HomeMy WebLinkAbout4581 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 ORDXNANCE NO. 4 5 8 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON AMENDING CHAPTER 3.12 ENTITLED "PUBLIC CONTRACTS" TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW; AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS THERETO TO AUTHORXZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR'S SMALL WORKS ROSTER. 3 4 5 WHEREAS, the City of Auburn desires to amend AUburn City 6 Code Chapter 3.12 relating to public contracts to be in 7 accordance with state law and to authorize the establishment 8 9 10 of a construction contractor's small works roster; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 11 Section 1. PURPOSE. To amend Auburn City Code Chapter 12 3.12 entitled "Public Contracts" to be in accordance with 13 state law and to add new sections thereto to authorize the 14 establishment of a construction contractor's small works 15 16 17 roster. Section 2. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 3.12. AUburn city Code Section 3.12 entitled "Public Contracts" is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3. SEVERABXLITY. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. --~----------------------------- Ordinance No. 4581 July 27, 1992 Page 1 III 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 Section 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation. 4 5 Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 6 force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and 7 pUblication, as provided by law. 8 9 S:-3-9;L f~3-9~ 1-3 - c)c:µ 4J/4~ MAYOR INTRODUCED: 10 11 12 PASSED: APPROVED: 13 14 15 16 ATTEST: 17 ~/;jJ-lUJu -IJ ;t/L/ Robin WOhlhueter, City Clerk 18 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jl~R.~ City Attorney PUblished: g/q-Cj¡y -------------------------------- Ordinance No. 4581 July 27, 1992 Page 2 III 10 1 2 3 4 Sections: Chapter 3.12 PUBLIC CONTRACTS3 Definitions. Required when. Call for bids--Required--Method. DisQUalification of bidders. Small works roster established. Method of establishment. Procedure for utilization of roster. «Bi44erLs» Contractor's bond. Publication and printing. 12 11 3.12.010 Definitions. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 6 3.12.010 3.12.01( (8».g, 3.12.020 3.12.022 3.12.030 3.12.032 3.12.034 3.12.0«3 »!O 3.12.0«"»~0 7 8 9 The following definitions shall apply throughout this chapter: A. "Public work" or "capital improvement" shall include improvement all work. construction. alteration. repair. or other than ordinarv maintenance. inc udin executed at the cost of the city. All public works. maintenance when erformed b contract B. shall comply with the provisions of RCW 39.12.020. "Contract" shall mean a contract in writina for the execution of public work for a fixed or determinable amount advertisement duly awarded after and competitive bid. ------------------------------------------------ Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'N July 27, 1992 Page 3 However. a contract which is II 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 awarded from a small works roster under the 3 authority of RCW 35.22.620 need not be advertised. 4 5 3.12.011 Required when. Whenever the City constructs any public work or 6 7 improvement by contract or day labor, if the estimated costs 8 9 10 11 12 13 of such work or improvement including costs of materials, sUpplies and equipment, exceeds the sum of «t!eft» twenty thousand dollars, the same shall be done by contract after a call for bids, which shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. ( (Prev4:àe/iï-~-~l"-we.t!er_ mains-,--stteJot sttm-she.'¡'¡-be--f-:i:·H;-eeft-~-do-l-IaJ: a. ) ) For contracts under 14 one hundred thousand dollars. contract procedures usina the 15 small works roster mav be used. as herein established in 16 17 section 3.l2.030 in lieu of callina for bids. The ci ty «eettfte4:!» shall have the power «by-rcsol~4~» to reject any or all bids and to make further calls for bids in the same manner as the original call; or, if in its judgement the improvement or work, including the purchase of sUpplies, material and equipment, can be done by the city at less cost than the lowest bid submitted, it may do so without making a further call for bids or awarding any contract therefor. If no bid is received on the first call~ the city «eettftei~» may advertise and make a second call, or may enter into a contract ------------------------------------------------ Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A' July 27, 1992 Page 4 11111 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 without any further call, or may purchase the supplies, 3 4 material or equipment and perform such work or improvement by day labor. 5 6 3.12.020 Call for bids--Required--Method. 7 8 A call for bids shall be issued in accordance with the provisions herein «B) ).!2efore any contract is let for the 9 performance of any public work or improvement for which the estimated cost thereof including costs of materials, supplies 10 11 12 13 and equipment shall exceed the sum of «t!el'\» twentv thousand dollars; «l'rev4:àeà¡-t!he.t!-'Wha¡!:. ê:r--t!h:i:-s- -pub-}-i-c--i-rn1"ro .eI1\c.l'1~-~S fer-t!fte-eel'\~t!rttet!4:el'\-ef-wat!er-ma4:I'\~¡-~tteft_~öm_~fta!!_be-fift!eeft 14 t!fteö~al'\à-~~~» provided. except for contracts less than 100 000 small works roster rocedures as herein established 15 16 in section 3.12.030 may be used. A notice of a call for bids, stating the nature of the contract to be let and the time on or before which sealed bids for the same must be filed with the city clerk, shall be given by posting notice thereof in a public place in the city and by publishing in the official newspaper of the city once each week for two consecutive weeks before the date fixed for opening the bids. ~----------------------------------------------- Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A' July 27, 1992 Page 5 , II 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 3.12.022 Disaualification of bidders. A bidder mav be deemed not responsible and the proposal reiected if: 4 5 6 A. More than one proposal is submitted for the same proiect bv a bidder under the same or different 7 names: 8 B. Evidence of collusion exists with anv other bidder. c. Participants in collusion will be restricted from submittina further bids: A bidder is not preaualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid: D. An unsatisfactorv performance record exists based on past or current contractina work: E. There is uncompleted work which miaht hinder or prevent the prompt completion of the work bid upon: F. The bidder failed to settle bills for labor or materials on past or current contracts: G. The bidder has failed to complete a written public contract or has been convicted of a crime arisina from a previous public contract: H. The bidder is unable. financial Iv or otherwise. to 1. perform the work: A bidder is not authorized to do business in the state of Washinaton: or ~----._-------------~----~---------------------- Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A' July 27, 1992 Page 6 III 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 J. Anv other reasons deemed proper. 3 4 5 3.12.030 Small Works Roster' Established. There is herein authorized the establishment of a citv 6 7 construction contractor:s small works roster comprised of all contractors who reauest to be on the roster and who are. where 8 reauired bv law. properly licensed or reaistered to perform contractina work in the state of Washinaton. 3.12.032 Method of establishment. The small works roster shall be established as follows: A. At least once everv vear. the citv shall advertise in a newspaper of aeneral circulation the existence of a small works roster for the citv. The ci tv shall add to the roster those contractors who respond to the advertisement and reauest to be included on the roster. B. In order to be included on the roster. the contractor shall supplv information to the city in response to a standard form questionnaire to be developed by the Director of Public Works which shall include the followina: 1. The contractor's state license or reaistration. where reauired bv law: ------------------------------------------------ Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A' July 27, 1992 Page 7 II 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 2. and The contractor's financial standina 3 responsibilities: 4 3. The contractor's experience. oraanization and 5 6 technical aualifications necessarv to perform proposed contracts: 7 4. The contractor's abili tv to compl v with the 8 9 10 reauired performances schedules takina into consideration its existina business commitments: 11 5. of The contractor's satisfactorv record 12 performance. intearitv. iudaement and skills: 13 6. The contractor's readv availabilitv to perform 14 work in and for the citv: 15 16 17 7. Such other information as mav be secured concernina the contractor's ability to satisfactorilv perform a contract with the 18 citv. 19 3.12.034 Procedure for utilization of roster. The small works roster shall be utilized as follows: A. Whenever the citv seeks to construct any public work or improvement. the estimated cost of which. includinq costs of material. supplies and eauipment is one hundred thousand dollars or less. except for --_._---~--------------------------------------- Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A" July 27, 1992 Page 8 III 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 contracts for under twenty thousand dollars. an 3 informal contractina procedures mav be used as 4 established bv the Director of Public Works. the 5 small works roster mav be utilized. 6 B. When the small works roster is utilized. the citv 7 shall appropriate invite proposals from all 8 9 10 contractors on the small works roster (at least five when possible) includina. whenever possible. at least one proposal from a minoritv contractor and a 11 women-owned contractor firm who otherwise aualifies. 12 c. The invitation to the contractor on the small works 13 roster shall include an estimate of the scope and 14 nature of the work to be performed and materials and 15 equipment to be furnished. and time reauired for completion. D. When awardina a contract for work under the small works roster. the city shall award the contract to the contractor submittinq the lowest responsible bid: provided. however. that the citv reserves its riaht under applicable law to re;ect anv or all bids. and to waive procedural irreaularities. ----..------------------------------------------ Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit "A' July 27, 1992 Page 9 III 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3.12.040 «Bi44erLs»- Contractor'S bond. 3 Berere-~-eeftt!rae~-~-t!fte-~~_er_~_l'~b!ie werItS-iIIe1'I~-iet'ted--:i"f}-~ion--3-;-rr;-9r9-er--f~~_£ttrftMtft.~_er afty-ma~erfa!s-meftt!fefteà-fft-Seet!feft-3~%~~9%9_fs_rifta!!y-awaràeà 4 5 6 aftà -sig-neà- by-~h-e-1!.a} &.t-"ttfld--c±-t!y--C-~~~l-f. -ef.-~l'te-eit!Yï 7 t!fte-~s~--cr- par sone--wi-1=ft -wftel!l-stlcloi-"Ct)trl..~-}&_ð:de-sfta!! 8 malteï-~-e-~-de~i-Yer-t!e-~-ei-~y-a-~~_ettrrieient! 9 beftàï-w-it!h-~~~~~-sttre~i-esT-er-~~~~~~l!Iþ&fty_ae 10 s~re~Yï--~~4~-~--stteft--~ersen---cr--~r~~__efta!! raft!ftrtt!!Y-l'errerm-a!!-t!fte-l'revfsfefte-er-etteft_eeftt!raet!-aftà-l'ay 11 12 13 14 a!!-laboi~~,-meeftaftfes-"ttfld--Sttbeeftt!raet!ers-~-ma~eria!l!Ieftï aftà -'t!8:i- persons--wfte -.she.-i '¡--supp-J:y--S-tteft -l'ersen- -cr-~rflO!¥.!l',-er etteeeftt!raet!ereT-w-it!h-~~~-~,~a~_~l'te_l'revfeiefts 15 er--~l'ti-s-- scction---she.-i-i--ftet!--aÞl'!y--~--a-ny---tnOney-_-iee.~__er 16 aàvafteeà-t!e-afty-s~eft-eeftt!rae~erï-S~beeftt!raet!er_er_e~fter-þereen 17 ift-t!fte-l'errermaftee-er-e~eft-werlt~» Whenever the city shall contract with any person or 18 19 corporation to do any work. the city shall reauire the persons or persons with whom such contract is made to make. execute. and deliver to the city a aood and sufficient bond. with a suretv companv as suretv. condi tioned that such person or persons shall faithfully perform all the provisions of such contract and pav all laborers. mechanics. and subcontractors and materialmen. and all persons who supplv such person or --._-------------------~---------._---._-------- Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A' July 27, 1992 Page 10 I III 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 persons. or subcontractors. with provisions and supplies for 3 the carrvina on of such work. which bond shall be filed with 4 the clerk thereof. and anv person or persons performina such 5 services or furnishina material of such bond as if such work. 6 services or material was furnished to the oriainal contractor: 7 Provided. further. that the provisions of RCW 39.08.010 8 throuah 39.08.030 shall not applv to anv money loaned or 9 10 advanced to anv such contractor. subcontractor or other person in the performance of anv such work: Provided further. that 11 on contracts of twentv five thousand dollars or less. upon 12 mutual aareement. the citv mav. in lieu of the bond. retain 13 fiftv pèrcent of the contract amount for a period of thirtv days after date of final acceptance. or until receipt of all 14 15 16 17 necessarv releases from the department of revenue and the department of labor and industries and settlement of anv liens filed under chapter 60.28 RCW. whichever is later: Provided 18 further. that for contracts of one hundred thousand dollars or less. the public entitv mav accept a full pavment and performance bond from an individual suretv or sureties: And provided further. that the surety must aaree to be bound bv the laws of the state of Washinaton and subiected to the iurisdiction of the state of Washinaton. ----------------------------------~---._-------- Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A' July 27, 1992 Page 11 ! III 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3.12.050 PUblication and printinq. 3 The city shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 4 35A.65 RCW entitled "Publication and Printing" as now or 5 6 hereafter amended and relating to all public printing for the city and the pUblication of legal notices by the city. ------------------------------------------------ Ordinance No. 4581 Exhibit 'A' July 27, 1992 Page 12 III