HomeMy WebLinkAbout628 ~-..~- ~'_,V' . ""$~;''''~ =''''\is.r~~..,,-,,:.~_-:,,,,,..~_~~.~ri'~:'*'''-~'::.:, '-'...1> . t 'j .. ORDINANOE NO. 628 AN ORDINANCE: providing for the laying off, opening, widening, extending and establishing of that part of that certain street known as "C" street N. E., between the intersection of said "C" street ~. E. with the north marginal line of Main street East and Auburn Avenue, all in the City of Auburn; providing for the condemnation, ~~^:L__~~propriation, taking and damaging of land and other property there- ~or, anQ fllr the"asaes5mLBt and payment of the just compensation to be made therefor, and providing that the entire cost of said improvement and expenses, except compensation for legal services, shall be assessed upon property specially benefited thereby, in the manner provided by law, and shall be paid by the bonds of the improvement district_ including the property so benefited. WHE~A8, Publio necessity and. convenience demand that the property, property rights and priv,leges herein specified be condemned, appropriated, taken and damaged for the purposes herein set forth; and WHEREAS, ~uoh improvement will be of speoial benefit to certain land, premises and other property;, llOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF iliE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIB AS FOLLOWS: ~ SECTlvN 1: That that certain street knowm and designated as "0" Street N. E., in the City of Auburn, from the interseotion of said "0" Street N. E. with the northerly marginal line of Main street East, to the south easterly marginal line of Auburn Avenue, be, and the same is hereby laid off, opened, widened, extended and established over, upon and across the following described lots, blocks, tracts or pafcels of land, lying and being situated in the Oity of Auburn, County of King, state of washington and more partioularly described as follows, to-wit: (a) All of an unplat\d tract in Seotion Eigbteen (18), Township Twenty~One (21) North of tiange Five 15j, East, W. M., and partioularly bounded and desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the> northerly marginal line of Main Street East, 147.75 feet B. 860 42' E., of the Southeast corner of Lot Twelve (12i in Blook ~ourteen (14J of ~. W. Ballard's Third Addition to Slaughter, King Cou~ty, Washington, as the same appears on the recorded plat thereof now of record in Volume 8 of Plats at page 47 of the official reoords in the County Auditor's Offioe of ~ing County, Washington; running thenoe North 860 42' E. along the northerly marginal line of Main street East a distanoe of 18.00 feet, to the wasterly marginal line of "0" Street N. E., as such westerly marginal line now exists; thence North 30 551 west along the westerly marginal line of HC" street N. E.., a distanoe of 110 feet to a point; thenoe south 860 421 West a distance of 18.00 feet to a point whioh is 146.25 feet north 860 42' E. of the northeast corner of ~ot One (1) in said ~lock Fourteen (14) of ~. w. Ballard's third addition to Slaughter, King coubty, -1- r' ._--~_.)p, . " ---O-~~-. >'"Y~~$:' .">-'>O....~,'<,~;,;,'~.,~..->".J~~.';W':i~'!'..:~~~:,~~ . t :.\ ~- Washington; thence South 30 55' E. a distance of llO.OO feet to the point and plaoe of beginning. {bj The east 18.00 feet of Lots ~umbered One \1), Two (2) Three (3) and Four (4) in >>lock Numbered Three (3) of Ballard's Commercial addition to Auhurn, as the .s&ne appears on the reoorded plat thereof, now of reoord in Volume 29 of plats at page 49 of the offioia~ records in the County Auditor's office of King County, Washington. (c) The East 18.00 feet of Lots 1umbered One (1), i~O (2), Three (3) and ..1'our (4) in Block .uumbered one (1) of Ballard's Oommeroial Addition to Auburn, as the same appears on the reoorded plat thereof now of reoord in Volume 29 of Plats at Page 49, of the offioial records in the county Auditor's offioe~f ~ing oounty, Washington. ,Au ~ ~ ..p.~ -~ ~~~cwt. ~\ C.IA \ ~UO'W"-3 " (di/Beginning at the southeast o6rner of Lot ~umbered One ,1) in Blook ~" in Arthur C. Ballard's Condiot Addition to Auburn, Washington, as the same appears on the reoorded plat thereof now of reoord in ~olume 19 of plats at page 88 of the offioial records in the county Auditor's office of King Oounty, Wash- ington; running thence North 30 55' W. a distanoe of 40.6J. feet along the west marginal line of IIC" street ~. E. as said "0" street N. E. now exists; thenoe ~orth 2lo 15' east a distanoe of 76.30 feet, along the northwesterly marginal line of "C" street N. E. as said "0" street ~. E. now exists to the south marginal line of Second' street N. E.; thenoe south 860 40' west a diStanoe of 50.45 feet along the south marginal line of Seoond street N. E. to a point; thenoe south 30 55' E. a distance of 110 feet to the south marginal line of said ~ot one (1,; thence north 860 40' east a distance of 18.00 feet along the south marginal line of said Dot One (1) to the point and plaoe of beginning. All of Lot Eumbered Seventeen (J.9) in Blook "H" of Arthur c. Ballard's Condiot ~ddition to Auburn, as the same appears on the reoorded plat thereof now of record in Volume 19 of Plata at page 88 of the offioial reoords in the vounty Auditor's office of Aing County, Washington "HI> All of Lot Numbered Three (3) in Blook .N1HiG&r8,d Eight .. ~ of Arthur c. Ballard's condiot Addition to Auburn, as the same appears on the recorded plat thereof now of reoord in volume 19 of Plats at page 88 of the offioial records in the Oounty Auditor'S office of King oounty, Washington. (e) (f) ( g) The i.est Fifteen \ 15) feet of J.lot .itumber6d Four \4) in Block "B" of Arthur C. Ballard's condict Addition to Auburn, King county, Washington, as the same appears on the reoorded plat thereof now of reoord in volume 19 of plats at page 88 of the official records in the county Auditor's offioe of ~ing county, Washingtoh. -2- lh) (i) "~--"'~"'~~~t.. '.!'-i"')';:~'..,........:,,,. . ~-I,~,:":p'h""~~W.:;.,~,,,; O' ,,~"{' '"~ .. " . , ,> The east 35 feet of ~ot ~umbered Five in ~look "B" of Arthur C. Ballard's Oondict Addition to Auburn, Aing county, Washington, as the same appears on the recorded plat thereof now of reoord in Volume _ine- teen {19) of Plats at page 88 of the offioial reoords in the oounty Auditor's offioe of ~ing county, Wash- ington. \ ~ll of an unpAated traot in ~overnment Lot one (1; in Section Eight~en (18j, ~ownship Twenty-one ,21) ....-orth of H&nge .iJ'ive l5i East, w. ......, particularly bounded and desoribed as follows: Be~inning at a point;which is 45'1.5'1 feet, south 860 40' Wesli;- ot,~ from tbe southeast corner of said government lot o~~ vne tlJ; running thence north 3~20' West a distance ~t. of 321.25 feet to the southeast^~arginal line of -, Auburn Avenue; thence south 250 09' 30" West along 7 the southeasterly marginal;line of Auburn Avenue ?- a distance of 32.53 feet to a point; thenoe south y 190 25' 30. West along the southeasterly marginal ~ line of Auburn Avenue a distance of 89.l4 feet to ~ a point; thenoe south 30 20' east a distanoe of 210.46 feet to the south line of said Government ~ot One (1); thence north 860 40' east along the south line of said government Lot One (1) a distanoe of 50.00 feet to the point and place of beginning. ,'" SECTIOB.2: That all the lands, property, property rights, tights, priv,leges and other property desoribed in Section N__~6red One llJ hereof be, and the same are, hereby deolared neoessary, and the same be, and they are, hereby oondemned, appropriated damaged and taken by the City of Auburn for the purposes set forth in this ordinance, after just compensation having first been made or paid into oourt for the ownersb;i;p thereof. SEOTIOa 3: That the entire cost and expense of the improvement, except oompensation for legal services, provided for herein, shall be assessed upon and against the property speoially benefited there- by, in the manner provided by law; that no part of suoh costs and expense, except compensation for legal services, shall be paid from the general fund of the City of Auburn, and that all of suoh costs and expenses, exoept oompensation for legal services, shall be paid by the issuance and sale, in the manner provided by law, of bonds of the improvement distriot including the property benefited by suoh improvment; that said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exoeeding eight l8~) per cent. per annum, whioh interest shall be payable annually, and which bonds shall be payable on or before twelve (12) years from the date of issuance thereof, and shall be redeemed by the oollection of speoial assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property specially benefited thereby, payable in ten (10) equal annual installments with interest at a rate not exoeeding eight (8%) per annum, under the mode of payment by bonds, as defined by law. SECTIOB 4: That the City attorney be, and he is hereby fully authorized and direoted to take the necessary steps for suop oon- demnation and to begin and proseoute the aotions and proceedings in the manner provided by law to oondemn, take, appropriate ~d damage the lands and other property, property rights and privtleges, -3- -",. -"""'..~. \.-~""' "",!"","f)"~ ."..., .- '.)'>!.:~!;''''~''_'''''''~ '.", _" ,~,".Jl"":'" :'~.-. ..... '.~ -.' ~:tf' f'-~:. ".-..,. . ,,,. ~ oJ- .eoessary to oarry out the prmviaions of this ordinanoe. SEOTIOI 5: That this ordinance shall take effeot and be in foroe five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub- lioation as required by law. INTRODUCED April 19, 1927 ~ASSED April 19, 1927 APPROVED April 19, 1927. ~~ ra or Attest: Ci~ AP:PROV~D AS TO FOBM: ~nJ~A((~ aity .. rney Published April 22,1927 -4-