HomeMy WebLinkAbout1134 , ORDIl\!AN.CE NO. I /.:i-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WA.$HING.'l'ON, RELATING 'to AND PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF A CON'l'IGWO'U$ ~A OF L.ANJ> tYING ADJACENT TO 'I'HE SOUTH CITY LIMITS OF' THE GITY or Al:JatlM,wmCH LAND Is nESCRIBED IN A PETITION DULY FIL;B.})). WITH THE CITY CLEn OF THE CITY OF AUBURN. W1IEREAS, a petition f.or anne)(ation of the property hereinafter descrihed was ciuly filed with the City Qf Auburn, by filing with the City Clerk on thely day of January, 1956, Which petition was signed by the o_ersof more than 75% in value of all the pt'ope:l:"ty lying within the limits oT thep.roposed area to be annex.ed, accordifilg to the assessed valuation for genet'al taxati()"n or the prQ:perty fo'l" Which an annexation is petitione1l. for, said petitio:n setting fo.rth the legal deScription of the property to be annexed and beiUg accOJIlpanied by a plat outlining the bGunda.t'iesor .said petition so.ught to be annexed, and W1IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Auburn fixed a date for a public hearing to be held at 8:oQ P.M. in the City Hall, in t~ City of Auburn, on Febt'UaPY 7, 1956, setting forth Notice of said Public Hearing for annexation to be published in the official city newsqilaper of the City of Auburn, in one issue of said newspaper, and providing for the p.osting in three (3) public Pfaces within the area proposed for annexation, CGPy of said notice Qf said public hearing, and, WHEREAS, Notice of Public HeaPing of said Petition Qf Annexation to the City of Auburn has beeu duly published iu the official city newspaper of the City of Auburn in one regular issue of .said news- paper, and the said.hotice of public hearing having beeft posted in three (3) public places within the area prQPosed for annexati()R by the City Clerk of the City of Aubllt'U, and said Public Rearing being held at 8:00 P.R. in the City Hall of the City of Auburn, Gn February 7, 1956, and the City Council of the City of Auburn having determined that said public hearing is in the best interests and welfare of the City of Auburn to annex the contiguous area proposed fo~annexatiQ:tl hereinafter described, and, Page One WHEREAS, the City Council did accept andapp~ove the pet- itiGn above described o.nthe .l1- day of J.auuary, 1956, and did at that time fix a date for public hearing W be held on1"ebrua;ry 7, 1956, NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDURE}) BY THE CITY COUNCIL f;l1" THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AS. FOLloWS: Section L That the petitiQU fot' aMe:x:ation or the follo.win.g described P:l:"Operty has been duly and properly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Auburn, and complies with all re~uirements of law. Section 2. Th.at by regular m(ititln adopted and pa$sed by the City Council on the 17th day of January, 1956, it was orde1i'ed that a Public Hearing be held on said Petition for Ann~ation at 8: 00 PM in the ~ity Hall of the City of Auburn o.n 1"eb;rua;ry 7th, 1956, and pro.viding for pro.per notice to be published and p()sted acco.rding to law. Sectio.n 3. That proper notice of public hearing was duly published in the o.fficial city newspaper of the City of Auburn o.n the ~day of J~, 1956, and was duly posted in three (3) places (public) within the area pro.p(lsed fOr annexation herein- after described and that a public hearing was held at 8: ~O P.M. in the City Hall o.f the City Gf Auburn, o.n the 7th day (If February, 1956. Section 4.. That the property lying contignous to the sout.h city limits of the City of Auburn, hereinaTter desc.ti'ibed, be and the SaDle is hereby annexed to the City of Auburn, saidprQpe:rty being more liarticularly described as: Beginn;tng .at the SGuthwest corner of Lot 13, B10ck 2, Tru.esent s Secl).nd Addition tl) Annurnj then<:>e eaSl.t aLong the nurth Hl1.e af 17th Street SOutheast to the east line Gf said T~eseavs l\l.econd Add;i.tion; thence north alc:mg the east line. or said addition a distance of 100.0 feet; thence ea.st parallel to the north line (If the SOl1thea$t q.uarter (tf Section 19, Township 21 NQrth, Range 5 East W.M. to the sOuthwesterly marginal line (tf the Aubur.n-Eml1tn1claw Highway (P.S.H. ~.5) as now e.stablished; thence sPl1th.ea.stet'ly alli>>l;g the sai.d south marginal line of the Auburn-Enumclaw Highway as new established teE) the east line of Sectiocn 19, TOcwuship 21 North, Range 5E.W.M; thence SGuth a1o.ng s,aid east li.ne o.f Secti()u. 19, to the no;rthe~terly lIl.arginal lineaf the old Aubu.ru-EnUll1claw Highway; then~ sautheasterly along the said northeasterly mat'ginal line to a point 20 fe.et east measured a.t ,t'ight angles frQ1'll the east line of afore.s.aid sectiQ:n II); Page'l'wo thence south parallel to said east line to a point 3Q.0 feet south measured at right angles from the extended south line of s.aid Section 19; thence west parallel to said south lin.e of Sect.ion 19, Township 21 Not'th, Range 5 E.W.M. to the extended West line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, said Se.ctip;n 19l thence n.orth along the said ex.tended west line and west line of the South- east quart.er o.f the Southeast qUat'ter, Section 19, Township 21 Narth, Range 5 E.W.M. to a point 33.0.69 feet southar the no.rthwest corner of said Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarte.r Qf SectiQf1 19l a thence South 89 38113" West, a distance of 652.52 feet to the east marginal line of 94th "venue SPuth (Brannon Road); thence south on said east marginal line tl) a {)l)int 315 feet south'of the .south lIlarginal line of Truese.n Road (South 3.48th street); thence west parallel t.o the said south line of Truesen Road, 1300 feet, 1Il~ or less, to the west line of the Northeas.t quat>terQfc ~h,e Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, Seetion 19, Township 21 North, Range 5 E. Wl1; thence north along said west li.ne and the west line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, the west line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quat'ter of the So.uthwest qu<U'ter, all of Section 19, T!>Wl'lShip 21 North, Range 5 E.W.M.\ to the nOt>th line c>f the Southwest quarter of ~ ! Section 19, 'I'ownship 21 NQrlh, Range 5 E. W.M.; thence east along the north line of the Southwest quarter and. the north line of the SQuth- east quarter, Section 19, Township 21 N~th, Range 5 E.w.M. to the extended west line af Truesen.s Second Adidition to AubU:l"n; thence North 30.0 feet to the point of beginning, all in County of lUng, State of Washington. Said above described property being contiguous approximat<;l and adjacent to the present corporate limits of the said City of Auburn. Section S. That the effective date of the anne.xation of the above described property shall be as or the date or passage of this Ordinance, providing for such aIUlexation. Page Three Section 6. that this Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days f~om and after it s passage, app~oval and p~blicati~n as provided by law. INTRODUCED: ...;!~'~~-~ 7. /9$"'1- PASSED: .j.., ~-r 7. ~ 9.s-t. APPROVED: ..)-1~ 7. / Rot. J~~~ MA.YOR. ATTEST: G~.~~ City Clerk Page Four STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, } ss, Robert E. Walker I, nmnnnnn,'nn nmnnnnm ummnum .'.n..u.uu. n" the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Qrdinance No. m113.4um, of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled "AN ORDINANCEOF'...~.~~..C~TYn.o.F...~.~~.~~~.,..VlASHIN.(}'l'()N,..R]i;J,.ATING TO. AND PRo.VIDING Fo.R THE ANNEXATIo.N o.F A Co.NTIGUo.US AREA o.F LAND LYING ADJACENT TO. THE So.UTH CITY LIMITS o.F THE CITY o.F AUBURN, WHICH LAND IS DESCRIBED IN A PETITIo.N DULY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK o.F THE CITY OF AUBURN. I further certify that said Ordinance No. .m.llJiluu was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said The City of Auburn, and published as provided by law in The ..um.uuuu.AuburnuSun mm.nm...m' a weekly newspaper published in the e:<3~ .Um'. day of City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the. mmuuJ~ mmuuu' A. D., 19a. Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this nummuu m m nm.. day . J:..e_LJu~<n~u (Signed ~: .-a:::. nnn2Yu....m... '~~~'n unnu City Clerk of the City of Auburn.