HomeMy WebLinkAbout660 . , , J ". . - .. ORDLJ.AITCE ~TO. b b 0 : -: -: - : - : -: -: AlT ORDIl:P.3CE:providing for t11'9 1m:prOYC'1'l;:u1t of all that port ion of S~A--etr;;.::-"t ~T.E.. i: t~.::'>.,." City of' AUburl~ stt~at'? . botw::.?n ::rain Str!;\~t aast ",:!fl'I\FGlUJ?~.Q. str/;ht .:.;....~.. b;r t gr~~dlng 01 sa:d port:on of H Str':>~t ~T.:m.. and. by t.rle' cons:rr:,ctlon 1.n sai.d11ortion of ;'1." St"'~H~i- ':T 17 on ')U~t~'"1 g-idt:ll"" . r. ..i ..... ,~ ~, v _'...........,. : < J,..Io 7t.C .....-D t:n~r90f, of COI1C:i:'~t.~ and cem'-:mt Sid.~'i':TalkS, and. by tile doim..; of SUCh other \ArO't'1\ ~~ l~! ~ b~"neC9~sary and inC~d.:~ltal til':::cnto, al~ acco~ding to the plans cvud fJp''?cllicatlons on tilt:> WiL.~l t :3 City Cl:::I'K and. 111 accordanc<:! witll th.? r'",solut:.on of .intention }?rovid1ng for Local Improv'2ment District ~TO. 94; approvinL alid adopting said plans and. f5})':'cificattons; cr~ating Local ImproY':;"'l"'l-~t Dis':,rict ~To.94.;' creatine "Local Improvem!?nt Fund District :(iO.94-; providini; for tllA aSSHSSlneut of tll"'-! cOS': aLd ':;xp:~nse ~f Su.ch 1m- proV9m~nt upon tl:o :property in said district; and providil11s for tIle }?ay- m?nt thereot by bonds ot said. district. Th.;;:' City Council of t11'? Cit\T of AUburn do or1Mn as to~lOWS: S'~cti.on 1.. That all that portion of Iv1 ~jl'Leet iT..E.. in tlH~ City ot Au- burn, s i tuat e :)etVl(.~'3n Hatn Street East an1~:Ftg, S tre~t iT .:.8.. 'be improv~1. by tIle grad.1ng of said. portion of :M str?et ~7.E.. and by tll~ construction in said. portion ot 1,[ str8et IT.E.., on .ootll sid':S thQr~of ~ot concrete and. csment s i1:?vfall<s ,and by tl:1.9 doing 01' suer.. otll::n' work as n18.y be neoessa- 1'0 to 1.iroperly COEIJ.J18t~ said irrf.Qrovement; all according to the plans and. spS'cil':Lcations prepar'd by t11e City Engineer for said irrr'prov~nl-9nt, wll.ic:n r;lans and El}) coc iticat ionS ar'~ on f.il~ with th,e City Clf;rk, and. in aecordanc:' wit11 ti::~ resolution of intention providing for Local Improve- ment :District lTO..g4 l)asa '3d 'by tll.e Oi t, council on tl10 19th' day ot JUly) '192g .. S '';).ct ion 2.. T:C..a t the plans and S}? L'clflcat ion for said. improven-ent pJ:9- par-::'1 by t1l9 Ci.ty Engine-er a:id now on file in the oftic'~ of t11e City C1 "''\rlr bA a-'ld. tnt:>. saw.<:) "''''.-.':/>"0'' al."" aT,-'orov"' r1 a-'j ado')tC)A ....."',~.l\. ..~-I ,:: ,.I.. ,,"..l.''-'~ ...lJ..,~ .1..1.':':.i './' ,j .... ,_ J! _ '",'-...L J.l c 1: ."".... s'~ction 3.. That tl1t::! cost and ,9xIHms~ of said. il11prov~m:?mt, including all n'~~c'=!ssary and. incid.'9ntal eX.Qenegs, Shall b~ borne by and assessed against the property included. in the asseSSffiAnt district h9reinafter cr'?at~1 according to law. Th~ City of Auburn Sll8.11 not 'be liabl~ in any manner for any port ton of tIle cost and'?xp'3nS~ of said improvem~nt excs,pt.as.herein provided. s::..ctton 14-.. tr~t ther~ is hereby c'stab11Shed a local improvc:ment diS- trict to be call-9d. Local Improvement District ;"1'0..9'+, Vv"11ic11 said. d",strict is 13scrib~1 as follOWS: "All of t1:1'? property oetw~:m t119 termin'L of that portion of said. stre-et prOl)OS':>d. to "09 ir1Tl)rov~~d as afor'ssaid a:nd on 9acil sid.e th<'D~~of ,abuttinG u}?on,a'ljac::mt,viC1..nal or proximat~ to SUCll por- tion of aaid str9~t to a distance back from the marginal .lines th9reof as provide1 by law." C!c.... n h T'na'~ "'a~A iJ"--'rov,oY"''''11t S"'~'l "A 'nai-1p '0" tli9 c~t.\i of AU""urrl ,J ';? ~ 10 ?.. voL:...L . Li'..bi ;.....4.~'",: J.UAto..i..j - l..l. ,,;., -.,,,, ,./ ""- ~-.J .U un1?r the supervision of th~ City Council th3reof or such comruittee or ~ ~ pc;<rsons as the City council ma~r 1~signate.. s~:ction 6.. Tl'l8.t tl1..sr? is h-:-'r~bY t:>sta()lish~7,d in tIle treasury of the City of AU'ourn a fund. to 'b~ lmovm as "Local Lnprovem.?l1t FUnd,District No~9~. That all money paid into the City Treasury of th~ City of AUbUxn on account at tl19 cost and. SJC) ?r..S3 ot sai d. imprOV8Y!l9nts 1n sai d district Shall be paid into and cred.it'3d to said fund-,and tl1at all warrants drawn or iSSU9d by the City 01' AU-Durn in payment1 for in1}?rovements or eX:.Q'1ns'?s against said district shall be drmm u:)on and. payabl~ from said. fund... 1., '" I , J ..." i ~ ",' .~ v . r ~ r- .. ... ... (' 1. . s~ction 7. PayTI19nt for said. improvement Sha~l be made in thg first instance by vmrrants 1rmvn upon said. local improvem~nt fun~, Which war- rants Shall bear interest at the rate of S J?~r c-'3'nt :Jar annum., Eon1s bearing inter'3st at the rat~ of 7 per cent P';:1J." al1l1um,payabl~ on or be- fore '1. :{Aars from date of issuance, shall "be 1ssU9d. in payment of tt1:? cost and. eX.flsnse of said improvement, WhiCh bon1.s Shall b~ r~d€:el11ed. by tIle col~ection of sp~cial aSfl.'3tWlll~nta to 1:)8 l'9V1.:;od and af1s~Bsed upon tl19 prop~rty within said 1istrict,payable in ~ equal alulual install- m~;nts witI'J. ~:..l1t<~r"'st tll'?reon at the rate of 7 :Qpr c.:mt p9r anl1um,und.~r th~ mod:c. of'lJaym,ent by bondS" as d.~fined bylaW., Sect ion 8~.. The City Treasurer Shall,.upon. receiJ?t of an assessment roll tl'1€:r ~for ,]/llbliarl a l'l.ot ic~ in tIle official newspap~r of tJ.l:: ct ty of AUburn for two cons'?cutive wE'eldy issu~s tl1at SUCh rolJ. is in his llands for collpction and that any assessment thereon or any portion o~ aaeea~ any a8S~SSm€nt may 'oe paid at any t im-e wi tr.J.n 30 days from t:l::<:: dat~ of ths, first pUblication of said. notice,without intor""st"penalty or cost,.and that unless paymEmt b~ ma..:",,? witrJ.in aUcll time, th'~ SU111 r-0If2.ining unpaid th!;!rear't'2r FJ2..Y b~ :paid in equal annual lnstallm~nts,tll-<,'\ num.ber of whicnequal annual instaJ.lm~nts Sl1.all be two less than th~ number of years wllich said. bonds are to run, wtth interGst on the wholf.:! unpaid. sum so C}:1J:1rg '1 at the rat~ of 7. per co,nt per annum,payab:~ annually',an1. each Y::lal? tllE:Tc.>;aftcr one of SUCll installments, togcth'1r wi tll tI19 int C\r<:,st ~'9 tller~on ar,d on all installm~nts tllereatt-er to become due, sllall be col- l'"ctafd in tlle manner provi1?d by law, and unl~ss paym:::mt b~ made at th~ ti111e, SUCll installment or :Lnstallm~nts shall bt.mr int";;l'0st at tIle rat~ of 7 pET cpnt per annum and may .os collect~d and th.€! 11en thereof enforced in tIle rnanner provi1Ad by law.. section 9. Furt11er provision srJ.8.11 be lna1e by tIle City council for thg levy and collection, of th~ assessm~nts 'h~rBln 1?rovide~ for and for tll~ issuanC;2 of said bOi}dS in pasJ.llf.m,t vf tl".€' costs ::'"11:1 ~Xp;~il^i.ses of said improvement, such provisp:Lon to be ma~le frUi~'l time to time by Ordinanc0';. section 10... Ti1at tIlls ordinanc'"' Sllall take effect and b~ in force 5 days from and after its parHJage,approval and pLLb11cation as r~qui:r~d bylaw... Introduced August 21),1928.. ?assf\d August 1,1928.. Approv?1 1, ,1928. 1'Iayor Att'st:lIf( ;17v:~a ::i::;l~rk. ~ .J~A'~3J~<~. Publ1Shed _ (j J- 3--191111. t at t3t At torrl,gJl..