HomeMy WebLinkAbout720 ,..-.-~~-'-- . -' , e- - -<t' : , · ""h ;::.0 " o R D I ~~ A ~~ ~ E i'.T o. 720 '--- Oil) f'i:i:inC; the amounts of ta:: levie s nace ssary to rcdse t:w :;.Jc:Olui:ts of tho estiFlc.."tte6 e::-,011elii:17T'es of the City of A .....1rn .-ro-,.., +1-1e \10-<:":,-,1 lQ'A? 1po("". J.:l10 ';:o.ll:.~l (..~ ~'h8 e("l~;r:;,,=..-~~c,l I"'lO""'ey,-"I"'\" .-71")OT: ~ .J_ u___ c.I \........1- __-.lIL.of..J, ~_.,,/ ;...)'.,.- ll.c..j .... -'-c-.J~._ J_,. "...I.-. oL _~..~c,. v'-......-'_. V V .....l.l..-l..\:;: ___~.J... "., SO:);1..'OOs othcr th;:\11 tcJ.:zo..tion, incJ.l1llinc availo.1JJo S'J~"r)lu8, 2.nc1 such. e:~l?Gndi.t~lJ~"'tOS :::'8 8.,1-")8 to ~Je r.~8t il~O~.l b011CtS 0..11(1 'r.rarrc..r~t iSS118S, anci Jcl1e e:{)ol1ditlU"O s for sl:'.lc:.r ies 2'-'" T;.~'e s, !riB. il1.tenance, oIiel"c.t ion a net ca:pi tal ontlo.;:r of :201" the lic LibrarZr of the City of:\uburn, all for tl1e ~real~ 19:~;~:;. ..:llel~cr~s, tl'lO :~it~r COL1Jleil of tl10 Cit:,:-. of t_l:.~_/'LU~11 }W..8 l1ereto- :CoJ.~c3, .iYLll'QT1D.l1t to t:1C ~)rovisioi1s 0:': CllC'.I)ter 158 of the Session 112S'!S of tho st['~te of'2..shill~ton fo~c tho Joo.r 1923, cl1l1y fn:oel ancI cleterminecL se)8.ratol;T each item of tho blJ.dget of the City Of\lJJ:J"lU'n fOl'" the :rO::.r 1932, c~nc1 1lY ordinc:'l.nce d\Jl~r adOl)tecl saiD, THule-at as so fixed 8J1.". Det8r- rdned; ancl '..:11ereas, the Count;Y-.~ssessor of ~~in~~ County, '7ashinc;t 011, has cluly certified tl12.t the tot(}.l ::~ssossed v['"luE~tion of all of the proper- t;y situa.te y,'i'thin the present cor:"Joratc limits o:c the City of AUlJl1rn, as equalized anD. fi::odb:f the County amI State noarcls of -':;c~lJalh~8.tion for tho ~roC'.r 1931, is 1,918,749.00; 2.ncL ',:her02.S, s2.irJ. ~n:ulc~;et heretofore fb.:ed D.ctorrlil1cd anCL o.doIlteel l1Y oraiIlCc~lGe as 'J.foreso.irJ. provides for the follor:in{S e:x:t1encli- t1il'Cs dlJl"inC the ~reC'..r 1932, vis: As salo.ries ane1 v1aces, TI1o..intel1ance, OlJeration ana. capital outlay of an<"', :;'or the Tu111ic lilH'ar'T of the ~rvJ- of Lulro..:cn - - - - - -- - - - :;':2,691".73 from \'Jhioh theTe is to i)e dedl1ctecl: list iDJ['~ too. 0[';.. 811 1J2..J_~11C e JaJl-L1Il.l~~r 1, 1932 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v537.99 ~i:stir:1f'"ted miscellal1eous receiDts 235.00 772.99 lec,,,ving to 110 raisecl,by taxatlon~_' ~ ,..", .;" t ~ 11 o.!' -!- '.'e t'""V''"' 'J' e ro.r .z:;: c.v:_>...y..L.J..J..-S . ~.;,... -L lll.l. .'~...c.....f _1- .,. ..:. 01_1 City of Auburn the su:'n of - - - - - - - - - - - - -~":1,918.74 As int ore st am: s ill::cint~ fund for nru:rlic i- :)0.1 'ouildil1,P 1) ona s _ __J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1.-..- all of \:'/hio11 is to 1)e raised by taxation aGe.iEst all of the t8J{aole :Dro~oert;l of tho Cit~r oftLublU"n; 2 ,302.48 As interest cm:l reoemlJtion fU.J."1a. amI S11r- plus for park bonds - - - - - - - - - - - all of v,'hich is to be rc-;.ise(l by taxation (l.'i~;~~~ i rL st f: J_1 of t 118 tr:,~:c.\lj Ie .OI~ o \"") 8J:: t~o- of the City of A U0111"'n; o. .... ~ ::'1,151.24 :..?or accident IlU1.d to satisfy juelCTnent in c:?se of Holland Vs Cit~r of L.uburn, including Llterest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .,2,686.22 all of ""Jhic11 is to be raised l)y taxation ar,_~~.;tirLs~G [\J_J_ of t;h.8 tSJL[).T)lo oJ)el'lt~r of ,I. ;-~o' ('.; -'--r 0'''' 0>')111"']." ll.:...l.. 'J..t... V'-' -L -"':.. Ltt. . .i . PrOlYl city progorty 2.ssessmont reD_en~..)tion :CllJld - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ( , - - - - - t. i i 959.;;YI all of nhich is to be raised lJY tmca tion a;~~fJ..illSi; c~J_l of tIle tC1..:{alJle }!rOj)el~t:r of' tEe Cit;)T of ;\r.inu."n; -1- " J - L. .'"' .' 1\11;1- e.s <;'11l"rent e:x:j)onditl?-'es o~ the Cit~r ?f li.UDUrn Ior and as salar lOG ('.no" waces, m8.lnten- 1:.1,110e 1:.oXL'~. o~;;leI'atiol1, ana c::".J)it2.l oc1tlay, after Qed llctinc therefrom the G st imc,tecl revenue s from sources other tlJ2.11 tn.::ation, inclu(ling avails.ble s11.1'1,lu3, th8 31JD of - - - - - - - - - ;)28,013.60. T!O.7, ~1_1}~iI.{1~J}CltE, DC OP.DAIF\S PG:LIO'S: C IT',~-: C1Jl:-C IT C::C1 ,;1'':":-;' _,_ ~ ,:... - J j~/ I~_1",: o=? !'..lIl1JRII Sect:Lo.i.l1. t'"", t o:~_'Ci,817 to 1"~1lS0 se,icl Sl1Jil of :;",1,018.74., for the S11[,)~~10l"t of the }Jub 1 ic 1 ilJr8.ry of the C i t~T of AUDuTn, amI ::for Cal)it2,,1 ontlays for such libro.ry, there be and. is horeby lev ied upon all of the real and yer SO;1111 ])1" oLlerty v!i thin the 1,re sent cOl"porate lirnits of the City- of AulJ1.1rn, as shown upon the assessrncl1t rolls of Kine; County, ',,-ashincton, for the yearA. D. 1931, a tax of one (1) mill on each and every dollar of the equalized assessed va lU8.t ion t11ere of. Section 2. 'J:l"1..'l.t in order to raise s8.i(l sUJn of :;;~2 ,302.48 as interest f1.uc1 reLLeml1tion }"uJlcl :EOI' rrnmicilJal buila.il1r~ bonds, there be ancl hereby is levied upon all of the real amI person.'?,} T'ro.:8I't~r VJi thin the .pre sent c or:pora te limit s of the Uit~t 0::" L.ulnlX'n, as sho-,-rn 111lon the a sse ssrnent rolls of I=in~; C 01Ulty, '/ashin:ert on, for the ~~ear A. D. 19251, as eCllJalized and fi.:::ed 1JY the cOlmty and state Boarels oi :':;c1.ualization, an aelditiolli',l tax of one 2.m1 tv!o-tenths (1.2) mills on each an<1 every dollar of the ec;.-u-,,':.lized assessed vC'.l ua t i on there of. Section 3. S:l1f:tt in Dr'der to raise sai(l own of :.)1 ,151.24, ~'.s interest [-1nD. redor!l)tion flUHl :::..1.1 (i. slU'l')lus on :pa1'}~ 1)011(18, there 1Je 2.11.(1 is hereby levieel upon [;.11 oJ' the 1" eal and };er sO 11(:',1 1ll" OI)Orty '..'it:-lill the Ilresen.t corporc:..te limits of the uity Oft-:..UIJ1JTn, as sJ-:own 'uJ?on the assessment rolls of Kin('; (;ount~r, '!ashinc;ton, o.n adD.it 101:1.8.1 le'\l7 o:f siz-tenths (G /10) of a nill On each ano. every a.01J_2~1~ 0:[ t11e eCi.l12"li~~e(1 C\ssGsseD. v2...11,::LfttioIl t~'le~L--'eof. Section 4. That in orc1er to ro.ise said surn of :)2,686.22 to 118 l)(',i(1 i.uto the accident fll.ncl of ';;ho City of .\.11burn for the J~nT e80 of sat is:CyinC; the judcment in the caso o:f Holland vs City of Lu1nu:'11, there l)e o.nd is hereb~,- loviec1 1.1J)011 all of the 1"e8.1 o.l1D. J)Ors0112.1 :i}I'o.LjOrt;r v<it;hin the })resay~t cO"J)oro/ce limits of t1,^ nl'J_,- 0." '."i)"oy'" ..-,.... <:"'10-."1 ""-~o.. +1'~P. "....r'''-'C'C''.l__-..lI- -'''Oll.... O.~ crl'Ylry .I_V v IJ~/' __~. _,_v...'-. l)_ J~", C'~0 u1... ~..l U-.L} ~.1 V i.J o.."''''WI...)\:';,..):..-_'' \:...:11.1 ..1.. ~,,,_,_;:) -:_.1.:.... J...J.Y C~l1J1ty, - s:l~noct;911, 0.11 c.~(i.~~iOT1E.~: to.::: 0:7 on~ o.J3-D fO"L1r-tenths \ 1.4) r1l11 s on e C,C i'.. a.l1tl 8l.l'cr:r ti 0)_ _L:'..l") o~. t 11'2 e ~~L 112...J_1Z e [L 8... ::;8C~ :3 S8,1 ,7[\ J_ TtZ:;.. .~~, j.. on there of. Section 5. jlhat in order to raise saY. 81]J;l of ' 959.37, ~3 8..110. fo!:: c :lt7JT l";~eOl)GJ:,t~r f'..8se SS-rnC.l1t 1:edef:1l)tioIl :f11Yld, ti181"e lJO 8..11d is 110l'C J:T :to"'; iOQ -~:-l) Oll ~-...ll 0:2 tIle r oal a~ld l)Cl~ s oi.~J.l I~J: O~:)CI~ t;,.' \"Ji tlliIl the present cor~orate limits of the City of Auburn, as sho~~ u~on the CLsSessr,ont rolTs 0] =~in;.~ Comlt~T, T.'c-..shill,.ton, 8..n cc(I.0ition2.1 tmc of fivo-torlths (5/10) of 8. mill 011 each anl1 every e1011ar of the er[lJ'<:1.1 ized 21 sse s=;ec1 vC.l rg tion t1101"0 of. Section G. J:11:7..t in or,-Lor to 1"o.ir'e 8G,ic1 SU1,1 of 2:8,01:5.60, to 8..ssist i_',l r~~eeJcil1(; tt~e C,"LlrrOllt e:-Cl)QjlSeS 8.!,1cl e::':lje11(lit~1]J:e3 0:: the City of ".'~TliJiJl'n :;'01' the ZTA:U" 19313, there lie o,nrl is here1:J;:/' levied upon all of the :c-.ec'.l ana. llerc;ono.l l1l"'0})OrtZT \,,'i thi'l tho ~[Jre sent C 01'- ~Jor8.te linitC1 02" tho Cit"1r 0:E LUfJ1u"n, as silavm ll.::lon the 8.Ssessment .... . "-" ~ - rolls of J:inCJounty, 'CLshiil on, for tho yea:ct_. D. 1931, G,n ac"Lclitiol12.1 t;:;..:;: of f01JJ."teol1 amI si::::-tenths (14.6) mills on oach 2.nc1 ."'~TO.'-"-T (l 011~"" 0'" t11P er"J.-.ll''''e<"l r, 00"',",00/; "f'0.,,,,,.L~ on t;-o-....O.O-" 0\ J...t:.~: '_ "_""_~;\,I1. ..L 'J. ~ .;il.-'L.:..... /J , L-...,-"~'-"..,/~J-..J'~" VC....~I_V.r_l~l...l...>.-_ ~.l.........J,.. _L. -2- .., . . . 'f . . : _' :,r.. Intl'oelncecl Octo'Hn~ 6, 1931. Gseu Oot ober 6, 1931. A:.;-~)r ove(1 October G, 190).. ~~- Ute ~:;:j . -~.~---- v .~-- ~.. -:; . ST A TE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, } ss. I, m-~~~u-~~-u~~~~~U_huu______muumum___uuuUUuhh___m' the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No.uu1.gQ_m_u_h' of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn, entitled " AN ORDINANCE -tWngutheua2D)unt-suot-utax-ulevle-a--nece-sBal"7utom- raise the azrounts of the estimated expenditures of the Oi ty of Auburn tor the ;y:~~~-- -~-~-~-'- __J~~!?__ _~h~ __ J()_~l_ Q_f_ _~h~ __ ~ ~_tJma_ted__ ;r_e.v:enue_:from__saumes__o_ther_ __ than __ __ _ ___ _ _ __ taxation, including available surplus, and suoh expenditures as are to be met from ~~-~-~--~~~--~~~~__~~_~~~~J__~~___~!:l:~__~~_~~_~~~__!~_~___I:l~_~~~J~_~__~n.g.___wage-~,----------- inaTiitenance, operation aM cal'ital outlay of and for the public Library of the ~_~_~_~__~~__~~~!_u~_~_~__~~_~__~~~___?~~~___~?~~_~_____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ I further certify that said Ordinance No. 00'120--0.-____000 was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said The City of Auburn, and published as provided by law in The ,i~;~~~~uG1Q_p.e~:ael_mbU-c.an-u-hum-__u_uuuuuu_uuooo' a weekly newspaper published in the ~. '- -~- 'eif~-;r Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the _______m__m8thmum__umuhmmum day of - u__uuhu_uu__Qc_to_ber_mumm__uuuuh__m_' A. D., 19_31... - ./"~ Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this uwumu_uh___m_uu ~_:~_uo-m-m-a.tlLmu--u- day of -mm_h___Oo_taber.mu____~u-m- _ m___ _00____' A. D., 19-31.-. -- ~ .....I. .....' - (Signed) 00 0000_ 00 h 0. 00 0000_ 00_ _00 m 00 __ _ 0._ _ _ ___ 00 ~ _ __ m __ 00000000 n__h 0._ 00__ _UUuu_uhunn_hnh_ City Clerk of City of Auburn. LESLIE PUBLISHING co., 8-20-29-250 r -/.)-