HomeMy WebLinkAbout0742 f. '? ., .'.,", .,) .. SECTION.__o/::{...- r,E, .... .lEI) . -- BY ORD. No. ~142 ORDDTANCti). NO. 1 't 1.. AN OODINANCE rslat 1ng to and previd lng for "Daylight Saving" and adopting Ste.ndard Time for the City of Auburn. THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLO\'TS: Seotion 1. That there be and is hereby adopted as the standard Time for the City ();f Auburn the mean astronomioal time of the one hundred twentieth de~ee of lo~itude west from Greenwioh, heretofore known and designated by thE! Aot of CQn81'es$ .of _roh 19, 1918, as the United states stande.rd Paoifio Time. Seotion 2. That the Standard Time herein provided for shall govern the opening and olo~ of an oity publio offioes therein: and in all prOVisions of the' ordUJ,a.11o es of 'the C1~y 'o:f Auburn, e\nd in all orders, rules and regulations pursuant thereto, relating to the time of performanoe of any act by any person or by any offioer or offio1a.l department of the City of Auburn, or rela t 1ne to the time within whioh any r1ght shall aoorue or determine, or w1thin whioh any aot sha.ll or shall not be performed by any person pursuant to the ordinanoes of the City of Auburn, it shall be understood and intended that the time within which the act is or is not to be per- formed, or suoh rights shall aoorue or determine, ~ll be the Standard Time of the City of Auburn as hereby adopted, Seotion 3. That at two O'olock antemerid~ of the first Sunday in lIl.y of the year 1933, the standard Time of the City of Auburn shall be advanoed One hour, and at two o'olook antemer1d:lan of the last Sunday in September of the year 1933, the Standard Time of the City of Auburn slw.ll, by the reta.rding of one hour, be returned to the mean astron~mloal time of the one hundred twentieth degree of longitude west from Greenwioh, SO that between the first Sunday .in lI'ay, at two o'olook antemer1dian, and the last sunday in september, at two o'olock antemeridian, in the year 1933, the standard Time in the City ~ Auburn shall be one hour in advanoe of the mean astron- omioa1 time of thel one hundred twentieth degree of longitude west frOll1 Greenwioh. ~ODUCED May 2, 1933. PASSED lJay 2, 1933. APPROVED M9.y 2, 1933. (' .. G.~~ lhyor Att~~:. -/ //7 (' W/V:I/$zZW~V~ ~ lerk I APPROVED AS TO FORl~ orney. Published llay 5, 1933.