HomeMy WebLinkAbout647 '0" ."~-.-~~~:r'ry;-,'_~!'1:'~~"?",..,;.-" _ ..... -- ~ .____ I, ~.'t 647 ORDINANCE >>0.117 ._.~.~.'.._._.~.~.~. . . . ... ... .. . AIr ORDlNAl'C.E: j)ftelarlng a }mb110 8JJ9rganoy to eXist requirtng the ezpendlt.ura durini.'; tilt! yec1l1192S, trom t310 00l'rant 3JCj?Sllf:h':! 1\1nd or the 01 ty ot AUbUrn, ot moneys not proVld.l3d tor in the budget tor the year 1928,,t01' the JUQ08e ot co...ope:rat.l%1g ".,11;11 the awn'y 0'1 Jt1D& an4 t118 11;t"oper Depa:rtm~ntf.J of Agrtolllture an~l Ai;r1cultural Agents in oombating the eanng ll'btUlace .in the 01 ty ot AUburn.. The City ammeil ot tl1.e City ot AUbUrn do orda1n as tollows: section .1. fh8.t the tollowingare facts: On November .15,],;927,.$14 after the adopt ion ot the budget for the year -1928,,representatlves 0'1 tIle Fe1~ral and. Btate D0})artment.o ot Agrioulture app~r.d bG:t03:$ the City council.at a r~" meeting ot Sa.id City aouno11,antt ... that tIle City Counoil ~ oo-operata with ot11er eOmJ11l.'Ullties in Ktng OOl.tnty in urgl11g the Doard ot Oounty OOmm.1BSione:rso.:f King county to take Btepsto GOlnt;&t tl'lS &B1"Wig manaoe in tile rural. distr1cts a.nd 1n tb~t small$r o1t1aa and tOW".l\S ot sald oounty by makl11g8n apprOpriation or moneys tll~ret()r, a.n1alSo aske1 the 01. ty C ouneil to li1ake an approJrla- tioD. 01: mon'sys tor tile Gombatt1nt; ot tl19 earwig menaoe in tlle Oity ar AUbUrn. the a~;proprla.tion last referred to to be ora.>atm $qual to 8UOh sum &8 tl1e C O'tmty ot King mig,."1.t aJC2~nd ~ll the 01 ty of AubUrn tor SUOh pul'pOt1e, and aagurad the City COl.UlG1l that 1n oase suoh proper &PP1"OJn- at10nft were made ~t &dV10f' aM autst.an8e would b8 fuz!u1alle4 . t1gJltil1[!: suell earw1-g man.aoei; On :r!oV'~ra:!)er 22,1927) t::I1B IJity Counoll,at a rer~;tllar meeting ther30t,du1.y ado)~t!~.l a rasolution urgillg tlH' J)oard ot oounty Comrll1(Jaionera ot King County to authorize tJ.})])rOllrla.tions during tIle y~a.r 1928 and taJce aJ.1 steps nflcessary tor tl)~ ~J.1m1_t1on or the earwIg menace in the rural. d.1f1trIcts a.nd rrD.:m101pa1.1t1es ot King County ant\ ple()g1ng tl1e Oity Contlo1l to 1.u.plloate up to the total a.mo\mt or $300.00 any aJpropr1at1on to l'e ma.1e by the :Board or county OOnwUe81on.- Ifl:S for us~ in ~ndeavor1ng to e1.1m1r.a.ta Buell earwig m<<naoe .,,1 thin tn. corlloratA 111111t8 ot the Oity ot Aubtl1m. by the tntr.:.motion a.nd passage ot a prol~~ ~r,l~g~noy ordiTh"lnce t}1C1rQf'or. the budt36t of <Hit 1mate~1 ex- pend1turee 1nrtnr; they~ar 1928,oontainfl no item ava.ila:l)l.e tor tlSt1 :Ut a.ttempting to &11m1na.ta SUO}l eaI"Ylg m91l8.Ce; and thel"8 are now aSlmgs 1n th1S city,and tt;~tr pr~Rent')q nerQ "LA a nl'lr1.ouR mena.ee to thiS city an!! tlH3 Hu.rroundin.g o OTl1rnln 1 t1oo.. section 2. That 1)1 r,.,ason ot th.e tacts stated in 8$Ot10);1.1 ot tll1a or'li1tan(H~, a }iLlllio 3: ,ergency now axists requiring the ex:p"!liditure &\1"- :tii,~, tlle ;fero:1928, from tkH::' C1U"reut eX'pe:n~<t lwd Qt tl1a C t ty or A'lXtJttrn. ot F;ol1'i!:y~i.tilo:t1?roYi!14td 1\)1,. in tl1,q 11'"1.~~t: tor tlla y~r192gJ tor t110 pur- JOlIeot assistlng ln aUml.'1ng the earw1& meue. 1>> tlld city .z Au- . burn and rr~t0h1n..~ the moneys to be exp~l1d41 tn thfl Y'iJar -1928 tn the City ot AUburn by T<lng County tor that Flrpcae. dQ~lar. for dollar;: that StIch emergency could not 119."8 been reasonably rQr&a~ell a.t th~ time ot lna1t1ng tIle buaget or ~stirilate1 ex.pend1turefS l'"rom t11..$ OUl"1'l~!'nt 8X- penfH~ :t'tll1.d of tl1~ Oi ty of AU'b'ltrn during tIle year .1928. WlIlch budget was a.:lopted by tlJ.~ City Counoll 111 O{}tober,1927~ tl1at the estima,ted amount of eJl.1?~nd1turAS requlre1 to ~eet 3UGh emergency 1s the sum ot $JOO.OOi and thD.t tIlE! City ot AUburn is in rACe1)}t of a letter datad. Itarcll 9,-1921, troFl tIle J30&'1 ot County Cornrl1:ssionere of King Oount.y. stating that sald J3oar1 has created an amergenay ot $8,,000..00 to oombat the earwig situa- tion 1n Kinn; county an'1 that tJ1<'! Jaoard 1.e 1ep~ndine non tw~ C 1ty of A.uburn to Ftalce tile snargeney 8.};proprla.tlon ot '300..00 SIH3oitied. in tIle resolution above r~rerre1. to o.nd pa5se~1 i:Jy.this 01 ty eOlmot).. on NOV$!l1- bar 22.].921. Sootion ,;_ That emergency Ylarra.nts be d.ravm on the current ~xp&nsa c - -1"'-. ~,; J -- '" -. . - .... .- ... ~- ..... ~, J i " -' '. .. ~ .A",,-.. ,. ! ~ tund ot the Oi ty 01' AubUrn 1n payment ot c.oets and expenses ot aon1b8.t- t ing the ea.rwtg menace 1n the 01 ty ot AubUrn dUring the year -192& and ma tCh1ng. dolJar tor dolla3: t moneys ex:Pende1 by Klng (Jaunty in the city ot AubUI'n during the year 1928 tor oosts and expenses in oOffiba'l;- tine; SUGh &anr1g menace, to the amount ot, but not to exce.~l tIll! total. sum oft 1'bree lIUnt1re1 ($300.00) DollarS.. IntrodUoed Apr1l 3,~'21. Pa88.1 unanimously by thtl a.ffirmative vote of a~l of tl1.8 couno'q.mBll present Al)ri~ L.J..., 1928.04: Approved April / (), "'1928.. ....-...-.. , / >7" At~a9'1 .M(: ~r<-:t~ 01 ty /Ol$rk. AliprOYOO \A~ A.L . _ ~ . . "':\::~ Pub11ehe1 A~>r1~. _!f_.1928. f'