HomeMy WebLinkAbout4580 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -.:t 8 0 M 9 0 0 N 10 CO 0 11 N 0"- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 )&jf~ ~ /' ~~ \0-- ORDINANCE NO. 4 5 8 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF VALLEY MEADOWS ADDITION LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 4TH STREET S.E. IN THE 1700-2000 BLOCKS, WITHIN THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT ON FILE WITH THE CLERK OF THE CITY OF AUBURN. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Auburn City Council held on August 3, 1992, the Auburn City Council approved the Final Plat of Valley Meadows Addition, formerly Guthrie Seven Addition subdivision, Application No. PLT0004- 88, based on the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Final Plat as submitted is in compliance with the Preliminary Plat previously known as "Guthrie Seven" approved by Resolution No. 2027 and all applicable conditions have beEm met. "Valley Meadows Addition" is a 44 lot single family subdivision located on the south side of 4th Street S.E. in the 1700-2000 blocks. 2. The Final Plat is in compliance with the Zoning and Land Division Ordinance and is consistent with the City's engineering standards. 3. All of the required improvements have been constructed and accepted by the City of Auburn. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Final Plat is in compliance and in conformity with applicable Zoning and Land Division Ordinances and other applicable land use controls. Ordinance No. 4580 July 29, 1992 Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -.:t 13 0 M 14 8 N 15 CO 0 N 16 0"- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2. The Plat is consistent with the Compr,~hensive Plan. 3. The Plat meets the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Plat of Valley Meadows Addit:ion, located on the south side of 4th street S.E. in the 1700-'2000 blocks, within the City of Auburn, Washington, which Pla't is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Auburn, and which plat is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A", is hereby approved. Section 2. Pursuant to the RCW 58.17.170, th.e final plat conforms to all terms of the preliminary plat approval and complies with all requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW and applicable state and local laws. section 3. Upon the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance as provided by law, the City Clerk of the City of Auburn shall cause this Ordinance to be recorded in the office of the King County Auditor. Section 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized 1:0 implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. Ordinance No. 4580 July 29, 1992 Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -.:t 15 0 M 0 16 0 N CO 17 0 N 18 0"- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 section s. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. INTRODUCED: g-3- 9~ PASSED: i~3-1?~ APPROVED: f- 3 - 9~ ~~I MAY 0 R ATTEST: 6w~Wj..IU.jUlj~ Robin Wohlhueter, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: S~~ Acting city Attorney Published: g-q- 9;}-- Ordinance No. 4580 July 29, 1992 Page 3 ... PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A In the matter ot the plat eubmitted for your approval, thie Company haa examined the record. of tha County Auditor and County Clark of Kinq County, Wa.hln9ton, and the record. of the Cleric ot the Un1ted State. Court. holdin9 terme in said County, and trom euch examinaUon hereQy certlfles that the title to the followlnq deacribed landl f-{\~C~r.. AI That portion of the .outhaaat quarter of the eouthwest ~arter ot Sectlon 17, Townahip 21 North, aanq. 5 Zaat, W,M., ln Klnq County, Wa.hinqton, whioh li.. north of the Northern Pacific Ra1lway Company'. riqht-of-way, more pa~iCularlY bounded and deeorlb.~ a. follow. I "<:t o C'J o o C\J co o C\J 0"' B'i1nn1nq .t the intersection of Violet Street (Viola Street, "v Street Southealt, 104th Avenue SouthealSt) and River Drive (2nd Street Southeaet and Southea.t 330th Street) in Eaet AUburn Oarden Tract., accord1nq to the plat thereof r.cor~ed in Volume 18 ot flata, paqe 98, in Kinq County, Waehinqton; thence south 00'42'59" eaet .10nq the eent.r lin. of Violet Str.et a di.tanc. ot GGO.06 teet; thence north 89'55'18" eaat a dietance of 4.50 f.et t.o TRUE fOINT 01' BEGINNING; thence .outh 00'36'42" aa.t a thence .outh 79'Sl'42" eaat a thence north 00'36'42" west a thence .outh 89'55'18" we.t a or 8EOl~INO: diatane. ot diatance of distanc. of eliatance of 370.80 22&.87 410.96 222.90 feet, feet, fe.t, feet to TaUB POINT AND, That portion of the southeast quarter of the aouthwe.t quarter of Section 17, Towneh1p 21 North, R.nge 5 Ealt, W.K., 1n K1ng County, Wa.hinqton, d.ac:ribed aa followa, Seq1nn1nq at a p01nt on the north line of ea1d south..at quart.r ot the Bouthwe.t quarter, 227.40 feet .aBt ~rom the northwest corner thereot, . thence .outh 00036'42" eaat 410.96 feet to the northerly 11n. of tho Northern Pacific Railwa~ Company'. riqht-ot-way, thence .10n9 .a1d northerly line aouth 79'Sl'42" ea.t 206.27 t.et, thence north 00036'4.2" weet 447.49 feet, more or le.., to the north 11no of .aid .outh..at quarter of the Bouthwe.t quarter, thence we.t a10nq said north line 202.98 fe.t, more or lee., to the point of be;inninq: Ordinance No. 4580 Exhibit "A" Page 1 (l.~al deecription, continued) '" fLAT C~RTIFICAT~ SCHEDULE A ~OAL DESCRIPTION, continued I AND, Beqinninq at a point on the north line of al1a loutheaat quarter of the aouthwe.t quarter 4.5 feet e.lt from the northwest corner thoreof, thence aouth 00036'42" eaet 370.8 feet, more or le8~, to tho northerly line of the Northern Paclfie Railway Company'a riliht-of-way, ~h.nc. alon9 .aid northerly llne north 790Sl'42",w..t 4.40 fe.t, more or le.., to tho we&~ line o~ ..1d aoutheaat quarter of the aouthweat quarter; thence nOJ:'th 00038'17" west 370.02 fset, more or le.a, to the northwelt corner ot laid aoutheaet quarter ot the 8outhwe.,t quarter, thence eaet alonq .ald north line 4.50 feet, more or lea., to pQint ot beq1nn1nq. I I'AJlCJ!:L BI -.:t o M o o N S N 0"- That portlon ot the southwest quarter of the eouthw..t quarter ot, Sect19n 17, Townehip 21 North. Ranqe 5 K.st, W.N., in Kin; County, Washinqton, deecr1bed .s follow.: Boqlnn1nq at the northea.,t corner of the eouthweet quarter of the aouthw..t quarter of Section 17, Township 21 North, Ran;e 5 East, W.N., in Kin; County, Wa.h1nqton, thence weaterly along the north line of eaid tract, 250.57 feot, thence .outh parallel to the east line Of s.id tract, 325.40 teet, thence aouth.aaterly 254.71 teet to a pOint which i8 aouth 00042'59" eaat 370.02 feet from the point of beginning; thence north alonq the east l1na of said tract, 370.02 feet to the po1nt of b.9inn1n9. PARCEL C. That portion of the southwest quarter of the .outhw..t ~arter of Section 17, Townahip 21 North, Ranqa 5 East, W.N., in Kinq Count1, Walh1nqton, d.soribed a8 folloWl1 Beqinninq ~t the northe.lt corner of the louthwest quarter ot the aouthwe.t quartor of Section 17, Township 21 North, Ranqe 5 Ea.t, W.N., 1n Kinq County, W.ahin9ton; . thence south 89-55'18" ",.st al,onq the north line of said 80uthw.et quarter ot the eouthwest ~art.r ot Section 17, 250.57 teet to the TRUB ~OINT or BECINNlNO; .' Ordinance No. 4580 Exhibit "A" Page 2 (conUnued) ... PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A LEOAL DESCRIPTIO~, continuedl thence continue eouth 69055'18" we.t ~93,43 feet; thence south 12"25'16" weat 206.20 feet to the north marqin ot Auburn-Slack Diamond Roa~ as conveyed by Deed recorded under Recordinq Number 1473136 (40 feet in wiuth); thence Douth.aaterly alonq thie marqinal line 60 feet, more or leaa, to ita 1nterDection with the northerly Dound~ry ot the Northern Pacific Railway Company'e r19ht-ot-waYi thence southerly a10nq aaid Northern Pacific Railway Companyle rlqht-of-way 618.49 teet, more or leas, to it. 1nter..ction with a 11ne which 10 250.57 feet, more or 1868, weet of and parallel with tho eaat l1ne of laid aouthweat'quarter of the aouthwe.t quart.~ oL Sectlon 171 thence north 00"42'59" w..t alon9 eaid parallel llne 325.40 f.et:, more or le.., to point of beqlnninq; EXCEPT that porUon thereof wlthin 4th Street Southent. -.:t o M o o N CO C) N 0"- END OF SCHEDULE A Ordinance No. 4580 Exhibit "A" Page 3