HomeMy WebLinkAbout1765ORDINANCE NO. 1765 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTONt RELATING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET SITIJ~TE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LI~,tlTS OF THE CITY OF AUL~UhIN, k'ESEi~VING EASEN!EN'r$ THEREIN TO SAID CITY FOR UTILITIES., WHEREASf the City Council of the City of Auburn have passed and adopted Resolution No. 181 resolving that a public hearing shall be had for the purpose of determining whether or not the following de'scribed portion of the Enumclaw Highway (C Street S,E.) lying between "C" Street S.E. and "D" Street S.E.~ situate within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn shall be vacated, said portion to be vacated being described as: Beg, at the NW corner of Lot 4x Block 1, Hartman's First Addition; th N 45°00~00'' E to a point 55~0 ft, SWly of the centerline of State Highway No. 5 (sign route No, 167); th SEly parallel to the centerli[ne of St te H)ghway No, $ t.o the extended E llne of' Lot 1t Block 1~ Hamtman~s F~rst Addition; th SWly along the extende~ E llne of aforesaid Lot 1 to the NE corner of Lot lz Block if Hartman s F~rst Addition; th NWly along the N.line of Lots 1 thru 4~ Block 1~ Hartman>s First Addition to the pob. The C~ty of Auburn shall retain an easement Over, across and underneath the above described property for the purpose of malntainin§~ laying and servicing public utiJ ities, and~ WHEREASz notice of public he~,ring to vacate the portion of the street described hereinabove was given by the City Clerk of the City of Auburnz ~n the time and manner' provided by law~ giving notice thai:: the hearing on said resolution was to be held on the lSth day of ~Jarcht 1965~ at 8:00 P.~1., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City' of Auburn; and~ WHEREAS~ said public hearing was duly cai led and held on the 15th day of Harchz 1065~ at 8.'00 P.~4.~ in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Auburn~ and no objections thereto were filed with the City Clerk or presented to the City Council at said hearing; and~ be DO ORDAIN AS WHEREAS, the City Council~ having deemed the petition for vacation to proper and that no vested rights would be effected by the same. NOW~ TItEREFORE~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AU~URN~ WASHINGTON, FOLLOWS: Section Highway (C Street S.E.) lying situate within the corporate described as follows: That the following described portion of the Enumclaw between "C" Street S.E. and '°D~' Street $.TM E,~ limits of the City of Auburn~ more particularly Page One Beg. at the NW corner of lot 4~ Block 1. Hartman~s First Addition; th N 45000'00'' E to a point 5550 ft~ SWly of the centerline of State Highwav No. $ (sign route No. 167)i th SEly parallel to the centerline of State Highway No. 5 to the extended E line of Lot 1. Block 1, Hartmants First Addition; th SWly alon,§ the extended E llne of aforesaid Lot 1 to the NE cozener of Lot It Block 1~. Hartmants Fie~t Addition; th NW/y along the N line Of Lots 1 th~u 4~ Block 1~ Ha~tman~s First Addition to the pcb. The City of Auburn shall retain an easement OvePt aCrOSS and undepneath the above descpibed p~opepty foe the purpose of maintainingt layln~ and seevlcin9 public utilities. be end the same i* hereby vacated~ and the p~operty lying ~n said portion of the stpeet descplbed herelnabovet shall be returned and belong to the abutting property ownees of s~id portion of the [numelaw llighway (O Street S.E.) lying between 'g" Street S,E. and "D" Street S.E., subject to easement~ reserved herein to the City of Auburn foe all public utilities~ S6ction 2, lhis o~dinance shall take effect five (5) days f~om and after its passaget approval and publ ication as INTRODUCED: PASSED: provided by law. ,MARCH 15. 1965 MARCH 15, 1965 APP2OVED: MARCH 1$, 1965 ATTEST: city APPROVED AS TO FORM: · City Att~rne y MAYOR Page Two