HomeMy WebLinkAbout0752 . . 1I t'.",,;;:: ~CJ/JY;6 DQb l~r SECTlON..L':i/l::..I.x.B r .,~ ... ~ \~. .... . BY ORD. No..._ ..G OODINANCE ~:o. . 752 .' -t... ,.;,r AN ORDINANCE to provide revenue, and providing for .the lioens- ing, for the purpose of regulation and revenue, certain businesses to be transaoted and oarried on in the City of Auburn, and fixing the rate of licenM tax upon the same. and presoribing penalties for the violations of said ordinanoe. . ~HE CITY COlJNCIL OF THE CIU OF AUBURN DO ORD.A.nr AS FOLLC1.7S: , Seotion 1. This ordinance is authorized by the prOVisions of section 9127 of Remington's Compiled statutes of nashington, 1922, granting to the City Council of a oity of the third claso the povler to lioense, for the purposes of regulation and revenue, all and every kind of business authorized by law, and tre.n~cted and carried on in such city, to :fix the rate of license tax upon the same. and to prOVide for the oo11ection of the same by suit or otherwise. , . Seotion 2. The expenditures of the City of Auburn, including the bud~eted expenditures for the year 1934, have been cut.to the bone. i'he salaries and wages ~id and to be paid to the officers and employees of the city have been largely reduced and the oosts of living ~veincreased and are increasing. The passage and en- forcement of this ordinance is neoessary in order to a.ssIst in providing revenues suffioient to rrnintain a proper local city government, including' street lighting, street cleaning, garbage collection and disposa.l, and other work to Ill(\intain sanitary condi- tions in sa1~ oity. , seotion' 3. That .al1 persons, f1rml! or c.orporations. established in, or oarrying on cr' condncting the fol1OWin~Oo'ou,pa.- tions and businesses within the city of Auburn, hereinafter enumerated, shall pay a.nnual 1ioense fees therefor in aooordance with the follow- ing sohedule of license fees: .' . Butoher Shop and Grocery under same llanagement and same roof Gas COlIl:pe.ny. LarGe Grocery store (having an area of 750 square feet or over) Drug st ore Garage Hotel and/or Apartr.\ent House having . - 10 rocms or more Restaurant HardwtU"e st~e 'J- Dry Goods store Telephone Company Lieht ComJ;Xl.ny Feed store Creamery Lumber Yard SUpply Depot for. storaee and distribution of - oila.nd gas Funeral Parlor- Transfer Business Ice Cream l!a.nufMturin6 Oompany Bank or Institution for loaning .llloney Theatre or !.roving ricture Show House Bakery Apartment House having leSB than 10 rooms Gasoline 'Service Station 0 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15 . 00 15.00 15.00 15 .00 15.00 :1 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ( ) 15.00 _I.I 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . '1 '. '" ., t:'reox1ng House' and Junk Dealer 1ra.nu:fa~turer 0:( Concrete Prod1,l.Ots Cleaners and/or Dy'ers and/or Laundr1es Printing ~ho:p analor Newspaper PublishinC Off io.e Filrniture store Auto Supply Confectionery Store I.&.undry - Variety store S!m.1l Grooery store Chavingan area of less than 750 square feet) Butoher Sht>p Eleotr ic Shop Shoe st ore Plumber Fruit Stands Fuel Dealers Tooth Brush Faot ory Uear ing Apparel & Furnish1nes OonfeQt1~ery Stores to inolude Tobacoo Vrholesale Grooery 9&_ Q 8lllpal1Y Painter anA/or Paper Hanger Contraotors Jitneys Repair Shop Shoe Shine Business :Ba.rber Shop Beauty Parlor Ta 1lor Shop SeoonA Hand store Real Este. t e and/ Pr Insurano e Offio e J ewe1ry at or,e' - '~. studio " NOVel ty Shop Lunoh Counter Bien Company Flor 1st _ Artoro.ft Shop Physician and/or Surgeon Lawyer Dent ist Chiropractor Veterinary Blaoksmith ShOp BOWl~ Alley Hanufaoturer of Pottery ~are Typewriter sales Fish 1farket Paint store Radio Shop lIUl1nery store Fool Hall am! or Cl:u'd Room Any busine~B not hereinbefore Olassified n.00"T be1ng conduotedor to be o ond uc ted, in the future .' ~ . .. .... 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 /5"!lE.. ae.ao 10.00 10.00 1'5.00 12.<'>> 6.00 6.00 ~,&.OO 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.ob 6.00 6.00 6.00 ..' , . 6.00 -6.00 6.QQ 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6..00 6.00 6.00 section 4. The lioense fees provided in SectiOn. 3 of this ordinance shall give the rjght and priVilege to ;Lioensees to operate without extra license fees, OM or more delivery wagons. cars or truoks when exolusively used in the operation 0:( the business lioensed. seotion 5. That all persona, firms or oorpora,tions,.other than those established in or oarrying on or oonduoting the ooov,pa- tions and busmesseB mentioned or referred to in Seotion 30t this 1 'I.. r '. J ~ . , #.' ordinanoe, who or whiotl shall opero.te truoks or ~gons far the hauling and delivery of property of e.ny desoription from places outside of the Oity ~ Auburn to places within the oorporate limits of the City of Auburn or from plac.es within the oorporate limite of the City of Auburn to plaoes ouhide of said oorporate IJ.mits, shall Ply an e.oo'll!l.l lioense fee therefor of Fifteen Dollars (..116.00) . ... Slllotion 6. Iro lioense fees herein levied, oharged or provided for shD.ll 11e ohargeable for the year 1933, but suoh lioense fus shall be ohargeable from a~ after Deoember 31, 1933 and this ordinanoe shall be 1n full force andeffeot from and after Deoember 31, 1933. sect10n 7. All lioense s to be iStlued for each kind of bua1- ness olassified or referred to 1n seotions 3 aM 5 of this ordinance shall be issued for six months. the dates of the issuing thereof sllall be January 1 and July 1 e.ndsuoh lioenses shall respeotively expire on June 30 and Deoember 31 of eaOh year. ~he sem1..annual lioense fee shall be one-ha.lf of the fee here1n provided for and shall be ~id in advanoe: :provided, hQVever, that any lioense provided for in this mod :lnanoe and applied for in the first six months of the oalendar yearl shall be datedJ'anus.ry 1 a.nd expire June 30 and any lioense applied for in the seoond six months of the oalendar year shall be dated July 1 and expire Deoember 31. Seotion 8. Any person, firm or oorporation desir1ng to obtain a liollnse under the provisions of this ordmance shall nake a.pplioation therefor to the Oity Olerk, stating the nature or kind of bus iness to be eng8.6ed in, and upon payment of the proper lioense fee to the City Treasurer and 1J3lon presentation of the reoeipt of the~ity Treasurer i!o~HfleO!~tRl~~~l!~e.g~H g:J~e~u~ g~~~gtC~~~hC~~~~~si:gue a applied for, for the periOd of one year, or for the periOd of ate months as here1nbefot'e provided. In oaQo any ;Lioense to be 1ssued un4er ttl. prov is1<JJl,sOf this orili1nanoe shall not have expired, auoh lioense may be sold and transferred for the uneX1lired portion of said lioense term ~on payment to the City Clerk, for the benefit of the Oity of Auburn, of the sum of One DOllar (~':1.00). Section 9. It is hereby &eolared unla.wful to enge.ge in any business or ocoupation here1nbefore enumerated within said oity without having first obtained a l~oense therefor as hereinbefore provided. seotion 10. Any person, firm or oorporation whioh ahll.:L1 v101ate any provisions Of tb.1s ord :!nanoe shall be deemed g'!111ty of a misdeml'anor and' upon o.onv1qtion thereof shall 1;Ie punished by a Une of not less than the proper 110enfle fee for such business orooou,pat1on and not more than Fifty Dollars (~50.oo), or by imprisonment in the oity ja.U f-ir not more than thirt7 (50) days or by both suoh f~e and impr isonment. Seotion 11. If any person, firm or oorporat1on oonduoting a business within the oity Of Auburn shall cQtbine two or more lines of business or OOo~at1On, he or they shall ~y the hlgtleat l1cense fee listed for any of~he var1ousoooupations or businesses pursued and an additional B'UJlI of 05.00 foree.Ch other bus~~slS 0;' oooup!.t1on but in 110 oase more than the eulR. Of Twenty Dollars (\;20.00) under the provisions of.this <1.t'd1ne.noe. - , -,,, -':::', - .' :~ .. '\ Seot ion 12. This ordinanoe shall not be oonstrued fLel 1n Bony way repealing ot: amending Ordinanoe :Nos. 199,232, 233, 234, 235, 418, 427,433,466,473,642,661,681,687,711,712,733,740 anA 741 of the ordmanoes of the oity of Auburn: and that all of said ordinanoes here1nbefore 1n this seotion enumerate4 shall rem1n 1n full foroe ~ndeffeot and all businesses heretofore olassified and lioensed by the provisions of e.ny of the ordinanoes of the City o~ Auburn 1n thls seotion enl1lll8rated shall be exempt fran t.he provisions of this bra.:l.n- anoe. seotion 13. If any sll'Ot1on, provision or olause of this ordinanoe s~ll be adjudged t-o be 1nvalid or uno onstit uti onal, suoh adjudioation shall not affeot the validity of this ordinanoe as e. VlhC)le, or any BElotion, :Provls,"on or part thereaf not adjudged 1nvc.114 or uno OI1st1 tut ional. nrTRODUCED .November :J-/s;! 1933. , PASSED November PI >1' 1933. , "# APPROVED :NOVember ,?-/ ~. , 1933 . , t:!~ ' . yor , Attest: .._ , .., ~~.n-~' . ., ~ 1ty.cierk ~ APPROVED AS TO 11031': ., ~(~./ y orney Published r.ovember 1-/-1 , 1933. " < . " \: ~ ',J.-