HomeMy WebLinkAbout0747 r~11 ~, 1. ~ ,'" () 'C ( 'f-.:'A-r-c--S~>lt~ ~ Ct2f'..l 2.-~3 . " ..~ ~~ ..t....-'-~!- . "CRDINAlWE lTO. rJ47 AN CRDINANCE praviding for the lioensing of persons to. a 0110 it or take orders far the purohase or sale Of eoao.s, wares or merohandise within the corporate limits of the City af A.uburn, when the goods, wares or merohandise are not delivered at the time, and where advance payments are made be:lare the delivery thereof, requiring the giving of a bond to the City of Aublll'D. as a oo.nditio.n preoedent'" to. the granting ,of !Inch lioenses, fixmg the lioense fees and providing penalties for violations hereef.' THE C1!L'Y ComrcIL OF TlID CITY OF AUBURN DO mD.A.1N AS FOLL01NS: Sectien 1. It shall be unlawful fer any person, firm or corperation, either as, prinoipal or agent, to. e;olioit or take orders for the purohase or sale of goods, wares or merchandise within the corparate limits Of the City of A.ublll'D., where the gacds, wares 0.1' merchandise are not delivered at the time, and wher~ advance ~yments are made before the delivery thereaf, unless such person, firm or i poration shall first abtain a license sa to do. as hereinafter j p' ovided. ~I I i \l i Seotion 2. Before any license sll,allbe issued for the ~'! \.. pcss specified in Section l'of this ordinano.e, the applicant shall Ii \:1 \ e soute and deliver to the City ef Auburn a go.e~ and sufficient bend , ,'; \ !'In the pel'J8.1 sum Of Two Hundred Jifty Dollars f...,250.00) , with a ~; :";~urety eampany authorizea. to de business in the state of Washington, , :~, ~s surety, whioh bond shall be approved by the City Clerk and sh1.l.11 I ; p"h c.onditioned that a'll g,o.eds, wares and merohandir;;e, far the sale t~.' ~.:~ purchas~f af which -orders may be ta.ken,' ~on ..hloCh ~nce pa.yments . .-. :.: 11 be made, wUl be delivered to. the purchaser withlJl the period I S ,'-' f t1me and shall be af the kind a.nd quality specified a.nd agreed upon t.: ~; lat the time af the taking af suoh arders, and if no definite time af -----:..Jdelivery is specified at the t1me Of the tak~ of such orders, then V1ithin a reasonable time. :;Iuoh bond shall contain e. provision that it fis executed and delivered far the purpase Of Protecting persons who. may arder gaods, wa.res and merchandise and make advance :payments therean and shall inure to. the benefit af suoh purohaser~ and that any such purchaser ooy bring suit therean for any los~ which he may suffer or sustain by reason of any miscanduot or fraud on the part f1! the lioensee or failure of the lioenS,ee t-o faithfully carry aut the terms af the order solioited and ta.ken by such licensee. c. ""/ I Sectian 3. The lioense fee to. be ~id for oarrying on the ,,; b: iness speoified in Seotian 1 of this ordinanoe sr.all be as fallows: 'i 1! the gaOds, wares and merchandise for whioh or4ers are being 1 sO 1cited and taken are at the time of taking doh orders:. situate in i t' state af Wa.shington, and the business oonstitute. what is oOlllDonly ,':t<j .. own as intra-state business, the lioense fees shall be a.ll provided ~' . " . Ordipanoe :No.. 711 Of ,the ord inances Of the City of Auburn and the I~'~~, d 1rta.nces of sdd City a.m, enda tory of ~ id OrdiDanceNo. 711: and if i" \ ~ e goOds, wares and merchandise, at the time of the taking af such i P deI'S, are nat situate in the state af Wa.shington and the business g' '" onstitutes what is conmonly mown as inter-state bUsiness, then and I j:.;: ~Q' the, t case, ,the lioense fee to be ,paid by the licensee "hElD- travel- bi ~ on foot shall be Five Dallal'S (05.00) per month and Twelve and ~!..- "-' 0 100 Dollars ($12.50) for the term af three months and when using - vehiole shall be Ten Dallara ($10.00) per month a.nd Twenty-five Dollars (S25.00) for a Period of three months, prOVided, however, that no license shall be issued for a term af less than one month. - .~ .~' ..::* .. _:..c- " ., "". '~~ , Section 4. AIJ.y pel'son who shall violate any provision of this ordinanoe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon COrtv~otion thereof shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exoeed- ing \.:100.00 or by imprisonment in the city jail fOr a periOd not exoeeding thirty (30) days, or by both suoh fine and imprisonment. Seotion 5. This ordinanoe ts deemed expedient to ma.intain the Peaoe, good government and welfare of the Oity of Auburn and its trade, OOlll!llerde and manufa.otures and to"proteo.t its Citizens ,and. 1nhabitants from 1mpositions and fraulls, and the provisions of this ordinance sbs.ll be l111era11y construed to aooomplil!h suoh P\'I!'pOse. Section 6. If any pllOVision of this ord inance shall be held to be invalid, such holding of invalidity shall not affeQt C1!' 1mIJCl.1r the other provisions of t.\l1.a ordinanoe. section 7. This ord1nance shall take effect s.nd be in force five (5) days ~om and after its ];assage, approval and pubJ.1ca- tion as required by law. INTRODUCED August :&SSE'D If APPR O'fED 101 15, 1933 /...}, 1933 /.J, 1933. .' a#~ cZl> Vi: ~< lJ'ay'm- :.' Attest: , C' ~ t:fr(~ City Clerk APproved as to Form: ~~Lt~1 m-ney I~ /~ /fJ-3 I 1933. _. 1d1