HomeMy WebLinkAbout564 . '/1"'''-; .,'~ "'''''';''''(;:;:~;l\f4'~~:~,;~j';''~'~~'f",~~~t~~_~-1:\"~(:\~?{~rr~-(;!1s::~:'{,~,~,~' ".:~ ,;,.,.':^)""":,>.+;,~p"t'.,, " ,';;',,' r .,.. ,iI.. . '---:- I' . R :J I .' A. C ); " . '* 561~.. :-:-:-: -:-:-:-: A:. QKU }..'C:r;; aTH'oV.1n'? a'l" A c(}nfi """"1' t. ..... . ..' , ", ' '. .... "..oJ"'~" ......i;~ ' '- 0""'1 c.' ,,-, .,,--.,...... t at)S':'8S;,:~:?nt r'!'l'l. c..~'-'tifi."'rl to t...l.... c't 'cl'li. .1;1- uus"SS_tlut and the -- ..... ....,.., 1 ...' ~ ,~ 0']"'0 1 t' ,. ~}~"(>"" I)'" 1024"" t'. .", -:.... 'I..J r.u.. - on 1:1-9 2n1 1a'T -:t ~.. ....~.. ~.",...)? ,Of ne rhtr':';:ts an1 Al10yS Co::t::1itt',,:> and Citi ;;'." lei n.:.L. ol. ~r tI1B costs Gt the i:il)r.V'3~iiSnt in LQC~l i.:;. .' CT' ":' Y ....J.1a;i- tX1ct ")~Q. 74 in tl12 Ci tv or Au.burn in . .., C1.i~ A};@V,..JiG.._nt :J~s- 523 -~ass"34 ~v_.. ,lursua.1C tit .rdinance \,\0. "" . __.. -S .1,21f.,and -~r.vid1 0' tor thO. ' of ktQn8~/a c31le ti;1d ~n saiA a6t:1,;.:.aaY:I~..,..,t ng -.. diSJosit1ol1 a. v,,", """DO..._.......... .. . '''''',q Wh;~eas C' ~~ ~~~iC,?,< has. ~:e~ ciTen that object1ons t~ th~ assess- ;;~~i~:~':'~~~}~ .,StS:';~J.lct . rtQllc'. .J.l,:.';r'~lnaftf:ilr ;~.'::'ntioll;~d W@U11b'P:h::!ardand :,.:... '>.1.. DY He 1 y Q"ioU1.cil at tIle City Hal-l,A'i.l."burn, Tfashingten " Oe.?tll'~ ~tJl day of ~anu~ry,1925,at S a1clocJr p.M.,at "V'"n1ch t1l19 ) t~~,. clt./~Qu.."1Cil W~Llld }'4?et tQ 1!.':1ar aplH:.alS and objQcti@ns ot aror a.,1 all ~fi.;.rs.ns Clairtin,\L to :Y::o. ai.;;gl"'iev:-;;1 'oy said aSS7.:iSSlti:ant; and . Yi11'::r;;;as tl1'? tU2 tor filin,z ebjE1ctilins er takin,z an a~'H:al has ~asa:.:d and no obj'?;ctiQnS th:.~r':?;tQ IlaV.2 b'~'::n SCi tilc:~d; and...... ~ereas the City CQuncil has car8~ully exrn~ined and ccnsi1er~d Sucn aGB'3ssliH.mt and ass';:.:ssraqnt r~l'1- and. is nGVl :t'Ully a1vis'3d in the ~ r '3]";.1 s ~~s ; . ';;,OTf) TI-D:;I1.]i]QItil, TIIlI CITY C'DU...CIL 0]' Tltii CITY './I]' AUJ3UR^,; :Iii 9:!t1AI'l A~ F~LL'Wi: - ~ . i~ct1on ,1. T11at tr1::;' aSS?;SS1i'\.:2mt and ass'0SSl"i';:;nt rGll c?rtifiad te tu'? City Cfiunc11 ~n tIle 2n1 day Gf ]).gc9rib~r)1'24)1JY tIle itre'::.:te and Alleys C-.:l:,;:"litt:';'2 and city J;Ili1nser \it tIle City ~f AUbu.rn I'er the c~sts '!if tIlt; Utlr.ve~ent ~t all tlJat ~Qrtion @f J ~tr3<~t 1.:I:.1n the City Qf AUburn situate b~t,veSll ~3'Hmd itr<?!.:1t S..~. and j'@urth itr8':3t Ii .]i. 1n said. City oy tlv:\ eJ;'a11nz~~avinr; and curbi~ (if said. ~q,rt1.n ~f J ;;;tr~(2t ~ .:At. m:1 'by thre dQin.~: oI' eth~~r Yfork 1ncidental therat., clinsti tutinz LQcal Iapr&V,:r2i:'l1t :Jistr1ct 'j{j). 74. in t11:? City. of AUburn, in pursuanc:; of @rdi!k1.l1.c:" '::0.523 o:t~ said. City }aSS'31 ~ il~_L.~- , '1-924, an'i tl;.'" If;;VY aD1 cllarg';: ot tl'../' cost ~f said. iJ'll]r~as , SllVW11 ullon said ass~?ss:;tsnt r@ll &."1d. tll'c:rGby a)]ort:Lon~1 u:;":Jon thiad- joining, contigu.QuS an1 ayiroxLtate llilts and llarc:~ls otland 8'80- ially -:J(:::n'::.:ti t.ed., in a(~COrdallc~' wi t11 the laws Qt th0 itat.e ef Wash- 1ne;tQn and irdinanc;~ '~~o~523 Qf tl18 City of AUburn,are 11'2rebY a}- ]lrov'-d and cQnfimea. in all re:s}-$ects ~ and. tll(3 City Tr(:3asur.?r is heJ:'0- "tJV d.irr:1ote1 to collect said ass:)SS}L'?nt WlYliCll .i.ay be :@ai1 with&ut iilt el";;st ,jl:.malty Qr CQsts wi t:nin 3~ d.ays al't3T (tile notice Shal-l 112.V::>' l)?J;m g1 ven to t:n2 Qwns'rs c;f the jre>]1 i::;rty wi tllin said. aser~SS- Hl.;mt distr1ct by X'J.'olicati~,m in ti19 ::.mnn.:.:;l" 1r~vi1~;1 by 1a\V', and. if C10'; A ~!.,q,.',~!S-','<"'1ts '1', n""t -,.aid witll1n said 3~~ davS f'rQ]1 tile date of Q"-"".-.... .....,~)I... .--ft".}.... ~....._..... '"", ... \lIiI J.,. ,. tilfl first :eu'bl1catiol1 ,~f said n~tice tL.C:: sai,,:~ s11all bear inter9st th0reafter at the rate ~f 7 j~r cent ~er altnun. j;v'cti.m 2. 'D1") ;!loneys C~ll'::ct:':d. u}C.ln said aBs::'ss;.F:nt,ai~jrQVea. bY tl-,H~ Grdinanc'~', ar? 11:c,T'?bY Qrd:3re1 to b:;-: 1~lac';:;1 in Local IJl~rQV?;- ::':"l1t ?:lnd Jistrict '~;,Q.7lJ.,t11e s},)'?cial :t\1.n1 cr':;:ate1"oy ordinanc'? .~.. 523 and ail warrants draml an.1 btin1S issu-;:d for t:r1(.i! :.!a;YTl.'C::l1t tif saii ~~~'ov.:;:unt Shall 'i):) issue.d on and paya'bli;? only ~ut ~f said lQcaJ.- i:;,'lJ r av '3:.:.",--m t fun1. :;:'ction 3- Tl1iS'}r11nance sr-J.all tal{'? '~l'f;;ct and -O':~ in foro3 fiv~ 1ayS frQ]l and ai'tf2r its ;assa~~J ~ a}~j!rQval ani }}Ublication aB requ1red "bY law. - "'--"--:--~~1~' -.~ ;,,~........~..., '~7,;';-:;~_:~~:,~ '~'-':6~fW~,~?~?~~~~,;!~.~~,?tF'!;r):__:'~}-;:' '(' , ~ ~ . '~4.4 '\ ~ '~ I ntrGld"'IoitC'~a. Ja::aury ~i, '192.5. Pass::d J8.l1Uary lit 1r)25.. A~~rQV~d J~~u.aryJi,~'25. /d~~. / ~ ~ Att:"st: I /' ,/,./ ~ ,,/7, ~ I / ,,( ~a J' u;L- Z?J( ~ _____.:__~_ ------.---J CITY CUm\:.. . .X A Y" It. Ai~;roV:1 as to f~n. I .S- PUblished January ~,1925. !\ ~~),{~,~. , , Att:<Jrney~ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 _ ~ss. J - .-..,--,-'--- -~''-~ '" , ~~ A.C. Ballard I, ____________________________________, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the toregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o._.?_~~___, of the ordinances of the said Th C'tv fA b t'tl d "AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming e theO as~euJ~inWn~ eand the asse~srrlent-r-olr-cer-'t1.Yfea.--;E'o--th-e- City Council on the 2nd day of December, 1924 by the . - - - - - str -e-e-t s- -a;nd- -Al-teyg- - C'Ol'runi:tt e e- -afia -Ci--Cy- 'Eng-rne1IT - 10'1'- 't'he- -- costs of the improvement in Local Improver.lent District - - - - - f-.le -; - -74 - -in - -th e- --e i ty - of - ;\u-b urn-,- - in - pur s ttan c-e - of -QTd: i nanc-c-- No. 523 passed April 15, 1924, and proviainc for the . - - - - - 4-is po-s i-t-i-e-n--ef- -me-ney-s--s-o-l-le e-t-ea- -(7 H- -s-ai -d - frS-se-frGB-Je-!+ t...J!.. - - --- I, " '_ T further~certify that said Ordinance No. __Q6~____ was duly passed by the . Council-and approved by the Mayor of tlw said 'rhe City of Auburn, and pub- .' Washington Cooperator - lished a,!?jlrovided by law in The ________ ______________________________ a weekly new~pal~~l=.- published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on __-1.5th. January 25. the _________________________ (lay of _____________________________, A, D., 19____. Wihiess my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ____________ 25th February 25. _______________ <'lay of ____________________, A. D" 19____. (Signed) - _ - _ __ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _.1_ City Clerk of the City of Auburn.