HomeMy WebLinkAbout0753 1'. ,.~ ;) "# ' i ~ "-... ...~" '.i" ~ . , ' . , CRDD;.'.::CE rro. 753 .All CRDnrANCE relating to theh8.ndl1ng and Belline Of oertn.1n beers, ales &,nd wines within the oorpora.te 110itu of the City of Auburn, and amending Seotions 1, 2, 7 and 9 of Ordinanoe ~o. 741 o:e the ord!nanoes of the City o:t .\uburn. TIlE CITY cowan OF THE CITY OF AUBURN DO ORDAm AS ll'OLLO''7S: seotion 1. Ttat seotion lof OrdinanOe no. 741 of the ordin- anoes o:r the City of Auburn entitled "AN ORDnrAnCE providing for the 11oens1nl, for the purpose of regulation and revenue, oertain persons, f1rms r:md oorporations to handle and sell oertain beers and light wines within the oorporate limits of the City of J"uburn, prohibit1:ng the oarrYi!l6 on 0:( suoh bus1nese V'11thout Blloh lioenses and l'reeorlb1ng penalt1es for tb.e violations of this ordinanoe" be and the same- hereby is amended so that as amended said Seotion 1 shall read as follows: "Seotion 1. That the words "beer, ale and wine" wherever used in thiS ordirlanoe shall 1nolude beer, ale and wine as ehaU. ~ve an.alooho11o content of less than fonrteen per oent (14;:) by volllllle: tl)at the words "beer parlor" wherever used in this' ordinanoe shall be held l\lld oonstrued to be a regularly- established plaoe of business where suoh beer, ale Il,nd wine 1II!l.y- be sold to be dra.nk Ul'on the premises e.nd, or, in bottles to be removed therefrcn: that the words "beer merohant" wherever used in this ordinanoe shaU be held and oonstrued to be e. person, .firm or oorpora.tion having e. regularly, &stabl1shed plaoe of bus1noss wherll and frQII whioh such beer, ale and vine may be s-old in bottles alone' and 'sUCh bottles not be to ope~ed e.nd t!1.e -con- tents not t<l be dra.nk upon the premilles." '''seot-ion of. ' That- Seotion 2 of Ord..1nance IiOi 741 of th& ordinanoes of the City of Auburn be and. the same hereby is amended eo that as amended said Seotion 2 uhall read as io,llowa: , "Seotion 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person, f1rm or oorpQratlon to sell or offer to'sell within the limits of the City of Auburn any boeX', ale and wine as hereinbefore defined without f1rst having procured from the City of Auburn a lioense ao to do as hereinafter provided." Seotion 3. !I'hat Seotion 7 of Ord 1nance No. 741 of the ordinanoes of the City of Auburn be and the aa.me hereby is amended eO tMt as amended said seotion 7 shall read as follovls: "Seotion 7.That the lioense permit to sell beer, ale and w1ne as herein dei1ned shall be substantially in the! follOWing form: 'To Whom it my Conoern: "Know ye by these pr.esents that the Clt:( of Auburn, in the County of K1ng, sta.te of \'lash1ngtOl1:, hae l10ensed to eel1 beer, ale and wine by oonduotinB a beer ~rlor, or business e.s a beer merchant as prOVided by ordinanoe No. 741 of the ord1nanoes Of the oity of Auburn a.t (glv1ng ~treet and number) for a per10d of months from the 7th dlloy of , 193 : that the eai4 by tli8aooepte.noe of this lioense has pledged thel10ensee herein named to oomPly fully with aU, the prOvisions ot t/:1ft ordlnanoeW)der whioh t'hi, 11oe11130 is ~nte4. and, t.bat tlle,' qe.ina 'is acoepted subjeot to the conditions in said ordinanoe provided. ?- <t' ,~. ~ , ~. :-,' ~,; y~ - .~~ " ...... 1-.,1- ..' l, ,wm TESTD,!oNY :"Tl!EREOP, the Clerk of aa.1d City has het'euntose~ 'his ,hand. a.nd aff1xed the seal of said City of ,Auburn this, day ot , 1933. ( C 6rporat e Se~l)' , .' City Clerk' " Seotion 4. That Seotion 9 of Ordinanoe No. 741 of the ordinances of the Ctty of' Auburn be and the sal11e heJ:'sby1a amended so that as amended sa.id'Seot1on a shall retl,d as fo110-,vSI . ',' , ' .' \ . "seotion 9. !rl1at it shall be unlawfUl for any lioensee under the provisions of this ord1nanoe ~ for any other person to sell beer, ale ani!. wine as in this ordinanoe defined to any person under the a.ge of twe~ty-one (21) yeus." section' 5. Th1sordmanoe sha.ll take effeot a.nd be in force from and after the 6th day of,Deoember, 1933. November November J-/d /-,/d. ;k/ tf , 1933 :nmODUCED November, ?ASSED , APPROVED , 1933. , 1933. ~~ lJa.yor Att.~~ vi .A, Al'PROVED AS TO FORll ~~~, ~ Published November ).4 . 1933.