HomeMy WebLinkAbout0754 ~'~~ " ( . t:. . . ," ammAltCE NO. ,754 . AN ClRDnlANCE praviding tor the 110ens1Dg, for the pnrpose of reguJ,ation and revenue, and to lI$intain the peaoe, good gavermnent Ilond welfe.re of the City of Auburn t\nd its trade, oommeroe and ma.nu- :fe.oturere, oertain persons, firms and oorporat ions to handle and sell oertain intoxioating liquors within the oorporate limits of the 01ty of Auburn, prohib1ting the oa.rrying on of suoh business without BUoll. l10ense and presor1bing penalties for the violat1on of this orUMnoe. TItE CITYCOUNcn OF THE CITY OF AI1l3URN DO ORDAIN 1-.S FOLLC\7S: Seotion 1. TPa,t the words "intoxlo...t;ing 11quor" wherever used in tb.ls ordinAnoe shall inolude allsp1r1tuous, vinOUS, lI$lt or alooho11o liquors oapable of be1I]g used as a bevera.ge w1th an alOC/M.HO oontent Of fourteen per oent (14%) or more by volume: . that the worde "11quor store" wherever used in this ordinance SMU be held and oonstrued to be a regularly establIshed pl8.oe of business where sn.oh intox1oat 1ng liquors Day be sold in bottles. oontainers or or1g1nal pe.okages alone aI:ld suoh bottles, oontainers or or1g1na.l j;le.okll.gee not to be opened upon the premiaes and the oontentll of any suoh bottles, oontainers and or1g1rJal paokages not to be drank upon sQ.id premil;les. Seotion 2. That itahf,ll bel unlawf~ for any person, Urm or oat"porat1on to. sell or offer to SitU w11;h1n Yh, lillits o:e.,the City Of Auburn any intoxioating 1Iqllor a's hereinbefore' def1ned, without f1rst having prooured from the C1ty of Auburn a lioense sO to do as hereinafter prov14.ed. Seotion 3. That nO' Hoeri/!~she,l1 be: iS$11pd 11.13 .herein pro- vided fQr eo l.1Q.uor store. to be,carr1ed on inoonjunot1on with I%ny other business whatsoever and no such lioense shall be issued to any person, firm or oO:T:'Poratlon who is not or the members or etookholders of suoh oorporation are not Alllerioan oitizens. . Seotion 4. All aPPlications for lioenses aa herein. provided shall be by petition signed by the al?Pl1oant or app110tl.-llts and filed with the City Clerk; that suoh applioe,tio.n$ shall be ationoe referred to the liOenee oa:Dll\ittee of the City Counoil of the City of Auburn; and that no 110ense shall be isauad by the C1ty 00\1,11011 of the Oity ~ Auburn \1,11Ul after such lioense Q0IllIII1ttee shall have reported to the City Counoll, and then only upon the aff1rma.t1ve vote of at lea.st :tour oounoilmen of ea14. City: eaid applioations shall set forth the Mille in full of the perstlD or persans applying for suoh l1oenses, the k1n!! .of 110ense appl.ied for aM the plaoe where said lioense 1s to be used, givinp: the exaot location of ~1d plaoe, and shall be aooompe.n);ed by a oer'Hfied oneoll: payable to the City of Auburn in the sum of \ilOO..OO. seot1on 5. Lioense feea for the oonduoting of a "l1qn.or store" e.s hereinbefore defined shall be at tb.e rate at ~500.00 per annum. payable semi-e.nnual1y in a.dve.noe; that all lioense fees shall be ~1d to the City Treaaurer of the City of AUburn 1n advanoe and before the issuing and. delivery to the. l10enaee of the lloense applied tor. seotion 6. T hat all l:\.oenses issued under the prOVisions of th1s ord~oe shall be unassignable. Seotion 7. That the lioense permit to sell 1ntoxioat1ng liquor as herein def1ne(l shall be sUbsta.ntially in the following form: ~t -. ~; '.I,~: ~~_: , ., ,-- C:l.ty Clerk" Section 6. ~hat the City Counoil of the City of AUburn may refuse to grant or issue e; license a.s herein provided for: in the event that the City Counoil refuses to grant or issue Q. lioense the oertified oheok deposited with the applioation shall be forth- VIi tll returned to the Q.pplioant. SeotiOn 9. If the CityCounoU of the City of Auburn appNves the apPllttatlon for 1108nse-to oNrate a liqu01' atore they shall forthwith not ify the applioant ot suoh approval: vlithin, five days thereafter the said applioant ~ll file a.surety bond running to the Oity of AUburn in thepeul sun of ,,:1 .000.00 exeo1.1ted by the applioant and a aurety oompany authorized to do bus mess in the state of HashinetOn, OOnditiOned that the a.pplicant for said license shall keep an ordel.'ly house and will not sell liquor to minol.'S and w1.11 fully oOlllPly rri1;h the prOVisions and requirements of th1s ord inanoe and. wUl }Jay-all. judgments reo OVered against him for any violation of the eam~. There mUet /l.hqbe fp-eil, with ihe City'Cll!r-k the reoe1pt of tne ~reasurerof 1100 City of Auhurn far on.~lf the annual. lioense fee before the issuing of the lioense permit. UpO::l reoeipt by the City Clerk of the approval of the oOunoil of the applioation. the surety bond and. the TfeaS1.Wer's r.eoe1pt, as here1n- above set out. the City Clerk sha.n fOrthwith I1s!lue Eo liaense to OPerate 8. liquor store. Sea'Hen 10. NO minors or Ind1ans shall be allowed to loiter in or rennin a.bout a liquor store and the allowing o;f minors (Jr Indians SO to loiter and rema.1n shall be sufficient grounds for revooatin. ot suohli.oense. Any person holding~lioense under this ordin~no'e who. shall by n1mselt ar h1S agent. knQVI1ngly sell, giVe or dispose 0 1nto:dcat1ng liquors to any m1nor, intoxicated person or oommon drunlal.rd or Ind1e.n, shall be deemed gu1lty of a misdemeanor and. for SO doing shall pa.y to the City of Auburn. as a penalty, the GUIll of Three Hundred Dollars (0300.00) for eaoh offense, the same to be reo overed by oivU eLotion in the name of the City of Auburn and the sureties on t.he bond .of suoh lioensee. shall be liable on suoh bond for all jUdgments reoovered lor vlol&i'ton of this seotion. Seotion 11. That it shall be unlaw.ful for a.ny lioensee 'lmder the provision of this ordinanoe to keep e. liquor store open for busi- ness exoept between the hours of 6:00 o'olock A. M. a.nd 6:00 o'olock t:-: ,-< f, " ., ,~ P. 11. ,0.11 regular business da.ys exoept Saturday and the day before a. legal holiday; on Sa. turda.y-a.l\!1 the day b ef.Qre a hgalhol1day said lioensee may keep his store QPen antil the hour of .8:00 o'olook P. M.: On sundays and holiday I';! the l1q:nor stores shall be olosed. Seotion 121. That any person who shall violate a.ny of the provisions of this ol.'dim1noe shall bEl deelllqd guilty of a misdemeanor ~d llJlon oonviCtion thereof s.hall be fined in any sum not exoeadina ;)100.00. .. seotion 13. For the violation of any of the provisions or this ordinanoe, the oounoil my, in addition to the penalty PI'Qvided for, revoke the lioense gra.ntedas herein provided. Such revooation shall be by a majority vote of the City Counoil after a hearing duly h8.d before the lioense oommittee of whioh the lioensee sMll Mve h8.d notioe and said lioen~ee shall be entitled to appear before and be heard by said lioense oommittee. On deolar1nc revoked a. lioense to sell intoxioating liquors the perscn holding the same must bo not1tied in writing and trom and e.fter suoh not1f1oat1on, the privilege to sell under sUDh 110ense shall be at an end. Seotion 14. That it any Of the provisions of this ordinanoe shall be held invalid by a.ny oourt of oompetent jurisdiotion, suoh invalidity or holding of 1.nve.11il.it:r shall not effect the other pr ovi- f!iens of this ord1ne.nce. Seotion 15. That any and all ordinanoes. if any, of' the City of Auburn (formerly the Town of Auburn, fOl'lllElrly the Town of Sle,u8hter) in oonfliot with the provisions of this ordinanoe are " hereby repealed. section 16. This ord1na.noQ shall ta.ke effeot and be in foroe from and after the 5th day of Deoember, 1933. Dl'TRODUCED :November 7-14; 1933. -d. PASSED NOVember ?-I "", 1933. APPROVED November ?-;if., 1933. ~,or .Attest:,... / //} , tw'//~r - y Clerk Approved as to Form ~'~i~~'{\ . orney zt Published ttovember ~, 1933. .', ;