HomeMy WebLinkAbout573 .... p. - ~,...-;. ~ / .~ h ~ -tg C~:i~ '" ~;.:.. ~ D'''"il = , 1t :J I -~ A 11 C 11 5~3~ 1..-73 -~ 6.....) . .~ ....~ ,.. ~ ;.,. ~ -=--- .. -. -. - " -. - ..:- . --. . . . . ;,:;.,. ... . .. - - ~ - A~ '~I~A~C~ ,roYi11n& for the issuance of bonds of Local I.- :prQyp.~l~nt :Jistriat ~Q. 76~ fixin;;; the aJlGunt at such bon1 i6sue"a-lse ;the date and denoainatiol~ of ~uCh bQ1dS,and orderir~ delivery Gt S-IlCil 1) en dfJ. !" "" ~ ~ .- Tile City Council af:'~he Oi ty ,,1' Aliburn do Qrdain as fEtl],.O\1S: .. ~. ~. .. ~ ~ iection l. That local i.,rove.ent o$n&8 at Local I.preV9~ent Jistrict ~o.76 of the City of AUburn be issued in th~ aron1e~ and fQrn ~r0vid~1 by 'rdinance -~9.... 26:l=.of'- the Qrd1-n.anc;tts..otA t11~-i~ty~'~ ~ '" of AUburn r~n~tinz t'o the issuanG~ of local 111,rovement bOl1dS for and, on account of the cast and eX1anse ~f makinc i~~rovea~nta pro- ~. vidf'd fer by ordinance "ft,o .527 of' the or1inanc~s of' the 01 ty of Aupurn"craatingLocal IIpr&V9Dent :Jistrict ~~.767et*said c~ty., Sqction 2.. That tl1e total amount of ~said local iaJrov8Bent ~ - bo~ds to; be 1asaad as i~ this ordfnanc~ pr,ovided is heraby f'ixed~ ~ at '"tIle BUD t!t, ,'1-','17.t8,said sma Q~t *1'~.'17.'8 beil,g thS aJlGu.nt of the Gost and eJeJense of' :'laking the ill.prove_ents under the Jro,,:, visions of sa1d ,ord1nanap ~Q.~21. reD.ainin,; unJaid after :iabl"'loilary 111-,.1'25. -, . . "' ;:;,'>'!? ,.. ~ ~ - ... " 'll ieotiGn3. That said bo:tls ~Sha!l b~ dated liarch 1')'1'25, Sl1allgr be in denQrUnations ~ of i.~a'.,QO eaCh ~ceJt the f'1fst nU11bar~1 of '"said 'oonds WhiCh Shall be.-in the f31.U'l ~f $217.08,SiJall -oaar il1t~re.st at the rate of saven percent Jer annua,Jayabl~ amlual1y,and shal~ ]:lavu at taclled thereto intll"r~~t GOUJo~ f~r eaCh intere,st ....aymant. . . .. ~ :tt ~ ;:;";;:'= - ="~ !~c.t.!(j!k 4-. That the 0 i ty Ol~rk of the 01 ty af AUbu.;rn 1s 11erebY =- _~rd'[l~'..~n::t= dir~ct"'ed to ~1is-?"";..t$ Ji~,;: Jr1nted su"'}:} bel};dsof Loaal I.~roV'e)'J\ent :Jistrict ~Q. 7p and. that, u.~onexecut.ion ~hareofin the"" = }l~nnAr Jres~ribfld bylaw and the ~~dinances of said" G,1ty., said. ~O:tty Cler}{ 15'9 and is h$rebY,au.thorized tG sell said bonds and (re-~ : ~6 . liYs-~" SUCh "bQndS to the jurcha.5er or purchasers ~tl>h~reof 11J011 Jay-;. ~ nent to said oity of-the aaount 91' aaounts of tile"'Jril1.ciJal Qt , \ ~ such bond or bm dS) togeth~:r with :pre.ins and accrued. 1ntert3st, if ~ B any~and that thereU)on the warrants of said Local Im,reve.$nt ~1s- ~rict ~o.76 be r~tired,an1 that said City Clerk~e and is h~rebY also authorized to sell and 1.:;liver said condS at i;;ipar and accrued int~r~s:t, if any) in eXQhange for aiyl r.edeJlpt1on of thp warrants ~ draVil1 u.PQnLocal IllJr~Ye:aent l\lnd, :Jistriot ~o. 76 ~ of tlH31Qcal iJl~rGVen.ellt !\tnds of the 01 ty of AUburn .ro!llli1ning unJaid. 9 .ili .. ~R i ~ ~ In.trodu.c~d and Jassed l'Bbnary J: 7,1"2'. ,.... ~ Mayor. ,0 1 t Y C ler k. - - Attr;st: Publish~d JBbruary K}Jr()V'~d. as .t 0 ffJrJl. .~ ~^\~ '~~~ 1,,~'2.5. < ~, .;. .. 'i;:- I!" E.~ ~ .,O.i t Y At t orn~y . ~ ., o;i ~ ~ ~ ~ l; -. e ~ '/J