HomeMy WebLinkAbout708 r""~ . ...... ~ L'~~ /./ . {)' -V' ~, ' ;, . J I . ~ ~/),./~y.~ ~j..~", ~ / 'J'\' v' rN/ Sv 0 R DIN P, N C E ,l \ ~.-1" ~ ,. NO. 708 AN ORDINARCE relating to rates for City Water Service, amending Section 37 of Oriinance No. 413 and Section 36 of Oriinance No. 413, as am~nd~d by Or inanc~ No. 492, a~j amendin~ Section 34 of Ordinance No. 413 as aa.,:,,:dad. "r.:y O:r:iinance Yo. 550 and Section 35 of Ordinance X,:. .U3 as amended by OrdinD.nces ~~v. 492 and No. 550, and repealing Section 36A of Ordinance Jo. 413 as amend d by Or1inance No. 635, and by ad:lin~~' t:Ser?to a new secti~,n num~2re.~, 33A, divid.ing' the City of Auburn into districts, :::';:;r the rurl';cse of facilitating the collection of fixed water service rates. THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 37 of Ordinance No. 413 of the Ordinances of the City of Auburn, entitled "iL ORDINlIT.JCE r~lating to t~1e municipal water supply sytsrr; of the City of Auburn, creating a department for the Ci ty of Auburn to be known and designated as I Water Department, t creat- ing a fund in the treasury of the C1 ty of Auburn to be knovm and desig- nated as lYJater fund,' creating the office of V'aterEu:c;e:rintendent, re- ?,'u.la t ing the use 0 f 'Netsr from the rnunic ipal water supply sy st,sm 0 f the City of Auburn, providing for tt~ sale of same, fixing the price thereof and providi~g a method. of collectin~ rates therefor, providing penalties for violations of this orlinance, Q~i rGpealing all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewi th," passed ?:Lay lB, 1921, be ani the S.3.,n;e is hereby ameT;d~d so that as amended said Section 37 shall read as follows: "Section 37. A ;'Vater met':)::" may be placed on any service j-, t~'d City, at t:le1iscr~>tion/of the Water SUl)erintendent, an6. tl....':~ Water Corr.rnittef3!of;the City Council, and &n)' n,eter now in use, or that nlay hereafter be plac"d on any service, may be , ""or'''ov''''l 0;- "Y'.U +ir," '-'+ ,.', '~i~crc-+i'-;r'J",f' +1-;;> Wat.~.,. ~11''''''P.''''1....,tc>YI- "-. v ... .........,. \.011oI V 0...) .' -<...........- _. _ v _. _. ::.:> '... v .....If 1..... u_ ,) ~-.,,/., ,-"...... ~ ,,--.1-' v_!.. 1.1 ~J.l,.. dent '1D' t:-l? 7\'ati3.r Committeelof the City Council.n Section 2. That Section 36 of said Ordinance No. 413 as amend.ed by Oriinance No. 492, entitled "AN ORDINANCE relating to rates for City Water Service, providing for a discount in case water service be paid for on or b9for8 the l2t:-'" day of the monti1, when payment for such water service shall bDcoille due, and amendin~ Section 35 and Section 36 and Section 47 of Ordinance Ke. 413 of tl:e orlinances of tr.'3 C:~ ty of Auburn," ;assed September 4, 1823, be &n~ the same is hereby amended so that as au.ended s::.id Section 36 shall read as follows: "Section 36. The monthly rate for Us9 of wat8r, other than rreasured by meters, shall be known as fixed rat,?s, 9nci aha11 be as follows: Domestic use --- $1.50." Section 3. That Section 34 of said Oriinance Ko. 413 as amsLded by Ordinance No. 550, entitled "A~ ORDINI~CE relating tu payments for water service f')rnishe.d >y +:-:--,3 City ()f Au',::urn, e<:r.."'~ 8.mending Section 3: of Ord- inano.-e_No.. 413 of tL:3 ordinG.Ylces :,;f t::e Cit:r of A-c)bUnl, and a.mending Sect ion 35 of said Ordinance No. 413 as amended by Ordinance No. 492 of t~a ordinances of sLii City," passed October 7, 1924, be and the same hereby is awe:-:.d:3d so that as amends'} s2.1:1 Section 3'-~ shall read as fol- lows: "Sect ion 34. Payment for water service sr.all be due and payable monthly, for all classes of service. Fer service at fixed rates, payments shall be due and payable in advarlce, as follows: In District No.1, on the first day of each month, and j f:;aid on or before the 12th daY' of each month, a discount of twenby-five (351) cents shall b~ zivcn, and in District No. 2 on the 15tt day 0 f each n.on ti:, and if 'o2.jd on or before the 27th day of the month, a discount of twenty~five (25~) cents shall be given; for metered services payments shall be due and payable on the 10th day of tt.e mcmth next succeeding the month in w:lich service was rendered." ,..,,...~~.:!!!"""" . 0 f ~ " .:r ~..... .-., ". ,- Section 4. That Section 35 of Ordinance No. 413, as amended by said Or'linance No. 492 and said Ordine.r:ce :Jo. 530, be Sl.:::i tha same hereby 18 ~mended so that as amended said Eection 35 shall read as follows: "Section 35. All wat~r servic'3: f,..'rnish:J:1 at 8. fixe,:'!. ra.te in Dis..l..rict No.1 shall be due ard payable on t~"..e 1st di-jy of eac~: month, and del inqui'3nt on ki8 12t;. 0 f t::e month, an:l if nut Jaid cn or before the 15th of the month, the sail water service shall b3 ji8c~ntinued, 8nd in District No. 2 all water service furni8he~i st ;3 fixed rate '3halJ~ ~ius snd pP,y.:~tls on the 15th of t~e month and delin~uent en the 37th of the menth, and if net Laid en or before the 30th of the month, the sa' water service shall '0 e cii sc on t inued. I1Failure to r?c3iv9 mail wilT not be recoQ;nized. as ;3 valid excuse for fsilure tc. "~'cv rates v{r;sn due. Char~Q'e in ownershiD of property a.Del change' in r!:ailin~ addresS38 nnjst be filed 'in ~ ',\ri ting at the office of the 2'~rerir.t3nd.ent on forms 1~,rovide1 for thc,t Purl:ose. The Superint,;:mi\3::~t may re4uirp. y_symsnt in ed- vance or satisfactory security fer all water to be furnished hY metsr, sn,l if sueIl :r-:-...ym3nt 'be >Jot rr,ad.e, or security fJI"nished within the ti~e fixed by ths S erintenient, wstar shall be shut off fro~ trle f'r<?rnis;3s. I1It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer or snoh other official of ths Oi ty c.f Auburn ""':1088 duty it shall then be to colle'Jt for City Water Service, to give to tte 1.Vater Superinten:.i- ant, on the 13th a~d ~8tt day sf each month, in District Jo. 1 and Ko. 8, re~pectiv91.y, a writte.~ list of all ;J.npai1 water service, .;;riving the t;:l= nua,::;,3I', e neTt,e, 3.dIres::.' 2..Y)~ amount clue, and upon receipt of such list, the Water Superintendant shall immediately r.:roc'e~'?5.. t,~ 3nfor-J coll':)tion Gr.::,isc,~.,.-::inue w;.ster servioe." Section n. That Section 36A of Ordinancs no. 413, as amended. by Ord- inance No. 635, entitled "ft.'; ORDEil\~70E rslati:ng to rat<::s fur City 'NatE;r 2erviGa, ani8niinO' Sect ion 28 0 f Ordi nance ~': o. 413 of the Oriinal"lCe 8 0 f the Oi ty of Au";urTJ" en~~'L furt[!:-:Y 8.l:r.encli:r~R: s 1'3. Ordinance No. -113 ',:-y adding t~lere- +0 ~ "''''''1 ",pctl'rn to 1~'" kno'"'''' ,.~ Qe"'tl'on 36A n be r"":' +....0 s~.'c> .;c 'h.or::'hY r~. u 0.- 1;':"""<. ;::'_j ,J. '-.I:::;'" ~Y.U. iJ,a ~"' v'; J. "",--, o_,~L_..L vl._,.J ..:;:,...!lJ\~. ..1..tJ J..J.O..,I t~.) r;:.- ealed. I 2ect ion Au-';u:rn '03 to bs kr~01,rr 6. That ssiJ. Or::linanc9 :~o. 413 of the OrdinI:1LC~"" of tb,s City of the s:_~n:e is l'l,ere-o.:r Gllle"i:l.:::l, c..y adc.il1g 8." n8~;Y 36ction thereto, as 2ection 33A, 'd'cj~8:: Section 33A shs.ll read as fellows: "Section 33A. Thc;..t the City of Auburn be 8:1'1 hereby is divided into District No.1 [.n:., I'istrict =~o. 2, fer the rUI'})OSG of facilita- ting the collection of w&ter service ratos as follows: All that por- tion of the City of ;,u1::;urnF:ast of ftu'burn Av,:mue and Ii' 2treet S. E., be ani is desiqnated. as District No.1, and 8111 that :portion of t.....,e City of Auburn lying' ,:rest of Auburn Jvenue rin:'l F Street S,. E., be a.nd is ciesignated as District~T~. J.n arid 2e ct i :.:>n 7. The:. t t.. ~ co Or :ina r c":: SL19"11 aft,,:'!, t~;.3 1st dc;y c:C" .Janui.:.:.ry, .1931. t.ck"" ef ect, .h.:':) ..,.t ....,.....1 :1..n force ~' ~ )~{ ~f'.. frc~ ]1 .~{ Il,~ J j ~Jl Introduc8::i. Passei Ay, rov8d Novcrrl''')cr 18, 1930. '\ ~'::ovenJ.~)0r lE, 1~.30. l1~.._t:?-:~J-/h Att,Qst/~~.. '/ / ~~ /~ff!A.' /bV. ' C.;~ ('1 "....1r ~u! -'-'-,.... A -----.,--~-'.-.,,7'<--.-------- "Viayor. .A~Droved. E,S to tor ll~ : DU.... I . c< r', p' . ~ '.J ~.t ..)......... . /::J U 7J~ i~ ----. City Attorney \ ; SECTION...,{)11,.........__.. BY ORD. NO..~~.~;1~t1__..__ '. :--...J., -..C1:": r,31ating; t~ rste; fer City V'at~'r 2ervice, arr>8nd1nQ.' 0p_cticn 37 cf Ori'.L'nan~e ~o'. 41~ -r~ 0a~tl'rn 3~ of O~~l'n"rco ~o A17 . __ ....... ::::..l.'....'I. C_-'..~'>J '...J.o ..L1....A. C/...1 t... ".. of .:t~t~''', ~5 a~?naS:l by Orlinance No. 492, and amendin~ section 34 cf Ordinance No. 413 3.S s,n.3nde.i by Or.linance nc. 55C and ~''Sc;tion 35 of Ordinance No. 413 as a~3nd~ by Ordinances :0. 488 an1 No. 550, and repealing Section 36A of Ordinance Jo. 413 3S amended by Oriinance :0. 635, ani 0~r c;.i.iing thsrsto a Eew s?cticn Lumbered 331>, dividing tLe City of ~,uburn into districts, for t:--,e T..'J.rpos8 of facilitating t!:16 collection of fixe:. wat3r service rates. o R D I l~ f. l~ C E :~ 0 . 7 0 8 THF CITY COU::JCIL OF THE CITY SF N.JBUHN to ORIJ~rJ P"S FO'LLOv'S: ~ecticn 1. T t Section 37 of Ordinance No. 413 af the Ordinances of the City of Auburn, entitled "A~ JR~INANCE relating to the municipal water SU[":'fly syst2!li cf the C1 ty of .Auburn, cr'3atinQ a de::artrnent for the City of Puourn tc 'os known and d'~signataJ. as 'Ii'at r De~~a.rtment," creat- ing s. fund in the treasury of the City of J\uburn to be known and desig- nated as 'Wat3r Fund,' craatinq the office of Watsr SU9srintendent, re- Q"ula"tinq the U8e of wat,"r fron; the municipal watsr SUPl:.ly systelL uft:"l8 City of ~uburn, proviiin2 for tte sale of s~me, fixing the price thereof :.:..rd. prcvidin:' a rnethol c,f collectinv rates tterefor, ;;:rc\11:iing penalties for viclaticn of this orlinance, ani r8~ealing all ordinances or parts t~er~0f i~ conflict herewith," cassed May 18, lSZl, be ani t~e s~me is ::-.er:-:o,:r 21fL:mli3:l ,~c t:-;,c~.t as '3.H1endeJ. s8.1:1 0ectioll 3'1 shall rGEd as follovvs: "Section 37. t w~ter meter may b~ ~laced on any service in t:ne City, at tLe discretion of the City Council, and any meter now in use, or t}:at may hereafter be placed on any service, may bel'l!erno"JC1 at anv t:iJne at the discretion of the Ci tv Council. u ~. . ' Secticn 2. That Section 36 of said Ordinance Nc.413 as amsn1ei by :)r:iinance :10.492, entitled llJ\:.: DRDI:U::-CF: relating to rE~t."s fer City 1~!a- t ,..,. . , . f ~ . + . t ..,' rl ~ ar ~erV1C8, provl~lng or a jlsC0unJ 1n case wa sr serVlCA OS Dalu lor OD or b!-:fer? t':? 12t:.-J ];:.y of the n:c.:--lt:-:, -Nr:en rayrr,"nt fer ~)uch water gc;r- vi c e sh all b"lC one rq~ 11 e, ani 8.n,erjdi DQ C'ec t i::.:n 35 s'D<'l COso t L,n 36 ani ~ect i m 47 of Ordinance TIo. 413 of th~ o~~inances of the City of Auburn," 9assed S9~t8ilibs~ 4, lS;3, be and the sarre is hereby amended se th~t as amended said Section 36 shall read as follows: "2ection 36. T~e re~ntly r~t3 fer than messured by rest~rB, shall be known shall be 0.8 follows: Dou~estic use US3 cf w~ter, other f. 't ' as lxe~ rs 3, ann (1 ~;"\ " ~; ... II 'ov .. fection 3. That 2ection 34 of said OrcUnance No. 413 as amended by Ordine.nce No. 550, entitled up:: ORrIN~;\JCE relating to payrrlents for 1lv'atE":r serviCE; L;.rnished >-JY the City cf Auburn, anc. amending Section 2>4 of Ord- inance ~1o. 413 of tl:,:: (;r.'~inc.nJ:i3 of tee:> Cit~T ,~r AU:YJrt:, ,':l.n..:L arGBnriing ~;ec- tion 35 of 88.i1 OrJinanc8 :Jc. 41:5 (;;:'3 an''': .1i::::'oy O:;:',in::J.LGs L". 4S':' of tYee oriinance8 of 8',1:"'1 City," passed Octooer 7,19034, be a!le;. t.n8 SaIne her-::oy is sn,ende1 so that as (i.{{,ende;i s::,,13. S3ctiGn 3'l 81"',all res:5- as fellows: "Sect ion ~)i:. Pi:lytl;5n t for vva tBr serv ice shall be due and ~ayable ~cnthly, for all classes of service. For service at fixed r.:;,t"s, Fayments shall b'2 iue e.:r,d b-YEible in s.dv<:.ll1ce, as follows: In District No.1, on the first lay of eaa~ month, an,;' if paid C:::1 or befors the 18th d.~:.i.y of e8.c:~ It;;nt'::., a disccunt of twenty-five (85;) c:;;nts sho-l1 b~~'iv3:::1, ani :in District :io. 2 on the 15t~ lay f eact mcnth, and if ~aid en or before the Z?th day of e IDGnth, a discount of twenty-five (25~) cents shall be ,"iven; for ([.stered services o.yrrlents s!"lall b-:-l due and l,ayable on tts lOth day of t~8 mLnth naxt 80cceeding the mcntb in which service was rendered." . Section 4. That Section 35 of Ordinance No. 413, as amended by ssid Or,~in;::.nc;-:: ~:". 422,;,,~::.,: s;:j,'L~l Oriinance No. 550, be a.nd the same hereby is amended sa that as affie~iad said Section 35 eball read as follows: , 1 - r ~ . , .. If: .. f ..... . . - .. "Section 35. All w~ter service furnished at a fixoi rate ill District i'To. 1 3118.11 be:iu,::: 8-1'1'.:1 ~'5.ya,t)le Gr~ t1.18 lst~.lGY' of each mcntI-., and delinquent cn tha 13t":". of the month, [;Yl:i if not p~ici on or before the 15th 6f the mcnth, the s~'j water s3rvic~ stall b3 :ii scent inu 81, ami in Di strict :: c. Z all wa t sr servi C'3 furnished at a fjxel rate stall be Que ani payable on the 15:t of tte montl' an:l deljn~r.,;ent on ths 27th or tt.8 month, 3,:1d if not ,ai~ an or bsfcrs the 30th of the month, the sa:i wat~r gorvicA shall 88 discontinued. "failure to receive mail wil~ not b~ recG~nized as a valid exeus', for failure to pay rates wilen due. Chai19't? i.t] ~ncrst iI". d' rvrerty a,11 chan\;'3 in amilin~: ad:lresses must be filed in writing at the office of the SU0e~intendent en fo~ms provided for that'.,;r:.ose. TDe ;::'l.x~erin+:endent may rc3:-i'ire r'ayrricnt in ad- vance or s~tisfactory security for all water to be furnished by rrater, sui if suer: ayment b::: net made, or sc?curity flJrnished 'r:ithin th:; tiDe fixed cy t::H3 3u ~rintcnd~"n.t, wat31" s~lall be shut off fron: the y.:r":rdf};:Os. "It shall be the c:uty of ths Ci ty Treasurer or SL1C'~ other official of the City of fluburn whoso duty it 81:a11 then be to coll::;ct for City 'Water Servic(~" to .-rive tc t:-,e Fat:.'r C:u:;erinten- ia~t~ cn the 13th ~nd 88t~ duy of ea?h ffionth,_ in :i~~riet ~o. 1 ano, ~;o. 2, Ti?S:.3CtlV,:;ly, a wrltten 11!3t of all. Un~)8.1) water 8e1'- iTic",:, o':'"J"in9,' the ta; nun;'J~r, t':-2P name, adJress ar.d an,v,;nt due, [;r;c. 1):,- r)n receir:t of suet: list, trle 'lYater su::'srintendent shall im- mediately pToce~d to enforce collection or discontinue water service." Section 5. That Section 36A of Ordinance No. 413, as amended by Ord- inance N,). 635, entitled ,,~\~: ORDINANCF~ relatin~J' to rat'""s for City Water Servico, amending Section 28 of Ordinance No. 413 of the Ordin~nc6s of the C i L '" ^ .. ", ~ t'" ' . ., 0 d' N" 13 ' . A . t.. 1j~T OI r>u.curn, Ena 1ur ,Her s.menCllnQ" saHt r\.lnance j o. Lt CY aCl'~ln~ f"ere- to a ne''"! section to be known as Section 36/-", be and tt.e ss.r;e is l':er~~by r::pee-.le:i. Section 6. That sail Ordinance No. 413 of the Ordinsxccs of the City 0: t,uburn be rind tLe same is hersby amended, "r.y ad:iiiit c! new sc~;ction there- to, to be knov,r: as Secticn 33A, w'~iG(J facti-cn 33A shall re as follows: neection 33A. That thE> City of Auburn be and 'her~:cy is divided intc Dis~~jct No. 1 a~d ristrict No.3, fer t~e ;urccs8 of facilita- ting tI-e collection of water service rat:os as folJovis: ],11 that por- tion of th,g City of ].u0urn Fast vf ~uburn f.venu2 sn::1- F Street f.. E., be and is desi~nated as Distric~ No.1, Bnd all that portion of the City..:.f 1,uou,rn lyinc:: "r3st of tut)'J.rn fvenue anc, F 2treet 2. E., be "' . A . +' -". t . t ;.- ")" an~ 18 ~aB1~n~vsa as D1S rlc uO. w. ""gct i cr~ 7. Tho.t t-~i s Oriinance srcall te.ke effect and be ir. force fren. an:::. aft~r t:lc; 1st as c: Janusry, 1~31. Introduced Passed A~I;.rcvej Decembe~ 2, 1930~ December Z, 1930. D3C em!"": e r S, 1 S' ~~O . C-~ ~- -~-.- - - - -.--- -- Mayor ----~ - ~ -~~-~-cI , (/. ~ 4- l-)ublis'hed: c~~v~jI__ /;1.3 c, Ap,roved as to form: ~~~a_1O~~--~- - City l\ttorney