and i'ayabl~ from said fund.- . '" ~ S,:ction 7.- Paym~r...t tor said im}!rovement shall be Inade 1n the f.l.rs." inetanca bY wa:trants drawn u~J en said local 1mln'ov'~ment tund, W'nicl1 vrar:rant~ ,Shall bearil.1:t.~I'E-:,st at tIle rate of ~1eht 1.ler cent ~.31r annum. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of seven Jar cen~er a:mum }ayablz~ on. orb~torc:' twelv~ y9ars tram tl1.e :t~~ ot_.j..tl~i ~A ~llall ~.? ,issued ~n jaynl?nt of tl"lf! cost and e~~~', W!l~c~ti1\a!Ml.l Of' red,;'.~med by tJ.10 collection at Sl;)"2, cial af3s<?sslne~ts to be leviM and assf;ssed ui'on tlle }rOp'2rty witllin said district,l:layable in ten equal annual installments, wi tll int:~r'2st at the rate of seven ller c,:mt ~el' annum, under tIle mod;~ of l'Payment by :sondS" an defin,~d lfIJ law.., $'?:ction 8. T~1e ~ity Tr2asurer Shall, U210n receipt ot an assess- ment roll theretor,JUbliSh a notice ~ the otficial news~aper of tIle O:Lty of AUburn tor two consecutiv'2 w'?ekly issues tha,t SUCh roll is in his l1ands for Collection and tlJa t any ass'~SBment there- on or any -portion ot any assessment may 'be. :aid at any time wi thin t111rty days from tlle date at tlle :first ~ublication of said notice. witlloUt intsrest,:@0nalty or cost,and tl1at unless yayment be mad.e wi tllin such tim.e tIle s',un remaining unIJa.id thel"eafter may be ~aid in equal alIDual installm.ents, tlJ.e number of wIJ.iCh annualinstal,l.... ments SlJ.all bE! two less than t119 num.ber of years said bonds are. to run,w1th int~rest on the Whole unpaid sum So cnaried at the rate of seven 191' c'2nt iCier annum, :@ayab19 annually) and eacll year thereaf'er on';: of Silcrl installnlents, togethel' wi tll interest dUe thereon and on all installments thereafter to -oecame dUe shall be col.l.ected. in the mar.ner :i9rovi d'3d bylaW ,and unless jayment be made at the time) such installment or installments Sllall bear interest at tile rate of seven Jar cent l'er annum. and may "be col-lected and. the lien thereot ent6ro- ed in ttJ.8 manner ~rovided bylaw.. section 9.. :rurther ,rovision Shall be made by the Ii ty 'OlmcU for ttJ.e levy and col~ection of tlJ.e assessments herein Jrov1de4 tor and tor the issuance of said bondS 1n :payment 01' the cost and ex- Jense of said 1InJrQVement, SUCh Jrov1sion to be made tram. t1m.e to t1m.e by ord1nance.. ' I act1 on .1Q. ThiS ord1nanoe Shall take effec t and be in t01'O:e fivel days from. and atter its Jassage,aJJroval and JUbl1cation a.I required by ,law.. i- Introduced -bl'''{ ~'F'..,h~ ~ J'l9d. passed b.,,,! 'I.I\"'^' ~ ~ ~-I92~. AJlroved .. - -l92+. ~L JMayor. Attest: .i ty 'leF:k. AJJroved as to form. W_A~~~~ R1.b1ished ~'\..J'V' '1 J'192.!i.. t '1ty Attorney..