HomeMy WebLinkAbout654 ,6 ,~t,..~ 654 ORDINANCE No. 651L AN ORDINANCE: providing for the issuance of bonds of Local Improvement District no. 90, fixing the amount of such bond issue, also the date and denominations of such bonds, and ordering sale and delivery of suoh bonds. THE CITY COU1~CIL OF Tllli CITY OF AUBURl~ DO ORDAIU AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ~hat Local Improvement Bonds of Local Improvement District no. 90 of the City of AubuJ.'n be issued in the manneJ.' and fOJ.'m prOVided by oJ.'dinance No. 261 of the OJ.'iinances of the City of AubuJ.'n J.'elatlng to the issuance of Local ImpJ.'ovement Bonds for and on account of the cost and expense of making improvements pJ.'ovided for by ordinanoe No. 623 of the Ordinanoes of the City of Auburn oreating Local ImpJ.'ove- ment DistJ.'iot No. 90 of said City. Section 2. That the total amount of said Local ImpJ.'ovement Bonds to be issued as in this ordinance pJ.'ovided is hereby fixed at the sum of t ~ \ () S,.~. 'f 0..... ; said sum of :~ , J OJ ~-J 2.... It 6..... being the amount of the oost and expense of making improvements under the pJ.'ovisions of said ordinance No. 623 remaining unpaid after May 14, 1928. Section 3. That said bonds shall be dated June 5, 1928, shall be in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars ($600.00) each excepting the first numbered of said bonds which shall be in the sum of I 6-' ~..y..s....., shall bear interest at the rate of seven peroent (7%) per annum, payable annually, and shall have attached thereto interest ooupons for eaoh interest payment. seotion 4. That the City Clerk of the City of Auburn i8 hereby ordered and direoted to oause to be printed suoh bonds ot ~ocal improvement distJ.'ict Bo. 90 and that, upon exeoution thereof in the manner presoribed by law and the ordinanoes of said City, said Oity Clerk be and is hereby authorized to sell said bonds and to deliveJ.' said bonds to the purohaser or purchasers thereof upon payment to said City of the amount or amounts of the prinoipal of suoh bond~ OJ.' bonds, together with premiums and ao=rued interest, if any, and that tbereupon the out- standing warrants of said local improvement district No. 90 be retired, and that said City Clerk be and is hereby also authorized to sell and deliver aaid bonds at par and aocrued interest, if any, in exohange for and redemption of the waJ.'rants drawn upon local improvement fund" distriot No. 90, of the looal improvement !ands of the City of Auburn, remaining unpaid. n~TRODUCED. May 15, 1928. PASSED Al?PROVED 1928. Attest: / /7 //J.. / /~_ ~ " iNTRODUCED June 5, 1928 PASSED June 5, 1928 APPROVE') Jun~/~ 1928. cf;fLZ';/ May 0 r Attest:1' /'J tUfJr J).a,rl~-?Z,~(// . Ci tdClerk. ~ \- " l'l1. 'iI. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~N..~ Ci t;y Attorney