HomeMy WebLinkAbout4533 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ORDINANCE NO. 4 5 3 3 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLANNING COUNCIL OF KING COUNj~Y TO DEVELOP COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES. 4 5 6 WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 39.34, the Interlocal Cooperation 7 8 Act, authorizes agreements among governments to achieve common aims and address common problems, and said Act requires 9 authorization of such agreements by ordinance; and 10 WHEREAS, RESHB 1025 requires that the legislative 11 authority for King County adopt countywide planning policies 12 by July 1, 1992 through a process agreed to by the Suburban 13 cities, Seattle and King County; and 14 15 16 17 WHEREAS, representatives of the Suburban Ci1:ies, Seattle and King County have produced a collaborative process for the development of the countywide planning policies; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, 18 WASHINGTON, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: 19 Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Auburn are hereby authorized to execute, for and on behalf of the City of Auburn, an Agreement with King County and the cities and towns within King County which is att;ached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. The purpose of this -----~------------------------- Ordinance No. 4533 November 27, 1991 Page 1 . __,_~._____.__._" __ ____n_______' ____...____ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 Agreement is to establish the framework and process for developing countywide planning policies through the Growth 4 5 6 Management Planning Council of King County (GMPCKC). section 2. Execution of the Agreement êluthorized in Section 1 hereof, and any other action taken consistent with 7 the Agreement but prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, are hereby ratified and confirmed. section 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. section 4. This Ordinance shall take effel:;t and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: /~-/7· 9/ PASSED: /d -/7- 9/ la-/7- PI ~ MAY 0 R APPROVED: ../ .------..------------.--------- Ordinance No. 4533 November 27,1991 Page 2 --_..._~_.__._------_.._---"-----_.._--~----- '-.- 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 ATTEST: 4 5 6 ~j)J.-It/ß///;(¿j ) Robin Wohlhueter, - City Clerk 7 8 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 10 11 ste~~ City Attorney 12 13 14 15 PUBLISHED: !a·d~·91 ------.------------------------ 26 Ordinance No. 4533 November 27, 1991 Page 3 EXHIBIT A AGREEME¡"'7 AMONG KING COU!l.ïY. 11Œ CITY OF SEATTI..E, A~'D SUBURBAN CITIES AND TOV,'NS IN KING COU!l.ïY FOR nŒ GROWTH MANAGEMENT Pl..ANJ','ING COUNCD. OF KING COU!l.'TY 10/16191 Thi, Aeroemenl i, entered 1111<> &mOIl. Kine Coun!)', a politic:&J rubdivi,;OII of the SI&!< of WuhinflOn, bereinafter referred I<> u the ·County·; the Cuy of Seattle, municipaJ COrporwOll of Ibe Stal~ of WuhinflOn, bereinafter referred 10 u . Seattle', aod rubwbao ClUes and IOwns of Kine CoUD!)', all mWll(;ipaJ COrponuons of the Stale of Wul1inelOD, bereinafter referred 10 IS ·Subwbao Ciu...· WHEREAS RESHB 1025 adopted ill 1991 requires thaI, throurb a proccu aereed 10 by the CoUD!)'. Seattle, and Suburban Cili.., the leei,¡alive authority of the Count)' adopl a COUDty-wide plannine poücy by July I, 1992, aod WHEREAS the Cow>t)', Seattle, aod Suburban Cities have developed a collaborative procecs 10 produce Ibe coUDty-wide plannin¡ polic)', aod WHEREAS th.i, arroemcnt i, authorized by the Intcrloca! Aerecmcot Acl, RCW 39.34, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties mutuall)' ae= u follow£: 1. Definitions. a, Suburban Cities: Citi.. aod IOwns in Kin, CoUDty other th.&o the City of Seattle, Suburban Cities wbo arc parti... 10 th.is arroemcnl are those which re&Olve by D=mbcr 1 10 execute it. b. Countv-wide olanoi". oolicv ICPP): The wrinee policy statelDCDt or 'talelDCDlS ~1SCd solely for estabJishior. cOUDly-wide framework from whicb CoUDty, Seattle, aod Suburban City compnobcnsive plans are developed aod adopled, thus promotin¡ comprehensive plans whicb are consistent u required by RCW 36,70A,IOO. 2. E.tAbJi.hmenl of the Growth Manarem."t PllUUli"r Councilaod staff, In order I<> ...tablislb the Growth Maoaremenl Planninr CoUDcilaod provide staff, the parti.. sball desiBDItc the following elected officiaJ members aod staff, by October 30, 1991. To the exLent possible, the parti...' d...ignoes ,hall have a broad geograpbic representAlion. a. Membershio for tbe Growtb M""aremeot Plann;". Cow>cil IGMPCI. 1) Seallle shall designate throe members 10 exercise throe votes; 2) Suburban Cities shall desiBDIte ,ix members to exercise throe votes; 3) Kinr Count)' shall desiBDIte ,ix members, one of wbom will be the King CoW>ty Exc<:ulive, to e.xercise. six voleS.. b, Staff 10 the GMPC. I) Eacb pany shall dcsiBDIte staff 10 form 10 inlcljurisóictionaJ team 10 provide 'taff I<> the GMPC. The County ,haJJ have desienated staff of the King CoUDIy Cow>Cü aod desiBDIted staff of the Kine County Exc<:ulive. The staff designated by the Executive sba1l serve u lead for the inteljurisdieuona] team, matters. 2) The GMPC shall selecl a coordinator specifically 10 haodle its adm.in.istn,tj:ve and procedural ------------------- Ordinance No. 4533 Exhibit "Au Page One 3. Cow:",-y,id. t>!.nninr roh.. d"'eJ<'t''''''''' aod adC't>li~ t>".".,.." Tbc OMPC sbal1 develop the CPP I<> be adopll>d by KuI. Count)' aod raufied b)' Seattle aD<! S..bu.rben ClUes accordmr I<> the ¡>roc<ou lA;d ou: '" Atu::hmcat J, ",eluded III th" ar=~t b)' refcre:occ, 4. Function and ...thon'" of GMPC. A, Tnt GMPC sbal1 f<>COmmcnd '" the Kmr Couøry Cow>ciJ the C:OUDty-wide plaonin. pohc)' in A form aod v.ith content .- ccmpl)' with apphcable Stale IA.... The f<>COmmcnded plao.n.i.n. policy fro", IDe GMPC sb&J! address ¡¡sues:: and COD~ obLa.ined from 1'e\'iev.' ADd commc:c~ durinf it,¡ public revìe'\oL' pr'OCcIi£, At. minlmum, the cn sb.o.Jl address the folloy,'UI.: polici..1O implement RC\'.' 36,70A,]]O; polic".. for ¡>romoUOD of conllruou.< and oròerly developmentaod provision of wban iCrvlUS 10 such development; p',lici... for ,ilU1. public capua,] fac¡lilies of A CCUDly·wide or otate-wide nature; policIes for ccUDry-wiòe transpon;atiOll faciliues aod 'traterics; poliCIC5 th.&1 CCD5ider the need for affordable bousin¡, ruch IS bousine for all eccmo..uc iCemen" of the populAtioD aod p&mncler for i.. dlStribuuon; policies for join. CCUD')' aod ci!)' plaoninr 'within wban erowth areas; policies for COUDry-wide ec.ono..uc devel()p~1 aod employmco:; aod 10 anaIYhl of the fisc:&J ImpAct. b, The GMPC sball devise aod the p&11jes ,ball ccmpl)' wilb A locally bued COIInict reool"uoD process whicb w¡1I be dlrecll>d At ccnl1,cu wb;cb ma)' &rise dunne the development of the CPP b)' the GMPC, c. The GMPC shAJI devise aod the panies shall comply with a formula for Seanle', and Suburban Cities' rAtification of thc adopll>d ccUDty-wide polic)' pll.&. d, The GMPC shall devise aod the pani.. sb&JI comply wilb a proœss 10 &mend the C)'P that i, adopted and ratified. ' 5, Fundinr for staff of the GMPC. The panics rec.oi!1Íu thaI UDder a separate agreemenl which allocates the Stale Growth ManArement Act erant dollars amon¡ Kin, CoUDry, Scallle, aod Suburban Citi.. fUDIU arc set aside for the development of the CPP. 6. Duration, This arrccment ,ball bo::ome effecuve Ocl<>ber 30, 1991 aod sb&JI remain in foru aod effect until completion of the desireAled duties of the GMPC or Jul)' 1, 199:, wiUcbcvcr occurs tim, unJ.....; cxlCDded b)' Ibe panics, 7. Amendments. This aõrccmeot ma)' be amended by mutual wrillCD a.",..=1 of the panics. 6. Enli" Arrcement. Toe parties aõroe thaI this arreemen! is the ccmplete expression of the terms berel<> aod ~~. ora] reprcse.nlations or underst.a.DdiDrs DOi incorpora1ðd berein are excluded. Tne p.artie¡ TeOJgniU that time is of tb~ e.s~D~e in the pe.rlormance of the provisions of tbj5 agrcc.mc:ot. 9. Suite rel"iooshic, A cop)' of this Aõreemeot shall be filed with the W&shiDrwo Stale DcpanIIIOOt of Communit)' Developmeo:. IK WITNESS WHEREOF, this a¡;reement bu bee:> executed b)': Cìty of Auburn ~am~of J":/To ß#i:? Appreved as I<> form: Attest: by': Mayor ~ /1#urn-- Cif)' Auoree)' ~ ./l()~-t"JkÆ.J City Clerk u:rmp: jbc] 0/9 --------------------- Ordìnance No. 4533 Exhìbìt "A" Page TWO ......u........ " , /.. ~ ,g ~ "\ . - 1..._ . : ::=.':: ¡, o;.c:u ¡ '. GJ::I .. ... rJ'J rJ'J .... ..... ..... 1: '. II ~ .,........ ø.,... '0;; ~ -€~::.. .. .!.:f ~ c.. "" 'oQ ""~..e .., >. CJ :=c o 0 ~'.: 0.05 c._ .-- c-- c.... .:::~ o..~ Q,I '0 .. .- C ::t.s ,- >'Q. ....0 Coo s< u...: ë~ Q,I E SQ. Q,I 0 0.0_ eo: Q,I = > = Q,¡ ~Q - .co.. ....0.. ::tu 0_ &.0 ø ~::: ¡~ s~ a:t' n: .., >, - c_ ::I .- Q (J u § C>l)Q =U ¡;a U :... ::E ~ ,J... ..... ...... ,.....:: ~ .~ \ : ";:::.- : . - > ' : ;: GJ : ~.=-.~ ... ... - :...... ..... ..... ~ ........ ~.... ~] """ ~ ... '" U :... ::E ~ Ci C f .2 t ti - .- ="0 - '" 1: ::I .~ 1:_ ,. ... E = _ E e C 0-': :!;,¡ " ~lj :;.!f t- .'; :.: C CI. Q ::I ,!Q Q .!!i ¡;, ~~ ................ ,0- _ '0 .. C '. :' ...S¿ 4,,¡ ... . >-t- _ : ........: .~ ~ C : , U ::I e . '.. 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