HomeMy WebLinkAbout713 'I , 10 .. .7' . " . .,. ... '7J3 o R D I N A H a E N 0 . 1 l~ , AlT ORD~NAlJC~ creating a fund kno\'m as th0. Accident Pund, providing for t.r.e drc.'i.'iVlng or warrant s upon said Ace ident Funcl, providin~~ for the levying of a 3pecial tax to pay said E'.mount, nrovi(]..imr for the (:lis-oosi- tion of any surplus therefrom, fixing the denominations of such warrants and prov:l.d.ing for the collection of the special tax. THE CITY COUNCIL Ol~' THE CITY OF AUBTJRiJ DO ORDAIlJ AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby established in the Treasury of the Ci ty of Auburn a fund to be known as "Accident FUnd"; that e.ll moneys pS,id into the oi ty Treasury of the City 0:1:' Auburn on !;j,ccount of the si,ecial tax hel':::inafter p:rovic~ed for, sncl-11 be paid into and. ored1ted to said f'l1.nd, and that all l.'Varl'8.n"~s d.r2'}im or issued by the City of Auburn in payment for any judgment on account of per sonal injurj. e S obtaineet against said Oi ty eha.'l be drawn upon and pa)";Jbld fror.l said fund. Section 2. Ths.t. whenever a judgment is obtained against th~ Ci t:! of Auburn on acoount of personal injuries su.ffered by any r:erson, ana he.s been d~ly certified to the Clerk of the City of Auburn, as now provided by law, tr~e Clerk shall draw warrants upon the Acc ident Fund for t}w f-ull amount of said judgment, inteI'cst and oosts, as shown by said. trenscript of judgment. Sect ion 3. At the first meeting of the City Couno i1 aft.: r tIle c"lr8.w- :i.nc~: of SE-lei warl'a:CltE:~, the; City Counoil of the City of Auburn shall estimc"te the amount neoessary to pay SEtid war:.::ants) with accrued. interest thereon, and shall levy 8, s:pcoial tax to)ay Bedel e,mount) not exceeding three (3) mills on t:.:..e dollar, in anyone year, upon the assessed valuation upon all the re<:::l and l;ersonal property within the present corporat e lilY,i ts of the Ci ty of Auburn. If a levy of three (3) mills is not sufficient to pe"y said warrants and interest thereon, then an additional levy, not exceeding three (3) mills, sLle:U be l1iB,cLe from year to year until s2,id warrants and interest are. ful1.y paid. ;:\e.ction 4. After tLe payment of said warrants and interest in full, if any money remains in said Accident Funcl the same shall be paid into the Current Exrense :D\1n:~ of the City of Auburn: Provided, that no other judgment for 1:Jersonal ii1iuries is then due and remaininp: unoaid a>:!.'Hinst the Ci.tv ,:)f "J,; "". ',,~..... >--.J ~ ... Au1)urn, in which event t.;;e remaining money in said fund shall be aprlieci to the payment of such judgment. flect ion 5. The warrant s provided fer ha:L'c in shall be i sEued in denom- inations of not le~~:; than one hunc:red dollars nor more than five hundred dollars; BJ:~all bz; si:~ne5. by the Mayor of the City of Auburn and attested by the Clerk, shall dra'.'\f intel'est at the r2~te of six per oent per annum, shall be number(~d cons60tJtively and shall '0'3 paid in the o1'cler of their issue. Seot ion 6. The specie.l tax her8 in !)1'ovid80. for snaIl be aSBe ssed and collected in the marUler provided by law for the collection of general taxes in the Oi ty of Auburn. Section 7. This ordina.nce shall t2.ke effect and be in force five days from ancL after its passap;e, approval and publioation as required by law. ^'T''T'E~T'; / ~ ~N.~/. ;: -- --"~-_.._-"-....~ City I e r k / I Introduced Passed A~:.;:~)roved May 5, 1931. May 5, 19 ~n . 11ay 5, _l~_ --------- ..1Jra~;or Published May 7, 1931. Approved as to f~ --~~~::_-~-- vi ty Attorney