HomeMy WebLinkAbout587 It, . . ~ ,.,)'- ... __w ~, O":'")I7-,.,.~c,e" .JO 8ta.7 5(')7 I:..v J.dJ..l, b 1. . U~ An Cl..:.DIl;J.HCE: clec ing a FL..blic e,::e1' ency tJ exiut :cequ.iring the eXllendi"ture (1'),1'1 tIe ~Teu,r 19:25, fl'O;,l the CC.L'l'Gut ex:'ense fund of the Ci tyo:f )~uh:nn, of':;nlc~TS n'~;t ,;.iyovided frjr in tbc"et for tl:e ;;'c'j,r 19:~5, :for tte SlLC :Jc:C 0 r:u,J..'chasing a:cd. in;:,talling or tbe Cit7J:2 ,.~l1.bu1'n. i..ll elc::.:tric fi:l.'e alar:1 sirene, Eot less tLan taelve (12") inch rotor, cJ(LLng ;JCitrJr tower, with '::UcLcr fire alarm tru.llsmitter; e;:;;;tiJu.Lir:g tLC,"lontJi' ..0 ,E:;)T~J l'c'Tuired t,o r:lCet such c,.c:cgency; and directing that CICl':,CLC2i ',Jarrc..nts be ell'avrIl I:' the cq:rLCY~t eXIJensc fnld of lie City of "J.l1burn to ,elect Ei',wh ex it!cres. rrp r;',l ('{ T ;"-:y",r t, ,', .J..Q.......J .-.J,.L.......i. VI.... C IIJ 0.5' .L _:..~,.~ I 'l.'Y .J':"iJl{.Jj.:~Il~ ..;:...3 ~\JL10ViS: Secti'Jl1 1. 11};(;_"t tl:e fol o.ling are facts: 2.1he cit~7 of j~uburn ~.s r:.,)"c nOVl tile ) mer 0f ~Leviecs :.Le:ceby, in case of i'Lee, a 5C ne l'al :::L:e alarm cc.n be D::m:.\.ccl or i,Lc 10;: ut ion 0 f oLE: fL'e in- die tel; heretofore, in case a fire ~J.8 reported at ttc ~ilk eon- dC2sir:Lg unt C tl:c rlorden Co., ill _~u~urn, it hUB teen tIle c"ustom 1'.rI: tever c ,1a~Tee .,:ijhtbe in oL:rse of e.-Gel} ~)l:nt to sO~1.Ild a ;(,:crs~l :rire :::.10.1'11: o~; .,cans of '"be istle ut sU.cb pla:r:t, ::cegci-rd- less .):[:' "Lct~..cr Bleh fLee sL \'.ld be so rel)o:cted in t~lE; daytime or in tLe ilii311t-tLne; 1'\.::00;:.".;1;:,' tlic .JJ1'clen Co. Las ad.J})'ued the gl"n of banking its :furr:.:~ce fires ut ::i")ltt c).reel, as u. res.l1tt the steam ':ILl. ~,.t 1e ::;.t S')Cll cJndensiYl8:L",nt is I1J l; availa1J 10 for S Junding a fire alarm dei.ring t]:c,~ht hours; and t:h:tt tl1e Ci t~7 of i"utmrn Lus n.ON y:.o fauili ties ;l1:Cl'eby such Cit~7 ar (111~' offi::.:crs or .:.e,;;1oor of +~l,'e l're ':l'C Yl-'- a.f' 0"'1('" ('!IT'T 'J"" ol'~'l'ZCl" ,~'F c"c'n Cl.t~7 0""7;11 i"l..l.;...... __ \.. .....~u J.. o..~'-'...;. v. VeJ _J.. v u .... :J........ ....J.t. _.) ve- cause a Ij":':.lUE:::" :d_e lar,,1 to 'iJe SJ~ILled in case of a :2ire oceuj,'l"iYw, ~ k ~ Ln ,eJit:. durir:g "e1;e l.i,~)ht hours. Section 2. T}l~t by reuson of ~::e facts stt:ted in Section 1 of is orelL'u_Dce, c, _,lLic e:llc:cgenc:' LOCI e [itS :ee nil'iLg tIle ex- '" i 1;:,re 1: ::..~ tLe yc'~r 1925, fro:ll tLe Gur::ccnt eX",ense f~l.nd of t}:e Cit~ 0::: _~:'tb';.rn, 0-,- .:1JlH::YS not k..:'.-U.cd for in the b').dget for tLc '.car 19~~5, for t}:e)11r o;.:;e of 'l).rcll!,lsiLg :L. t~t8.11ing OLe elec~ric ire ~lar sir~~e not lcs~ than t~clve (12") inch rotor, CJJ.1J:1.:or to'ler, ,lith Hic~:.cr fire alur:ll t:r~}n~~:ili tter; tLt snch e:,lCl' nC~i cO,J,ld l'Jt lL_'lE2 <)(en :cE;[;LbonuJly :Lj::'ci.:~cen at tLc LL16 J:fL ill? i..;) t J c:;:,tL:L~Ed e r::LLGLLI'8i:l, 'from '~J:e c "Tl'ent ~J.("E::::~'.ci~~J:f. Ci"cy o/~ .'noJ.Tn:i 'riLES tl> ~'car 19,.5, .lC.:: get VlaC; 01) t c.~ d ~"., r t }"; e G i t :,,~ COUll C i 1 i l ~ 0 q t 0 b e r , 19 24 ; t hat t }>_ e E ~~- tLJ,te )~lYlt)-'" c 'c:nlites l"eCl~lired tJ Lleet s',e}; c;'~er ncy ~~ Iul:e ~~11~J.l Dl .'::lC50.00. Section.3. Th:lt e..c::c~:c.c;J ',,2:r'.ntsbc drc,xfU on "CI:e current expense ::l).nd of t::E. '''':i t:/ of' "~:.;';:'.1'n iL_, ."'..~C:'.t of ,,~;t: OO;;:~LS ni eXllenses of ,1.'iurc}.;L.~~)irlg ~~~-:-0~.11iYl:g F,~l_ci~ Gle8-'ul~ic fire ulal~:" ;~~il"CllC 110t lc c:, t]:an t!clve (12") iLU}] j,1otor, cO'Lng motor 8.n:l tONer ::ith TUcker ire 8.L:ll..n;:;~c;l;:;.i"ctcr. tO~:lc,onnt oi', !Jxt not t;'J ex- ,J c e d: ",j}: e S '..lL1 0 f , '10' :;0.00 l'n tI'.!e ""--'(''''~e'~'fte v C"':.:>U- ""f . Illtro:l:~ued I.J.ay 5, 19 2~5 ";"(i~:iued ,Lrlai1i_.l:~)C1E J;) tIle .\7"Jte JI c~ll cL)"l~::_r~cil',.~.;;,yl i;;. iLl: "iV8 !; ;.t :. "IY J fiI I-~'; C ~-" .h~~ -f-'~!-.'- t L);':,5 -1- .- " , ,.. ~~. ' .- -',. -.<:-" .l1.pprJved 'iI~ _.- -~ , l.ia:7 0 r ATTEST: t Ci'-t~; Cler}).. ':~PDroved as to rm. ~~A(~h'~ Published May ~L-, 1925. , City Attorney STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 ~ss. J &. " A. e. Ballal'd I, ____________________________________, the duly elected qualified and actinO' City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the'third class situate i~ the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the rore~oing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance N o.___~~~_, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled "AN ORDINANCE: _~_~~!~r:.~!l_~_~_~~.?lic emergency to exist requiring the expenditure during the year 19"25-,--r,fjifl- the curren t expense fund of tne Ci ty of ,mburn, of moneys not provided . f o-r-l-n-the-~-Udg-et-for--t:fi~--yea:r- -1 ~25~ --for - tlie -pur1JosEf.-or-pur-cYihs ~ ng and installlng for the &lty of Auourn, an electrlc flre alarm slren~, no-t-ress- - tnan -'tweTve- tr2T) - rncn"r-O tea-; --crod:tng--mo-ror--a;nd--tow-er-. wi th Ricker fire alarm transmitter; estimating the amount of moneys re- quTr e-cf - t-o- - me-a t - -iu c 1i-emerg-encY;-and - (f f r Efc't ing - 'tna. 't- -eMergency -warr an t s be__~!_~!ll._llp_o_~_.:t~~__~ll!E~~l_t__~~~~~_s_~_~~~~__~~__~~~__~~~!:_ of Auburn to meet such expendi tur es .. -------------- "" " "~ I .further certify that said Ordinance No. _~~~__n ,vas (luly passed by the CouncIl and approved by the Mayor of the said 'Che City of Auburn, and pub- lished as prQv~ic1ed by law in The ____~~~_~~~le_~__n____n____n:.___h__ a weekly ne\yspape-r published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on .~. ~lst , May 25. -the ______~:..~-_--------n---- day of -----_________n_____n_______' A. D., 19____. --,,- Witu~ss _lllyltand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ____________ - 18th ~~ - . June _~~ ~ --~--_ --- -~[ - cla~' of -----:_______________' A. D., 19~~ (SIgned) ____._________________.:_________________ ___ City Clerk of the City of Auburn.