HomeMy WebLinkAbout0741 . 1}' " /<~&~~ 4 ./ ' , , . '.. ,~,,' ...." " ~"~"'~:~?~'":;" -. .~ .. ... '.<...w~ p ~f ,~ ... )',.-,-.. A'!f; .., 'Ie ,','t ""'..:t - Ii> '., ...."" ~., ' . c ,. 0\, ~.~.. ,. .., -<; '''' ~ . '..~ ~:, ., J ^.- ~ ";,,,,~,.,,; . i. . ~ oiii', ...~ ,. ~ . .. ., "I."" ": ..\ , ~'-" (. ~," .... 4;; :~ ~f" ,\ -.' .. -.. " .. . - . ..~ -'~.Jlf^-.. ~ ...:.~ , 1- 'Y-'1~!1 SECTION.................. .,. {;:f'l:iJED \h'C.. BY ORD. No . ., " ::t. ':' "'/"'v'- , - .- ~\ .. . '141 mDI:~.i' JE n:o ., !1.J . " .-" . . , ," . ~ .,. .. x: <:'::t')r~l:'JB' ?rovj,.Hrrc 'iJ'Ql; the ;Lie;ensin", fo'r the .uri'l-<1se o.f r~GJ.llt.tiO.n 'v,nt.l'Erirenue, c~J;'tt\i.n pcrsons. i'irma . I'm!'.: /'o:r2orat;tcm,a to ~nUe aN: sell ~e1."t~in :beer~ .tl.ri!. J,ifl).t pines witl'in.tp.~ cor~o~:~t~ . 1;t-~:itao~the.' .tJityo!:';.uburn, ))l'QhiHting t4e~a.l':r'f1nG oJ:! 'of Ct"oh ....~- '.' . b.:1,Silie~~e .tll;}j;Ol1't . :$U(l4~ ~ce:":;es ,{....nd. dl'e'S~l'i"\l~ I'e~alt~e5 :for. ',be .. .' Vlolnt.L-Qnrt <)f.::.;tu'l.s o+,u.J.rJ.?.:!t:lQ. ",,< ~'., , ,,,' '.' . &ruT.' ,~"'.n+ .,C:t'-T"-"" ';"';" Mtn'> ~'Itn' "., ~ ~I'.. '1m,' "m . ,,:,.~ J,i..l...... -./-' .I.\v~, "---..:..1I"""........J:; .y,:;.rY: t.,.~ .j."J / ./;')..1., 'ryt:" "'.o.I.,-r::f:.t.r .~...s :~'{'L:IC~'S-: , . ~. ~ . ' '. ' , ~ . . . ,. . ..~ct19l'l. 1... l'Mtt,lJ.e.,vor<is. \1bee;l.' ,:.ni\ UlCht t:ines" merever used. in this ord irm.nee: ~i'.an'incl ud~ !lnly Sll.t'lJ. beern 'C.nd wines r.;';) the .,.m.'ip,ufU<r"Ii11l'e.. .":....n,its.t'.le. thei'eOf..i~ 'or..'1,'l.i.~lnot be.. 1.'1'. ol1ibitee: l\-fter 1.:;'l'il ,g~, 1~S3,by the d,'u.J:Z~!'lllH!V~,&~~-tQ of ~he. COtim>ess.;:rI the i:'1.1t!)~'St:.t-ea: t~ttte 'Joras' "qte:t parlol'" "l '\l.l~er~v~r'.p.{3ed ~.n .thiii ol'~.in7::l1o-<: ~':ll;".J.1 . llel'1\'].(i f:.~'leOn$trW:la t-o--")6 D.~e:':I1])l;l').y ,e!:'tt.bJ,i1>he1\. :'J...c:e ~f l:n:siness '\'t::er~n:u.ch b~e'I"a,n~lJr,'!lt '''lii'l.e~'m-~~ )e' s-Old. t.Q be i'r::'J:l;~ t'l'Onthe . . ilrl;ll;llees !!'J'ld., ~,J.n pottIes to ne.repoyed thexefl'<ml: twr.,1i ttl'1 ,:~or,~.$' t!1jeeI,'lneJ'GMnt:'" 't:l1e'i'ever u.tleii . in thi~l:;1:'di.'lrn.c~ phr.ll ~'le' llel.~. to.nit'. c Qnatrv.e~ to'be..a ?$r~olt, 't.i.rm cor Q9~j;JOt!'tion b.~.vihr: ~, re~1.11i1,t'lY 'estt.blis,h,e~ ll;tp,c.e- oj nun:!.h,es~ 'VJJ:1ere ~.A !1"0lll r.Hohzl':ehbeer '\li.J.li"'h.t \"lines nay be1301d il}. bottles c.10ri$:l.hf\' sue.r~.Jott;I,es' !1.Qt.1;o be o!'en.:-C:' ant, tr1e ~.cn~entstMreo:f~ott'o \lEi dt3.ru:; 1,l:9OItthe- i)1.' Eimlses . , . $e.oHon 2:. . Thv:t ~t 'sl)2.:;n lie 'Wllt>.vrful. -fOr r:n;T :?er,:on, ;f.;ir;!l C'1t' qOl'!>or~ti0Jl.,~to '~en;ql' Qiter t,o l1ell t,ithirrth,e linits of .:tttt;l, gJ~Y----.o,;f~.. 4-~~n;. f::P-;Z)i%"..,r.~ g,Ji~.J';;':;4~~'J:#li'~ .~s,..nI;J!j)~!!,bP;fTore..,lll* :i.!~~_,' _~.. '::J.tnouu:t"ll'pU ~~vin,z P!'OOl1rS"5. ~,rom tr.e ..,1't;1 of .\1i1h.".,!'n e... lOanSe::lO to "0 ~a here'iIJ-nJter llr.ovi>1,~il.: .. . '. ,; '. , Section S. Tht'.t ntl Hc.erse s.1J.8.1l be. i-$s'i.t~d M h~l.'ein ' J'rotTi,1ed t.o be G~.ried '.QI). c.t nny Plr;ce .6::: b,u~il.l~sEl wt,e:ve Cl'.Ch. o'\.'_:::in'lSs ,fm,s not o~en e;(jndW'l~eil.' in theQ1.t~r o.f ..\l;'Qurn fora D~101 of ~ t J eo,ot- on.e yec;t In,~1;;p.~st-;P,'fJ!~ t:1at no>l~aenseS8iJ.:',n'be i'S'$t',ec. c.s !--exem I>roY~.ei! te 'ru4Jr P~');"$04,' f.irro 0;:" Qor~Q1'(l1<.~on" ullo; 01; the 1l\€!>aoer3 of S!'..id firm; orn),l tb.e'o.ftiGex'~ Of ~ iil eor,orjlt iO.!l.are not :,Mer iC!'\.Il ..4itijl6As, '.' , , " , , . section. 4., .\ll s:)jllict>;t ions' for HClilna~~ ~s herei!\ p;r6- yi.ileil.eha,ll be. 1,11 :?.etitlon.sli;neil o"'tl1.e t:.vplicl\nt orQ,"')1 io~nta '-:1'" fUea. \"11th thE! tJity Jler:r: tl1<'l.ts-aoh 1\~'PliO:9.:t.iqn~s.hIla. o~ at anGe '. refer.red.., to '~~ liQJ.l'l':l~r~"!Jl1!li:tt~e:ot ":tthll.,":Ji:l;~~C<!Ul?-c:l-~ .o;E t:he Qity ~ '.clburn; aM tF.!l,t no:.hoense'shal'J,. 'o.e lo$1~e'3. ljyt11:e' ,:)-itff'CCl'li:ntril of '- the JH.yof. \':,OlJ,1,'.:n \1l1til afteJ;" such 1 iOMse 0 OllIlilitt-e.e ..,h....n "':--,va 1'e:;>o1."t60.to the City COuricll, .and. tb.~n. ohl;r 1,l~on tile ,~.:ff ll11_- ~ :LV!! . vote of ~t le~-$t..,.:Eo:ur gOMcil,Iienod; ,13i?;~il. Glty;. saiil. apuJ.1ut',t1-ons ob~, 1 set .forth tM,,"mun.e in.f~l1o:E.t.he., .peJ,'son~, ?El:t:~ons a~,~lyinF: fo;r,flUCh. ,l16ehses-, 'the ~;:ina:o:i lic.ense "e;!l~liEle <:1;1)1' :.j\W"; the ;:>Io.~e wh.e.rc ;::.~ il' UC€llSe 1S' "\iol.!e ,used, eivin::; tl:;te er.c.et- l00r{Uonof .saH :pl(".ce. . . seetiorl ,5 .L~cense: 1\i'e.s!or 'the -a 6n(iu,<!til:lc;o1a "'e~ l*'.~lpr1T as~ere1-nlle~~r-e ~e:pp.edsl"~n 'be ~t,the '!.'t";t.€i 01,150. 00 per aUPtml; anc,ll.t the 1;'ate .of;i~7 .50 per qp:arter or 'fraa-tj,on6.;L1Y,r~", of . 8Uq.b. quarter; e.nd. that <tbe'''':Urstq~rteror ,eriOIl.9t lZl'ee mont;hs 8(l.:l.],lbel;in> on~~e'l'. tli.'aa~ ,Of .o\:;-rU, 19Z~ ..J1,tJ.'~ t11~i;?~1 oth?1' " . flw.l'tertlo~?~r.:tq~.,of .t~':f.ep.Djont~el..s1'al~;'Oe~pn on t;16 7:tt,..R~ pf ~o.ch. Jt'.ly, O. at ooer.;rr\.n\Y:,':~ l1uil.:A:m:}l. :1{l.le-Fe. '.8f'~~ i ,"t.J:lAo~.the..l:~..' nse be -to "\}e :~,B by p. "b~e:t" merc!u\nt" ,~ ~e~.e.ln.li!j:!p:t:1l~..{l~.~me,g..Jll~}.1; ,1'.El' r.t tile rnte of' :.''Z!).OOP~i' e.nnpm: an::-,C,t the-r-D..t\! of ,'18.'75 'Pet" . ' a-ce:J.'ter <Yr tract:iont';l Part 'o,i S!iclJ, ('l1Frter ,~11~ thO.t" ;t;Nl 'nrtt. ~'.lC.rt.er 'Of'~lll'ioit 'O!t .tfJ:re~tU~ntl~~.'fJlla41.._1_1~p;.j,n'Or].- ;t~...!l-i;1J..~_O.f. ..,\l1l'i.:!. j .19(',3, t:.':1-1.,t/'l:? t r,U other '1-c.~1."ti:1ra;qr;p;er:i910'\q:,.. tlZ'ee .1ll94thfl- 'cl1~1iJ.;.beiJ1n op; t~e "7th t,r.7 0:1; eaqh Ju.ly, .Q.O-top~t' ,-;jp..l'.l1nry 'eAA :-l'l."U tt1~1'er-l~ter: . I r . :v,,, .oJ.~ " " . " l' "" " . .~ , :''-j, <J p.".. ~: .'" '. " ( ......... '. ' ..... . "~":/"':'. ~ '..,.'.= , " , ..' .' .. :,'-,: ;?-. ..~ ~. ,l,. 11,-:-T '-')'\. .~. \> ,", ? " oli. "..' l. . ,. :";-',:;/ .i::"'t;i~"; ~:: .~, ~ ~;~ .,~;~ '& tt!,f'~(: . '!'- ~;:~'4~ t ,~'.. st .~ to.. l' ~,'T. \. ;.. ~> "'~.~:;r'}", \... , ~\.~.;i/f:' ,l" ~llo t.,.. ""..' ~.;a ~ -:-:'. . '!"T0_,'.~t.._-:fi" " .,.... '"';""" .~,. '. .~' " ,'~;, ~: : 'L':~i"": :" ,:~:.: '. ~l" , ." .' ';~';~j;~;;s~ .: ""f. t'.h'M an,"iitlin:s'tf~~~:$hif:t115.~:'~63.a'td ,th~ ,City "T:r~as~~o~:c~he:';'>'i",J,i a~t~r 9~ A~~n :;-n'..8;~va1).o,ea~,b~1ore,tb.e i.sS1,\1,ng- ~ !.\el~Te.l!Y'~9~l;t!L':c.. ... .l"~c.ensee. OJ; .tne" 1,~G',!!i~srr a:pll'!:J,ed :f~r:".nat~t'!1:1111~an.s.e:tl ~o'):H~dfl;p~fj,ea 'lfQ.:t' und:~1.' .iJ:he !W9'!,i'siQna .l?-tthil\l. oi:'a.~n\".nce~y. be to1'a'll~r'Hl~bftl\1"e-e, . .. . . . t~Pirtb.a ~.ot.;forll' )l~r :iod; ,et s:i;;z m.()1:l-ttrs o"f for ..~ 'e;'~o:\ .o~ ~.~n!) 1'lql1th!;i .ot;.~ ,.'. . fo:t.'a l'e1:J.Od....o:t!?tle 'V9ar.' , . . , . . . c, ' . ,: . .1. .~' '.~';'~ :~"" ._....._, ." . ,'.,' .' ~",' ': .'.C, .', _ ..' _ ,- _ _ . '.' 4 .' .'~El~1:1-onG~. Ta&t...' S.n.~i..(IlU1S~9 iq,su. .'., e$.Wlil. ElJ:.1ib,e,Y:;.'O'Yis;i;onli\ . " ot"'tboii!'6thl1e,l'l/Je;>.t!J.alJ, . be 'W18 ssJ-"llable.. ., '. ,,' . ' <~ .'J .'. ' ~. .... ~" s,eo1{ on t~'.. The. t 'tl\~'ilo e\~~ ;~fuW'~.Q']i~n; 'b'Etcl<';l\n{l/t'i~Ii~~~r;.".:; . Tiines(~Bh!lte.in: de:,f~ed S.;;il-ill)e-, flf:h.s-tM~il\;tlY; m tM :!'61l0'-1,ing ". ,,' form.: .' ~ ~ .~..: . .- -<,. .:;..~ _.: ,,~:' ..'-1' ~ '0.:. ~ . t.v' ~ , '.:~' ' .::; " " ] ; ~ . " ^ , . . ' ~;(llo:.t:!l:.om.'-1t' f.!i1.i e on.ifer;nl) '. '. ~;. ':}.'~:. . ..~,.... . ,;,:. ~ "~-.:-,,,. "Kri~9iv,'ye by .:\ihEll:,-e rre'selrt;-s t.~t th.eCity ,boe A:ub-fu.n, 41~r thl'J CQ"un.ty,ofl(ing,' stc;,te 1)~.,'r!~sb.tn{jMt)., hl!\~.:ti~MQ!\la ; . " . '. '.' , " .'. , ' '. ,,.... 4. ql ;..," . 'iI' . , .., ... ,". . " '. ."., .", . ,,;" '.',".0. .{l,~l ;,'~~'I,l,r ,.al~ , 1ightvJ~e$l:!Y:' COl'lductfu~.,:\b!ler' parlor ,'OX' b'\lSiMss t\;s' eo J , "beer,mer<l,h.a:llt,tis' .rrr()v'id~abY',{)rdilW.n(w;n:o. ~....t-....:.of '. ~..the,'?l.r:aiMrtC1')~, 0';' tl).9;tllt",0f Aub1:,l'n' e.,~.'. :~. . ....' .,.' : " ..' ',' ; . ""';' i'.) , .' ">",' ;rZiv:UlI;;s1ii~et ~1C"'n'umb~rtc)~" ,c' ;., .g ~rtoa:,ot:. '. ..... :Ul~l:1.th"$:f;l"Oll\~h:~:'1th e;n~r 0.:"': ,'. " ,. '~,' '.' . .,', 1913.,. . 'ul%t th~ s:J,3,d,.., . . '. .' .' -, " '.' "q;r'1;n&a(:&\!I:P-trm~e'o:r t'$S l:\.6e.n~e Mi:F :PlE:l~i<t~ 1:i~en~~e. ;' . " htlre;\;n .n1',med: tQo~ply: ,:fullY' with r:;IJ. ~Ae .?rOltis~~l\a Q'lf . . tp,l:l. ?+-,d ir'.ano-e. under Wi;i:ab: i(his- "l;!.eellseo j,'s ;;X:Mte:U. t>.n,3.. , ',' t~'tthe'. s:une, ~s . a.ceGl't-siL ~j eQt -t'q tlw;o onditi01:lii} in . '~fia;l.~.o:ril.~U'1"P:Vov;itl.~"J'''' i ., ; , . ~. ,~,,;. .... ';',;'r _ ....' , . ~'" '" ' '. : .... '\.. ~', '- ,', ,". ,,;7 . ~ .' ".n]}j~"~STt~-'(irr{ ~tF.::~"+,;C1F $' tJ;i.e.;'lneX''k~f ~.i~'.eity' ~s It$reuitto,' s~t, h;l.J;; ~n4 anila:ffb~elt to1w s.eo.l" ocl." $1l i1l Ci.ty qf'4\l,b-urn tRis '!.. ;ar.;r 'ot ,", r. . "HB~. '.' '. _Ii.: . ,':~ ~." >' .;' . #,' , , . 'i~. ; .,' i-'" . . (COl.ivorat~~~ll. \' .. <' '" .), .. < " -.~.. ; ......<:,0,.'.. , ~ ..to , '". . ' t.<,-r ".' ",' , " , . " .-",~ . ,. r , '.pi ~ S> ~ .-..,- '", ~"'-;:" :~~~':'<~'.'^:' ( ~ . , '~'1 ~ I:, . ''''"ii' m:2;"" :'':'. ;:~,:'",. 'j >'0:~i~",:~:",'i'1~ """~:!~"!' ,.,' ".' I ~:' ,': h;~ ,v,: y ., e1'", ~;., ".' " ." .. ,', ,. ~ect::i:on 8. ~nat t.b,~, ~.ity~o~i1.()f.tlJ.eCit9",of A.'lburp)i,". me.y- r~tu8e t~ ~~!lt. or ili$1e. 4li!l~p~~, :1l'lhere~n,P' (Wi4.~e:-or, ,'.:;. ..) .,' ,. . ',' ' '.-'j ".? - ; , . " , . ":' :\. . -.' '- .; ~ ", .-'- - ---~'--' . '~'..., : ',: ..' ,;:'~e!.,.l.iQn '9. . Tbfl.tlt"Il2hl);'b~ uila~\1:6i:l,!O'r ,"..!'..Y.J,.io~ti$~~.i~;;H~i,~:>';,~ under.. ....i.h.. ~. .~.'e...V'i1:l1. on:. .S'Q.,t- .t. his.. ~~~.' " ce::o,i:,:t91"~." Y. Qtu.~.." ".~.e:e. '.' :aO,B;~j.. 9.9"~');.J..,;-,::~:~ b;eer'a,T.1J1l<.a.f;ht\'i;l.n613tl.S in ,this. ot'll1,n.o.nQe lLe:fin~d:lla p.m"'~.ers(m,~p.4'.~ :7",; . -thea...B~o*, ~wen,tll-:,'O~e {21J 1~a-r.ll' '" . '. " , ; ., ,~':,' . '..'.' '.. _.'. . . 0('.,..' . ~ . ~. ~""",: .;., ,.' . :>0-"':':' .. '., ..' ,;'r'~:' :".';~<t'.;'~~ '~,'.~,., ,..". ; . _,.' ; S_e et..~~n~ ~O: ..... T ha t,..~~; .nlit~O~-v1fl 0 ' sha."'l;,~ ~,o:l,.~~t~~~~ ~j1,f.i..th'!S ~11~;}; _I' . ,- itJ;'o.v::L~ion,lO;..~,in\~1l ;erillflallce :?na~).))l1r ~~~ro~~.'(!UJ.lt,Y- ,Q~I~1'lJ..s,'(ji3~a-n.'or"". .,< ' and uptm.uonnct1.pn,.:ttIe.l'e.o:f Ml'.U 1)ef"1J:\ail. m. e,nrswn:~~te:{Qe.ei.!il1f" ',~~'H1.l11<!tfild:DOl:te.1:s,(;)1.Qq.001.' ." ""']' ..' ". ";' " "j'. ""'~:~'~ .~,"" ','../'~'''''.''',.,I'',~,~t''~~~ ,".,,' "\~1_~-_..: ._._...,. .'~ .:.t.,::, .'0 .,~.J:;_' ,: ,,';, .,....... ". i' . '. ....SeotiQltll.. 'l'J:I,At}t,a'nY' i!rcrv:!.$ionof th.:isQr-~,1n.'\l'lC~!.sr.tl.J-.J- ^' "qe .he],d 1;6 :1:Ht 'irtvaUdby Q:ro' {jO)U',t 0,3; .qqml1~t.el.'l1f';j'pI:i'shio~ion.. B:Ullh; ....... .1;1V\:,!l.tditior" MJ;di.MO:finV'~l1.e.itys~l.l' ttot. ~1~Qt t;M'Qtlierllro.;, ';(1 ifi~i6M Of "dliis- ot'(dnahc 6. '. .,.. ." :',' '. ~.' 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"-... ,,' ,..~ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, 1 J ss, " I, .............W.....:aL~:r."Me.:r......m............m........m.....m....' the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a municipal corporation of the third class, situate in the County of King, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and c.orrect copy of Ordinance N o'm.74~...m..., of the ordinances of the said The City of Auburn~entitlea -" AN - ORDIN ANCE-.l'~o:vJII.iII(t::fl).l':':'~Il.e:,:,g~.e.JlIl~~,'~l?l'.1;!1~..~llQ.!1EU!~ regulation and revenue, oertain persons, firms and oorporations to handle and Bell certain beers and light wines within the oor].lClratE1.)'.1.Dl~~llmO.f....t;,I)..~..Rt"Y...~f.... 'Aui:iiirii;"prc)hliiHi:ng"tiiil"'oiiiTiiiig'on'of.hiiiioil"iiiisfiiess"wi thout such lioense and prescribi.ng penalties for the violat1on of th1s ordinance. ._..._________..._______..._..____...._....________n..........________......________.....__.__...._.____...._.----.--..----....-.--....- ------...-..--......----..-..---.-..-- ..u un" uu _ n_."U _ nu _n" nu nn_ _.... nu _ _no _n" _ u _ n_ _ _..... _.. n n n. n...... n n _ _ u _ n_ _ _... un...U _ nO. .. n n n' .u_ _ _.... - _n_ _.... - -...... n - n"'_ _________.__._.____._...___.____n__.....___._......_____.____... ... H _ _... _ u. _ n._' _ n_ _ _,.. u_ n. .n_ _ _.n_ ___.._...___.___._....________..________...__._______...._.._______.._...._u________...._._____.._.___...___--..-...--. -oJ' ... ~ i-$ - e' . I ,/, '1 further certify that said Ordinance No. .....741......... was duly passed by the Council and ,'approved;b'j:. the Mayor of the said The City of Auburn, and published as provided by law in ~,~ ......... ..jo-' ~~"'Th;{c;' A.~'I1w.'.n...(l:~9.b.!!~R~pIJ,b.~.tQ.l!,l:I......... ....m................., a weekly newspaper published in the -=',~':;: um : "'- c..\ :<3itY.~-.Aub;;-rn, and of general circulation therein, on the ..... 'til, '" '~ ~. .. . ~~~.~........m....................., A. D., 19..~~'. ,"'6::::- :';Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this ........................... ................. 31st........ ....m.............. day of , ... .. ..A.pri~7/j::7:(D ..n..' A. D., ~9.33.. ..mm<<W~~~ .n...........7.th....... ...... day of (Signed)