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ORD INANCE NO~ 1592 AN ORf)INA~CEOfTHEC!TY Of AUBURN, WA'SHINGTON, AP~OVlNG AND COHf~.~ItG THE J\SSESSMENTS AND ASSESSMENT Ro-tL OF LOCAL ,IMPROVEM'ENT,DIS;IR'ICT NO. 141, \1HICH DISTRICT HAS BEENCREATE.D AND ESTABLISf:jED'FOlt'ltME PURP(J)SE Of IMPROV I NG PORT IONS OF CERTAI N STREETS IN THfCr:TY OF AUBURN BY THE CONSTRUCT J ON OF CONCR ETE CURB AND GUTTERS, GRAn l~N,G'I' stltR~ FACING, AND ORA INAGE FACILITIES AS PROVIDED BY ORD INANCE NO.,x'54:5 ' OF TijE C fTY OF AUBURN, AND LEVY1NG AND ASSESS l.NG T;HE AM;OU;NTlIIE:1l~OF AGA INST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHERPR:OPERTt IJPONSA In ROll. . , i WHEREAS, the assessment ro I 1 Ie vy i ng the spec i a 1 assessmentsd,gai'AS,i the propertties located in the Local Improvement District No. 141 in the City of A4burn, Washington, created under Ordinance No. 1545, ,ha$:b~.f;\ f i led wit h the C it y C ler k of the C i tyof Auburn 1)5 pro vi ded by l..;)alil~~i ) t": i . .'J WHERE~S, not ice of the time I)nd place of bearing thereof 804..of' !.'WU"'~J i'..,;',..';'i, ob j e ct i on 5! I)nd p r ot e 5t 5 to 5 I) i d ro I I ~a5 du I y pub lis rn:.d at. .."d' f~' t'ttt!(ti~ :')'1~ :. .'. .' . .<' -:'. . ':. '. . .' . .. !: _ c) and in thei manner provided by fa-w, fixing the time and plaeE~ of ,b.;~J-;n'9 'I', ,"," . I ' . r ..> '. .... ;'.' ...... ..... ., .." thereon fOir the 18th day of February, 1963, at the hour of8:,Q;O P.;.~'iI.'ln r'1~, \;.. "'. , ' . , . I. ,.1,. ,', '-.~.'.. \ ." '\ Counc il Chlamb,er s in the City Ha II of ,Auburn, Wash ington, aAdf"r"t'~,~t-:Aiet.;~~~ ~'" . . 't:.:..,{,: thereof wa!s du I y mai 1 ed by the City Clerk 'to each property own.r::~h~< o~t~: I sa i d ro II ; i and, WHER EIAS, a't the time and p I ace fixed a_Ad des i9flated i. $aJd I\~~ii~. the hear i nig was du I y he'd and no prot.ests were f i I ed at safd hearrng. NOW, TWEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil OFTHE'ClTY:Of'. ~ :. AUBURN, WASH INGTON, AS FOLLOWS : !.:~ '\.~:; . :>:':f ,'~- ir : .",' ...... .'. ""':.';<'(i~':'t Section .1. That there ; s hereby in af I respects app-r~ved', a,,.j:~~~fr:f~;,:.f;:;~ ~:. ,;'.! ", 'c.'.:' ".:1 Imp r 0 veme nt "1); st r i-~t..~p'~' ..1~41 :1: the assessment and assessment roll in '!Loca I for the construct ion of concrete curb and'gutters, grad ing, surfac~,r.ng a.nd- . . ....... i dra i nage fac i I it ie s accord i ng to p' ans prepared and on f i Ie in theoff'lcej< of the C ityEng i neer of the City of Auhurn for the benef itofthe'fOI'I,~~.-t ing described properties: lot 1 Block 1, lots 1 thru 16 i nc I, Lots 18 &19 Block 3, \ Fore st V i I I a lots 1 thru 13, rhe 11/~' lots 1 thru 14 incl, Block 1, Block 2, Skycrest Terrace. County Tax lots 17,26,1,33,'23,24 Sect ion 20-21-5 I _ Sect ion 2. That each of the lots and other orOD,ertv <uoon' AA.idi'a.,.,..aI.;";' ,.. .. c' .... ~, l ... .. . . . . ~ . said property to be improved, arld sh.a 11 be a,$sessed accord ing to tile i r proport i onate share of the se vera I clss;essments appea.r i"9 u.ponth,e sa id assessment rO I J and is hereby lev ied and assessed agai nst such r Qts, a,nd other property appearing upon sa id roll, the amount fina Ily char'9,ed there.- in 8ga i nstthe same. Sa i d amount, or any port i on thereof, may hepald at any time with in 30 days from, the date of the first pub I icatio'R af,'t.,he,-, not ice of co I I ect i on of sa i d ass essme n;t s wit hout pena I ty , ~nt:.:rest or CQ~J;} -thereaf-ter -the sum rema in ing unpa id, if any, may be paid i ra -t e n'.'qua t annual installments, with interest o.n the who I,e unpaid sum at th.e rate 6% per annum. Commenci ng with the first year after the last d,CI;Y, such assessments..,. or any port i on thereof, may be pa id w;thout pena,tt)',- ;:.\11".':" or cost (30 cjays from the d ate of thef i rst P uQ I i cat i on of thi T..$'\I:re~is notice of cof lection of assessments} and each year thereafter,. oae of said i nsta II ments, together wit hthe i ntere st due, sha II be coli f>cteda.s prov i ded by law in the ordinances of the City of Auburn; asseSSIJIe'nt.s 0.r i nsta Ilment s of assessments nat pa i d, when due shall be del inquent and !! j there shall be added to the sallie a pel!lalt)" of 10%" of the amount of 'the j overdue installment aACI interest, I)nd such pen8 It)" sh a II become ,8 PI) rt Q' the I ien upon the prope.rty assessed,. Seet.io., 3. AI I mon ies collect'ed D)'theC'ity' Trees-ure;. upon any of the assess.:ments I evi ed, as aut hori zed. he~',i :n, sha II be pa i d i:nt,"-toe,.l 1,'V>t-.~~~':., " ment D istrictNQ. 141 Fund- created by Ord inance No. 1545, ,and ahallt>e .;., used on I y for the purpose of redeem hl9 warra'n't s, and/or bonds dra.wll "po,n, or issued against said fund~ S.ection 4.. Th is or d i nance $ ha II take effect five (5) da.ys from and; after itspass8ge, approva I and pub I feat ion as provided by law. .- t~)J~~ueED:.~"l. .'&S{:B: . ., , "'~ "...,le' " IPt:R01ED: 0.: ',' '. ';.,'. ."r~~l' '; ~'- '" iLfR~.~ 2?z-s.'. -. I!TTEf: .. I ( N K y, Q ~ .. '; - . \.. '- ., / . - l' . . .. . . . . u . " STATE OF WASHINGTON, l 4 ~sS'. COUNTY OF K f NG j I, Ell S !tbeth Her i t age, the do I y el ec::ted , qloleJ i f' i eel anda~t In 9 City Clerk of' the City of Auburn, a IlIUnleipaleorporatlon of the third etas$>, situate in the CountyoflC1n9, State ofWash'n9tQtl, dOherebycert; fy that the foregoi n.g I s a full, true',nd correct copy of Ordinance No. 1~92 , of the ordinances of the said The Ci ty of Auburn./en.t ftled "ANOROfN;~,NCE OF THE CITY OF AU.BlJ~Nr WASH I NSTON, APPROY I HS AND CONFI RN I IG THE ASSESSMENTS ANO' ; . ASSE~MENT ROLL OF LOCAL U4PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 141~ WNICH DISTRICT HAS BEEN CREATED ANDoESTABllSHED FOR THE PUROSE OF IMPROVI NG PORTIONS OF CERTA I N STREETS I N THE C r TV OF AUBtJ:'RI BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERS, GRADING, SURFACl NG, AND ORA INAGE FAC IllTI ES AS PROY I OED BY ORD I NANCE NO. 1545 OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE AMOUNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY UPON SAID ROLL. I furthercert; fy that sa id O'rdinance No. . . 1592 wasgul y passed by theCounci I and approved by the Mayor of th. sald The City of Auburn, and published as provided by law In The Auburn Globe News, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Auburn, and of gen.eral circulation therein, on the 13th '. day of March , A. D., I 9 63 . Witness my hand and the off; cia I sea I of the Ci ty of Aubu;pn I this 14th day of (Signed)