HomeMy WebLinkAbout719 ~...,~,.--._- ---,- ---'---"-:--~ ~-~----~-~'--':-~,:,.:-.';/i--:>_c-':-__ -,,__~_'.f~ ----- ~ -->-'--''':---~~':.'"",,.'' If!t . ^'- \ "~ ~.....-_.c.-, ~__ '. :7/q (\ ~ I-i I 719 =Z Ol~ t ~- -,,.. C~T) =~:/~~: c..cl OT)t i11n [\ t'] rJ '1..-"),'. "', q r' ,_. A. .,-' .- ,,-L .L1.... :). J_ ""' b::.; . t ~~ Ol~ t ll8 it:r 0:[ An1J"1J.rn '_.) I~'-.'-'7" II r--'- " ~ ) 1~; c\ ....., .", I' -~--~ .,:;. ., C" . .~, ..:>. Section 1. S~h8;t pUJ:."~::rnant to the 1)l~ovisiol1s of Ch..'l./cer 158 01 tho lo.vJs of rashin.:ton of tho 700.1"11.. D. 192;-:;, the n'"7or oJ'" t]J8 .'~;i o~ ,~~.~ - -~-[c'll :) :'l.C;I~ct, O~~~01"i9 d c C1.:'3:~_ C~}lr;_ ~JJ.2.ceD_ o_~_1fiJ_G ",":it~l: t110 -_,it~/,. Cle~clc o~~ t::e jit-~ 0_ ; ~:_-!1'l:1 a ~~)1~81irnin_.;.l~~.r ~JTl.'~ ~'8t 01- t}"le ~real~ 193~_,: ~:_~_"'J'..t ::lot.ico r]~.:\G "~:.~__:;~('2- 011 1~~11J_:" i~:'11J)J_i~~-~e(1 .~..S 1-'8r~llirea by lc.rJ, statill(~ tJ1Lct t]18 or 11'10 comj)lete'I c-;l:i IJls.ood on file S1lCh )relirninar:r bUG.'ct 2~nc1. t c. CO~):T 1,','o1'JJ1 ~Je :flJl~,lish8cl to o.n;:.r tax Il8.;)Ter rJilO -.';'oulcl Go,11 therefor 2.t the of:2ice 0::' the Cit:,' Cleric [',)l(} tint the JOlE1Cil of tho Ci oc j\.'on ,-'or.lel meet 0.1'1 the first iIOl1cl.F"y 0:1: Oc t 01)er, 19~jl, at 8 0 J G loc}: :2.E., for the .;l."'~iO se of fixin:~ the fil18. J_ lJ11a.:.'"':~et 8..1'la~ Tllal::in--'; tile tc~:: levies o..r:/l t;Jl~ 8. 11:}r ta:,: ])Q.;rCJ? nli(~711t Ct.I)J.JCZ~r ;:.:..t -- SUC}1 ?,"jloetirli:; aYl(I be 118o:ed j=Ol') or i.!J_st c-,ll~r })2il~t of 8l10}1 l)T]ILc~et, (1esiGnatill~:3" the l)lo~ce o::.:'=' 311C}~ r-:eetil1C7 at tJ:8 Cit~r }{aJ_l_ il1 tIle City ofA.ub'Lu"n, Kin: C01Ulty,' shin{ton; thc'l.t the Hayor of the Cit~T of Aulnu'n (1.uly lJrovi(lecl 8. sllfi'icient nm;1ber of COllies of saicl clet::dled c"l1D. j?rol:irlinar:,' i)uclCet to j",oot tile 1"e2"son:::',I:\10 demc":'lci.s of tho tax payers tl1811efol"); t}lC,,1; "'cliO -'-]it;yi COlll1Cil of tile <;it::r of Ii. -LJl1n (Il11ZT r(le.t~ at t11e time amL l')l[;,oe (lesiC118.teU. in saicL notice on the first I'ol1clc,y in OctolJor, 1931, and thc:,t an;;, [,11 tax JJayers of the City of 1'..1),IJurn I;']ereziven full OFCJ01"tunity to be 1'182"1"0. for or a:c;ni11st 31Wh budget; tbz,t such hoarinG Vh~"s concluc1.ecl on such first TIonclc.;/ in Oct. olJ or , 1931, JclJ.,c~t at the cOl1clr:.sion of such hearin;7, said City COlmcil cluly f beeet ['1"J1(\. d. e tel~rnille(l 83"C 11 it er:{ of s[.li c1. 1J1ICle;et sO J)CL1~a t e l;l: ~.~ }lr::, t tIle it81-:j8 o~f 8xIJenclit1lres 30 fi::ecl [.~nJl ctetor~-:liYlecl ~'.~~l-')e IlO'~"? 11Gj:9 2..dopted b~T this Grclilk'''YlCe 8.l1d o.re 2"S follo,;]s, to-rJit: L IBR\RY :G'mm LOGS estilIk<:tted cash 118.12,nce 1/1/3~ IJe ss est ima t eD. r ec e iFf,; s :[1' 01"1 fiI-,.(38, ate. - - - - - - - - ~o be raised by taxation - - - - - ~1770.00 - - - - - - 461.73 - - - - - - 4GO.00 ;..:269r:-73 Salaries and waDes - - - - - - - HC', il1t enf:U1C e anD. o:;Jera t i 011 - - - - Ca)ital outlay - - - - - - 537.99 235.00 77';.;.99 - - ,1,918.74 V" T'ITITTICIJ~-'f\.Ij B1JII!D ITT0- IIT~L'=:R.:~ST /'.T~D ':" IT,:~I1T(". "J1-T~T\ U ,~- _.:. ,~. ," ,,'C' ~ Intierecd:; 011 '.",,30,000.GO at 5."i~ ';01" ~'.;ln1lJ'1 - ...., ~:AI ... Reserve for debt redemption - - - - - - To be raised by taxation - - - 1575.00 727.48 .'\0 '700 48 '" - - ':,li:.! 'v L.). J?.tJ{1: B CilnJ SI::~L~}=:tES ~-L~ \}':'D R~!)=I ~-;)~;~ I ceT llUD) Interest - - - - - Reel OI:lpt i on of B om] S~ITplus - - - - T otLl - TIo. 6 - - - - - - 581.87 500.00 69.37 "1,151.24 v ( m ' '.1:0 De raisoC, b7 ta:z:ation) \:} '''''''' l .... /1.. C C ID '81TT rulm To satisfy jud{;rnent in HoIland vs Cit~r of A"l1ou..rn, including interest, _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ',2,686.22 v (To be raised by taxation) CITY :PROPEflT"'{ ASSESSF:::;UT R}~DEL::.?rrIOiT P1J1TD 4. d ________--_____..~.._... --'.-- Library 10ts - - - - - - - - - - - - City park - - - - OgleYs Garden Tracts'- Suxplus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80.44 614.84 173.12 90.9'7 959.37 ,/ To be raised llY taxation - - - - - - - - - - - C1JRR~TT EX J?JgI~~.._~~~Tlm state ~:aminer - - - - - 300.00 -- City Treasu~"er Salary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Ba1n.nee of Cit;yr r~reCtsU11erYs s2.1::.'..1";/ to be paid. Ir om t or Fund) Expense - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 '75.00 :'\ 6 '75 . 00 --- City Clerk - - :.)1,800.00 160.00 :,,'1,950.00 ....... Salary - - - - - - Ez:pel1se - - - - - - - - - - - - - City Attorney (", 900.00 25.00 650.00 ;:~l ,575.00 v ~'l.lary - - - - - - - - - - ~=~)8ilSe -- - - - - - - - - spec ia1 counsel c oU1t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cost 3 C i t:r :811Cine eT 500.00 25.00 525.00 v Salary and ~agos - - E:{,pense - - - - Inec t ions General e:KpenSe - - - - - - - - - - - - - Registration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25.00 25.00 (' . " 50.00 / l?olice Court 88.. J_al~Y - - - - - - - - - - :EbqJense - - - - - - - - - -..- ~itness fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " .,,; 420.00 20.00 10.00 450.00 v Health Officer Salary - - - - EXpense - - - - - - - .- t.', 1(30.00 10.00 ~:) 190.00 / - - - - - - - - City :3uila.ing Salaries ana. W8,c~es - - - - - - - - - - - Eo.intenance 8.11.(1 OlJeration - - - - - - - - 690.00 873.00 ~"l,563.00 /' Police De:oartment SC:..J..~~ r ie s C\j:1(1 'rJLt{-~e s - - - - - - - - - - - - int.en;~rlce c, olJOl"o.tiOl1 - - - - - - - - 3,470.00 250.00 3 , 7 2 0 . 00 ./ Pil"'e Deprtrtnent Sal2.ries ancl TJaces - - - - - - - - - - . 2,0?O.00 thintenanc e a11.(1 o:~)era t ion - - - - = - ?::-l-.JJ..:..7o l3 ,B1:-; .~'O Ca1)ital outlay _ - - - - - - - - - - - /./f~()-,-(}Q. _ ~l)' .'frO ,'1'6 34n '70 ~) ,t e" . J -2,- !ll""'" ,:<'f,' "o~-~~~~','.37 "" " ". 3 ~ ~ .! Sani ta t ion De}x::.rtr18nt S<11o. r ie s 8/.(1 \-Ji:,v~e s - - - - - - 1.., 'ir> J.'" ,..., ---!~[) ~:"~l ~"' C' CI (') V) tl '-- 0--'0-'-"'1 .L,~ o-~ .k,'\'; Ji.L'V.i..:.,-,...t.l ...:. L.-..j,L,,'_ -.,;:vi.<...,;"UwL To. - ;,,1,950.00 '7 7Qr;~ 00 ---.f:l..L_ ~:.:~_ '.'. /\ h r7L! '7. 00' II ',,0, :rU. V' Hi,-;l1x:ay De}Xlrtmont Sc~lal~ ie S 8..11<1 1~\;-j o:e - - 500.00 400.00 900.00 ,/ HC.intonance 8..nc1 o}Jors.tion L. I. D. Advances Salar ie s 3..J1d vJage s - - - - - l-12... irrt; e l1L\11C e Ol}8]~ ~").. T 1011 - - - - - - - - 300.00 - - - - - - - - 200.00 ~L~>fh};:ft~{~XX~OO7i01m:: 500.00 v (o~r.~t""oJ- ...... -'.0""'" lJ by receipts) int e llanc e a wI street r,ight inC'~ oj!oro,tiol1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,250.00 V' Build ine;, Sid 8\7a11::: SeVier InsIJec t i on Sa 18..1') i 8 S C\ }"1(1 y} [L~c;e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( C-"~"',.., e.l. ~-J' ,r 1'> P.C e J.' ...1_ ,.., ) -L.-L 0' lJ ,~,' _.J - ,_.f l: i.;j 400. 00 ./' City ]'ar}: Salar ie s 8.11:1 1,J~<SO S - - - - - I,Taintenf\l1ce 2"n~~ OIJor:d;ion, - - - 6 00 . 00 2.00.00 800.00 ../ Eisc el1ane ons '''::.01101''0.1 )i,SO ]~. I. D. 110recloSTJl~e 8.m1 Ei::p10ynen.t :3Ul'>eQU :,~:i3(3 elJ4Cl,118 01.lS '.:C=:.)8 -LgO ta:(8 s 175.00 25.00 350.00 100.00 Il1.(lWLlstx.ie~J_ Illr.rl1]~~[?..j1CC - - :-~8flDl(18 - - - - - - -- - 99.99 "/49.99 J / v' :Snerc;ency Ordinances, 1930 - -- - - - - - - J:1ot2'.1 e::::j!ondi-'cl.lreS fron i..lTrent E:;:J)Ollse ]}und 1,664.91 $2,348.60 1)1) T"T ''',~ D"":.r -C"r - - ,~. .LJ.. ~,...c T~ ii'1JIT1) S['..J_[\l~ lC S ~?..}1n V}~"r:'8 S - -- - - - - - - - - - I.I~~in_te]_18..1_1CC Ci.ll<l ol')e~")[~1..tiOj1 - - - - - - it~l Outlay - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (ITo taxation, offset 'by estir.'1c:\ted cash l)aJJ\]1c;o 1/1/32 and recoi:~,ts from ststo of .. shL'. on) 2,500.00 3,550.00 - r) ..J:...'..::..----!__. .r; ,O~O. 00 ~,._Lt:..~t~ ~'~I{ =}lTlTD SGluriss ail~ Bszes - - - - - - - - - I~ail1tenal1ce 8.)1(1 oper~:ttiol1 - - - - - - - - - i'~:?l O-l;,t1c"~r - - -- - - - - - - - - - - :l1"t; 01" e st ~l~ !;~/;__ (1 e 1) t J~ i 011 - - - - - - (I~o tD"::[ttion, [1..J_1 to ~Je '-1- JT: 11'0.- )'" 1?)eVGJll1CS ~_;~.~., ~(_ _.~~ :..,_~_ :.~.~".'. ~'). :,~. y,~",,:;,1 . ~J;:- 11' 0,:: L:u.l1ic i)~.J.J_,jr oV,"'le'~. Y'" "'.:' 'c; '. 7,180.00 2,810.00 ~5,iJOO.00 14_,588.75 ,>28,378.75 Tr~t the estlinated receipts of all DOlleys to be l)[\ id il1t 0 "t}18 G .l.l:_~l~ CYl"t e:~~,)e il s8 fl7J.ld 0:[ t 1:0 vi t;/ of t:L)jnU'l1 (1 Ul" in.;" the year 19~)2, :;:'j> on 80-lu~ces otllor tllall t3.:z:~~~'tiOJ.l, 8.:1(1 tl:e cstirlftted s1.U"l)lus in sai(} current expo::'sG f,ind 011 J2"!1i.',8.ry 1, 1932, o.re as 1'" olJ.ovi S, Jc 0-';; it: Licenses - - - - Interest on ba do]osits SeVJ01~ - )8~~?~-:lit S -- - - - - - 500.00 I\i"'l .uv 150.00 -Lu;::-~ - - - - f,. GO. C)\] S i,'loVJo.l J_1: :~'i_;.les a11D~ iOl"lfcitiJres T?o::-..il. anD. bricL;;e, I~intS C 011J'lt~/ - - 10.00 50.0'0 750.00 000.00 '^')O:::~-'_:it8 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -2j- .- , ' ---- j I. .~ ~- } .1 / L. I. D. a~l vemc e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - RefimCl. s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other Kiscel1aneous receipts - - - - - - ~ '.... J J ..I .... .., 1 J J,. .L.U. S co covel" COst; o:~ CO.L_ec cion, ete. - ( , 500.00 25.00 150.00 sstimc..teel 193?2, - - ca sh balz;_nc e Oil 1:":0. i)O '~3 3'7;0, UU \,' , ~L.--'. lJD.,11(1 JD..11112..1~~r 1 , T ot:~ 1 - 1,000.00 - }:4 ,335.00 v T ~c it rJiJ~J_ O:C01'")C ~')e }leCe-33[tl~;:r to l~c~iSG tile SllEl 0:;: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:':28,013.60 ./ b~T 2;ellel~al tc~::,~.. t iOl1 3.:~J'2~ i"-:.:;t C:..J_J_ of t~~.'1e t2..:':2,:~ J_8 ])ro:pert;'l sit"1.J.D.te :':iJ~hin t;lO :Tcse:;t; COI'T)OI'2.te limits 0::' the City of L Ten ';lith \:luchP to the (^ "-")'1-~ J e' ., . --1'. c.'" ..-.,... t ~ -. ~ .., ;,"1. J,. en c ::;q;8ncll G1U"e s Ol S2.lCl i.; l Y 0:,:: LuauI'n ClFI' tIle ~:-G2..:~ lS;j~:~. Lltr oeJ.l::.C eel. nc t 01) er 0, 1931. II .., .L"['1, 8s8 CL October 6, 19;:31. -:,1.") 0"'\]' C c1 Octo~)OJ: (), 1931. --------_.~.__._~-- r;)l,rIt. 'cL~ - ~N~ ~~~~~~:-~ ""-- ~.,. "+te ./-. /~. .t', l' s.u)'. / /. / /// , // :J{ I / , / i / I /' v. ,- y; __~ v _~~.~~.. ..._.._ __""_"'___" / C it'! '''.. er]:::. " / !/ . --.'--~-1~riJ:~7oi~' ,~ 11 ~~) :)1'") ov e~: 3. 8 t 0 :f Ol"L1 : :.)..Lc-ol~"" Octbl.1,(;lr 8, 1931. _~_'---' 'tv ~~HTN~'I'()N """Eo '1 ~ -{~-